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Posted: 9/23/2004 4:15:06 PM EDT
“The heads of the two criminal agents of Italian intelligence, Simona Pari and Simona Torretta have been chopped off by knife without pity or mercy,” said the claim. “The video of cutting off the heads of the two Italian hostages will be issued soon.”


Link Posted: 9/23/2004 4:20:27 PM EDT
We need to show no mercy  on the people that did this.  To hell with politically correctness.  They need the same fait or worse.

Link Posted: 9/23/2004 4:20:47 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/23/2004 4:20:55 PM EDT
I will repost what I said in the thread that got locked on the same topic.....

Rather than make a blanket statement about the obvious enemy, and in the interest of complying with the COC....I will just say this.....anyone that would do these things, anyone that would provide aid to the above mentioned, and anyone that can justify or exuse this......may you die screaming and godless


What will it take for people to wake up and realize that the WOT cannot be won if we continue to fight it in the way that we are. These are barbaric people. This enemy doesnt fight fair. What can we possibly do to compete with these atrocities if bound by conventions of civil conflict?

Time for a modern day rendering of Hamurabi's Code.....its the only way to win this.
May not agree with me....but to beat the terrorists, its going to take extreme actions....and perhaps not so dissimilar methods.

(and that all complies with the COC as far as I can tell)
Link Posted: 9/23/2004 4:21:20 PM EDT
If true,  disgusting, as I have said before, we really dont need vermin in the world....

Link Posted: 9/23/2004 4:21:25 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/23/2004 4:21:29 PM EDT
I do hope they realize they aren't fucking with Spain or France when they fuck with Italy. I hope the Italians personally get to take care of the scum who perpetrated this crime against humanity. Rtaher than pulling out, it wouldn't at all surprise me to see them actually increase their presence.

This is what needs to be done folks. This is how we stop this shit. Whenever they capture someone and demand people be withdrawn, instead of withdrawing anyone, send about 5000 more. Repeat as necessary. Not only do you not meet their demands, but tighten the noose even tighter. Give them the exact opposite of that which they seek. That'll stop this shit in a hurry. But in order for it to work, you need all involved parties to be on the same page and share the same committment. So our coalition might actually be stronger with participation from only a handful of selected nations. Because if you have a weak link in the chain, it brings down the whole body.
Link Posted: 9/23/2004 4:22:06 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/23/2004 4:22:34 PM EDT
Italy may cave but the US and Britian won't.

And that's all that matters.

We have the guns, bombs, and planes.

Bring them on. Cowards
Link Posted: 9/23/2004 4:25:37 PM EDT
Aah, the religion of peace takes its wrath out on 2 women. Manly men to be sure.
Link Posted: 9/23/2004 4:26:59 PM EDT
Rat bastard fucks!!
Link Posted: 9/23/2004 4:28:24 PM EDT

“The heads of the two criminal agents of Italian intelligence, Simona Pari and Simona Torretta have been chopped off by knife without pity or mercy,” said the claim. “The video of cutting off the heads of the two Italian hostages will be issued soon.”


The only glimmer of good out of this is Italy didn't budge.  
Link Posted: 9/23/2004 4:29:34 PM EDT
They are fucking animals.  Berlusconi is a pretty good guy, I could see him getting behind us even more on account of this.

God bless those poor women.
Link Posted: 9/23/2004 4:31:37 PM EDT
Berlusconi wanted out of the pathetic EU but caved to Euroweenie pressure.

Link Posted: 9/23/2004 4:32:39 PM EDT
Fucking cowards.
Link Posted: 9/23/2004 4:32:42 PM EDT
I hate to give away free ideas....but Im sure its only a matter of time before we see video of children being beheaded. I mean, why not...I can only image what comes after that.

To be honest...after living through 9/11 (living in NJ at the time, close enough to smell the fire and breath the smoke)....seeing countless beheadings....the Beslan school massacre....the burning and mutilation of the contractors in fallujah.....what could these motherfuckers possibly do at this point that would shock me? Nothing.

If the point of terrorism is to scare people into effecting a political outcome...they are doing quite a disservice to their cause....how can anyone be scared after all the over-exposure?

Their is nothing left to shock us, no act beyond our comprehension.
It just keeps getting worse every day...and with each passing week, I am prepared to deal with more and more.

Sadly, short of the appocalypse....not a lot will shock me anymore.
Oh, and I walked past ground zero on tuesday....cant even cry anymore tears...too numb to it anymore....just want revenge..pure and simple.
Link Posted: 9/23/2004 4:33:32 PM EDT
And nothing will be done.
We aren't allowed to express our hatred for these muslim cockroaches here and our society as a whole doesn't have the collective balls to destroy the muslim cockroaches.
Unless things change we are doomed.
Link Posted: 9/23/2004 4:34:06 PM EDT
Kids damnit, when the hell will they finally kidnap and behead a small child? That's what I really want to see them do; for I know THAT (unfortunate as the fact is) will finally cause some real uproar.

Oh yeah, for every beheading of one of our people, we should kill 1000 of theirs. One way or another, this will solve our problems much faster.
Link Posted: 9/23/2004 4:34:42 PM EDT
I could be wrong, but I don't think I am...Italy will not cave.

Many people have a very wrong impression of the Italians from WWII...when the vast majority of citizens there wanted nothing at all to do with Hitler or his butt-boy Mussolini. Todasy they have warriors like our own Pico-Palo and his brethren, and they are a much tougher target than their past reputation would indicate. Italy can hold its' own with any nation remotely near its size!

Just remember that the Mafia was / is also comprised of Italians (and Siclians, too, of course!).  I would think that about now, there are some very interesting discussions going on in Italy!
Link Posted: 9/23/2004 4:34:50 PM EDT
How about Beslan, Russia?

Anybody forget?
Link Posted: 9/23/2004 4:34:52 PM EDT
Let me reiterate that this behaviour tends to make me angry.
Link Posted: 9/23/2004 4:35:02 PM EDT
We are not being ruthless enough.

Terror must be brought to the terrosists.

Just like the way Mossad went after Black September.



Link Posted: 9/23/2004 4:35:46 PM EDT
Why can't someone go and "detain" Zarqawi's family?? Better yet..why not throw them in jail and promise to excute them? Dadgummit...why should we continue letting them be-head without reaching consequences? I wish someone would go ahead and order what needs to be done.
Link Posted: 9/23/2004 4:36:38 PM EDT

How about Beslan, Russia?

Anybody forget?

No, it just never even hit home for most Americans. Nothing like so much as a duffel full of C4 in an American public school would.
Link Posted: 9/23/2004 4:37:26 PM EDT
We can't do jack until an Iraqi Army is up to stuff to kick butt.

The folks in DC are being PC about this.

Link Posted: 9/23/2004 4:38:15 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/23/2004 4:38:15 PM EDT

How about Beslan, Russia?

Anybody forget?

Yep...most people have. Its been out of the news.....completely out.
That is all it takes sadly.

Oh, but dont worry...history will certainly repeat itself since NOTHING WAS DONE IN RESPONSE TO IT!!!!!!

Link Posted: 9/23/2004 4:38:28 PM EDT
I don't think the Italians will cave easily. Otherwise, they would have already done so.
Link Posted: 9/23/2004 4:39:16 PM EDT
If the population gets all in an uproar you will see Spain all over again.

Link Posted: 9/23/2004 4:39:38 PM EDT

My sincere wish is that the scum responsible for the deaths of these two women (who were there to help Iraqi children) have an appointment with US Special Forces very soon. I wonder how these brave muslims will fair when standing face to face with  real men. May it be a painful process for them.  
Link Posted: 9/23/2004 4:40:01 PM EDT
Excuse me while I go stomp a towel.....................this shit and the people who call these scum freedom fighters tend to piss me off.

Link Posted: 9/23/2004 4:42:04 PM EDT
I hope Europe now gets it.

They want all non muslims dead.

Either agree with them or be killed.

Link Posted: 9/23/2004 4:42:33 PM EDT
I didn't think it could even be possible, but they have truly sunk to a new low.  Hell is coming after them...
Link Posted: 9/23/2004 4:45:09 PM EDT


And nothing will be done.
We aren't allowed to express our hatred for these muslim cockroaches here and our society as a whole doesn't have the collective balls to destroy the muslim cockroaches.
Unless things change we are doomed.

Two things--

1)  You are perfectly free to express your hatred for "these muslim cockroaches" here--express away.  You are only asked to refrain from including OTHERS in with them by generalizing.  I'll lead by example--I hope our guys can root out these bastards and kill every one of them--and all who aided them in any way.  Kill every guilty one.  

2)  You say "nothing will be done"--I think you are of enlistment age, no?  How's about you stop the incessant posting in every thread like this about what you CAN'T post and enlist so YOU can go "do something."  YOU go "kill them all (guilty ones)."  Just a thought.  

For some reason I doubt that even if he were to enlist, he wouldn't be allowed to "kill all the guilty ones".  Heh, kinda hard to tell the guilty ones nowadays.  Or maybe it isn't(staying within COC I hope).
Link Posted: 9/23/2004 4:45:11 PM EDT
I have faith. Once Bush wins the election, he will have nothing to lose. I think he will go all out, tell the UN to go screw itself, and get down to buisness.
Link Posted: 9/23/2004 4:49:24 PM EDT
We don't have to kill them all. But I do agree we have to do a helluva lot more than what we are. First, seal off then take back Fallujah and kill EVERY terrorist there. Second, hunt down Al-Sadr and kill him. Allowing Al-Sadr to come and go and fight us as he chooses is asinine! And allowing these terrorists scumbags to occupy and control a city, a city that's used as base to launch attacks against us is even more asinine. Sto playing pattycake with these fuckers and stick a bayonet into their worthless frigging guts!
Link Posted: 9/23/2004 4:51:47 PM EDT


And nothing will be done.
We aren't allowed to express our hatred for these muslim cockroaches here and our society as a whole doesn't have the collective balls to destroy the muslim cockroaches.
Unless things change we are doomed.

Two things--

1)  You are perfectly free to express your hatred for "these muslim cockroaches" here--express away.  You are only asked to refrain from including OTHERS in with them by generalizing.  I'll lead by example--I hope our guys can root out these bastards and kill every one of them--and all who aided them in any way.  Kill every guilty one.  

2)  You say "nothing will be done"--I think you are of enlistment age, no?  How's about you stop the incessant posting in every thread like this about what you CAN'T post and enlist so YOU can go "do something."  YOU go "kill them all (guilty ones)."  Just a thought.  

They are taking 40 year olds ??
What are you doing Mike ?

And as far as my "incessant" posting, untill you guys make up one of your rules about expressing ones feelings on a subject you can just lump it.
As for your first comment, you will NEVER find any post of mine that I have ever called for indescriminate killing of ALL muslims just because.
I have ALWAYS said DESTROY ALL those responsible along with any one or any nation who gives aid or comfort.
I have said if a whole lot die because our military bombs the crap out of them in order to end this war, then so be it.
We had the balls to do what was needed in WWII even though MILLIONS of innocents died in the process.
As for my hatred, am I allowed to call them ragheads now or is it still bad to hurt their feelings and insult their manner of dress ?
Link Posted: 9/23/2004 4:54:03 PM EDT
I was 4 days away from my ETS and extended today.

It just seemed wrong to leave now

God bless those Ladies.
Link Posted: 9/23/2004 4:54:17 PM EDT
... It almost appears the US does not want to find the perpetrators of these crimes. You'd think we'd up intelligence gathering, pay more informants, spy satellites and more conventional boots on the ground in cities like Fallujah and Najaf.

... The situation almost reminds me of parts of Detroit and Philadelphia in the 70's. Police wouldn't even respond to calls sometimes for fear of going in deep at night.

... At times, this effort reminds me somewhat of the 80's when the Mujahideen were handing the superior forces of the Soviet Union their asses in Afghanistan.

Link Posted: 9/23/2004 4:56:04 PM EDT
Ok, there is a new task force, called Task Force 626, assigned the specific task of going after Al Zaqarwi, the one who beheaded armstrong.   A great deal of assets are being dedicated to bringing him down.
Link Posted: 9/23/2004 4:57:06 PM EDT

I hope Europe now gets it.

They want all non muslims dead.

Either agree with them or be killed.


Truth be told, they want a lot of Muslims dead too...
Link Posted: 9/23/2004 4:59:43 PM EDT

... It almost appears the US does not want to find the perpetrators of these crimes. You'd think we'd up intelligence gathering, pay more informants, spy satellites and more conventional boots on the ground in cities like Fallujah and Najaf.

... The situation almost reminds me of parts of Detroit and Philadelphia in the 70's. Police wouldn't even respond to calls sometimes for fear of going in deep at night.

... At times, this effort reminds me somewhat of the 80's when the Mujahideen were handing the superior forces of the Soviet Union their asses in Afghanistan.

I agree. And all because we refuse to do anything meaningful over there.

You ever notice when we are suffering the most casualties and when the most attacks occur? When we are sitting on our asses doing nothing!

Notice when the attacks fade and when we lose the FEWEST troops is when we are on the offensive?

I just cannot understand the tactics being used here. The overall plan is good. But the execution of it is piss poor.
Link Posted: 9/23/2004 5:02:06 PM EDT

Ok, there is a new task force, called Task Force 626, assigned the specific task of going after Al Zaqarwi, the one who beheaded armstrong.   A great deal of assets are being dedicated to bringing him down.

I wonder why it took 6 months to a year to figure out that such a plan might be a good idea? Geez. Better late than never I suppose.
Link Posted: 9/23/2004 5:05:29 PM EDT

... It almost appears the US does not want to find the perpetrators of these crimes. You'd think we'd up intelligence gathering, pay more informants, spy satellites and more conventional boots on the ground in cities like Fallujah and Najaf.

... The situation almost reminds me of parts of Detroit and Philadelphia in the 70's. Police wouldn't even respond to calls sometimes for fear of going in deep at night.

... At times, this effort reminds me somewhat of the 80's when the Mujahideen were handing the superior forces of the Soviet Union their asses in Afghanistan.

When I post "nothing will happen" thats exactly what I mean.
Again our warriors are not allowed to do whats needed, putting themselves in greater danger because of it all because the politicians, media and the sheeple don't have the stomach for it.
Link Posted: 9/23/2004 5:06:08 PM EDT


What will it take for people to wake up and realize that the WOT cannot be won if we continue to fight it in the way that we are.

It will take a kidnapping and beheading here in the states.
Link Posted: 9/23/2004 5:06:37 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/23/2004 5:08:57 PM EDT

When I post "nothing will happen" thats exactly what I mean.
Again our warriors are not allowed to do whats needed, putting themselves in greater danger because of it all because the politicians, media and the sheeple don't have the stomach for it.

You can bet our boys over there have ideas on how to handle the situation.

This is why we should not have given the Iraqi council power until AFTER Zarqawi was dead. Right now we operate in submission to Iraqi sovereignty. If we had a free hand....

Course we had a free hand, and we still let the piggy little bastard run around. So it wouldn't make much difference either way.
Link Posted: 9/23/2004 5:13:44 PM EDT



What will it take for people to wake up and realize that the WOT cannot be won if we continue to fight it in the way that we are.

It will take a kidnapping and beheading here in the states.

Funny, I have been thinking the same thing...except I think it will be a fairly famous person.
Americans love their stupid fucking celebrities. Most couldnt give a shit that the average soldier is living below the poverty line because they are too damn busy reading about who Britney Spears is fucking this week....but when they see a video of her getting her head cut off with a butcher knife, and then placed on the back of her prone corpse....maybe they will start to get the message.

Yeah...its going to be an interesting couple of years.

Link Posted: 9/23/2004 5:15:04 PM EDT


When I post "nothing will happen" thats exactly what I mean.
Again our warriors are not allowed to do whats needed, putting themselves in greater danger because of it all because the politicians, media and the sheeple don't have the stomach for it.

You can bet our boys over there have ideas on how to handle the situation.

This is why we should not have given the Iraqi council power until AFTER Zarqawi was dead. Right now we operate in submission to Iraqi sovereignty. If we had a free hand....

Course we had a free hand, and we still let the piggy little bastard run around. So it wouldn't make much difference either way.

Iraq was turned over so it would look like there was progress being made. In my view, every time a tango is dropped progress is being made. I do agree that it's time to stop the BS and do what's needed. If the new Iraqi armed forces can handle the job, then by all means let them do it, until then everyone should stay out of the way (that includes the polititians).
Link Posted: 9/23/2004 5:16:19 PM EDT

“The heads of the two criminal agents of Italian intelligence, Simona Pari and Simona Torretta have been chopped off by knife without pity or mercy,” said the claim.

I am literally in tears for these 2 women.

How brave and strong these merciless sons of pigs are! Beheading women who came to help the Iraqi children have a better life, while entire divisions of infidel US Marines and US Army are all around them!

I hope and pray for the justice of Almighty God (not the pissant moon idol Allah) and that the violence and malice that these bastards inflict on innocent men and women be measured back to them 10 fold!

I cannot accurately express my desire to see horrible things happen in Iraq!
Link Posted: 9/23/2004 5:39:35 PM EDT
Now women too...  Those murdering bastards!  I pray that our troops catch them soon and end this with extreme prejudice.

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