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Posted: 9/13/2004 6:20:21 AM EDT
Kerry Slams Bush Over Assault Weapons Ban Monday, September 13, 2004

WASHINGTON — John Kerry (search) is criticizing President Bush for letting a decade-long ban on assault weapons expire while unveiling his own $5 billion plan to fight crime.

"George Bush made a choice today," the president's Democratic challenger said in remarks prepared for a Washington audience Monday. "He chose his powerful friends in the gun lobby over the police officers and the families he promised to protect."

Republican leaders in Congress said last week they have no plans to renew the 1994 ban on 19 types of military-style assault weapons (search), even as some law enforcement officials encouraged them to keep the prohibition alive.

Kerry also faulted Bush for proposing deep cuts to the Community Oriented Policing Services (search) program, known as COPS, which the Massachusetts senator pushed to passage 10 years ago. The program provides grants to state and local agencies to hire police officers. Bush proposed cutting it from $482 million to $97 million next year.

Kerry said renewing the assault weapons ban would not interfere with the Second Amendment rights of gun owners. The Democrat was appearing with gun control activist Sarah Brady, whose husband, Jim Brady (search), was shot in the 1981 assassination attempt on President Reagan.

"Let me be very clear. I support the Second Amendment. I've been a hunter all my life," Kerry said. "But I don't think we need to make the job of terrorists any easier."

Bush-Cheney campaign spokesman Steve Schmidt said, "Senator Kerry has spent his entire 20-year career in the U.S. Senate fighting against Second Amendment rights."

Kerry was also outlining a $5 billion, 10-year anti-crime agenda, paid for by a routine extension of customs fees already included in numerous pending bills.

To cut crime, he would restore the assault weapons ban and push to:— Fund the COPS program to the full amount authorized by Congress.

— Ensure that state and local law enforcement agencies get access to the national terrorist lists, and simplify those lists.

— Increase scrutiny of purchases at gun shows.

— Enforce existing gun laws and help U.S. attorneys battle interstate gun trafficking.

— Crack down on gang violence and increase former gang members' access to jobs, job training, school and drug rehabilitation.

— Increase federal aid to local governments fighting methamphetamine and ban bulk purchasing of over-the-counter drugs used to manufacture methamphetamine.

— Hire 5,000 new community prosecutors over five years.

— Expand DNA testing and remove statue of limitations on some DNA evidence.

— Provide money for jobs and technology to improve probation and parole systems.

On Sunday, the Justice Department said the nation's crime rate last year held steady at the lowest levels since the government began surveying crime victims in 1973, the latest in a decade-long trend showing violent crime falling.

Link Posted: 9/13/2004 6:22:08 AM EDT
And he would do this all by decree, no doubt?  Why even involve Congress when the executive has so much power these days...

Screw him.
Link Posted: 9/13/2004 6:25:45 AM EDT
Executive Order, like Clinton did in 1999 banning the importation receivers that can take hi-caps
Link Posted: 9/13/2004 6:30:36 AM EDT
He need to win an election first.
Link Posted: 9/13/2004 6:31:25 AM EDT
Didn't Klinton say about EOs "stroke of the pen, kinda cool"?
Link Posted: 9/13/2004 6:35:50 AM EDT

Yes, I'm sure all the criminals and terrorists where holding off their killing spree's until the AWB sunset so they could purchase all the guns they needed.  Gotta keep their activities legal you know...

Yeah right, what a dumbass.

Link Posted: 9/13/2004 6:42:34 AM EDT
The EO of another AWB. Yet another reason to vote Bush.
Link Posted: 9/13/2004 6:47:20 AM EDT


Yes, I'm sure all the criminals and terrorists where holding off their killing spree's until the AWB sunset so they could purchase all the guns they needed.  Gotta keep their activities legal you know...

Yeah right, what a dumbass.

And if they couldn't get AW's, then what do they think they would use next?  I gues shotguns and hundguns would be logical.  We'd have to ban them also.  And after that, knives.  Lets ban them too
Link Posted: 9/13/2004 6:48:08 AM EDT
Well...guess I won't be voting for Kerry now...wait a minute...I wasn't voting for him anyway...
Link Posted: 9/13/2004 6:53:54 AM EDT

Didn't Klinton say about EOs "stroke of the pen, kinda cool"?

Paul Baugala said it- "Stroke of the pen, law of the land. Kinda kewl isn't it? " Paraphrasing but that should be pretty close.

Rule by decree, the ignorant masses have no business living in a truly free society.
Link Posted: 9/13/2004 7:05:16 AM EDT
I don't see where such a position is going to help Kerry at all. Other than states like CA, NY, MA, etc (which Kerry is already pretty much assured of winning), most of the rest of nation is pretty pro-gun. His position certainly isn't going to help him in many of the "battleground" states where people tend to be very pro-gun.

Of course Kerry doesn't seem to be capable of making many wise decisions in this campaign, so it's no great shock. But I think this will likely hurt him instead of help him. Up until this point, guns haven't been a big issue in this election, being overshadowed by the war, terrorism, the economy, healthcare, etc. Kerry doesn't want to piss off gun owners and give them another reason to dislike him. But let him. LOL. The more people he can piss off, the better off we'll be.

Link Posted: 9/13/2004 7:14:33 AM EDT
I look at this way. 9-11 sent a message to your average man on the street and why I believe you're see more focus on protecting yourself.

In the back of everyone's mind is the question; "If the government can't protect me, who will?

Guess I'll protect myself"

I'm surprised that Kerry's advisors pushed this. I don't see it sticking to the wall and when the AWB sunsets, and nothing happens, he'll just look like more of a fool.

Link Posted: 9/13/2004 7:17:29 AM EDT

I look at this way. 9-11 sent a message to your average man on the street and why I believe you're see more focus on protecting yourself.

In the back of everyone's mind is the question; "If the government can't protect me, who will?

Guess I'll protect myself"

I'm surprised that Kerry's advisors pushed this. I don't see it sticking to the wall and when the AWB sunsets, and nothing happens, he'll just look like more of a fool.

What do you mean WHEN the AWB sunsets?  ITS BEEN GONE FOR 11 HOURS AND 17 MINUTES NOW!
Link Posted: 9/13/2004 7:19:57 AM EDT
[braindead] "Remember the Neocons are just like the Demo's! Vote third party and send a message!" [/braindead]
Link Posted: 9/13/2004 7:20:54 AM EDT
Breaking news:

Kerry to lose election and then hang himself because he's a loser and "war criminal"
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