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Posted: 5/7/2001 12:10:55 AM EDT
    After recently reading some of the posts regaurding the "registration" in CA. I feel we need to do something to prevent the spread of this cancerous disease to the rest of our great nation.
    Quite simply, I beleive the reason CA. is in such a state of socialism is due to the fact gun owners failed to participate in that state's political arena. (i.e. did not vote)
     We need to figure out a way to encourage our fellow gun owners to vote. I believe the gun shop owners themselves are the key. If all of the business owners would push voting as hard as they do that new "Berreta", then they could single handedly change the politics of this country.
    Not only mention it to your customers, but why not do promotions that encourage voting. For example, during an election period run a promotion where anyone who brings in "proof" of their having voted, give them a "percentage-off" ammuntion or even firarms.
    You may not think this will make you any money, but I personally would much rather give a gun shop who I thought was trying to help, my money as opposed to a shop who did nothing. Afterall you may even be saving your business. If we do nothing, soon you may not even be able to sell at all.
Link Posted: 5/7/2001 2:03:21 PM EDT
I seriously doubt the problem is with gun owners not getting out to vote. Rather, I think the problem is with the politicians themselves - they'll say ANYTHING to get themselves elected, but once they're in office they do what politicians do - keep themselves busy at our expense. Basically, regardless of the hat he's wearing - Democrat, Republican, Independent, etc, he's going to do everything he can to keep gov't big or make it bigger, and take more from you at the same time. If the Libertarian Party ever becomes a force at the national level, they'll be doing the exact same stuff that the current crop of peckerheads in DC are.
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