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Posted: 11/15/2003 2:48:15 PM EDT
i call hawaii home now. i'd rather be in northeastern oregon. i cant get the wife to move she loves this place!
Link Posted: 11/15/2003 2:50:19 PM EDT
Here and here
Link Posted: 11/15/2003 2:51:57 PM EDT
I live on the Space Coast of Florida where I have lived for the last 40 years.
You couldnt drag me out of here with a team of Clydesdales!
Link Posted: 11/15/2003 2:53:22 PM EDT
Live in Maryland, getting ready to move for a year or two in Virginia, then I hope to wind up in Georgia. North Atlanta area.
Link Posted: 11/15/2003 2:56:32 PM EDT
I live in Lincoln, Nebraska and would move damn near anywhere except California, New York, Illinois, Maryland or Kansas...
Link Posted: 11/15/2003 2:57:28 PM EDT
... I truly do have Hawaiian in my blood, but I am cursed every time I go there. I'm serious!

... I live in Arizona not because the Rambler broke down on the way to California, rather I live there because of a miriad of reasons. My AZ brethern on this board can testify to those reasons.

... Now, I have spent nearly five months of my life in NYC this year alone and although this place has a certain "energy" about it, I still can't rely on any place other than AZ.

... Been lucky enough to have been to almost every state in the Union and many great countries, but AZ is the epitome of my character. If ever banished, I may consider Texas, Alaska or Idaho. In that order.
Link Posted: 11/15/2003 2:57:46 PM EDT
I'm in Middle Tennessee. I've lived all over the country and I like it here better than anywhere else.
Link Posted: 11/15/2003 3:01:25 PM EDT
In Illinois now
Anywhere but Illinois later

i could settle for any gun friendly state
Link Posted: 11/15/2003 3:06:32 PM EDT

i call hawaii home now. i'd rather be in northeastern oregon. i cant get the wife to move she loves this place!

There are some beautiful places in NE Oregon. We've done a fair amount of camping over there since it's within about 2-3 hours of Boise. Only problem with OR is that the place is run by a bunch of socialist wackos in Salem (west side). (My apologies to any socialist wackos who may be reading.) Of course, coming from HI, you'd prolly find the west-side commies relatively conservative. Argh.

We live in west Boise and I'd prefer to live where out cabin is...about an hour and a quarter north of here. Very similar there to NE OR...hot springs, pines, gold mining, and great for outdoor adventures.
Link Posted: 11/15/2003 3:18:00 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/15/2003 3:22:38 PM EDT
Shaab, Kuwait City, Kuwait presently.....eventually, the Texas Hill Country would be nice.
Link Posted: 11/15/2003 3:43:48 PM EDT

i call hawaii home now. i'd rather be in northeastern oregon. i cant get the wife to move she loves this place!

Ironic, I live in NW Oregon...  my old lady wants to move 'home' to HI....  fucking no way HI or CA.  gun laws and jobs.  just can't do it.

AZ or CO would be nice.

I want to retire to a big ass plot of land somewhere.
Link Posted: 11/15/2003 3:45:38 PM EDT
I live deepinthehearta(With My condolences to My Texas brothers for that!) commie-pinko, liberal hell! The suburbs of detroit. Not only do I get to enjoy all of Our fine Dem-O-Rat senators,congress"persons", mayors, and city folk, but I also am comforted by My local UAW, Ironworkers, and a host of other "Just vote Dem-O-Rat!"+"Union Yes!" bastards!(Again, Sorry to all of those who might be one/but not be "One"!) And, as if this isn't enough, We get a socialist,ex-canuck for govenor who's the "apple in the eye" for all of The above + all of Our"Inner-city Brothers & Sista's". The only thing that could be worse, Is! The F*cking weather!! (1.)9 months of "Gee bob, it's only cold enough to freeze your nuts off out there!, it ain't THAT bad!" to (2.) 1-2 days of "Hey look there is a sun still!" then to (3.)"It's not the heat, It's the humidity! now pour Your brother into this bowl, and go play outside!" Then back to (1.) again.

Someday (Yeah, right!) I'm going to sell everything (but the computer & My guns!) and move into the nothern mountians of AZ. I've been telling the Boss, the wife, and the kids that My time is comming. One day I will have had My fill of this God frosaken place and will just be gone..........I sure hope someday dosen't take too long....

Tall Shadow
Link Posted: 11/15/2003 3:47:01 PM EDT
Currently living in far north downtown area of Atlanta. Would like to move up to North Carolina or suburban Georgia.
Link Posted: 11/15/2003 3:47:02 PM EDT
San Diego.  Been here off and on for most of my 45 years.  Also lived in SFO, Hawaii (born there), Boston, OKC and Mississippi.  I've visted every state in the union (execpt AK) and a fair amount of Canada as well.

Looking to head north.  Eastern WA/North Idaho.  In that general area.  I love green mountains, snow and 4 seasons, something you don't get in SoCal.  I want to be rural but within a few hours of "civilization".
Link Posted: 11/15/2003 3:49:35 PM EDT

We live in west Boise and I'd prefer to live where out cabin is...about an hour and a quarter north of here. Very similar there to NE OR...hot springs, pines, gold mining, and great for outdoor adventures.

I'm west of Boise, that's where I'm staying.  I'd consider moving back to north TX, but only from November until the middle of June.

Link Posted: 11/15/2003 4:00:51 PM EDT
I live in College Station Texas, but my goal is to amass enough rental property to be a dual citezen of Alaska, & Texas. Spending my summer/fall in Alaska, & my wint/spring in Texas. I would have a tourist type buisness in Alaska that would allow me enough freedom to fish, & hunt at my leasure, & I would hire a family member in Texas to maintain my rental units while I'm in Alaska.
I would get the best of both places, & when I'm feeling crowed in Texas, & need some elbow room, I would be ready to zip back up to Alaska.
Anyway that's my plan so far.
Link Posted: 11/15/2003 4:03:49 PM EDT
Currently in Denver area but would like to go back to Wyoming. Anybody need an electrician in Wyoming?
Link Posted: 11/15/2003 4:17:44 PM EDT

I live in College Station Texas, but my goal is to amass enough rental property to be a dual citezen of Alaska, & Texas. Spending my summer/fall in Alaska, & my wint/spring in Texas. I would have a tourist type buisness in Alaska that would allow me enough freedom to fish, & hunt at my leasure, & I would hire a family member in Texas to maintain my rental units while I'm in Alaska.
I would get the best of both places, & when I'm feeling crowed in Texas, & need some elbow room, I would be ready to zip back up to Alaska.
Anyway that's my plan so far.

Searcher....when i get home..i'm buying you a beer...we need to be friends.  my uncle works outa alaska, and they have a couple of company appartments in anchorage.  from time to time i go up there and stay in the appartments when the guys are all out in dutch harbor...ive always wanted to go up and stay a few weeks and hunt and whatnot..but never had anyone that wanted to go with.  
Link Posted: 11/15/2003 4:20:22 PM EDT
I live in Vegas but I want to retire in Idaho or Wyoming.  

I visited both states and have to say,  they are both very beutiful and people still have freedom there.
Link Posted: 11/15/2003 4:25:08 PM EDT
Heavily taxed and getting heavier daily, NC. The latest is a proposed $18 toll to travel I-95 through NC. Bad leadership has resulted in a huge deficit and instead of changing spending habits its constant tax increases. Education sucks so they keep changing the tests so they can claim results.
Road blocks or "License checkpoints" happen too much.
ATF has one of the highest "recommendation for prosecution" rates in the country here in NC. Jail time for convictions is twice the national average at 112 months in prison.
The state has an un-godly amount of employees. Their offices are everywhere.
Red light cameras are the latest boom too. Won't be long until we're London.
I love all of you good conservative people here though. How has it gotten this way?

Wyoming for me. I didn't realize until recently how much the state has going for it.
There we will go, taking some with.  
Link Posted: 11/15/2003 4:29:09 PM EDT
I live in Bryan, Texas.  I was born in the area and love it.  I've also lived in Colorado and Arizona, both of which I could live in again if Texas floats off into the Gulf.  Living in Arizona you almost feal as if your still in the wild west.  First day I was there I saw 6 people open carrying.

Searcherfortruth - good to see another Brazos County resident on the board.
Link Posted: 11/15/2003 4:30:51 PM EDT
I live in the county, this is the nearest town...


I can shoot, off my back deck, over the pond, or off camera to the right....

I'll prolly NOT be leaving any time soon!! (God willing!!  )
Link Posted: 11/15/2003 4:45:29 PM EDT
I live in CA, and I'd like to live.... well, just about anywhere else!! I'd like to live in FL though.
Link Posted: 11/15/2003 4:48:38 PM EDT


... Someday (Yeah, right!) I'm going to sell everything (but the computer & My guns!) and move into the nothern mountians of AZ ...

Tall Shadow

... The welcome wagon will be awaiting!
Link Posted: 11/15/2003 4:52:27 PM EDT

I live in Bryan, Texas.  I was born in the area and love it.  I've also lived in Colorado and Arizona, both of which I could live in again if Texas floats off into the Gulf.  Living in Arizona you almost feal as if your still in the wild west.  First day I was there I saw 6 people open carrying.

Searcherfortruth - good to see another Brazos County resident on the board.

i love that area....i have a few friends that live up there, and a few that go to A&M.  my old reserve unit's sister unit is also up there.  
Link Posted: 11/15/2003 4:55:08 PM EDT
Just get me out of Maryland! I've had enough. This place is an insane asylum. #1 in Robbery 8 years in a row. Number 2or 3 in homicide. Something like 250 murders in Baltimore city alone last year. We're either moving to Virginia, or God willing, Texas. Almost got my wife sold on Texas. Florida might not be so bad if I could find the right place.
Link Posted: 11/15/2003 5:01:12 PM EDT
Doc of the Rock? Rock of the Marne?
Link Posted: 11/15/2003 6:22:00 PM EDT

I am curious... what is it that you like best about the space coast (Cape Canaveral/Titusville area???).   Is it weather, jobs, lifestyle, legal climate, a conbination????

Link Posted: 11/15/2003 6:30:07 PM EDT
I'm currently in upstate NY.  I'm a desert rat and would love to go back west to either Utah (best kept secret), Arizona or Nevada.  
Link Posted: 11/15/2003 6:53:14 PM EDT
Living in central Florida.

Owens Valley California is paradise for me.  Family, economics and gun restrictions preclude a relocation.
Link Posted: 11/15/2003 7:00:38 PM EDT
If I didn't live here, I'd honestly have to say I'd want to live in Tennessee or Kentucky. Those two states are beautiful.
Link Posted: 11/15/2003 7:29:43 PM EDT
Currently, here:

Later, maybe here:
Link Posted: 11/15/2003 7:44:46 PM EDT
HI also.  Like your wife, I plan on staying.
Link Posted: 11/15/2003 7:45:28 PM EDT

I live in Lincoln, Nebraska and would move damn near anywhere except California, New York, Illinois, Maryland or Kansas...

Now, Omaha, Nebraska.  It must be this shitty state...  I have been here since '87 and can't wait to get out of here...

Later, Hopefully the panhandle of Florida, East Texas, or Colorado..

Link Posted: 11/15/2003 8:17:37 PM EDT
Currently living in Tulsa...

Can't wait to get out of here. Taxes are too damned high and I can't stand the traffic. Crime is getting bad in my part of town, too. I grew up in a small town in central MO and would like to move back that direction. I miss the peace & quiet of "back home"...

The two things keeping me in Tulsa right now is my Mother-In-Law(wife won't move away from her) and my job. I've got a decent job that pays pretty good and I'd like to take care of some bills before I go looking for another job and probably take a pay cut due to the area I'd like to live in.
Link Posted: 11/15/2003 8:18:31 PM EDT
I live in Texas, and wouldn't want to live anywhere else.

I grew up in Pennsylvania, married a California girl I met in Hawaii and finally got here three years ago.
Link Posted: 11/15/2003 8:31:01 PM EDT
I also live in San Diego, CA. I love San Diego, but hate California. The liberals really screwed this place up, it use to be the best place to live. The mountains of AZ are looking nice, but I have to live in a city that does not get HOT or get COLD. San Diego is that place. In fact, if I had my choice, I would live in Downtown San Diego, like I did when I lived in Seattle.
I'm just waiting for the Assualt Weapons ban be overturned (Or not) to decide what I will do next.

Link Posted: 11/15/2003 8:42:33 PM EDT
Florida Panhandle

Suburbs of Atlanta, GA(used to live there), Arizona, Alaska, or East Texas
Link Posted: 11/17/2003 2:24:06 PM EDT
Life long New York resident, and if they could get the tax situation under control I could very happily retire to the Finger Lakes area.
New York has a lot of beauty in it. However it is addicted to tax money, and it is very clear that I will have to leave it when the job is gone, or I just plain retire.
Lady Rain and I are in the talking stage, I need space and pleasant views, she would like less harsh winters, and I cannot take a lot of heat.
I just plain will not go where my freedoms are curtailed, and the taxes/cost of living are too high. Don't know where I am going but I bet that I've narrowed the choices down quite a bit.
Link Posted: 11/17/2003 2:40:46 PM EDT
sniff..sniff...who is this? Where in Hawaii are you, Big Island?

Jack is this you??? Woo Hoo!! I'm glad you made it on board!!! Don't do the North Shore until February!! My wife is leaning now to go back and visit!!! Shaka brah!! IM me and lets catch up..or if you still have my e-mail..shoot one over. Good to see you!!
Link Posted: 11/17/2003 7:34:48 PM EDT

I live deepinthehearta(With My condolences to My Texas brothers for that!) commie-pinko, liberal hell! The suburbs of detroit. Not only do I get to enjoy all of Our fine Dem-O-Rat senators,congress"persons", mayors, and city folk, but I also am comforted by My local UAW, Ironworkers, and a host of other "Just vote Dem-O-Rat!"+"Union Yes!" bastards!(Again, Sorry to all of those who might be one/but not be "One"!) And, as if this isn't enough, We get a socialist,ex-canuck for govenor who's the "apple in the eye" for all of The above + all of Our"Inner-city Brothers & Sista's". The only thing that could be worse, Is! The F*cking weather!! (1.)9 months of "Gee bob, it's only cold enough to freeze your nuts off out there!, it ain't THAT bad!" to (2.) 1-2 days of "Hey look there is a sun still!" then to (3.)"It's not the heat, It's the humidity! now pour Your brother into this bowl, and go play outside!" Then back to (1.) again.

Tall Shadow

Wanna trade?

CW in LA
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