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Posted: 9/23/2004 8:41:53 AM EDT
    My day started out great, this morning 10 brand new Mags showed up at my door from Tapco, I left for school and aced a Chem. 160 quiz and got a 92% on a test that was returned this morning. On my way out of class I grab the News-Leader and open it to the Opinion page and my jaw just dropped; a local Psychologist and former member of the NRA wrote an article called, “Lifting of gun ban marks end of NRA.”

    Letting the assault weapons ban expire shows what can happen when a crafty congress and president sell out to the unscrupulous National Rifle Association.
   The NRA, arms manufacturers, arms dealers and criminals win. The public loses, now every criminal and mentally deranged person can have access, albeit illegally, to weapons matching the firepower of a well armed policeman.
   As strange as it my seem, the expiration of the assault weapons ban marks the beginning of the end for the National Rifle Association, but the NRA unwittingly lacks the ability to see its own demise. Nonetheless, it will happen.
   Eventually, someone with an assault weapon – as before the ban – will assassinate all the customers in a fast food store ore kill a dozen or more workers in a manufacturing plant, all with a gun that doesn’t need reloading. When this happens, as it did in Australia, Britain and California, there will be an uprising unlike any we have ever seen demanding common-sense gun control laws we would have except for paranoia in the National Rifle Association.
   The laws enacted will require the registration of all gun owners, the registration of all guns owned, and limit the number of guns a person may buy in a year. Mention these three laws, and any NRA member worth his shooter’s cap will have a panic attack.
   The expiration of the assault weapons ban should be a wake-up call to expose the warped thinking and mendacious actions of NRA. We don’t have to wait for a mass murder. A good lace to begin is by showing that the NRA’s “patriotic” defense of the Second Amendment is nothing more than hogwash. It uses the Second Amendment as a smokescreen to defend its irrational and illogical proposals under the pretext that legality equals sanity.
   Accordingly, we must hold the NRA responsible for its irrational acts and pass sensible gun control laws, ideally before a massacre occurs. The NRA is a seriously flawed organization that will lose its power when sufficiently exposed for what it is, an affliction on society.

  I’m sorry if there are any typos in this I’ve typed it up pretty quick and my head is spinning with how to reply to this in 200 words. I’ve got to go to work soon, but if you guys have any words of advice or statements that I should be include in my “Reader’s Letter” they would be greatly appreciated. I am not the best writer so if you are please help; I would like to defend my brother in the NRA from such a brainless attack.

Thanks Friends,
Link Posted: 9/23/2004 8:49:18 AM EDT
This one obviously believes that MGs are now legal.

A good lace to begin is by showing that the NRA’s “patriotic” defense of the Second Amendment is nothing more than hogwash. It uses the Second Amendment as a smokescreen to defend its irrational and illogical proposals under the pretext that legality equals sanity.

There's your weak spot.  It basically says that the constitution means nothing.  Would he/she like a similar interpretation of other civil liberties.  "Innocent until proven guilty!"  Not for you, you are clearly a bad man, and we cannot risk your release back into society.
Link Posted: 9/23/2004 8:51:57 AM EDT
Why do you decide to "have a bad day" because of the opinions of others.  If you chose to respond, try this.

Dear Editor:

Regarding:  your recent editorial lamenting the death of the so-called Assault Weapons Ban

If there is one thing we have learned in the past month, it is that the traditional media outlets are populated by people who not only have strong political agendas, but are also more than willing to use those agendas to color "the facts" they present.

Much of what you offer as facts are in fact politically-colored mistatements.  

When I was growing up, my parents told me not to believe everything I read in the newspaper.  Nowdays, it can be strongly argued that one should actually believe the opposite of what is in print in a daily paper.


An alternative letter:

Dear Son-of-a-bitch:

Strong letter to follow.....
Link Posted: 9/23/2004 8:57:36 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/23/2004 9:00:06 AM EDT
What's the name of the rag.
Link Posted: 9/23/2004 9:04:01 AM EDT

What's the name of the rag.

Thomas Withers
Link Posted: 9/23/2004 9:21:08 AM EDT
When did the NICS background checks become a law?


Link Posted: 9/23/2004 9:27:57 AM EDT

When did the NICS background checks become a law?



I think it was part of the Brady Law that was passed at the same time as the '94 AWB.
Link Posted: 9/23/2004 9:31:43 AM EDT
Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act (Brady Act) of 1993, Public Law 103-159, the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS)

Brady Act but not in 1994, can anyone confirm this find?
Link Posted: 9/23/2004 9:38:51 AM EDT

The Assault Weapons Ban had no measurable affect on crime, because it was never designed to. It was a half hearted misguided attempt to prevent sane, law-abiding people from owning weapons with certain features that do not affect the basic functionality of the weapon. The Assault Weapons Ban isWAS a self contained lie, that depends dependedon your capability to believe that guns, not bad people, commit crimes, and leads led you to believe that another law will be obeyed by the lawless.
The Assault Weapons Ban is WAS a toothless law that degrades and perverts the concept of what the law should be - a vehicle to enable a legal punishment of those who hurt other people. No law ever made can do what the AWB was touted to do: prevent crime.

Edited to correct past tense for "AWB of days gone by"  
Link Posted: 9/23/2004 10:17:53 AM EDT
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