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Posted: 9/23/2004 8:01:17 PM EDT
That he couldn't wear a particular shirt to school anymore.

He has a shirt that reads "How to hide a fart", and then it has a few stick figure images underneath.

Nothing really crude, just kid stuff. My son is ten years old, he's a normal boy fer chrissakes.

My wife agrees with the principal. I think he's taking the politically correct way out, and he's a pussy to boot.
Link Posted: 9/23/2004 8:02:52 PM EDT
I vote with the Principal.

Not appropriate for school.

Hey - add a poll.
Link Posted: 9/23/2004 8:02:58 PM EDT
Kick his ass.
Link Posted: 9/23/2004 8:04:15 PM EDT
He needs a stern talking to.

"Flatuence is no joking matter, young man!"
Link Posted: 9/23/2004 8:07:12 PM EDT
Hah, nothing wrong with that shirt.  Farts are funny.
Link Posted: 9/23/2004 8:07:25 PM EDT
Its just farting for god's sake, every kid jokes about it.
Link Posted: 9/23/2004 8:09:04 PM EDT
Kids in school nowadays need to be wearing uniforms.

With all the shit they are expected to learn and master, there is no room or time to be spent on such things as "personal expression".

I say, if your childs want to express themselves, have them take a creative writing or shop class.

You know, they call it class and not recess for a reason.
Link Posted: 9/23/2004 8:09:51 PM EDT
Not appropiate for school.

Start a poll.
Link Posted: 9/23/2004 8:11:41 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/23/2004 8:15:08 PM EDT
have your son kick Mr. Principal's ass!  Sounds like a pansy ass liberal to me....
Link Posted: 9/23/2004 8:16:14 PM EDT
Think "broken window theory" about why it's not appropriate.

If you don't know the term, Google it.
Link Posted: 9/23/2004 8:16:26 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/23/2004 8:16:39 PM EDT

Not appropiate appropriate for school.

Start a poll.

+2 + 3 ...dammit
Link Posted: 9/23/2004 8:17:08 PM EDT


Not appropriate for school.


Eric The(SomeModicumOfDecorum)Hun

+2. No offense
Link Posted: 9/23/2004 8:18:43 PM EDT
Hmmmm. Alright, I'll add a poll.

Bear in mind, however, that in the seventh grade my social studies teacher took my hat that read "Beer drinkers get more head." with an image of a full mug of beer with a full head of foam on it.

Didn't get that damn hat back for a month.
Link Posted: 9/23/2004 8:19:59 PM EDT
When I was a little kid in elementary school, we'd always have assemblies where all the kids had to sit on the gym floor.  At one of these awful assemblies, Mr Graham the principal was standing up at the front of the assembly, hands behind his back. His microphone was in his hands, apparently right up against his ass.  

Because he cut one, and the mic picked it up and amplified the report.  The entire student body erupted in laughter. Graham stood up there like nothing had happened, maintaining his dignity.
Link Posted: 9/23/2004 8:20:16 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/23/2004 8:21:31 PM EDT
I agree. Not appropriate for school. Though im not sure about that whole uniform thing. has advantages and disadvantages. hinking.gif
Link Posted: 9/23/2004 8:21:54 PM EDT
Sorry, but "Things That Come Out of My Ass" is not, in my view, an appropriate topic for school. Besides, the entire joy of juvenile and/or body function humor lies in its secrecy.
Link Posted: 9/23/2004 8:25:20 PM EDT
Not appropiate for school.

Kids got enough problems paying attention these days with the fast paced media/world for that matter.
Link Posted: 9/23/2004 8:26:26 PM EDT

I agree. Not appropriate for school. Though im not sure about that whole uniform thing. has advantages and disadvantages.

The obvious advantage of school uniforms is that it removes one item of distraction from the environment by eliminating the whole "fashion" concept.

Choice of a uniform, concervative in nature, can help eliminate the prurient natured distractions those few troubled youts, such as myself, were forced to endure!
Link Posted: 9/23/2004 8:26:26 PM EDT
I personally would not have my kid wear a shirt like that, but I also think the principle overreacted.
Link Posted: 9/23/2004 8:29:00 PM EDT
Not appropriate for school. Poor taste in public.
Link Posted: 9/23/2004 8:29:36 PM EDT

I vote with the Principal.

Not appropriate for school.

Hey - add a poll.

Link Posted: 9/23/2004 8:29:45 PM EDT
Looks like you owe the wife an aswallowgy  
Link Posted: 9/23/2004 8:32:53 PM EDT
what does school have to do with bad taste?
Link Posted: 9/23/2004 8:33:54 PM EDT
When I was 10, the reason I didn’t focus on school wasn’t because of something someone was wearing.  I spent my day watching the clock waiting for 3 things; recess, lunch, and home.  I say ban fun, food, and clocks in schools.  They’re the real distractions.
Oh and I voted that the principal was a pussy, the shirt didn’t hurt anyone.
Link Posted: 9/23/2004 8:34:14 PM EDT
fart    ( P )  Pronunciation Key  (färt) Vulgar Slang
intr.v. fart·ed, fart·ing, farts
To expel intestinal gas through the anus; break wind.
To fool around; fritter time away.

An often audible discharge of intestinal gas.
An annoying or foolish person.  

so it is vulgar slang, but what is really wrong with the fucking word?
Link Posted: 9/23/2004 8:34:27 PM EDT

I vote with the Principal.

Not appropriate for school.

Link Posted: 9/23/2004 8:34:34 PM EDT

At 10 years old it's "How to hide a fart" with stick figure diagrams.

In a couple years it'll be "How to do a Donkey Punch" with stick figure diagrams.

Link Posted: 9/23/2004 8:34:37 PM EDT
I think the Principal is right in this case.   If kids showed a bit more respect for the school system--and uniforms can be a part of that--then the schools would slowly start to improve.  Maybe in the future we can get away from the 'Zero Tolerance' crap where kids get suspended for drawing a picture of a gun, or bringing a Midol tablet to school.  Get the kids to behave properly, and the Principal may be able to have some leeway in discipline.  Dressing properly for school is a part of it--my kids wore uniforms for the last several years, and it was nice--Navy Blue or Black bottoms, light blue or white tops (not too fancy or restrictive), and there was much less problems at the school once the uniforms were adopted.  I don't know if it had to do with the attitudes of the kids, or maybe the Adminstration could focus on real problems instead of having to pull a kid into the office because their clothes were inappropriate.

Link Posted: 9/23/2004 8:35:13 PM EDT

what does school have to do with bad taste?

Besides TEACHING it?

Not appropriate attire for school. Anything that distracts from Education - his or others -  is unhelpful.
Link Posted: 9/23/2004 8:37:38 PM EDT
I hope your kid farts in the principal's face! Talk about trivial stuff!!!
Link Posted: 9/23/2004 8:38:54 PM EDT


what does school have to do with bad taste?

Besides TEACHING it?

Not appropriate attire for school. Anything that distracts from Education - his or others -  is unhelpful.

[barf]Yikes! Your way toooo PC! [/barf]
Link Posted: 9/23/2004 8:42:01 PM EDT
Shirt is innapropiate.
Link Posted: 9/23/2004 8:46:35 PM EDT
Did I do the poll right? Isn't there supposed to be some kind of number attached to it or something? Is nobody actually voting? My first time using this feature, so maybe I'm just missing something here.

Anyway, the general consensus is obviously pointing towards a distinct etiquette faux pas on my part. Fine, I was wrong in telling my son he could wear the shirt to school.

I must've been a freak when I was ten. I thought farts, burping the alphabet, shootin' spit wads, and putting a lizard in the teachers desk was funny.

Yup. I was a real malcontent.
Link Posted: 9/23/2004 8:47:10 PM EDT

Did you really expect a different answer from a bunch of mature conservative right wingers?

As ths is arfcom I will tell you how to win with the wifey.

Go to www.duh.com and ask the same question. They will tell you about how the man is keepin Johnny down, how Johnny has rights and how Johnny needs to express himself.

Around my house Johnny gets his ass kicked cuz that my job. I'm "The man".

Link Posted: 9/23/2004 8:52:19 PM EDT

Did I do the poll right? Isn't there supposed to be some kind of number attached to it or something? Is nobody actually voting? My first time using this feature, so maybe I'm just missing something here.

Anyway, the general consensus is obviously pointing towards a distinct etiquette faux pas on my part. Fine, I was wrong in telling my son he could wear the shirt to school.

I must've been a freak when I was ten. I thought farts, burping the alphabet, shootin' spit wads, and putting a lizard in the teachers desk was funny.

Yup. I was a real malcontent.

I side with you DesertRider. He's just a 10 year old kid for crying out loud. Anything worse though, and I might think differently about it.

It's all about where you draw the line. Fart jokes are typical 10 year old behavior, and it's all in jest, so I don't see anything wrong with it.
Link Posted: 9/23/2004 9:04:39 PM EDT

Around my house Johnny gets his ass kicked cuz that my job. I'm "The man".

Link Posted: 9/23/2004 9:06:01 PM EDT

Not appropriate for school. Poor taste in public.


also, the principal over reacted.

One thing I remember is that there's a time to turn a blind eye and the principal didn't.

Link Posted: 9/23/2004 9:10:02 PM EDT

Did I do the poll right? Isn't there supposed to be some kind of number attached to it or something? Is nobody actually voting? My first time using this feature, so maybe I'm just missing something here.

Anyway, the general consensus is obviously pointing towards a distinct etiquette faux pas on my part. Fine, I was wrong in telling my son he could wear the shirt to school.

I must've been a freak when I was ten. I thought farts, burping the alphabet, shootin' spit wads, and putting a lizard in the teachers desk was funny.

Yup. I was a real malcontent.

Your a loser.  And who said social profiling and selective breeding was wrong?  Another hooah for private and homeschooling.
Link Posted: 9/23/2004 11:29:53 PM EDT


Your a loser.  And who said social profiling and selective breeding was wrong?  Another hooah for private and homeschooling.

I do believe you intended to write you're a loser.

Um, apparently.

Are you a product of home, or private schooling?
Link Posted: 9/23/2004 11:33:17 PM EDT
those shirts are funny. I had a bunch when I was in my early-mid teens.

hey, to all the fart-haters out there, would you rather have the kid wearing gang colors, or a Kerry t-shirt?
Link Posted: 9/23/2004 11:35:14 PM EDT
I send my kids to school at least once a week with a t-shirt that reads "fuck subtlety"

Never been commented on by so much as a janitor.

I suspect none of the teachers and administrators can  read.
Link Posted: 9/23/2004 11:38:05 PM EDT
+1 for the Principlal

Link Posted: 9/23/2004 11:44:04 PM EDT
In the school where I see one of the kids I work with there was a girl sent home because she was wearing the ultra low rise jeans and here thong was in view as was her birth control patch....Go figure. Talk about trolling for dick.

Link Posted: 9/23/2004 11:44:07 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/23/2004 11:44:24 PM EDT
Fart shirts are for the weekends, or the mother in laws house...

the principal is still a dick...
Link Posted: 9/23/2004 11:44:52 PM EDT
Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go throught life!"

Umm...wait.  Disregard on last.  The kids are alright!!!

Link Posted: 9/23/2004 11:45:20 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/24/2004 12:34:19 AM EDT
get him some firearms shirts.

or this one..

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