You wonder why children are being killed by guns? I'll tell you. Your too busy marching around the world to stay at home and teach your children responsibility. People shouldn't fear guns, they should be taught to respect guns. Guns do not kill anyone, the people behind the guns do the killing. A person that would kill another human being with a gun is the same person who would kill another human being with a knife, or a club, or a rock. Maybe you should march for harsher punishments for crimes in general. I have been raised around guns all my life. When I was young I was always taught to respect all firearms and to treat all firearms as if they were loaded. I was also taught to respect myself, other people and other peoples property. I'm 26 years old now and I have been a gun collector since I was 17. I enjoy target practicing, skeet shooting, and plinking. I also have a permit to carry a concealed weapon. I believe it is my God given right to protect myself in this crule world we live in and I will not give up that right to you or anyone else who thinks they can take my guns away. I believe in responsible gun ownership but you people fight for the banning of all guns. Its a shame how people missuse firearms but banning guns will only affect honest people. Criminals will always find a way to own a gun. Look how it has affected Australia. The crime rate there has skyrocketed. Think about this, if you were a criminal, would you rather break into a home of someone who doesn't own a gun or someone who does own one? It's a shame to say but there will always be violence. People were killing one another before guns were invented. Women get raped at knifepoint, people are stabbed for thier hard earned money but people never march to ban knives. Why don't all you soccer moms stay at home and teach your children responsibility instead of leaving them at home alone while you try and change the world in a way that would only raise the crime rate? I am just one man writing you this e-mail but I am also one of millions of gun owners that wont stand for someone who would take away our 2nd amendment rights. The more you fight, the more we fight. We will always be here as long as you are. Violence is not caused by guns, movies, or computer games, its caused by too little supervision at home. If more people would take the time with thier children and teach them right from wrong (responsibility) this would be a better world we live in. Maybe you moms should take a little more responsibility for your own actions. Its alot easier to blame guns, or violent movies and video games than it is to take the blame yourself for not teaching your own children right from wrong. So instead of wasting your time marching for a losing cause, why not spend that time with your children teaching them to respect themselves, others, and other peoples property. If more people did that, maybe we would live in a more peaceful world.
Yours truly,
a responsible gun owner