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Posted: 5/3/2004 9:19:27 AM EDT
Looks like Rene Gonzalez could easily work for MSNBC and Slate Magazine - EDITED - MSNBC has since changed this cartoon after saying it didn't meet their "standards of fairness and tase".

Well I saved the pic and here is what they HAD posted:

Link Posted: 5/3/2004 9:28:48 AM EDT
These assholes despertly need a first class asswhipping.  
Link Posted: 5/3/2004 9:40:23 AM EDT
I sent an angry letter, but I was too mad to get words out in the fashion intended. I can't even begin to describe the disgust I feel right now.
Link Posted: 5/3/2004 9:46:45 AM EDT
No wonder. That's a Ted Rall masterpiece.

Probably one of the most bilious lefties out there.
Link Posted: 5/3/2004 9:49:16 AM EDT
Ted Rall is a stock standard Bush-hating liberal.  He writes opinion pieces for some left coast rag and can be seen spewing his filth over here: Yahoo News - Opinions
Link Posted: 5/3/2004 9:50:01 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/3/2004 9:52:24 AM EDT
Another person that needs to be set on fire.
Link Posted: 5/3/2004 9:57:21 AM EDT
That's disgusting.

At least Rene was a 'kid'.  I expect a certain about of childish behavior from the young and sheltered.

Like I said in the Rene thread: small, insecure people get off on demeaning those that are stronger, braver, smarter, etc. than themselves.  

I think of all the journalism school students I knew in college and this doesn't surprise me much.  Most of them were never the 'jocks' or popular types.  I guess they go through high school and college being self 'outcasts', and finally when they hit the big time they can get revenge by publicly pissing on the graves of those types that always cast a shadow on them.

That's why I'll never trust the media.  They will always have the chip on their shoulder.

*not all J-school people are like this (but many are) so please don't take offense if you're one of the 'normal' ones.
Link Posted: 5/3/2004 10:03:26 AM EDT
I also noticed that he used the term "afghan resistance" rather than Taliban in an effort to make it look more like a national resistance rather than the fringe element that it is.

Truth isn't necessary as long as the information serves the "greater good."

These people make me physically ill.
Link Posted: 5/3/2004 10:08:32 AM EDT
Anyone got a link to the email for MSNBC?
Link Posted: 5/3/2004 10:10:24 AM EDT
This is an outrage and I will never go anywhere near MSNBC again, for any reason. The political and military points of the joke are correct, but to use the death of what should be an American hero is an outrage.
Link Posted: 5/3/2004 10:11:17 AM EDT


I think of all the journalism school students I knew in college and this doesn't surprise me much.  Most of them were never the 'jocks' or popular types.  I guess they go through high school and college being self 'outcasts',

That totally goes against most of the journalism majors I've ever met.
Most were popular folks in HS and college.

They were also idiots.

Hell, I was never a "jock" or very popular, and happily consider myself an outcast (most people aer untrustworthy dishonorable bastards, and so I do not associate with the vast majority of humanity), but I don't go around pissing on people's graves.

It's a question of intellegence and honor, and nothing else. People like Rene and this Rall guy lack both (and thus in my mind are not considered "human" or even "alive" and are put on the same moral level that I associate with my chair or pen.)
Link Posted: 5/3/2004 10:25:33 AM EDT

Anyone got a link to the email for MSNBC?

Link Posted: 5/3/2004 10:34:48 AM EDT

The political and military points of the joke are correct,

Can you explain what you mean by that?

For example, are you saying that this "joke" about the military is correct?

"ARMY - We're looking for guys who don't read the paper".

What's so "correct" about that???

In fact, I can't find ANYTHING "correct" in that ENTIRE eructation of ignorant opinion.

Exactly WHAT part of that disgraceful cartoon do you see is "correct"????
Link Posted: 5/3/2004 10:49:41 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/3/2004 11:57:16 AM EDT


The political and military points of the joke are correct,

Can you explain what you mean by that?

For example, are you saying that this "joke" about the military is correct?

"ARMY - We're looking for guys who don't read the paper".

What's so "correct" about that???

In fact, I can't find ANYTHING "correct" in ENTIRE that eructation of ignorant opinion.

Exactly WHAT part of that disgraceful cartoon do you see is "correct"????

I think he's objecting to our war in Afganistan and Iraq. My guess is he approved when Clinton bombed Iraq and shot cruse missles into Afganistan, but any reason to hate Bush works for some people . . .
Link Posted: 5/3/2004 2:41:00 PM EDT

Another person that needs to be set on fire.

That is EXACTLY the phrase my wife just used to describe this cartoonist.

(God, I love that woman )
Link Posted: 5/3/2004 2:49:01 PM EDT

Looks like Rene Gonzalez could easily work for MSNBC and Slate Magazine:

They swapped the URL out from under you. Here is the link to the
original "cartoon":

(intentionally not hotlinked): http://www.ucomics.com/rallcom/

Link Posted: 5/3/2004 2:56:18 PM EDT


Looks like Rene Gonzalez could easily work for MSNBC and Slate Magazine:

They swapped the URL out from under you. Here is the link to the
original "cartoon":

NOW it makes sense to me...I didn't get it upon first view....what more can I add? Small men are kept free by the actions of those that cast shadows that eclipse small lives...
Link Posted: 5/3/2004 3:08:28 PM EDT
Better late than never?

Why we pulled Monday's Ted Rall cartoon
Item did not meet MSNBC standards of fairness and taste

MSNBC.com pulled a cartoon by syndicated political cartoonist Ted Rall on Monday.

Rall’s cartoon, distributed widely by United Press Syndicate to scores of newspapers and Web sites, concerned the late Pat Tillman, the NFL player who quit football to join the Army. Tillman was killed last month in Afghanistan.

The cartoon, like others on MSNBC.com, is published daily on the site via an automated syndication feed. Such feeds are rarely reviewed. However, MSNBC.com Editor in chief Dean Wright concluded Monday’s Rall item did not meet MSNBC.com standards of fairness and taste

tedrall.com is his site.  E-mail info there too.
Link Posted: 5/3/2004 3:59:49 PM EDT
That motherfucker.
Link Posted: 5/3/2004 4:05:03 PM EDT
Here's my e-mail to Ted Rall      [email protected]

Pat Tillman

Never met him, did you?  I realize you're in the entertainment industry so no rules apply and it's a good thing.  Always  serves us well to know the innermost conceit and prejudices of our betters.
Link Posted: 5/3/2004 7:02:47 PM EDT

Link Posted: 5/3/2004 7:08:02 PM EDT
apparently all they care about is money - $3.6M vs $18k.  Tillman apparently thought there was more to life than money and decided to do what HE THOUGHT was right.
Link Posted: 5/3/2004 7:11:18 PM EDT
Guys, this isn't even close to the worst thing Ted Rall has ever drawn.

I remember 4 years ago or earlier, he made a mind-bendingly offensive cartoon, before Bush, the war, or 9/11.

He drew a picture of Arlington Cemetary.  The headstones were inscribed with words like "Chump", "Loser", "Fool", "Idiot", "Sucker" and so on. The caption read HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY. He was spitting not just on the men who made the ultimate sacrifice for America, but scorned the idea America is worth defending or sacrificing for.  Whether the country was worth ANYTHING.

I've hated Rall for years, and swore I'd punch him in the face if I ever met him.  I mentioned this on ar15.com a long time ago, and people said "Dude, you're over-reacting".  I can't tell you how much this punk pisses me off.
Link Posted: 5/3/2004 7:17:56 PM EDT

I'm looking for that one raven

Link Posted: 5/3/2004 7:24:15 PM EDT


I'm looking for that one raven

I've been looking for it for a while on the internet, with no luck.  I dont think he's posted it anywhere but I remember what I saw and I will NEVER forget it.  I read it in my weekly free newspaper, it elicited a lot of letters to the editor.

Look back around 2000, 2001, 1999, as far back as you can go around the end of May.
Link Posted: 5/3/2004 7:41:21 PM EDT
Wow, that guy even looks like a fuckin ass hole.

I wish to pistol whip that guy. At least. Anything more violates COC.
Link Posted: 5/3/2004 7:53:31 PM EDT
Calling that guy a cocksucker is demeaning to people that suck cock for a living!
Link Posted: 5/3/2004 8:05:29 PM EDT
what an asshole.  

I'd love to take my ROTC platoon down there and f*** his world up, he doesn't deserve to have his ass kicked by combat veterans, they should get to stand back and have a beer while we beat his worthless ass.  

One question i've always wanted to ask somebody with that sort of political outlook, is "If we never fought overseas to defend this country, what do you think would have happened in WWII, WWI, Korea, etc...."  
Link Posted: 5/3/2004 9:26:02 PM EDT

what an asshole.  

I'd love to take my ROTC platoon down there and f*** his world up, he doesn't deserve to have his ass kicked by combat veterans, they should get to stand back and have a beer while we beat his worthless ass.  

One question i've always wanted to ask somebody with that sort of political outlook, is "If we never fought overseas to defend this country, what do you think would have happened in WWII, WWI, Korea, etc...."  

I love your thinking on this one...out f'ing standing!
Link Posted: 5/3/2004 9:30:37 PM EDT
This is a man i would gladly sacrifice my freedoms to hurt.
Link Posted: 5/3/2004 9:43:25 PM EDT
The Tillman cartoon, and the Arlington Cemetary cartoon described by Raven, make me want to cry. I can't say exactly why. Is it because it is a tragic thing that humanity can produce the ingrate depravity needed to sit safe behind walls built of the bodies of men like Tillman and those who lie under the sod at Arlington and ridicule them ? Or is it because even today,Glory to God, there are in this world men like Tillman and those who lie under the sod at Arlington, ready to lay down their lives to secure the freedom of all of us - even creatures such as that?
Link Posted: 5/4/2004 10:23:34 AM EDT
Rall's reply in here.  Apparently he traveled to Iraq as a reporter/cartoonist.  With his attitude I doubt he formed any relationships with the troops.  Course he thought they were beneath him in the first place and that's his biggest sin IMO.

Rall's 'Tillman' Cartoon Pulled by MSNBC.com

By                          Dave Astor

                Published: May 03, 2004  

A cartoon questioning late footballer-turned-soldier Pat Tillman's credentials as a "hero" was pulled from MSNBC.com this afternoon. The drawing also brought Ted Rall 110 e-mails in less than 15 minutes.

The volume of mail had much to do with the cartoon being mentioned on the Drudge Report site, seen by many conservatives. Drudge linked to MSNBC.com until the cartoon was yanked. Then Drudge linked to the cartoon at Universal Press Syndicate's site (http://www.ucomics.com).

In a statement posted on its site, MSNBC.com said Rall's cartoons, like those by other creators, are "published daily on the site via an automated syndication feed. Such feeds are rarely reviewed. However, MSNBC.com Editor in Chief Dean Wright concluded Monday's Rall item did not meet MSNBC.com standards of fairness and taste."

Rall said in the cartoon that Tillman -- who gave up a $3.6-million National Football League contract to join the military and then died last month -- "falsely believed Bush's wars against Iraq and Afghanistan had something to do with 9/11. Actually, he was a cog in a low-rent occupation Army that shot more innocent civilians than terrorists to prop up puppet rulers and exploit gas and oil resources. So when Tillman got killed by the Afghan resistance, one word naturally came to mind: 'Uh -- idiot?' [says one person in the cartoon's final panel]. 'Sap?' [says another]. 'Hero!' [says an editor]."

When E&P called Rall, he had only received one message about the cartoon. But, as the interview went on, the messages started pouring in. A few were positive, but most were vicious. As Rall opened each e-mail for the first time, he quoted briefly from each one. "You make me sick"; "lies and distortions"; "move to France"; "I pity you"; "disgusting"; "sad and pathetic"; "f--- you, you coward bastard"; "I will s--t on your grave"; "horrendous"; "rot in hell"; "freak"; "I hope you're killed by an Arab terrorist attack"; "people died to publish the b.s. you do."

Rall, who risked his life in Afghanistan himself as a visiting cartoonist/writer after 9/11, told E&P: "The word 'hero' has been bandied about a lot to refer to anyone killed in Afghanistan or Iraq. But anyone who voluntarily goes to Afghanistan or Iraq [as a soldier] is fighting for an evil cause under an evil commander in chief."

"Tillman gave up millions of dollars," Rall added. "To that extent I think he's admirable, but the cause is not. ... He would have been a better person and a better husband if he took the $3.6 million and played football and left the poor and beleaguered people of Afghanistan and Iraq alone."

Rall's editorial cartoons have 140 clients (roughly half of them print newspapers). Universal Director of Communications Kathie Kerr said today that there has been "no reaction from editors as of yet, but a few e-mails from readers who oppose" the cartoon.

Dave Astor                  ([email protected])                  is senior editor of E&P.

Link Posted: 5/4/2004 10:30:41 AM EDT
That guy needs a beatin.'
Link Posted: 5/4/2004 10:58:10 AM EDT

That guy needs a beatin.'

no kidding, what a piece of shit...
Link Posted: 5/4/2004 11:02:38 AM EDT
From which state does his bullshit emanate?
Link Posted: 5/4/2004 11:19:27 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/4/2004 11:40:59 AM EDT
Here is the Email I sent to Mr. Jackass:

I find it pretty damn sad that so many soldiers, marines, airmen, and sailors
have given their lives so some idiot such as yourself could attack said soldiers,
marines, airmen, and sailors. If you do not agree that our cause in Afghanistan
and Iraq is justified perhaps you should direct your comments to the administration
not the military. If your mother or father had directed you to draw this cartoon
I might direct my comments to them as opposed to you ( follow my meaning here?)
You'd probably better thank whatever God you believe in that there are brave men
and women that stand ready to do others harm so you can sit around scribbling crap
on a piece of paper.

Rock of the Marne!

John Johnson
Third generation soldier

Link Posted: 5/4/2004 11:58:10 AM EDT


I'm looking for that one raven

Anybody notice that this prick looks like a fat Harry Potter?

Fuck him and the fucking piece of shit he rode in on.
Link Posted: 5/4/2004 12:11:06 PM EDT

Please don’t confuse a     cynic with a satirist

Words have meanings that should be     respected.

I saw a quote yesterday that proved to me     that some folks need to be reminded of this fundamental principle.

The Associated Press ran a story on the     Web about the     Ted Rall cartoon concerning the widows from the attack upon the WTC. Here are the relevant portions:

The New York Times pulled the       cartoon from its Web site Tuesday afternoon, when the company received feedback from       widows and New York 1, the TV channel that broke the story.

A spokeswoman for the newspaper,       Christine Mohan, said the "subject matter was inappropriate" and regrets that it       ran.

In a statement, Rall and the       syndicate acknowledged the cartoon's sensitive subject matter, but did not apologize.

"Pushing the envelope of       polite criticism is what editorial cartoonists do," the statement said. "Rall       represents a point of view that will not be everyone's opinion. He is looking at a recent       news events with the cynical eye of a satirist."

With all due respect, no, he’s not.

Calling Rall a satirist does violence to     the real meaning of the word.

Unlike Rall, a true satirist uses irony,     ridicule, and other literary devices with the best of honorable intentions. Here is how Robert     Harris describes it:

The best satire does not seek to       do harm or damage by its ridicule, unless we speak of damage to the structure of vice, but       rather it seeks to create a shock of recognition and to make vice repulsive so that the       vice will be expunged from the person or society under attack or from the person or       society intended to benefit by the attack (regardless of who is the immediate object of       attack); whenever possible this shock of recognition is to be conveyed through laughter or       wit: the formula for satire is one of honey and medicine. Far from being simply       destructive, satire is implicitly constructive, and the satirists themselves, whom I trust       concerning such matters, often depict themselves as such constructive critics.

Cynicism, on the other hand, displays a     far darker attitude. There is little if anything constructive about the sneering disdain     for others that marks the true cynic.

To be cynical is to be

contemptuously distrustful of       human nature and motives.

The word

implies having a sneering       disbelief in sincerity or integrity.

I will concede Rall has a "cynical     eye." I will not concede that his work places him anywhere near the pantheon of true     satirists such as Swift, Pope, or Twain.

Rall’s cartoons, especially this     latest cruel bit of work, show no sign he hopes to use his art to create an incentive     toward better behavior or beliefs. He is merely a bitter misanthrope, of the type perhaps     best described by Oscar Wilde:

A man who knows the price of       everything and the value of nothing.

Perhaps the NYT is coming to the same     realization, even if his syndicate's spokesperson has not.

Found this comment from a reader

I wonder if Rall's knee-jerk hero-bashing stems from his dad leaving him when he was little? After that, he decided there were no heroes in the world?

DING DING DING.  We have a winnah!  Pick your prize, anything from the top row.  Rall's soul, Micah's heart and Rene's balls, all available and unused by their previous owners!  Winnah!  We have a winnah!
Link Posted: 5/4/2004 12:20:46 PM EDT
I knew I've seen that pic before-in the dictionary next to "pissant" and "punk assed bitch".

I wrote MSNBC a letter, too. Glad they pulled it.
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