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Posted: 12/7/2003 12:11:59 PM EDT
overwieght? And no, I'm not asking for myself, even tho I could stand to get fit and lose 10 lbs. but I have met a lot of men who could care less and I find it amazing. Is love really enough? My hubby says he doesn't care but sometimes I wonder if I got to be 300 lbs. if it would start to matter. I ask because he has lost so much wieght being in Basic and even tho I'm not fat, I feel insecure because he is so built now. What's your take on the subject?
Link Posted: 12/7/2003 12:17:45 PM EDT
I've been married 20 years and I have done the diet roller coaster. When I got out of the army I gained weight. Then I gained weight when I was pregnant. My husband loves me no matter if I am skinny or overweight. You have to find what is comfortable to you. I am back to losing weight, but doing so, so I don't deprive myself either.
Link Posted: 12/7/2003 12:22:51 PM EDT
I actually prefer a woman with a little meat on her bones. Not fat, not plump, but not a 2x4 either.

Don't let yourself become frumpy looking and you'll be fine. Most overweight women tend to look sloppy, (wal-mart women).

This may sound shallow, but I'm not sticking around if my wife weighs more than I do. I'm 185 lbs.
Link Posted: 12/7/2003 12:24:35 PM EDT
"Fat bottom girls make the rockin' world go 'round"

Who sings that?

Link Posted: 12/7/2003 12:26:02 PM EDT
My wife and Daughter often ask me if they look fat. Neither one is. When My Son finished Navy basic my future Daughter in law saw how fit he was she started working out. If my Wife got really heavy I would be concerned for her health. I would still love her but would hope she wouldn't let herself go. There is more to a relationship than just physical appearance. Be secure in yourself. Take care of yourself and no I don't think you have anything to worry about. How's that from a guy that been married for 25yrs. BobK
Link Posted: 12/7/2003 12:28:00 PM EDT
My wife has been both way too skinny and sort of overweight (post babies).  Honestly it really hasn't mattered to me.  I've loved her the same.  I actually prefer her a little heavier and curvier.

You want to know the secret for guys?  It's more how you act than anything else.  If you are confident, and act sexy,  your guy will find you sexy. If you act all self conscious and constantly complain about being fat, your guy will get fed up pretty fast.

Of course there are always limits,  if my wife were to get obese, or worse, I'd be concerned for her and maybe try to help her lose weight but that's a different issue.

Just love your husbands, and be sexy for them and your weight shouldn't be an issue.

Link Posted: 12/7/2003 12:29:44 PM EDT
It matters not as far as loving her - for loving her is but a decision I make every day. (Some days it's an easier decision than others [;)] but not because of weight)  

However, I may be a tad selfish because I love her enough to want her to live long and have a quality of life that being extremely overweight would prevent.

That being said, [b]I[/b] had better start dieting myself, as I could stand to lose a few for health reasons...
Link Posted: 12/7/2003 12:31:38 PM EDT
"Fat bottom girls make the rockin' world go 'round"

Who sings that?

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Link Posted: 12/7/2003 12:32:30 PM EDT
I ask because he has lost so much wieght being in Basic and even tho I'm not fat, I feel insecure because he is so built now. What's your take on the subject?
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Start running, and pumping iron, fatso... He'll take one look, and head for the bar... [;D]
Link Posted: 12/7/2003 12:32:42 PM EDT
I think I'm gona have to duck after this post.

With that said, yes it does matter.
For me it would be a health issue. 10-15 lbs, no biggie.
50+ yup. I've got a prob with that. Additional medical problems that usually go hand in hand with  
the scale going round and round.
Same thing if too thin.

Ok, just to let you know, I'm single for the past 5 years and havent bothered dating. So my views might not be the best for any relationship.

duckin' and runnin'

Link Posted: 12/7/2003 12:33:09 PM EDT
"Fat bottom girls make the rockin' world go 'round"

Who sings that?

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Thanks, you da man.  Hey, you ever put that 30 rd. mag to use?
Link Posted: 12/7/2003 12:33:46 PM EDT
"Fat bottom girls make the rockin' world go 'round"

Who sings that?

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Queen......Like the others said theres a difference between "Heavy" and "Sloppy"....I didnt choose my lady for her looks,..(BTW She's FINE!) But i guess if i did I'd have bigger problems than her gaining a couple pounds....If my Lady suddenly weighed 220#'s Yes Id have a problem with it,.but moreso for health reasons...But if she gained a little weight i wouldnt say or think a thing...She doesnt say anything about my disappearing hairline[rolleyes]...Besides I love her and she's allways looked better than me and allways will.......UNDERDOG
Link Posted: 12/7/2003 12:36:53 PM EDT
"Fat bottom girls make the rockin' world go 'round"

Who sings that?

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Freddy Mercury. And he was GAY!
Link Posted: 12/7/2003 12:38:45 PM EDT
"Fat bottom girls make the rockin' world go 'round"

Who sings that?

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Thanks, you da man.  Hey, you ever put that 30 rd. mag to use?
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Haven't had the "disposable" income yet to finish the build.  It'll get use when I get that sucker done, though.  [:)]

(sorry about the hijack, [b]JustAGirl[/b])
Link Posted: 12/7/2003 12:41:16 PM EDT
I am shallow and do not like fat women.
So yes it matters. And my wife is not fat.
Link Posted: 12/7/2003 12:43:34 PM EDT
My wife has been both way too skinny and sort of overweight (post babies).  Honestly it really hasn't mattered to me.  I've loved her the same.  I actually prefer her a little heavier and curvier.

You want to know the secret for guys?  It's more how you act than anything else.  If you are confident, and act sexy,  your guy will find you sexy. If you act all self conscious and constantly complain about being fat, your guy will get fed up pretty fast.

Of course there are always limits,  if my wife were to get obese, or worse, I'd be concerned for her and maybe try to help her lose weight but that's a different issue.

Just love your husbands, and be sexy for them and your weight shouldn't be an issue.

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This pretty much says it all, it's more about attitude than anything else.....a little more 'meat' just makes a better cushin for the pushin'!![;D]
Link Posted: 12/7/2003 12:46:00 PM EDT
You should not worry.  my wife  worries sometimes but I have no complaints.We have 3 kids, I am 34yo 155lbs and she is 33yo and 120 lbs. She looks great even if she did gain 10lbs I would still love her because in the end she will always be the person I fell in love with 7 yrs ago.And im sure he loves you just as much as I love my wife, dont belive me? let him come back from his first deployment and guarenteed you will see the love in his eyes.

Link Posted: 12/7/2003 12:47:24 PM EDT
I personally like 'em a little thick.
Link Posted: 12/7/2003 12:49:51 PM EDT
This may sound shallow, but I'm not sticking around if my wife weighs more than I do. I'm 185 lbs.
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Yeap...That was pretty damn shallow.  

I like my women with love(meat) on their bones.  When I huge her I want to be feeling a woman...not a 12 y.o. boy.

That and I don't fit in little girls.

Link Posted: 12/7/2003 12:56:23 PM EDT
This may sound shallow, but I'm not sticking around if my wife weighs more than I do. I'm 185 lbs.
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Yeap...That was pretty damn shallow.  

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This is why I'm not married.
Link Posted: 12/7/2003 12:57:45 PM EDT
It's a runing joke between Mrs Ops and I that we weigh within 10 lbs of each other since we met 25 yrs ago.  On her, it looks good..
FF, you need to find a few bricks for your pockets, the wind is gonna take you away one of these days.  Ops
Link Posted: 12/7/2003 12:58:59 PM EDT
Yeap...That was pretty damn shallow.  

I like my women with love(meat) on their bones.  When I [red]huge[/red] her I want to be feeling a woman...not a 12 y.o. boy.

That and I don't fit in little girls.

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Freudian Slip?
Link Posted: 12/7/2003 1:01:16 PM EDT
My wife suggested going to www.militarywives.com(word of support message board) if your bored. She used it while I was in Afghanistan and she liked it alot.

overwieght? And no, I'm not asking for myself, even tho I could stand to get fit and lose 10 lbs. but I have met a lot of men who could care less and I find it amazing. Is love really enough? My hubby says he doesn't care but sometimes I wonder if I got to be 300 lbs. if it would start to matter. I ask because he has lost so much wieght being in Basic and even tho I'm not fat, I feel insecure because he is so built now. What's your take on the subject?
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Link Posted: 12/7/2003 1:01:53 PM EDT
"Fat bottom girls make the rockin' world go 'round"

Who sings that?

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Well, to be more precise, a dead fag named Freddie Mercury.

Now back on subject.  A few pounds don't mean a thing to me.  My wife weighed 105 when we were married 15 years ago.  She weighed about 130 after our son was born 12 years ago.  She weighs 115 today.  To me, she is as sexy as ever!  As we mature, it is natural to put on weight, to fill out a bit, but not get fat and flabby.  Just don't get flabby and always be affectionate, don't be a moody bitch either, that is WAY, WAY more disgusting then being flabby.  Confidence is ulta sexy too.
Link Posted: 12/7/2003 1:04:02 PM EDT
fat people disgust me [:O]
Link Posted: 12/7/2003 1:05:48 PM EDT
Scrawny chicks break easy.

Link Posted: 12/7/2003 1:12:30 PM EDT
Most overweight women tend to look sloppy, (wal-mart women).
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[lol] there is more truth to that statement than most people will realize...

Link Posted: 12/7/2003 1:14:14 PM EDT
Love is a choice.  Your hubby chooses to love you.  Lust and infatuation are feelings that can be influenced by our choice to love someone, but are much more easily influenced by that part of our brain that recognizes physically attractive qualities.

There was this show on the Discovery channel I was watching about beauty.  Basically, men’s brains are hardwired to recognize different aspects of the female body and get “turned on” when they see it.  One of the most prominent aspects of a woman’s body that men’s brains respond to is waist to hip ratio (or WHR is the scientific circles that study this sort of thing).  Divide the waist circumference by the hip circumference.  Numbers of 0.7 (approximately two-thirds) and smaller are considered very attractive by men of all ethnicities and cultures.

Women were designed to have fat deposits on their body around their hips and thighs.  This is what gives a woman beautiful curves.  These fat deposits/reserves are needed when a pregnant woman’s baby’s brain is developing.  Therefore, a woman’s beautiful curves indicate heath and fertility.  If there is too little fat/curves, then the woman is not healthy, undeveloped, or otherwise not as fertile.  If there is too much fat, then, obviously a woman is not healthy.

Men’s brains are preprogrammed to almost instantly glean this fertility information when they see a woman.  Of course, men don’t think it terms of “Oh, 0.7!  This woman is health, fertile, and able to have many children.”  The visual information is instantly converted by the brain into a feeling of attraction and pleasure.

Breast size, surprisingly, isn’t as important; rather, features of the breasts that indicate health and youth make breasts attractive.

Clear and healthy skin also indicates health and youth to both sexes.  Facial and bodily symmetry also indicates heath and a good gene pool.

Basically, your husband chooses to love you, but there is an animal in every man that is attracted to female beauty.  I imagine your husband finds you beautiful as you are.  If you got to 300 pounds, your husband, hopefully being a man of character, would still choose to love you and honor his marriage vows, but that choice has a lot less of an affect on him than what he feels when he sees your body.  You don’t have to have an athlete’s or a model’s body to be beautiful.  In fact, many men, myself included, find these women that are too skinny or too muscular unattractive.  This is because they have reduced fat deposits that indicate less fertility.

You would do well to always keep yourself healthy and attractive.  It is good for your family and your health to be physically fit.  As a great side effect, you will look good.  Don’t go and start throwing up your food or starving yourself.  Exercise and stay fit.
Link Posted: 12/7/2003 1:18:22 PM EDT
Mrs. albob is a little overweight,but hey, so am I. Would I like to see her drop a few? Absolutely! I told her a long time ago, "I don't care if yer a little thick in the hips as long as you still look good". And she does. And I still hit it. [naughty]
Link Posted: 12/7/2003 1:23:38 PM EDT
OK, now remember I am single, never been married, 38 years old, so this may not be from the best perspective,

But as a general rule no I do not find woman that are slightly over wieght un-attractive, and I dont think your husband would either.

I have dated a few woman who were very skinny and a few who were slightly over wieght, did not matter to me, what mattered to me was who they thought they were, I mean I have met some woman who were not real pretty, but had a personality that was GREAT, I really enjoyed being around them, and I have met some very pretty woman, who I hated being around, no personality at all.....

It really is what is one the inside and that comes out to the outside.... I hope that made sense.....
Link Posted: 12/7/2003 1:25:24 PM EDT
I would help my wife keep her figure post baby(ies) because YES, it would be a problem for me if my wife got fat.

I'm not talking 10-15 lbs chubby either, I'm talking fat.

I like a little belly, I think a woman is supposed to have a little bit of meat. It' makes for comfort! [naughty]
Link Posted: 12/7/2003 1:31:24 PM EDT
I don't hink it's the fat so much as it is the attitude of "I'm fat and I don't care to try to improve because;

A) I had a baby or two...

B) I'm too old to care (30's)...

C) "If you should love me, then you should love me just the way I am...

D) All of the above are COP-OUTS!

If a woman loves another man more than she loves me, I'm gone...If she loves Haagen-Daaz more than she loves me, then I'm outa here. Food can be an addiction just like drugs (yes Virginia, alcohol is a BAD drug!) and if my mate loves her addiction more than she loves me, well then [b]she[/b] has made her choice, so don't call [b]me[/b] the shallow unfeeling bad guy!

just my .02, nothing more
(edited fir spelink)
Link Posted: 12/7/2003 1:43:26 PM EDT
"I like my women like I like my coffe; hot and strong, with a spoon in them. Ah the curve of the spoon like the curve of your beast."
Eddie Izzard, a bisexual

That joke aside, I am entirely superficial, but more along the lines of the woman matching my origin, Scandinavian. Past that, if they have all of their teeth and limbs, I'm good.
Link Posted: 12/7/2003 1:48:58 PM EDT
What bothers me most are the BBW. They themselves have the most obnoxious attitude about being FAT (they call it voluptuous). And it's not so much their weight that bothers me, it's their attitude. It's extremely ugly.
Link Posted: 12/7/2003 1:53:33 PM EDT
Fat chicks and mopeds, fun till your friends find out [naughty]
Link Posted: 12/7/2003 1:54:50 PM EDT
Remember, you can never be too rich or too thin.

Skinny chicks are better lays.

Link Posted: 12/7/2003 1:55:26 PM EDT
In the 15 years that me and the Mrs. have been together, we have put on about 50 or so lbs of insulation.  Would I like it if we both lost some, sure.  I don't love her any less because of it as she with me.  I love her more today than I did when I married her.

(Besides, you hit to many bones with skinny girls [;)])
Link Posted: 12/7/2003 1:55:39 PM EDT

Tough subject. I have thirty years invested in my marriage so it would take a lot to end it. Weight would not. My wife was a skinny bean pole when we married, and now has gained a LOT of weight. Lifestyle and medical problems have been a problem, but one that can be cured.

Sometimes her weight bothers me, mainly of the health risk and in how it makes her feel about herself. But we are working on it, and seeing a improvement.

But one thing for sure, I will never leave or threaten her over it and I will always be proud and supportive of her. And anyone, man,woman or child, best not ridicule or tease her over it. I take that very serious... fullclip

Link Posted: 12/7/2003 2:00:02 PM EDT
I ask because he has lost so much wieght being in Basic and even tho I'm not fat, I feel insecure because he is so built now. What's your take on the subject?
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Start running, and pumping iron, fatso... He'll take one look, and head for the bar... [;D]
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I'm sure you don't need to be told this but....

You're an unmitigated ASS!
Link Posted: 12/7/2003 2:02:28 PM EDT
YES! it matters to me, big "FAT" women are so
disgusting! Im so disgusted with all the fat people I see in public these days,type II diabetes is on the rise with young kids these days because of lack of exersize and over eating and being overweight.

Link Posted: 12/7/2003 2:16:35 PM EDT
There is a huge rift between those that think they are fat at 10 lbs over ideal and those who are 100 pounds or more over.  I think once the 10 pounds are gained, all care is lost.

I don't know what the bakers put into wedding cake but I do know its two bad effects.  makes any woman fat and makes her stop having sex.  But only if the woman is the one getting married.

My bro has a fatty.  Not 10 pounds.  More like 80.  Nasty, gap-toothed troll witch.  WTF does he see in her?  The teeth must fold back or she removes them.

Link Posted: 12/7/2003 2:39:06 PM EDT

Tough subject. I have thirty years invested in my marriage so it would take a lot to end it. Weight would not. My wife was a skinny bean pole when we married, and now has gained a LOT of weight. Lifestyle and medical problems have been a problem, but one that can be cured.

Sometimes her weight bothers me, mainly of the health risk and in how it makes her feel about herself. But we are working on it, and seeing a improvement.

But one thing for sure, I will never leave or threaten her over it and I will always be proud and supportive of her. And anyone, man,woman or child, best not ridicule or tease her over it. I take that very serious... fullclip

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A man of character doing the right thing.
Link Posted: 12/7/2003 5:25:52 PM EDT
I like 'em corn fed! Big grit eat'n southern gals~for me please![:P]

Not fat, kangaroo pouched wimminz~![xx(]
Link Posted: 12/7/2003 5:37:10 PM EDT
I ask because he has lost so much wieght being in Basic and even tho I'm not fat, I feel insecure because he is so built now. What's your take on the subject?
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Start running, and pumping iron, fatso... He'll take one look, and head for the bar... [;D]
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He has already looked as we banged the hell out of each other during my visit. He likes my body but sometimes I feel insecure cuz he looks so good from Basic. Plus, he is not a cheater but you would have to him to know that. Oh and also, he doesn't go to bars.
Link Posted: 12/7/2003 5:39:27 PM EDT
"I like my women like I like my coffe; hot and strong, with a spoon in them. Ah the curve of the spoon like the curve of your beast."
[red]Eddie Izzard, a bisexual[/red]

That joke aside, I am entirely superficial, but more along the lines of the woman matching my origin, Scandinavian. Past that, if they have all of their teeth and limbs, I'm good.
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Actually he's an Executive Transvestite.  [:)]

Link Posted: 12/7/2003 5:40:23 PM EDT
"Fat bottom girls make the rockin' world go 'round"

Who sings that?

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Thanks, you da man.  Hey, you ever put that 30 rd. mag to use?
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Hey bro, start your own thread! [;)]
Link Posted: 12/7/2003 5:45:45 PM EDT
You should not worry.  my wife  worries sometimes but I have no complaints.We have 3 kids, I am 34yo 155lbs and she is 33yo and 120 lbs. She looks great even if she did gain 10lbs I would still love her because in the end she will always be the person I fell in love with 7 yrs ago.And im sure he loves you just as much as I love my wife, dont belive me? let him come back from his first deployment and guarenteed you will see the love in his eyes.

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I saw it in his eyes on Fam/Grad day. I am just insecure but it makes sense to not be so hard on myself which is probably very unsexy to him. BTW, your wife is beautiful!
Link Posted: 12/7/2003 5:52:33 PM EDT
This may sound shallow, but I'm not sticking around if my wife weighs more than I do. I'm 185 lbs.
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Yeap...That was pretty damn shallow.  

I like my women with love(meat) on their bones.  When I huge her I want to be feeling a woman...not a 12 y.o. boy.

That and I don't fit in little girls.

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Link Posted: 12/7/2003 5:56:13 PM EDT
I'm not married (and don't plan to be for a few years. I'm about to hit 18, and I'd like to live for a little while longer on the wild side). However, I'd say that I don't like the 2x4's either. I don't find myself attracted to real heavy women, but I personally find the media's idea of a "perfect woman" to be a far too thin for my tastes. Like a few others have said, I want to be able to feel something other than bone.

I'd have to say that a lot of the "kids" my age, both male a female think that they are too fat. Many of the women aren't, and in fact would benefit from a little weight gain. Alas, the media has quite an effect on people my age (But not me. I like to think like the weather. Neither it nor I listen to the critics. [:D])

And also as others have said, if someone really loves you, they'll stick with you. If they're just there for sex or something, they'll probably hit the road, in which case they're not much good anyway.
Link Posted: 12/7/2003 5:56:42 PM EDT
"The more the cushion, the better the pushin....(chorus)...Big bottoms!!..yeahhhh..Big bottoms!!...talkin bout mud flaps my girls got em"

Ladies, I love you all..even the big girls ;)

If your man say's your too big, come on over big poppa's got somethin for ya.

DD out!!  [sniper]

Link Posted: 12/7/2003 6:12:11 PM EDT
Man this is a complicated topic...

Many men like women who have "a little" meat on their bones.  I don't like a super skinny chick, I want some curvy legs, big butt, etc. but no gut hanging over the pants please.  

The funny thing is, fat women will use the fact that men might prefer a 130-140 lb woman over a 90 lb woman as justification for them weighting 200+.

Here's the thing, men want a woman to look good.  And that is possible for a wide range of weights.  If you dress nice and don't look like a slob, that will help make up for a few extra pounds.  For example, if you have a gut hanging over your pants, please do not wear low cut jeans and a short shirt.  

You ask "is love enough?" Well, enough for what?  To stay together, maybe.  To keep him attracted to you, not so much.  To keep him having sex with you, no.

By the way, from what you say, it leads me to believe you may be packing a bit more pounds than you're leading on.  In my experience people who say they could "lose 10 lbs" really need to lose 30.  And regarding "if I got to be 300 lbs. if it would start to matter", maybe that was an exaggeration... but yeah, at 300 lbs it would be waaaay beyond "starting to matter".  It depends on your build but a guy is going to start to have issues with your weight at least by 160lbs (border line), a lot by 200lbs (danger Will Robinson!! Danger danger danger!!) and if he's still with you at 300, he either 1) Loves you very very very much, 2) Has a fetish for fat chicks, 3) Is too pussy to do anything about it, or 4) Is banging other women behind your back.  
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