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Posted: 11/25/2003 12:59:08 PM EDT
Thats right,  I saw this on Neil Cavuto today and couldn't believe it.  I googled it to read more.  This is just disgusting.  By the way,  the government is giving her a bigger place and now she is suing the government because they didn't give her a bigger free apartment sooner.


November 18, 2003
Live by the Donut, Die by the Donut

A large Cleveland woman is disgruntled.

   The city's public housing agency is trying to resolve a lengthy dispute by accommodating the needs of a 772-pound tenant immobilized by her weight.

   Carmen Bowen, 44, has been involved in a two-year dispute with the Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority over how much work must be done to help her move around her apartment.

   The agency is about to provide her with a handicapped-accessible apartment with extra space to allow an oversized wheelchair to turn. Bowen lives with her 19-year-old son and a caregiver.

   Still, Bowen filed a discrimination complaint, saying the agency took too long. Housing officials responded that the agency went well beyond what federal disability law requires at a cost of about $15,000.

   "Her special condition requires special equipment," acting Executive Director George Phillips said last week.

   The modifications include removing doors and walls, installing an automatic door operator and panic device, demolishing the existing bathroom and installing a special shower, and putting in a sidewalk to the front door. Bowen could move in next month.

   In her current apartment, Bowen can't move from a medical bed in the middle of her living room.

   In August, 22 firefighters and emergency medical technicians worked for 2 1/2 hours to move Bowen from her apartment so she could have dental work. Emergency crews had to help her back when she returned. The authority widened the door in October.

My views of the morbidly obese are well documented and well assailed.

This report fails to indicate the precise reason why she’s so obese. Odds are that she’s this obese due to consuming more calories than she expends.

Either way, as Lee at Right-Thinking points out, it would be cheaper to have obesity surgery for this woman than to make all these changes to her public housing. For slightly more than the $15,000 she could have bariatric surgery and hopefully be on her way to self-sufficiency.

Pragmatically, though, it may be cheaper long term to renovate her public housing unit and leave her to her own devices – she can’t live too much longer at 772-pounds.

But of course, compassionately, I would love to see her live a long a happy life.
Link Posted: 11/25/2003 1:04:42 PM EDT
[ROFL2]  GEEZUS this country needs a hero....or a hobbie!!  
Link Posted: 11/25/2003 1:30:43 PM EDT
Sounds like she's been eatin' way too much government cheese. I saw the story on Fox earlier today.  Of all the gall, you get a place to live for free then bitch about it.  They should throw her fat ass into the ocean and let her live with all the other whales.  
Link Posted: 11/25/2003 1:32:22 PM EDT
I read an article a few years ago in an emergency services magazine about the rapidly growing (har har har) problem of VLPs (Very Large Persons) severely challenging the resources of emergency crews.  
One VLP required that a heavy duty wooden platform be constructed at the scene, and saw through two interior walls, then an exterior wall, then have the VLP platform be grabbed and lowered by crane.  All the doors were too small, and the stairwell was too narrow and could not support the weight of the VLP.
To develop and execute the quickest plan took hours.  The VLP died from kidney failure the next day.
The obesity problem is not one of 'fat acceptance'.
Link Posted: 11/25/2003 1:37:50 PM EDT
Shoot her, and use her oily fat to heat homes.

kinda  kidding
Link Posted: 11/25/2003 1:41:46 PM EDT
[red]she can’t live too much longer at 772-pounds.
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One can always pray.
Link Posted: 11/25/2003 1:49:06 PM EDT
I can't see how these people get this way...

do they not have anyone who cares about them?

how do they get their food?

someone must be in contact with them.

and to think of the physiological requirements let alone the sanitary ones....

gee, and I feel 'fat' wanting to loose another 6 lbs!
Link Posted: 11/25/2003 1:50:44 PM EDT
Dupe topic read this a few days ago, but still, if I was 772 lbs, I would make everyones life a little easier and just end it.
Link Posted: 11/25/2003 2:00:33 PM EDT
Sounds like she's been eatin' way too much government cheese. I saw the story on Fox earlier today.  Of all the gall, you get a place to live for free then bitch about it.  They should throw her fat ass into the ocean and let her live with all the other whales.  
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[lolabove] I hate to say it, but this shit is only gonna get worse. If you think paying for this fatty is bad, wait 20 years and we will be paying for a shitload of fatties to sit on their asses and in our hospitals. Obesity is an EPIDEMIC! The rates of fat people are rapidly rising in this country!
Link Posted: 11/25/2003 2:05:08 PM EDT
"Her special condition requires special equipment." Horse...fucking...shit, GD what an ungrateful bitch. To think my taxes go to that sweathog.[pissed]

Okay gather round, we should have enough people to push it back in the water.

Link Posted: 11/25/2003 2:26:39 PM EDT
I wash my self with a rag on a stick

Or Homer saying: "I don't want to be a freak,  just give me the moomoo"
Link Posted: 11/25/2003 2:28:39 PM EDT
Sounds like she's been eatin' way too much government cheese
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Link Posted: 11/25/2003 2:39:58 PM EDT
it's time to buy stock in Huv-a-round.

I can't believe our government is subsidising these lazy shits lifestyle.

It's time for a revolution.

Link Posted: 11/25/2003 3:14:08 PM EDT
I read an article a few years ago in an emergency services magazine about the rapidly growing (har har har) problem of VLPs (Very Large Persons) severely challenging the resources of emergency crews.  
One VLP required that a heavy duty wooden platform be constructed at the scene, and saw through two interior walls, then an exterior wall, then have the VLP platform be grabbed and lowered by crane.  All the doors were too small, and the stairwell was too narrow and could not support the weight of the VLP.
To develop and execute the quickest plan took hours.  The VLP died from kidney failure the next day.
The obesity problem is not one of 'fat acceptance'.
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When I did my ARC First Responder class I got tagged as the “victim” for a transport exercise.

The group had to get me from the floor to the litter with proper c-spine precautions, secure me and then transport me across the room.

I’m 6’4” and at the time weighed around 240.  You should have heard the groans from the group when they found out I was the “victim.” [:D]

It was a Charlie Foxtrot.  I played the “victim” as being completely unconscious and didn’t assist in ANY way.  It took 7, yes SEVEN people (a typical cross section of young/old, male/female) to get me in the litter, hoist me and walk across the room.

I frankly was scared shitless as the SEVEN of them struggled to get me off the deck without dumping me face down on the concrete.

It was a pathetic display.

Given the physical abilities of professional EMT’s & Paramedics vs. the increased weight of these “VLP’s” I can totally sympathize with what they have to deal with in those situations.  It’s got to be many times worse than my experience in class.
Link Posted: 11/25/2003 3:26:03 PM EDT
Our "civilization" is fully to blame for the epidemic of obesity in the world today.  Back in the "hunter/gather" days if you ate too much and got too big to hunt down game you didn't eat so you lost weight until you could hunt again.  Today, it's sit on your butt watching TV and if you get hungry you sit on your butt in a car , go thru the drive thru at McD's, drive home and sit on your butt and eat all you can afford to buy.   I'm not inocent of gaining weight either, at 6'4" I've went from around 175lbs. when I was mairred 16 years ago to a whopping 275lbs now.  I can still get around and am not morbidly obese but I could stand to loose 50lbs.  With the install of the wood stove I plan on cutting a butt load of wood and that should help me get some exercise, plus I only eat twice a day, which may be part of the problem. My body wants to store what I'm giving it instead of burning if off.  I knew a guy that I worked with that ate all the time, all kind of junk and he was as thin as a rail.  Kind of makes ya' wonder don't it.
Link Posted: 11/25/2003 3:34:33 PM EDT
Lose some (several hundred) pounds you fat fuck.
Link Posted: 11/25/2003 3:52:49 PM EDT
$15K for the mods to her housing!

We really should be paying for a gastric bypass not a new apartment.
Link Posted: 11/25/2003 4:29:35 PM EDT
This disgusts me. Someone else is always to blame and increasingly, you expect something for nothing. She needs to spend her energies elsewhere rather than trying to stick-it to taxpayers. Does she somehow defying the laws of physics? Its called mass balance. Try eating less you'll be amazed at the results [rollseyes]
Link Posted: 11/25/2003 4:50:05 PM EDT
"Yo mama's so fat, when she sits around the house, she sits ALL around the house" [:D]
Link Posted: 11/25/2003 5:09:33 PM EDT
Anyone have a good idea for putting a little more chlorine in the gene-pool? It's in desperate need of it.
Link Posted: 11/25/2003 5:26:15 PM EDT
Government has become the anti-chlorine.

People that would have died because of abject stupidly or self-destructive habits are now actively protected by not only Government but social systems designed not to strengthen the gene pool but actually have the effect of dramatically weakening it.

The only objective baseline you seem to hear is life span and Infant Mortality Rates.  SFW?  You live to be a hundred because the State and society reward you for being stupid or self destructive by keeping you alive and in a state of total dependence.  That’s an improvement?

Mankind, up until recently did their best to root out the weak but society now is responsible for short circuiting the entire process.

Another couple of generations and nature will put in a correction.  Some hideous, fast moving plague will spring from nowhere, mutate so rapidly and propagate through any available vector (air, water, sex, anything) that we’ll experience a die off of, dare I say, “biblical” proportions.  The species will then continue, stronger and healthier then we’ve been in decades (centuries?).

Nature always finds a way to re-balance the scales.
Link Posted: 11/25/2003 5:35:28 PM EDT

something something handbasket something *mumble*
Link Posted: 11/25/2003 5:37:35 PM EDT
Makin' fun of the Cleveland ladies? [pissed]
Link Posted: 11/25/2003 5:45:29 PM EDT
These people disgust me. I see no reason for their existence. I wish they would all fucking die. I mean how hard is it to not stuff a fucking twinky in your mouth every 5 seconds. I wish these non-prodcutive pieces of shit would get hit by a dump truck.
Link Posted: 11/25/2003 5:59:16 PM EDT
These people disgust me. I see no reason for their existence. I wish they would all fucking die. I mean how hard is it to not stuff a fucking twinky in your mouth every 5 seconds. I wish these non-prodcutive pieces of shit would get hit by a dump truck.
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We need to purge people like this.  Get rid of them, people who dont want to understand anything to.
Link Posted: 11/25/2003 6:04:37 PM EDT
These people disgust me. I see no reason for their existence. I wish they would all fucking die. I mean how hard is it to not stuff a fucking twinky in your mouth every 5 seconds. I wish these non-prodcutive pieces of shit would get hit by a dump truck.
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We need to purge people like this.  Get rid of them, people who dont want to understand anything to.
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I realize that some of these people have a medical condition. But most of them dont excuse lazyness.
Link Posted: 11/25/2003 6:14:07 PM EDT
"Her special condition requires special equipment." Horse...fucking...shit, GD what an ungrateful bitch.
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Hey now, you know she can't sit on a regular toilet...

How ironic is that, having a toilet crammed up your ass by your own bodyweight.

Link Posted: 11/25/2003 7:48:11 PM EDT
. Bowen lives with her 19-year-old son and a caregiver.
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So her 19 year old son is a lazy fuck too still living in the free house his mom gets.

WTF is wrong with people,  if you want to be fat,  fine, it doesn't matter to me,  but don't EVER expect the tax payers to buy you a fucking new house because you literally OUTGREW the other one.
Link Posted: 11/25/2003 7:57:42 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/25/2003 8:27:00 PM EDT
If she really is 772 pounds and immobilized by her weight, stop bringing her food and water... problem solved.

It'll make headlines, 700lb bitch starves to death.
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