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Posted: 10/21/2004 11:11:09 AM EDT

CNN and Kerry have no shame. He was shown hunting geese an hour or so ago. They were saying how much he is for the 2nd Amendment and wanted the hunters to know that. Nothing about how he votes for every anti-gun POS legislation that comes across the Senate.

Freakin' just get away with lying and hunting morons just eat it up. When will the hunters realize he's against them too. Probably when he is collecting their shotguns and deer rifles

Too bad the guy that was hunting with him, didn't mistake him for a goose. That really long neck and all.
Link Posted: 10/21/2004 11:13:27 AM EDT
I saw the picture on CNN of Kerry in the camo hunting gear.  He looks so out of place...like a garbageman wearing a suit and tie at work.

What an ass!!!
Link Posted: 10/21/2004 11:17:04 AM EDT
Kerry seems to want to be seen everywhere doing anything that might get the puke another vote. I saw him campaigning in a church over the weekend. How much lower can you get than that?
Link Posted: 10/21/2004 11:17:48 AM EDT
the asshat made other people carry the geese he shot back b/c he was "still giddy about the game from last night"
Link Posted: 10/21/2004 11:20:09 AM EDT
That's the best news I've heard.
Mr."Regular Guy" is going to have to go to a Red Sox Game, or look like a loser.
If just 20% of the fans boo, it'll be the loudest thing anyone's ever heard.
What an image.
Link Posted: 10/21/2004 11:21:43 AM EDT

fake fuck

Link Posted: 10/21/2004 11:22:48 AM EDT


CNN and Kerry have no shame. He was shown hunting geese an hour or so ago. They were saying how much he is for the 2nd Amendment and wanted the hunters to know that. Nothing about how he votes for every anti-gun POS legislation that comes across the Senate.

Freakin' just get away with lying and hunting morons just eat it up. When will the hunters realize he's against them too. Probably when he is collecting their shotguns and deer rifles

Too bad the guy that was hunting with him, didn't mistake him for a goose. That really long neck and all.

I am a "hunter moron", and I am voting for Pres. Bush.  Great way to stereotype...what a asshat.

Most of us "hunters" that 80% of the people on this board put down as dumbassess will vote for Pres. Bush. As they see kerry as what he really is.. someone who will do or say anything to get elected.

Link Posted: 10/21/2004 11:24:09 AM EDT
He's no hunter, he's a very naughty boy!

Link Posted: 10/21/2004 11:28:06 AM EDT
Excuse me but how could a non-Leo get within half a mile of John carry with an activated shotgun and live ammunition? Especially in a open hunting area with at least the potential for other hunters? I live over a hundred miles from his Sun Valley home and I feel the oppression when he come to the state. Planerench out.
Link Posted: 10/21/2004 11:30:17 AM EDT
Supposedly the Press didn't hear shots.  

sKerry have a hunting license?  

Why don't the libs go wild over him killing animals?  
Link Posted: 10/21/2004 11:30:57 AM EDT
If only for this one moment the geese could shoot back!
Link Posted: 10/21/2004 11:31:30 AM EDT
Those "never before worn" clothes must be uncomfortable.
Link Posted: 10/21/2004 11:31:37 AM EDT
<----likes goose hunting

<---doesn't understand the connetction between geese and the 2A, unless the geese get really, really uppity......
Link Posted: 10/21/2004 11:32:48 AM EDT
I'd be interested to see his license.
Link Posted: 10/21/2004 11:33:14 AM EDT
I got one of these shirts from www.nra-ila.org:

I love it.  The hippies outside the Bush rally the other day didn't.  I love it.
Link Posted: 10/21/2004 11:35:07 AM EDT

Freakin' just get away with lying...  ...Too bad the guy that was hunting with him, didn't mistake him for a goose. That really long nose and all.

Corrected for you.

Link Posted: 10/21/2004 11:37:06 AM EDT
I wonder if he got UN approval to attack that goose before he shot it.

I assume he created a coalition to get that goose, and has a plan to win the peace with the other geese so as to be a sensitive hunter.

Do you think he'll address the congress now on how there have been atrocities committed against these geese and he has a plan for sanctions against these Terrorist hunters?

I'm surprised the animal rights nutjobs haven't come out of the woodwork because of this. If GWB went hunting anything, the PETA people would be up his ass with a microscope!! OOOHHHH but they won't becasue they need to uphold that double standard.

Unfortunately, the monkeys in this country will elect this guy, because MTV and Michael Moore say GWB is evil, and these people won't change their tune till you have 250,000 dead in a major US city. Maybe they'll change their tune once 80 or 90 square miles of San Francisco can't be used for the next 5000 years after a nice dirty bomb goes off.

Fret not though.....as long as the congress holds Republican....we'll be able to kill off alot of Liberal crap....just like when we stopped some of the evil garbage from the Clinton/Gore Era.

One upside ...At least there will be a 1st lady that will make Hilary Rotten Clinton look good!!

Awww...who am I kiddin....we're fucked.


Kurt "Who the hell would go hunting with Kerry" Austin
Link Posted: 10/21/2004 11:37:14 AM EDT

Those "never before worn" clothes must be uncomfortable.


It looks that camo just came out of the box from Cabelas this morning.

What a joke.
Link Posted: 10/21/2004 11:37:52 AM EDT

Link Posted: 10/21/2004 11:38:06 AM EDT
John (Elmer F'n Fud)  Kerry.
Link Posted: 10/21/2004 11:39:46 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/21/2004 11:39:49 AM EDT


They were saying how much he is for the 2nd Amendment and wanted the hunters to know that.


Link Posted: 10/21/2004 11:40:35 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/21/2004 11:42:46 AM EDT
Early Halloween.
Look at how new those clothes are.
What a joke.

Link Posted: 10/21/2004 11:44:03 AM EDT
Motherfucker needs a CLAYMORE SHOWER!!
Link Posted: 10/21/2004 11:47:00 AM EDT


CNN and Kerry have no shame. He was shown hunting geese an hour or so ago. They were saying how much he is for the 2nd Amendment and wanted the hunters to know that. Nothing about how he votes for every anti-gun POS legislation that comes across the Senate.

Freakin' just get away with lying and hunting morons just eat it up. When will the hunters realize he's against them too. Probably when he is collecting their shotguns street sweepers and deer rifles sniper rifles

Too bad the guy that was hunting with him, didn't mistake him for a goose. That really long neck and all.

Fixed it for ya.
Link Posted: 10/21/2004 11:54:37 AM EDT
I hope the hunters notice that not once has talked about nor used anything other than single or double barrel shotgun to 'hunt'.  At least not that I have seen.  I hope they notice cause that is the only thing they will be hunting with too if that fucker gets in office.   Elmer Fudd would be proud.

Link Posted: 10/21/2004 11:56:16 AM EDT



Link Posted: 10/21/2004 11:56:42 AM EDT

<----likes goose hunting

<---doesn't understand the connetction between geese and the 2A, unless the geese get really, really uppity......

I hate geese.  Almost as much as some people hate cats.

Fortunately (for them), they don't come onto my property.

Link Posted: 10/21/2004 12:03:41 PM EDT
What other kind of shotgun is there besides a single
or a double barrel for waterfowl hunting?
Link Posted: 10/21/2004 12:07:15 PM EDT


<----likes goose hunting

<---doesn't understand the connetction between geese and the 2A, unless the geese get really, really uppity......

I hate geese.  Almost as much as some people hate cats.

Fortunately (for them), they don't come onto my property.

<---likes cats more than he lets on...

<---LOVES geese.....grilled goose breast......mmmmmmm!
Link Posted: 10/21/2004 12:08:33 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/21/2004 12:24:43 PM EDT
So he particpated in the killing of 3 geese for political purposes...nice - what a real sportsman.

Why are the animal rights folks and the Audoban Society up in arms over the fact he needlessly killed those geese ...do you think he is going to clean them and cook em? Nope.

I hate that motherfucker
Link Posted: 10/21/2004 12:29:03 PM EDT
Something tells me he isn't gonna eat the geese.
Link Posted: 10/21/2004 12:29:18 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/21/2004 12:29:55 PM EDT

Something tells me he isn't gonna eat the geese.

No shit, he wouldn't carry his kill of the field. Fucking idiot.
Link Posted: 10/21/2004 12:32:24 PM EDT

Hope PETA is paying attention.

Link Posted: 10/21/2004 12:35:07 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/21/2004 12:41:03 PM EDT
"Do you know who I am?  I am............


Ever since fighting an illegal war in Cambodia that was seared, SEARED into my mind, I've had to escape the demons of my war experiences by going out and blasting geese in front of the press's cameras."
Link Posted: 10/21/2004 12:45:16 PM EDT
Shooting geese in the back with clipped wings and their feet tied, is this a legitimate from of hunting?
Link Posted: 10/21/2004 12:45:56 PM EDT
This is funny.  Hanoi John F'ing Kerry slaughters geese in an cheap political effort to garner votes from stupid, redneck, gun nut, republicans.

I would love to see his cunt wife fry them up.
Link Posted: 10/21/2004 12:46:07 PM EDT


What other kind of shotgun is there besides a single
or a double barrel for waterfowl hunting?hr

I think you can use a semi-auto blocked for three shells can't you?

You can here.
Link Posted: 10/21/2004 12:47:07 PM EDT
Yes you can, but a semi-auto is a single barrel
Link Posted: 10/21/2004 12:48:38 PM EDT


Hope PETA is paying attention.


"Lon Horiuchi"?


Someone has been taunting the hippies...
Link Posted: 10/21/2004 12:50:32 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/21/2004 1:11:23 PM EDT
John Kerry is a fucking creep.  Anyone who votes for this ass hat deserves a beating.
Link Posted: 10/21/2004 4:50:53 PM EDT


fake fuck


I thought that killing for political gain was called "assassination"...

John Kerry, Goose Assassin.

Fuckin' dickweed...
Link Posted: 10/21/2004 5:04:52 PM EDT
I hope to God some of my fellow Ohio voters don't fall for this pandering...judging from some of the idiots I've talked to (not on here, but around the State), it makes me worry about which way Ohio is going to go...
Link Posted: 10/21/2004 5:08:26 PM EDT

Hope PETA is paying attention.

I hope he loses all of their votes not that I like peta or anything they stand for but if they dislike sKerry at least we will have one thing in common.
Link Posted: 10/21/2004 5:15:27 PM EDT



CNN and Kerry have no shame. He was shown hunting geese an hour or so ago. They were saying how much he is for the 2nd Amendment and wanted the hunters to know that. Nothing about how he votes for every anti-gun POS legislation that comes across the Senate.

Freakin' just get away with lying and hunting morons just eat it up. When will the hunters realize he's against them too. Probably when he is collecting their shotguns and deer rifles

Too bad the guy that was hunting with him, didn't mistake him for a goose. That really long neck and all.

I am a "hunter moron", and I am voting for Pres. Bush.  Great way to stereotype...what a asshat.

Most of us "hunters" that 80% of the people on this board put down as dumbassess will vote for Pres. Bush. As they see kerry as what he really is.. someone who will do or say anything to get elected.

So you are one of the 10% of hunters that actually DO know something about guns, other than a scoped deer rifle and a pump action shotgun? Sorry if that upsets you, but you guys (stereotype) piss me off. You have no idea how many "hunters" I know that are voting for Kerry. Everytime I talk with them and tell them about his voting record and what he really want's to do, they all go, "Wow, I didn't know that. But he's a hunter." They fall right for it. And then you start talking with them about AR's, AK's, etc., they go, well that's a different "type" of gun and people shouldn't be allowed to own them, only criminals use them. So that's where the "moron" part came from. Stupidity! I get sick of it. They are ignorant and quite a few are just plain stupid or are, at least, lazy, because they do not want to learn actual facts. The 2nd doesn't have anything to do with hunting and they don't have a freakin' clue about how our country was set up and why. So, yes, they are dumbasses. And they'll get exactly what they have coming if they vote for Kerry and he take's away their guns.

Why is it, I see a ton of Anti-Kerry ads/stories in Shotgun news, American Rifleman, Swat, etc. But when you get to a typical hunting magazine, they don't say anything about Kerry's anti views. Crap, wasn't it even Field and Stream that gave him a platform to spouse his lies? Freakin' hunting magazines will be the death of our 2nd Amendment rights.

Link Posted: 10/21/2004 5:18:56 PM EDT
Stunt for the Cameras. I am too old to buy into his bullshit. I know a gutless, pandering weasel when I see one.
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