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Posted: 9/1/2004 6:22:17 AM EDT

Tyler Durden
I want no Republican "friends"....

...associates, aquaintances or relatives.


I don't want to discuss politics with some Republican asshole. I don't want to have drinks with one, share an office with one, have sex with one, or even stop on the side of a road in the rain to help one change a tire.

Fuck them. Fuck them all. I hate them for destroying the nation where I was born. I hate them for making me feel unwelcome in the community where my home is. I hate them for their selfishness which has made a mockery of the democratic process, And I hate them for the death that they deal to the helpless in the name of money.

I repeat; Fuck them all. At this point, I would not cross the street to pick one of them up out of a body of water where they were drowning: GOOD. One less of them to vote for the scum that they support and the filth that they do to the rest of us.

The camel's back is broken, folks. Don't think it's going to heal soon.


comment : "the smell of napalm in the morning.........smells like VICTORY"
Link Posted: 9/1/2004 6:23:10 AM EDT
Excellent.  I feel the same way about them.  But I don't let it eat me up.
Link Posted: 9/1/2004 6:23:54 AM EDT
I pretty much feel the same way about Liberals.  
Link Posted: 9/1/2004 6:27:14 AM EDT

hey were drowning: GOOD. One less of them to vote for

He has bad punctuation, amongst his other lacking cerebral skills.
Link Posted: 9/1/2004 6:30:18 AM EDT

Tyler Durden
I want no Republican "friends"....

...associates, aquaintances or relatives.


I don't want to discuss politics with some Republican asshole. I don't want to have drinks with one, share an office with one, have sex with one, or even stop on the side of a road in the rain to help one change a tire.

Fuck them. Fuck them all. I hate them for destroying the nation where I was born. I hate them for making me feel unwelcome in the community where my home is. I hate them for their selfishness which has made a mockery of the democratic process, And I hate them for the death that they deal to the helpless in the name of money.

I repeat; Fuck them all. At this point, I would not cross the street to pick one of them up out of a body of water where they were drowning: GOOD. One less of them to vote for the scum that they support and the filth that they do to the rest of us.

The camel's back is broken, folks. Don't think it's going to heal soon.

<edited to remove brutally bright yellow "This image was stolen" picture -DF>
Link Posted: 9/1/2004 6:30:37 AM EDT

I hate them for making me feel unwelcome in the community where my home is.

Gee, that is how I feel in my hometown with all the ILLEGAL immigrants.
Link Posted: 9/1/2004 6:30:54 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/1/2004 6:33:21 AM EDT

Originally Posted By One "Tyler Durden" At DU:
I want no Republican "friends"....

...associates, aquaintances or relatives.


I don't want to discuss politics with some Republican *******. I don't want to have drinks with one, share an office with one, have sex with one, or even stop on the side of a road in the rain to help one change a tire.

**** them. **** them all. I hate them for destroying the nation where I was born. I hate them for making me feel unwelcome in the community where my home is. I hate them for their selfishness which has made a mockery of the democratic process, And I hate them for the death that they deal to the helpless in the name of money.

I repeat; **** them all. At this point, I would not cross the street to pick one of them up out of a body of water where they were drowning: GOOD. One less of them to vote for the scum that they support and the filth that they do to the rest of us.

The camel's back is broken, folks. Don't think it's going to heal soon.

Some people just don't get it.  

Originally Posted By Jesus Of Nazareth:
Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy.  But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.  For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? do not even the publicans the same?  And if ye salute your brethren only, what do ye more than others? do not even the publicans so?

Link Posted: 9/1/2004 6:33:57 AM EDT
Why does everyone want to be Tyler Durden?  There are billions of them on message boards, chat rooms, Kazaa, and the like.  There was even one here for awhile.  Didn't he change his name to EricE or somthing like that?
Link Posted: 9/1/2004 6:38:11 AM EDT
I have heard the same sentiment here -------------
what a shame when one allows politics to consume them so........ on both sides.
Link Posted: 9/1/2004 6:40:15 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/1/2004 6:40:16 AM EDT

comment : "the smell of napalm in the morning.........smells like VICTORY"

Take it easy there, guy. I don't smell all THAT great in the morning.

Link Posted: 9/1/2004 6:41:15 AM EDT
First, the goons in power are fascist totalitarians. We might as well say it out loud ... I myself can no longer give them the benefit of the doubt, nor cling to any last shred of hope I am wrong about that.

I know several conservatives who feel the same way. In fact, they were instrumental in convincing me of the true enormity of the threat.

This country is well served when there is rational discourse between liberals and conservatives. Right now, I see lines of war between us are being drawn ... it is senseless, it is stupid, and thanks to W it may be inevitable.

War....I wish
Link Posted: 9/1/2004 6:42:30 AM EDT

Why does everyone want to be Tyler Durden?  There are billions of them on message boards, chat rooms, Kazaa, and the like.  There was even one here for awhile.  Didn't he change his name to EricE or somthing like that?

It just points out that people who've watched the movie didn't get the point of it story.  Tyler's the bad guy, but everyone fails to realize that.

As far as the poster on DU, anyone who can come unhinged like that because of politics is definitely unstable.  I'd be afraid he'd snap and start killing people he considered conservatives.

Remember the Alamo, and God Bless Texas...
Link Posted: 9/1/2004 6:42:45 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/1/2004 6:55:35 AM EDT
That's exactly how I feel. I wouldn't piss on a Republican's head if it was on fire.

Fuck every last one of them, period.

This asshole wins again, and I probably am going to leave the country. I've always wanted to live in the Caribbean.

Hope so
Link Posted: 9/1/2004 6:59:43 AM EDT

This country is well served when there is rational discourse between liberals and conservatives. Right now, I see lines of war between us are being drawn ... it is senseless, it is stupid, and thanks to W it may be inevitable.

Free reactive targets!
Link Posted: 9/1/2004 7:00:42 AM EDT

First, the goons in power are fascist totalitarians. We might as well say it out loud ... I myself can no longer give them the benefit of the doubt, nor cling to any last shred of hope I am wrong about that.

I know several conservatives who feel the same way. In fact, they were instrumental in convincing me of the true enormity of the threat.

This country is well served when there is rational discourse between liberals and conservatives. Right now, I see lines of war between us are being drawn ... it is senseless, it is stupid, and thanks to W it may be inevitable.

War....I wish

WAR! I suppose they are all good Dems and turned in their guns? It will be like that great scene where the guy with a sword confronts Indiana Jones  and Indy pulls out his revolver and shoots him to save time!
Link Posted: 9/1/2004 7:01:32 AM EDT
I've been doing a lot of reading at DU the last couple of days.  I can't believe the crap posted over there.  They are claiming the media is favoring Bush, "just like in 2000"!  OMG!!!!
Link Posted: 9/1/2004 7:05:13 AM EDT

That's exactly how I feel. I wouldn't piss on a Republican's head if it was on fire.

Fuck every last one of them, period.

This asshole wins again, and I probably am going to leave the country. I've always wanted to live in the Caribbean.

Hope so

These guys are stupid enough to think that drug laws in the caribbean are lax compared to here.

"Yeh, I move to Jamaica or Nassau and get high everyday with the locals"

What a reality check a caribbean prison would be.  "Where's my air conditioning?, where is my vegetarian meal?  where is my mommie?  Where is my sellout court appointed attorney dedicated to getting me off the hook?"
Link Posted: 9/1/2004 7:05:48 AM EDT
DU Compassion 2004:

Giuliani = Mussolini (because he has an Italian name and is a Republican)

Schwartzeneggar = Hitler (because he has a German name and is a Republican)

Link Posted: 9/1/2004 7:08:40 AM EDT
LMAO......these fucking numbskulls are making my day. I love to see democraps melt down. WAR? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA .........little bitches.
Link Posted: 9/1/2004 7:28:27 AM EDT
MLK and Malcom were not shot by the power elite. They might have ORDERED it, but "Joe Sixpack Bigot" did the shooting.

In order to have a Nazi Party, you have to have Brown Shirts and Storm Troopers. The Republicans have figured out (as Gaius Julius Caesar did so many years ago) that if you just do "US vs THEM," then there are always troops just waiting to bust heads and burn synagogues.

The Republican Party in its current incarnation will not be satisfied with anything less than the political version of Krystalnacht, Blitzkreig, and the Final Solution. They are bringing on Political Ragarnok, and personally, I hope that when the smoke clears that they have gone the way of the WHIGS, KNOW-NOTHINGS, and BULLMOOSE parties.

I say again: Fuck them. They are beneath my contempt, and I hate them for what they have done in the name of their evil agenda.

They're killing me
Link Posted: 9/1/2004 7:30:29 AM EDT


First, the goons in power are fascist totalitarians. We might as well say it out loud ... I myself can no longer give them the benefit of the doubt, nor cling to any last shred of hope I am wrong about that.

I know several conservatives who feel the same way. In fact, they were instrumental in convincing me of the true enormity of the threat.

This country is well served when there is rational discourse between liberals and conservatives. Right now, I see lines of war between us are being drawn ... it is senseless, it is stupid, and thanks to W it may be inevitable.

War....I wish

That really is their perception.  And thanks to that newfound perception, a lot of them are hopping off the gunhating wagon and arming themselves for the war.

yeah, but they always forget the ammo.  We don't.
Link Posted: 9/1/2004 7:36:44 AM EDT

LMAO......these fucking numbskulls are making my day. I love to see democraps melt down.

Link Posted: 9/1/2004 7:41:19 AM EDT
Damn.  Those liberal rants are making me feel all warm an cozy.

Suddenly the world is a brighter place.  
Link Posted: 9/1/2004 7:45:59 AM EDT
We have to protect ourselves from these loonies.
I would suggest everyone get an AR-15...they are very scary guns and easily converted to full auto.
Link Posted: 9/1/2004 7:46:50 AM EDT
I can't wait to mix up some boat drinks and troll DU on election night.  It's the little things in life that you need to enjoy.

[Humming]  Boat drinks the boys in the band ordered boat I've got to go where it's warm [humminh]
Link Posted: 9/1/2004 7:50:35 AM EDT


Tyler Durden
I want no Republican "friends"....

...associates, aquaintances or relatives.


I don't want to discuss politics with some Republican asshole. I don't want to have drinks with one, share an office with one, have sex with one, or even stop on the side of a road in the rain to help one change a tire.

Fuck them. Fuck them all. I hate them for destroying the nation where I was born. I hate them for making me feel unwelcome in the community where my home is. I hate them for their selfishness which has made a mockery of the democratic process, And I hate them for the death that they deal to the helpless in the name of money.

I repeat; Fuck them all. At this point, I would not cross the street to pick one of them up out of a body of water where they were drowning: GOOD. One less of them to vote for the scum that they support and the filth that they do to the rest of us.

The camel's back is broken, folks. Don't think it's going to heal soon.


comment : "the smell of napalm in the morning.........smells like VICTORY"

Hey ! If you feel unwelcome in your own neighborhood then it sounds like your neighbors may not want skanky white-trash around!

You are not the type to stop and help anyone on the side of the road anyway! Only a conservative person is willing to help their neighbor! You would say "Let the government help them...hell it's their job!"

So pack your bags, move out of your parents house, get a job and become a useful member of society.

Link Posted: 9/1/2004 7:55:15 AM EDT
Hey Dems:



Keep 'em coming...

Link Posted: 9/1/2004 8:02:20 AM EDT

The forces around, inside and allied with the Republicans no longer respect difference, diversity, or other points of view.

They don't say, "Well, that's your point of view," they say, "NO! YOU'RE WRONG! AND BECAUSE OF THAT, YOU MEAN NOTHING."

You are trying to negotiate with Nazis. All that gets you is Auschwitz, and sorry, but me and my family are not going to get on the train just to prove how "nice" we are.

Time to storm the Bastille, and if it brings on the "Guillotine" for the Republicans and their ilk, then GOOD

Bring it
Link Posted: 9/1/2004 8:26:28 AM EDT
The TV was on, probably the History Channel. Historians were spouting off a list of Hitler's crimes and the wife was making little "horrified sympathy" noises. I wanted to shove the pro-Bush sticker in their faces and say, "Don't you think the Iraqis are dying? Don't you think the Iraqis are starving? All because this evil man started an unnecessary war! He's already putting people in concentration camps! He's already torturing them! Right now it's mostly Arabs, but if this goes on, do you really think he's going to stop there?

Now I'm getting pissed
Link Posted: 9/1/2004 8:29:37 AM EDT


The forces around, inside and allied with the Republicans no longer respect difference, diversity, or other points of view.

They don't say, "Well, that's your point of view," they say, "NO! YOU'RE WRONG! AND BECAUSE OF THAT, YOU MEAN NOTHING."

You are trying to negotiate with Nazis. All that gets you is Auschwitz, and sorry, but me and my family are not going to get on the train just to prove how "nice" we are.

Time to storm the Bastille, and if it brings on the "Guillotine" for the Republicans and their ilk, then GOOD

www.xzodus.com/gifs/finger.gif Bring it

As if these 'pole-smokers' would know anything about Auschwitz! Hell if were left up to them the imprisoned would have all died!

On one hand they are screaming "Bring our son's home!" and on the other hand they are saying "We (the Demz!) will do a better job of stopping the terrorism and getting rid of the terrorists!"

Their diatribe is just so laughable it is almost 'not funny'!

Link Posted: 9/1/2004 8:51:53 AM EDT
As a Vietnam veteran living in a liberal state, I've had to put up with THEIR shit for over 30 years. This is music to my ears. I can't say I hate them, I've gotten past that, but I am sure glad to see the re-emergance of America's core value system. America has more important things to do than indulge the whims of every malcontent growing up in the cities.

The only thing the liberals are losing are their illusions.
Link Posted: 9/1/2004 8:52:09 AM EDT
I propose to be part of the RESISTANCE MOVEMENT. Fight from the sewers of Paris and Krakow.

I'm not going to COOPERATE with them, I'm going to oppose them even more strongly than I ever did, and if that doesn't work, I'll become a refugee with my family.

The current incarnation of the Republican Party does not believe they have anything in common with us. Note I do not call them "subhuman, idiots, morons," which, they are not.

What they ARE is convinced, in a quasi-religious form of political ecstasy, that they and their "philosophy" are the one and only true saviors of the nation and freedom.

You cannot fight fanatics. You can only oppose them, and hope to God that you win, because they take no prisoners.

I would meet ANY "Conservative" on middle ground; Republicans are NOT Conservatives, and they consider that anyone who believes, actually, just like you do is not only the enemy, but the ULTIMATE AND ONLY ENEMY. A traitor, a turncoat who "hates America."

You can't fight the Nazis with love: it didn't work the last time either.

Man this guy needs to find a husband fast
Link Posted: 9/1/2004 8:56:03 AM EDT
Damn hippies
Link Posted: 9/1/2004 9:00:35 AM EDT

Originally Posted By Some Stupid DU Hippie:

You can't fight the Nazis with love: it didn't work the last time either.

And how do these heros fight the "Nazis"?

Why, by refusing to have lunch with them, and making rude comments.
Their chief weapon against the "Nazis", is the scathing anonymous post on some internet message board.

Not exactly Audie Murphy.
Link Posted: 9/1/2004 9:02:06 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/1/2004 9:06:47 AM EDT

And thanks to that newfound perception, a lot of them are hopping off the gunhating wagon and arming themselves for the war.

with WHAT?  a 10/22 and a .38???

You might want to explain the inbro ref to those not in the know
Link Posted: 9/1/2004 9:13:30 AM EDT
The Republicans I know vote either completely on self-interest (greed) or on the basis of lies and misinformation (ignorance).

The greed thing I don't know how we can combat, but the ignorance thing I used to think was fixable....now I'm not so sure. It seems like all of the mainstream media has become a mouthpiece for the propaganda of the Right-Wing.


This president was not elected by the people, through either popular or electoral vote. He was appointed by his father's friends on the Supreme Court.

My government does not represent me, and I have never felt such hostile divide between both "sides." If the Boy-King has done one thing it's been to divide us like never before.


Link Posted: 9/1/2004 9:14:35 AM EDT

Tyler Durden
I want no Republican "friends"....

...associates, aquaintances or relatives.


I don't want to discuss politics with some Republican asshole. I don't want to have drinks with one, share an office with one, have sex with one, or even stop on the side of a road in the rain to help one change a tire.

You really think someone in need of a tire change is going to tell you what party they are?
Link Posted: 9/1/2004 9:15:09 AM EDT

All that HATE and we've only had TWO nights of the convention?! lol

I've said it before. They're scared sh*tless.  I spent a whole day reading posts over there and they KNOW that if Bush wins they're finished. No, they won't dry-up and blow away but their existing political structures'll be about worthless to them and they'll have to find something else.

The reaction of the left "Talking-heads" the last couple of nights hasn't been a whole lot better.  The DNC in Boston was the usuall Dem' Gloom-N-Doom with a side order of "Hope" (I didn't catch any of it myself 'cause I was standing in a soup line next to a legless guy who'd had his medical benefits stolen by Dick Cheney on his way to cash an oil check from Iraq but friends told me about it) and the RNC has been a celebration of what's GOOD about America and THAT's "Off-Message" for the left.
Link Posted: 9/1/2004 9:37:03 AM EDT
Wow! Just saw the DU ban a guy in 8 posts. Record?
Link Posted: 9/1/2004 9:43:38 AM EDT


Tyler Durden
I want no Republican "friends"....

...associates, aquaintances or relatives.


I don't want to discuss politics with some Republican asshole. I don't want to have drinks with one, share an office with one, have sex with one, or even stop on the side of a road in the rain to help one change a tire.

Fuck them. Fuck them all. I hate them for destroying the nation where I was born. I hate them for making me feel unwelcome in the community where my home is. I hate them for their selfishness which has made a mockery of the democratic process, And I hate them for the death that they deal to the helpless in the name of money.

I repeat; Fuck them all. At this point, I would not cross the street to pick one of them up out of a body of water where they were drowning: GOOD. One less of them to vote for the scum that they support and the filth that they do to the rest of us.

The camel's back is broken, folks. Don't think it's going to heal soon.


comment : "the smell of napalm in the morning.........smells like VICTORY"

Well, regardless of political belief, I know I'm a better man than he is. He's telling us a lot more about his own character than any Republicans.
Link Posted: 9/1/2004 9:46:54 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/1/2004 9:49:50 AM EDT

I propose to be part of the RESISTANCE MOVEMENT. Fight from the sewers of Paris and Krakow.

I'm not going to COOPERATE with them, I'm going to oppose them even more strongly than I ever did, and if that doesn't work, I'll become a refugee with my family.

The current incarnation of the Republican Party does not believe they have anything in common with us. Note I do not call them "subhuman, idiots, morons," which, they are not.

What they ARE is convinced, in a quasi-religious form of political ecstasy, that they and their "philosophy" are the one and only true saviors of the nation and freedom.

You cannot fight fanatics. You can only oppose them, and hope to God that you win, because they take no prisoners.

I would meet ANY "Conservative" on middle ground; Republicans are NOT Conservatives, and they consider that anyone who believes, actually, just like you do is not only the enemy, but the ULTIMATE AND ONLY ENEMY. A traitor, a turncoat who "hates America."

You can't fight the Nazis with love: it didn't work the last time either.

Man this guy needs to find a husband fast

What is it called again when someone makes scathing overgeneralizations and stereotypes concerning a large group of people? Isn't that something that the liberals despise?
Link Posted: 9/1/2004 10:04:14 AM EDT

Wow! Just saw the DU ban a guy in 8 posts. Record?

No, They will ban after one post
Link Posted: 9/1/2004 10:06:20 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/1/2004 10:27:11 AM EDT
My God, and these people somehow get away with calling us bigots and hatemongers.

That thread reminds me of a joke that was emailed to me recently.  I'll go ahead and quote it hear as it illustrates a differance...

You're in Florida...In Miami, to be exact... There is great chaos going on around you, caused by a hurricane and severe floods....... There are huge masses of water all over you.... You are a photographer and you are in the middle of this great disaster. The situation is nearly hopeless.

You're trying to shoot very impressive photos. There are houses and
people floating around you, disappearing into the water. Nature is
showing all its destroying power and is ripping everything away with it.

You see a woman in the water; she is fighting for her life, trying not
to be taken away by the masses of water and mud. You move closer.
Somehow the woman looks familiar.

Suddenly you know who it is - it's Hillary Clinton!

At the same time you notice that the raging waters are about to take her away, forever.

You have two options. You can save her or you can take the best photo of your life.

So you can save the life of Hillary Clinton, or you can shoot a Pulitzer Prize winning photo --- a unique photo displaying the death of one of the country's most powerful women.

And here's the question: (Please be honest)

Would you select color film, or go with the simplicity of classic black and white?

Now I recall that the first time I read that, before getting to the punchline, I was thinking OFCOURSE I would do everything in my power to save her life.  Likely I would endanger my own life and would be glad to do it.  It's just the right thing to do.

The people in that thread are going through a serious meltdown.  I feel sad for them, but at the same time it give me a warm feeling inside.
Link Posted: 9/1/2004 10:38:47 AM EDT
Some libs can be a pretty good lay....I almost married one...*shudders*
Link Posted: 9/2/2004 9:30:34 AM EDT
These kids are from the middle class and lower parts of our society.
Some wanted to go to college and others wanted to make the military a career. Both thought they would only be asked to die for the sake of our country being safe. Facts show that is not the case.

I have two boys who will be 17 years old this year. I have told one person who had a Bush sign in her garage years ago that if my boys are stolen because you wanted a tax cut then I will come over and kick your ass. I'm not kidding either. This isn't about ideology anymore this is about blood.
Thats what its all about. When we reach peak oil in 20 years, do you want to be ready for that or not?

Republicans and specifically the Bushes will just spend all our resources on finding the last drop of oil, while Kerry will make us ready for a world where oil is not a source of energy.

I can also make the argument that Republicans stand to profit A LOT MORE when there are wars to be fought and defense contractors to be paid.

That is what its all about.

Do you want to go down in flames with republicans or build for the future with democrats.

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