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Posted: 8/18/2004 9:19:11 PM EDT
I am picking the heat.

It is too hot and I am tired of it.

Can't do shit in the heat

So what is your bitch??

Link Posted: 8/18/2004 9:20:20 PM EDT
I need more friends who are into firearms. I don't have many shooting buddies.
Link Posted: 8/18/2004 9:20:46 PM EDT
I got class starting in 10 days. Books are expensive.
Link Posted: 8/18/2004 9:21:17 PM EDT
My fucking boss.  He constantly goes on long tirades about how other people have fucked him, done him wrong, and how he's dissatisfied with work and in his personal life.

I DONT FUCKING CARE!  Please shut up!
Link Posted: 8/18/2004 9:21:43 PM EDT
My damn leg hurts!!! Vicoden just takes the edge off.
Link Posted: 8/18/2004 9:22:13 PM EDT
Air Force underpaid me then I got double charged by USAA for two loans taking away an extra $500
Link Posted: 8/18/2004 9:22:18 PM EDT
I've got the use of all of my limbs and all of my senses. I've got 3 ARs ready for assembly come September 13/14th....I can't think of one thing to bitch about. Life is pretty good right now.
Link Posted: 8/18/2004 9:22:28 PM EDT
I only got one can of Diet Rite left in the fridge?
Link Posted: 8/18/2004 9:22:28 PM EDT
Humidtiy here, it hasnt ben that hot recently.  
Im also going to go with the idiots I come across while going through my day, The normaly stopping and standing in middle of a crosswalk, Also the people who couldnt add the Office Depot today.
Link Posted: 8/18/2004 9:22:29 PM EDT

I am picking the heat.

It is too hot and I am tired of it.

Can't do shit in the heat

So what is your bitch??


Where are you at?? It has been unseasonably cool here all summer.

I want to bitch about oblivious peolple on cell phones. God they piss me off. Pay attention!!

Link Posted: 8/18/2004 9:22:58 PM EDT
Five insulin injections daily.  Need to find a way to cure diabetes.
Link Posted: 8/18/2004 9:23:50 PM EDT
Middle of Cali...in the valley...no breeze=hot

Link Posted: 8/18/2004 9:25:01 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/18/2004 9:25:12 PM EDT

Middle of Cali...in the valley...no breeze=hot


Anywhere near Yuba City?
Link Posted: 8/18/2004 9:25:58 PM EDT

I got class starting in 10 days. Books are expensive.

classes started today, and i need to rejuggle my sched. and of course, all the sections are full now
Link Posted: 8/18/2004 9:27:09 PM EDT


Middle of Cali...in the valley...no breeze=hot


Anywhere near Yuba City?

Link Posted: 8/18/2004 9:27:15 PM EDT

Middle of Cali...in the valley...no breeze=hot


Living in El Paso, TX, recently voted the sweatiest city in the US.
Link Posted: 8/18/2004 9:29:26 PM EDT
My hemorrhoids throb when its cold.
Link Posted: 8/18/2004 9:29:27 PM EDT



Middle of Cali...in the valley...no breeze=hot


Anywhere near Yuba City?


Close enough.  I've left base once in the last two weeks.  Went to Sac to work at the Rivercats game as a fundraiser.

And yes, it is too damn hot!  And I'm from Florida.
Link Posted: 8/18/2004 9:30:05 PM EDT
I got a really bad urge to buy a gun going right now.

I also havent gotten laid since removed as to not look like a total loser.
Link Posted: 8/18/2004 9:30:30 PM EDT
Girl I was seeing dissapeared without calling. Came back to town 40 days later with a new boyfriend.
Link Posted: 8/18/2004 9:31:43 PM EDT
I haven't been able to sleep worth a shit for the last two days.

My yard needs to be mowed and I'm too damn lazy to mow it.

I feel a headache coming on.

It's been more than 24 but less than 30 hours since I got laid.
Link Posted: 8/18/2004 9:34:24 PM EDT
Absolutely nothing.  Life isn't exactly great at the moment, but it's not really bad either.  It could be a hell of a lot worse.

Link Posted: 8/18/2004 9:38:54 PM EDT
No job. No money. No car. Class starts Sept. 7. My dad won't ever take me to the range. AC in my room doesn't work. Haven't been laid in... well... sixteen years and about 9 months. My mom's pissed at me for no good reason (I'd tell you why, but it takes up too much space). And everybody telling me to enjoy it while it lasts.
Link Posted: 8/18/2004 9:40:45 PM EDT

No job. No money. No car. Class starts Sept. 7. My dad won't ever take me to the range. AC in my room doesn't work. Haven't been laid in... well... sixteen years and about 9 months. My mom's pissed at me for no good reason (I'd tell you why, but it takes up too much space). And everybody telling me to enjoy it while it lasts.

I'll be honest with you, it can and might will get worse later.
Link Posted: 8/18/2004 9:42:03 PM EDT


No job. No money. No car. Class starts Sept. 7. My dad won't ever take me to the range. AC in my room doesn't work. Haven't been laid in... well... sixteen years and about 9 months. My mom's pissed at me for no good reason (I'd tell you why, but it takes up too much space). And everybody telling me to enjoy it while it lasts.

I'll be honest with you, it can and might will get worse later.

The Neutral Observer will be more honest with you.

It will get worse.  Much worse.
Link Posted: 8/18/2004 9:42:16 PM EDT
I wouldn't mind to be seventeen again.  Just for the carefree lifestyle.
Link Posted: 8/18/2004 9:43:00 PM EDT
I just don't have enough cowbell.
Link Posted: 8/18/2004 9:43:14 PM EDT

So ...what you got to bitch about?

(a) Waiting for UPS to deliver a heavy training bag (bastids said they would be here last week).
(b) Requiring more time to begin loading a shyte load of .45 Super.

Time, there is never enough time....

Enough of a rant???

Damn, with the above being my only complications,  life is not so bad.
Link Posted: 8/18/2004 9:46:39 PM EDT
Did I mention she was lying about her age? Said she was 16, she was really 15. She lied cause she didnt want anyone to know that she was fucking her boyfriend when she was 14 and he was 18. See why I dont chase pussy? Too dangerous. I am 18 and I coulda gone to jail if I had had her.
Link Posted: 8/18/2004 9:48:06 PM EDT



No job. No money. No car. Class starts Sept. 7. My dad won't ever take me to the range. AC in my room doesn't work. Haven't been laid in... well... sixteen years and about 9 months. My mom's pissed at me for no good reason (I'd tell you why, but it takes up too much space). And everybody telling me to enjoy it while it lasts.

I'll be honest with you, it can and might will get worse later.

The Neutral Observer will be more honest with you.

It will get worse.  Much worse.

It does get worse. Just wait till women start fucking with your head.
Link Posted: 8/18/2004 9:50:31 PM EDT

It does get worse. Just wait till women start fucking with your head.

Isn't that what we want?

Oh...you mean that head.
Link Posted: 8/18/2004 9:52:33 PM EDT
I want to add people who speak/type in the third person, thats just wierd.
Link Posted: 8/18/2004 9:52:58 PM EDT
See it goes from choosing not to work and being broke, to having to work so you have what you need to live.  Also goes from having no car, to having to keep up your car, and having people damage you car you try to keep nice.
Link Posted: 8/18/2004 9:54:10 PM EDT
My new RRA lower is at the F'n FFl, and he is close for two days. My lower kit is showing on the truck for delivery, BAAAAA. It will be Saturday before I can get it.

Aww Hell, I'm off Sun&Mon and it is serial #SPR02, so I cain't bitch about that too much.

I can't conceal carry in this gawd forsaken cornfield, that's the one, I pick.
Link Posted: 8/18/2004 9:57:18 PM EDT
As *name deleted* my friend from Central Falls Rhode Island used to say, "You're a no job, no money, no life, no wife, walking the dog mother fucker."

Bitch #1.  11 May 2004 at work, get back to lockup, foreman tells me to call Manpower Mgr.  I call and he says he's temporarily laying me off.  As tough as times have been here, I felt pretty lucky I made it that far.  He tells me to call him the first of June, but for sure everyone in the shop will be back to work by mid July.  Well, it's almost the end of August.  Our shop is going to work on the Toyota plant, but they didn't bid much of anything else.  Now the plant is WAY behind schedule, and we're almost out of work.  So I call the Manpower Mgr Wednesday last week.  I was pissed.  Gave him a piece of my mind - told him "Why the fuck couldn't you just tell me that it would be a while before you called me back?"  I told him that I was gonna take off and travel soon.  He did send me the background check paper work to fill out that's needed to work at USAA, but he said there is a possibility that I (and almost 60 others) won't be back to work until December or so.  He told me (and others) that we would be back to work in June to keep us on Temp Layoff - this company likes the people it has and wants to keep them.  If they would've just laid us off, we could've gone and signed the books.  There's no work anyway for anyone - we've had over 100 people take off for Calif and NV.  If I'd known in May that I'd still be unemployed in August, I would've hit the road then.  Fucker shoudln't have left us hanging!  Damn shop cat!!

Bitch #2.  The ban is ending, and I may have to hit the road - which means I probably better not buy another AR.

Bitch #3.  See #1.

Bitch #4.  I have a San Antonio City license.  I have a Texas State license.  But I don't have a fucking job.

Bitch #5.  I don't have a "Better Half" to post in that thread.


Crap, now I'm even madder.
Link Posted: 8/18/2004 10:00:58 PM EDT
Petty shit.

Thankfully, that's about it.

Link Posted: 8/18/2004 10:01:09 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/18/2004 10:03:38 PM EDT

People who think reading SGN entitles them to "dealer price."

I quess I can kinda fall into that one, I'll pay a decent price but most places want the Jam it to you hard price around here.
Link Posted: 8/18/2004 10:08:13 PM EDT


I got class starting in 10 days. Books are expensive.

classes started today, and i need to rejuggle my sched. and of course, all the sections are full now

Classes start soon and I have to listen to students bitch about expensive books and full sections!  
Link Posted: 8/18/2004 10:23:10 PM EDT
No money, classes start in just over a week, and the mosquitoes are preventing me from going shooting.  I tried shooting them but their pretty damn quick.
Link Posted: 8/18/2004 10:29:29 PM EDT
I live in a newly-declared "HATE FREE ZONE."

Do ya'll have any fucking idea how fucking difficult it is for me to keep myself from going down to city hall and strangling every last motherfucking one of those lilly-livered bastards who approved this fucking madness?

Oops...I mean, Wanna see my butterfly collection?
Link Posted: 8/18/2004 10:36:11 PM EDT
Government needs an enema and too many damn laws.
Link Posted: 8/18/2004 10:37:22 PM EDT
My damn ankle hurts.  More accurately, my foot.  Specifically, a muscle on the side of my foot.
Link Posted: 8/18/2004 10:39:33 PM EDT

My damn ankle hurts.  More accurately, my foot.  Specifically, a muscle on the side of my foot.

Get some teabags (about 5) and put them in a shallow pan that your feet fit in.  Fill it with warm water and add the teabags.  Then incert feets.  The acid from the tea will help the foot swelling.

Link Posted: 8/18/2004 10:41:42 PM EDT
It doesn't swell.

Happens every few months.  I don't really know what causes it.  Just hurts like a sonofabitch for a couple of days and then goes away.

Ibuprofen doesn't help, Icy Hot helps just a little bit.
Link Posted: 8/18/2004 10:43:03 PM EDT
It was over 100 degrees today for the 21st time this year.
It was hooter than hell today.
My wife and daughter have been gone to Oklahoma for 9 days and will not come home for 5 more days.
I have been working a ton of overtime, 15 hours days 10 hours on my day off etc...
I have had to cook and clean and wash my own clothes on top of feeding animals twice a day. (sometimes at 10:30 pm when I get home and at 03:30 AM on those 15 hours days. and mow the lawn.

Did I mention that it is really, really hot?
Link Posted: 8/18/2004 10:44:29 PM EDT
I checked and the domian www.hookersandblow.com is taken.  Damnit I wanted that.

Atleast last time I checked rabiddalamtion.com was still avaialble.,
Link Posted: 8/18/2004 10:58:44 PM EDT

I live in a newly-declared "HATE FREE ZONE."

What the hell is a "hate free zone?"

See it goes from choosing not to work and being broke (etc. etc. etc.)

Choosing, he says. Choosing. Yes, choosing to be rejected from all the jobs I've applied to.
Link Posted: 8/18/2004 11:05:59 PM EDT
My L4-L5 disc is bulged and compressed. It's pressing on my Sciatic nerve and the surgery helped a little but I still have numbness and tingling in my left leg and I can't stand or sit for more than a few hours at a time. They only give you so many pain killers per month.
Link Posted: 8/18/2004 11:07:34 PM EDT


See it goes from choosing not to work and being broke (etc. etc. etc.)

Choosing, he says. Choosing. Yes, choosing to be rejected from all the jobs I've applied to.

I had the same problem, keep trying.
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