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Posted: 10/3/2004 5:56:37 PM EDT
My car got broken into last week and my radio stolen, then on friday morning before i left for vacation, my car was trashed inside. I just got back and found the second lock fucked up. I'm tempted to wait for them on the roof with my m-4, but i'm afraid the night will end more like american history x, rather than a citizen's arrest . What do you guys suggest i do?? I was thinking setting up a surveillance camera but for some reason i can get the vcr recording from the camera, what do i do??
Link Posted: 10/3/2004 5:59:41 PM EDT
Call the Police?
Link Posted: 10/3/2004 6:01:12 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/3/2004 6:03:28 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/3/2004 6:04:51 PM EDT
I already filed two police reports.
Link Posted: 10/3/2004 6:06:15 PM EDT
Why shoot them when you can get the satisfaction of beating their ass with a baseball bat?
Link Posted: 10/3/2004 6:06:27 PM EDT
ohh and i haven't had time to order the tannerite, in fact, that's exactly what i'll use to give the dirty fuckers a heart attack, when i get it.
Link Posted: 10/3/2004 6:06:54 PM EDT
Buy one of thos X10 wireless night time camers and mount it somewhere that it will view your car.  Get a VCR start recording your car evey night .  When it happens again you got the bastards on tape.  Call the police and give them the taped recording of  the incident;.  You can get the camers pretty cheap and probably a 10 pack of VCR tapes cheap as well.

As fun as it may sound.  sitting on the roof with your M4 loacked and loaded waiting for some meth heads to break into your car is a very bad idea.   Do you really want to be someones bitch in the state pen?
Link Posted: 10/3/2004 6:07:33 PM EDT
Trip wires to your house alarm. Keep them about 3' high though
Link Posted: 10/3/2004 6:08:36 PM EDT
honestly, i want to beat them with a baton until i break the skin and then proceed to pour salt in their wounds, but then i'll go to jail... how do i connect the video camera to make a surveillance camera out of it??
Link Posted: 10/3/2004 6:09:54 PM EDT
looking on the net for the X-10's....
Link Posted: 10/3/2004 6:24:46 PM EDT
Sleep in the car, hidden under a blanket - when the heroes start breaking in, raise up and scare the living hell out of them, then hold them for the police.

I prefer a hickory shovel handle to a baseball bat, in case one of them is clumsy and falls against the club.  Slingshots and marbles also work well to discourage vandals' quiet and effective.
Link Posted: 10/3/2004 6:28:03 PM EDT
hmmm, what if they have a gun though? they get scared and start shooting that would suck..and i have my gun and shoot them if they start shooting, then it would be pre-med murder for having waited for them with the gun
Link Posted: 10/3/2004 6:31:08 PM EDT
I hate this shit...I don't want to be in this situation.
Link Posted: 10/3/2004 7:01:58 PM EDT
As being a victim of car stereo thieves, I feel your pain. The cops will do absolutely nothing for you except take your report. Some car insurance companies will do nothing for you, some will help a little. Homeowners insurance will usually cover items stolen from your car. As tempting as it would be to shoot someone breaking into your car, its not worth ruining your entire life. I feel your pain though. There is nothing more chicken shit than fucking with a man's automobile.

The trick to not getting your car broke into is to make it as stealth as possible. Hide all wires, if you have a detachable face, take it off. Cover things up if possible. I hid 2 12's and an amp under a blanket in plain sight in a hatchback for over 2 yrs with no problems. Car alarms will stop about 90% of thieves. Most thieves are high school kids or druggies. Most will either pick another car or run away if they set it off. The other 10% are professionals and nothing at all will stop them if they want your stuff.

As far as setting up surveillance equipment, its a good idea in theory, but the cops really don't care about your car stereo getting stolen. Even if you could provide them with a tape, unless it showed them some kind of lead, like a cars license plate number driving the thieves away, they aren't going to care. And thats if they even would watch it. Chances are it wouldnt even get looked at.

The only way your going to catch the guys is if you could possibly hear them messing with your car, resist the urge to run out with the slugger, and call the cops and have them catch them in the act. Thats the only way the cops would probably even get involved. Chances are though, that the theives wont come back to you now unless you get new stuff.

I have come to the conclusion that its better to keep nothing in my car and sleep well at night than to have a really nice system and worry about it all the time. YMMV
Link Posted: 10/3/2004 7:34:48 PM EDT
Honestly, though this has to be something personal, c'mon it's been three times and two out of the three all they did is fuck the locks up and go through everything inside.
Link Posted: 10/3/2004 7:37:11 PM EDT
Rock Salt

Link Posted: 10/3/2004 7:38:14 PM EDT
rock salt???you mean shoot them with rock salt?
Link Posted: 10/3/2004 7:39:06 PM EDT
hmmm what if i shoot them with something less than lethal???would i get into trouble then??
Link Posted: 10/3/2004 7:42:07 PM EDT

hmmm what if i shoot them with something less than lethal???would i get into trouble then??

yes, think assault charges!
Link Posted: 10/3/2004 7:42:38 PM EDT
Baseball bat to the back of the head?
Link Posted: 10/3/2004 7:44:58 PM EDT
Post deleted and sent as IM.
Link Posted: 10/3/2004 7:45:18 PM EDT
If It Happned to Me I personally would put a bear trap on the floor by the drivers seat and cover it with some news papers after its coverd with news paper I would Drop a couple $20 bills on the news paper Wait and see. My theroy is if you got no hands you cant steal.
Link Posted: 10/3/2004 7:48:30 PM EDT
Buy a TASER, it won't kill them but they'll wish you had!!!
Link Posted: 10/3/2004 7:50:08 PM EDT
Too many of these suggestions would be viewed by the DA as mantraps.  However, since you are a fisherman, didn't you spill a whole tackle box of barbed treble fish hooks in your car?


Of course, this is purely speculation and for entertainment only.
Link Posted: 10/3/2004 8:00:35 PM EDT
Call 4 or 5 friends over and have them wait with you, or if you have good neighbors coordinate with them.  When the guys come back, you go out there with your pals and do whats necessary.  Seriously, when I was seven years old, then living in the Bridgeport neighborhood on the south side of Chicago, there was a rash of car break ins on our block.  As I lay awake one night I hear my dad on the phone with my neighbor saying, "you go around the block the back way and I'll be right out."  I get up and go out on the back porch in time to witness my father running down a guy and smashing him in the head with a billy club (my grandfather, who lived upstairs, was a Chicago policeman) and my neighbor kicking the hell out of another guy who was laying in the middle of the street.  They had broken into my dad's car and slashed the seats.  I remember it was the first time I had ever heard my father use the word "fuck".  It was like something out of "Goodfellas."  It made me look at my dad in a whole new light, it made me afraid of him a little too.  Needless to say, there weren't anymore break ins, at least not on our street.
Link Posted: 10/3/2004 8:02:25 PM EDT
hmm, where can i buy squib charges???-this is a personal vendetta against me and i'm getting pissed-off.
Link Posted: 10/3/2004 8:07:40 PM EDT
You make squibs out of very fine wire; such as the individule strands in an extention cord, and black powder or pyrodex.  The wire is folded into a V that comes to a sharp point and a ball of damp powder about the size of a buckshot is placed around the point of the V.  Let dry for a day or two.  Electricity supplied by a battery or extention cord will activate the squib. Make a few and try them out for fun.
Link Posted: 10/3/2004 8:16:14 PM EDT
how can i make it fire when they run-off with the tv??since it's electrically ignited??
Link Posted: 10/3/2004 8:19:02 PM EDT
i want to make something that when these pricks come back, that they start running away with the bait and five or ten steps later, are engulfed in a fireball, or even better, when they get into their car that the tv or radio explodes!!
Link Posted: 10/3/2004 8:20:41 PM EDT

  Many years ago someone tried to steal the radio out of my brothers Jeep. A neighbor caught them in the act and they took off. His neighbor told them what happened last night. So my brother decide to do something in case they came back.

  He went and bought some small fish hooks and some super-glue. He then super-glued the fish hooks under the dash of the radio.  That next night they did come back to steal his radio again.

 They were un-sucessful of the steal. But there was alot of blood under the dash and on the floorboard. Even a trail of blood in the parking lot.  

  I laughed my ass off. Some punk had some screwed up hands.

Link Posted: 10/3/2004 8:22:03 PM EDT
Once again another reason not to try to have anything decent.

Remever this, get a shit radio or none at all and a car that you dont care how it looks.  

When you try to have something some worthless fucker will fuck it up.  
Link Posted: 10/3/2004 8:22:50 PM EDT
hahaha that's fucking great!!
Link Posted: 10/3/2004 8:34:02 PM EDT
i wish the laws regarding property would protect the owner rather than the criminal. If so i think i would go as far as renting a wood chipper the day i catch the guy. This shit has been consuming my brain for days now this fucking sucks hot-sick ass. if anybody has any other good ideas e-mail me at [email protected]  
Link Posted: 10/4/2004 4:00:04 AM EDT
§9.42. Deadly force to protect property.

A person is justified in using deadly force against another to protect land or tangible, movable property:

(1) if he would be justified in using force against the other under Section 9.41; and

(2) when and to the degree he reasonably believes the deadly force is immediately necessary:

(A) to prevent the other's imminent commission of arson, burglary, robbery, aggravated robbery, theft during the nighttime, or criminal mischief during the nighttime; or

(B) to prevent the other who is fleeing immediately after committing burglary, robbery, aggravated robbery, or theft during the nighttime from escaping with the property; and

(3) he reasonably believes that:

(A) the land or property cannot be protected or recovered by any other means; or

(B) the use of force other than deadly force to protect or recover the land or property would expose the actor or another to a substantial risk of death or serious bodily injury.
Link Posted: 10/4/2004 5:20:23 AM EDT
in florida you can't shoot  anyone over property, just in personal defense, and or to protect the life of others.
Link Posted: 10/4/2004 9:15:34 AM EDT

in florida you can't shoot  anyone over property, just in personal defense, and or to protect the life of others.

How do you know that your life wasn't threatened.  The perp may have that long flathead screwdriver in his hand that he used to break the door lock with thats a danderous weapon in my book.  Or he may have already gotten into your car finding some sort of long bladed knife under the seat that you use for fishing or something the perp found it and thought that your lifee was in threat.  All  I am saying is that lawyers can twist things in any direction.  
My state is the same way.  Now would I bust a cap in someone if I caught them breaking into my car?  No!  If I caught someone in my house now that would be a different story.  There are plenty of items in my house that could be used as weapons against me and my family.  For all I know the perp may have been coming out of my gun room.  I believe I may fear for my life (lol).  The same people that broke into my truck a couple of months ago broke into a house at night while the occupants were still home.  That goes to show they have some balls and it could get real unpredictable if one was to encounter them in the middle of the night.

If my wife would let me do it I would post a sign that read:
The use of deadly force on this property is authourized!Violaters will be shot on sight, survivors will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law!

or something like that.
Link Posted: 10/4/2004 9:16:24 AM EDT
I guess you are an apartment dweller?  Get a house with a garage...

ETA paintballs from the freezer work very, very good.
Link Posted: 10/4/2004 9:25:00 AM EDT

I guess you are an apartment dweller?  Get a house with a garage...

ETA paintballs from the freezer work very, very good.

Just be careful in who you are dealing with.  The badguy/s may be packing for real.  Be like taking a knife to a gun fight.  It is a total shame that the laws today in most states are not designed to protect the law abiding citizen.
Link Posted: 10/4/2004 9:31:39 AM EDT
You could always build a perimeter of these.

You suppose that this could be argued as the use of excessive force?
Link Posted: 10/4/2004 4:54:44 PM EDT
tap to that, i just came back from having a long talk with the police commander in charge for my district- his answer was that his hands and mine are tied, until we have un-questionable proof of who it is.
Link Posted: 10/4/2004 6:18:27 PM EDT
I like motion detector lights.  Get a couple of those and then hook them up to an audible alarm.   Maybe you could get a street light put in at your driveway.  Anything to keep the bastards from being able to hide in the dark.
Link Posted: 10/4/2004 6:23:15 PM EDT
dude you made the mistake of already telling us what you want to do but don't want to get caught doing it......so don't get caught
Link Posted: 10/7/2004 9:08:58 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/7/2004 9:47:47 AM EDT
Basically as of right now, i have the support of ther miami pd, and surveillance on the house. I was told not even fathom shooting one of these fuckers because it's not worth it. I'm just sitting and waiting to see if i can catch them before the cops, I want to perform a citizen arrest and beat them into a pulp. I know who's behind it now , but i have my hands tied there, since it is a co-worker. I'm taking a leave of absence before this gets too serious, or just resign, then her car will be a flaming roman-candle-bmw. hehehe
Link Posted: 10/7/2004 10:00:56 AM EDT

if you could possibly hear them messing with your car, resist the urge to run out with the slugger, and call the cops and have them catch them in the act.

M4 w/ the evil bayonet . . .
Link Posted: 10/7/2004 12:07:32 PM EDT
The video system is a good idea. Get an alarm for your car, or around your car (or garage). Set up a motion activated light - a really bright one. If you can catch them in the act, tell the police you are going outside with your gun and will defend yourself or your property if you have to. That will get them there very qucikly.
Link Posted: 10/7/2004 12:10:37 PM EDT

honestly, i want to beat them with a baton until i break the skin and then proceed to pour salt in their wounds, but then i'll go to jail... how do i connect the video camera to make a surveillance camera out of it??

You'd have to run a line to it and mount it on something
Link Posted: 10/7/2004 12:17:47 PM EDT
A buncg of razor blades and fish hooks super glued to the back of your radio and the area around it would certainly ruin someones day.
Link Posted: 10/7/2004 12:33:18 PM EDT

You could always build a perimeter of these.

You suppose that this could be argued as the use of excessive force?

Not at night in Texas....  
Link Posted: 10/7/2004 12:34:53 PM EDT

Basically as of right now, i have the support of ther miami pd, and surveillance on the house. I was told not even fathom shooting one of these fuckers because it's not worth it. I'm just sitting and waiting to see if i can catch them before the cops, I want to perform a citizen arrest and beat them into a pulp. I know who's behind it now , but i have my hands tied there, since it is a co-worker. I'm taking a leave of absence before this gets too serious, or just resign, then her car will be a flaming roman-candle-bmw. hehehe

I REALLY like the video Idea now.  Catch them- even if the cops don't read it, you can get the f'er fired...
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