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Posted: 6/17/2003 9:42:49 PM EDT
Just curious to know what's the best or the most interesting shot you ever fired.  Personally I have nothing to really brag about yet.  Except maybe the time I put a half dozen shots through the same hole as the previous shots.  But what was your awesome shot or do you just shoot them all the time.[sniper]

PS I dont think posting that you shot a full 20lb propane tank at 25yds counts, that belongs in the I'm an Idiot thread.[slap]
Link Posted: 6/17/2003 9:53:10 PM EDT
Tow 2 Alpha, into a Iraqi T-72 in 1991.
Link Posted: 6/17/2003 9:56:55 PM EDT
Best shot I ever saw

Were at my buddys house.  He had a creek in his backyard and there were some rocks about 50 yards away that turtles were sunning on.  He took an old ass Enfield .303 rifle and let a round fly.  The bullet richoted off the rock and hit the underside of the turtle.  The turtle flew up about 15 feet in the air and as it flew up it let out a long stream of blood.
Link Posted: 6/17/2003 10:17:24 PM EDT
Best shot I ever saw

Were at my buddys house.  He had a creek in his backyard and there were some rocks about 50 yards away that turtles were sunning on.  He took an old ass Enfield .303 rifle and let a round fly.  The bullet richoted off the rock and hit the underside of the turtle.  The turtle flew up about 15 feet in the air and as it flew up it let out a long stream of blood.
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I won't even comment on the multiple wrongs of this.


Best shot?

This sounds lame but it was with a bb gun. My cousins, friends and myself were up at my cabin shooting the ol' bb gun. We put up a pop can about 150 feet away. Everybody (but me) was shooting but couldn't hit the can. After everybody had shot about 10 rounds apiece it was my turn. First shot offhand I hit the can and knocked it out of the tree. That was great. [:D]

Course I have made more accurate shots with better rifles, but that is still my favorite.
Link Posted: 6/17/2003 10:22:02 PM EDT
As a teenger, I was out shooting tweety birds with my pellet rifle. As I was standing there looking for a target, a sparrow flew low over me and dropped a load, hitting me in the chest. I spun around and snapped a shot at him as he flew away. I must have just skinned him because he kept flying away, but he left a lot of feathers floating down behind him.[}:D
It's not the greatest shot I've ever made, but it is my favorite lucky shot.

Link Posted: 6/17/2003 10:37:05 PM EDT
I don't know about my best shot, but this sure was my luckiest.

Me and a friend were just plinking around in his back yard with a Tippman paintball gun one day.  Being all of of a dumb 16, I take aim at a sparrow.  No sooner than I had my mark on him, he flew off into a bush about 30 feet away and disappears from sight.  Disappointed that my target moved, I take a random aim at the bush and fire one round.  Lo and behold, the sparrow falls out of the bush with a large paint mark on him!  Ends up my random shot hit the poor thing in the head killing it instantly.  Lady luck wasn't on that little sparrow's side that day.

- Matt
Link Posted: 6/17/2003 10:40:55 PM EDT
Best shot I ever saw

Were at my buddys house.  He had a creek in his backyard and there were some rocks about 50 yards away that turtles were sunning on.  He took an old ass Enfield .303 rifle and let a round fly.  The bullet richoted off the rock and hit the underside of the turtle.  The turtle flew up about 15 feet in the air and as it flew up it let out a long stream of blood.
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I won't even comment on the multiple wrongs of this.
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Whats so wrong about that?

I bet I killed about 50 turtles at that creek.  Another thing we used to do is sneak on the turtles sunning on those same rocks and open up with our AK's

Link Posted: 6/17/2003 10:43:55 PM EDT
Once upon a time, on grassy knoll...

Link Posted: 6/17/2003 10:53:54 PM EDT
I've made some sweet shots on grouse but the best and most memorable ever was  a head shot at a squirrel about 25 yards....with a slingshot and a 50 lead round ball.  

The story behind this goes like this.  When I was a kid I had a 760 Crossman pellet rifle.  I shot everything that moved.  Put bread out for the birds after school, you name it I shot it.  Well a neighbor got pissed when I shot a squirrel out of his tree and told my dad.  My dad took my pellet rifle.  So I figured I'll switch to the slingshot.  I got real good with it too.  I practiced on pears in the neighbors tree(different neighbor) using my dads endless supply of RB's for his muzzleloader.  Well one day my mom was at the neighbor's house chatting on the patio.  In her pear tree was a squirrel.  I drew the sling shot and let fly.  That squirrel dropped right on the patio table my mom and the neighbor were sitting at.  Neither got mad as squirrels were always building, or trying to build, nests in the eves of our houses.  The slingshot was going well until I took a shot that had a new Camaro in the line of fire and my dad had to pay for the repair on the passenger door skin with a big dimple in it!  
Link Posted: 6/17/2003 11:02:25 PM EDT
A few years ago 10 of us at the range got to talking shit and we ended up tapeing $5 each on targets at 500yds. (We'd been shooting that range) Best shot from the bench wins the $50. Didn't expect to win as I was nowhere close to the best shooter among us, but I busted ol Abe right in the chops. Yeah I know, lucky as hell but I strutted around like a barnyard rooster for awhile afterwards. Funny thing is, some still think I'm a lot better shot than I am, just because of that one shot.
Link Posted: 6/17/2003 11:07:05 PM EDT
About two years ago I was an RO on an indoor range, I had worked there for a year and was one of the more senior guys. The new manager was in the Royal army, and was hiring almost anyone that had prior military experience.

Well this guy Tim was just out of the US Army, and bragged alot about how good he was with his Beretta 92. So after closing shop we head out onto the range and put up two man size targets at about 25 feet. He takes the first shot and hits the middle of the center mass ring. I draw my Glock 17 and fire one shot at his target. He laughs and says something to the effect of "Wow you sure scared that guy"
I tell him to bring his target back and check close. After doing so he finds a nice little half moon on the edge of his perfect shot. Hehehehehe[sniper]
Link Posted: 6/17/2003 11:11:05 PM EDT
Ruger 10/22, 75-80 yards, shapshot a blackbird that was just taking flight after having been perched on a branch..

Couldn't do it again if I tried a thousand times.
Link Posted: 6/17/2003 11:16:51 PM EDT
You wouldnt belive me, but it's true.
Link Posted: 6/17/2003 11:39:00 PM EDT
Coyote. Just before midnight. Red light only. 275 Yards. Rem 700 in .243. Dead right there.
Link Posted: 6/18/2003 12:09:48 AM EDT
I was about 11 at my neighbor's house in the backyard with his Crossman rifle.  He set up an R2D2 action figure on his pool fence about 20 yards away.  After all the usual boasting we bet our bikes that I could hit it.  First shot sent that thing sailing.  Mom made me give him back the bike though. [:(]
Link Posted: 6/18/2003 12:11:23 AM EDT
According to my sources, there is a person who is a regular here that would say something like this:

"My best and most interesting shot fired had to be the time were I managed to get a two'fer. When I got the green light, I fired one round that passed through a door window pane, neutralized a female on the other side and  wounded one of the 2 individuals as they ran by said female. It was an amazing shot that I use as a training aid for my students."- LH
Link Posted: 6/18/2003 12:24:43 AM EDT
Ahh yes Mr.Hurichi may he burn in hell.
Link Posted: 6/18/2003 12:34:52 AM EDT
Few believe this story but what the hell, I will tell it anyway, because it is true.

My step brother and I were out in the middle of BFE hunting coyotes a couple of years back.  As the day moved on the weather turned crappy and the wind started picking up.  We decieded to pack it in, and just spend the rest of the day doing some causual short range handgun shooting.  After a bit that grew boring, so we decieded to leave.  As we were leaving my step-bro put a beer bottle up on a fence post and told me he was going to try to shoot if from what he believed to be 300 yrd with my .06.  We hoped in the truck and drove down the road to what felt like about 300 yards, parked the truck sideways in the middle of the two track, and he began setting up sand bags on the hood.  I had little beliefe that he could make this shot as we had about a 25mph crosswind from the left.  As he was dicking around, I pulled out my S&W model 22s target pistol, and just screwing around placed the sights exactly on the bottle and touched off the trigger. ...................BOTTLE BROKE...AND FELL!.   I couldn't fucking believe it.  I was trying to get a gauge for how much I needed to hold high, and how much drift the wind was going to cause.  I had no intentions of actually hitting that bottle.  I was smart enough not to try again, but to this day my bro swears that the wind must have kicked up a small rock or something, because he refuses to admit that I made that shot.  By the way, he couldn't even hit the fence post.

LMAO  Fucking unreal.

Edited: because I can't spell for SH!T
Link Posted: 6/18/2003 12:43:06 AM EDT
Killing animals you don't plan to eat isn't cool.

Link Posted: 6/18/2003 12:54:48 AM EDT
Best shot I ever saw

Were at my buddys house.  He had a creek in his backyard and there were some rocks about 50 yards away that turtles were sunning on.  He took an old ass Enfield .303 rifle and let a round fly.  The bullet richoted off the rock and hit the underside of the turtle.  The turtle flew up about 15 feet in the air and as it flew up it let out a long stream of blood.
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I won't even comment on the multiple wrongs of this.
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Whats so wrong about that?

I bet I killed about 50 turtles at that creek.  Another thing we used to do is sneak on the turtles sunning on those same rocks and open up with our AK's

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Nice, real nice.[rolleyes]


Link Posted: 6/18/2003 3:19:03 AM EDT
My best shot was with a recurve bow.  I was with two other guys who had compound bows, sights, and trigger releases.  I shoot a bare compound, 3-finger draw.  They set up a target 40 yards out and were having a fit trying to hit it.

I made some comment about too much technology cluttering up something that's supposed to be simple, drew back, and let an arrow fly.  Wham- dead center!

I also had enough sense not to try a second shot!
Link Posted: 6/18/2003 3:45:11 AM EDT
Once upon a time, on grassy knoll...

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You are not right thinking this is funny!
Link Posted: 6/18/2003 3:45:58 AM EDT
Shooting skeet last weekend,...

Shooting doubles...

Hit both with 1 shot! They crossed in midair right when I dusted the first one.

Too bad it was the only double I took all day. At least then it wouldn't have looked like complete luck!
Link Posted: 6/18/2003 3:51:00 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/18/2003 3:51:43 AM EDT
Killing animals you don't plan to eat isn't cool.

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Do a websearch for "Varmint", young padiwan. Learn how damaging they are to the environment as well as the natural balance of an areas indigenous species.

(And for the record, I don't condone turtle varmint hunting...)
Link Posted: 6/18/2003 3:54:07 AM EDT
When I hit the dynamite at Knob Creek the first time.
Link Posted: 6/18/2003 4:11:31 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/18/2003 4:37:13 AM EDT
Field sparrow at 100yards with a scoped Ruger MKII Government model with about a 20mph cross wind. Never should have taken the shot to start with but was amazed when I made the hit. No witness so I guess it doesnt count.[:)]
Link Posted: 6/18/2003 4:47:40 AM EDT
Ok, sorry, I'll add "or to eridicate a dangerous pest" to legitimate reasons.

People were talking about shooting birds and turtles - that's what I was responding to.

Link Posted: 6/18/2003 4:56:10 AM EDT
About 15 at a squirrel on the run from a SKS.

I was bored and it was the gun I was carrying at the time.

Never hit it, just kicked up a line of dirt behind it, like the old war movie machineguns
Link Posted: 6/18/2003 4:58:08 AM EDT
I was gound hoggin with my 700 varmit in .223 using home rolled 50gr blitzKings.  This hog pops up at about 370 400 yard range, so I bear down on him and get a nice whop report confirming a good hit. Then 2 more Viet Varmits pop up looking around all confused, one at 250 and the other at an easy 150.  I popped the 250 hog and the one at 150 just stands there trying to figure out what was going on... I suppose the report confused him... so I pop him too.  All in less than a min.  I was the Lee Harvey of the ground hog world there.  

Over here, some of the old farmers eat these things.. can't be any worse than rabbits
Link Posted: 6/18/2003 5:08:54 AM EDT
Years ago, I was on my uncle's property putting up a tree stand on the edge of a hayfield, a few days prior to the start of bow season for deer.  Me and my buddy, with our .22 bolt rifles...  

Anyway, I am up in this tree, fastening the stand in place, I look across the field and see a woodchuck perched on his hole.  I yell down to my buddy, who ties my .22 to the rope I was using to hoist the stand into the tree.  I lift the rifle up, load it, and lean back in the crotch of this tree.  It was a windy day, and the tree was swaying in the breeze.  The chuck was 125 yards out in the field.

I fix my iron sights on the chuck, and time the sway of the tree...  I touch off a round.  I do not see the chuck.  

My buddy starts stalking across the field while I am still up in the stand.  He has his rifle in case the chuck pops back up.  He gets to the hole...  the chuck is laying at the top of his hole, dead.  I shot him in the ear, and he dropped dead on the spot.  

To this day, my buddy cannot believe I made that shot.  We reminisce about it when we see each other.

Ahhh...  the days of being single and hunting chucks...
Link Posted: 6/18/2003 5:29:41 AM EDT
I had finished zeroing, and adjusting the gas setting on my brand new FAL.

I got up from the bench, got my sight picture, squeezed a round, offhand, and hit dead center of the 10 ring 100 yards away.

I put the rifle back in the case, and went home, smiling all the way.
Link Posted: 6/18/2003 7:18:15 AM EDT

I still remember this one from almost 25 years ago.  It was not a best shot but was an interesting one.  I was in Greenwood, Mississippi on a levee shooting along the river.  There was a still area of water with countless trees growing out into it.  

The shot was fired from about 30 feet above.  I think the target was a turtle sitting on a log.  After impact the bullet ricocheted in a weird way.  It cut a continuous path in the water, curving away for at least15 yards. It looked like a tiny bullet-sized boat had just taken off from the log, leaving a wide wake behind it.  

Link Posted: 6/18/2003 11:09:16 AM EDT
Best shot I ever saw

Were at my buddys house.  He had a creek in his backyard and there were some rocks about 50 yards away that turtles were sunning on.  He took an old ass Enfield .303 rifle and let a round fly.  The bullet richoted off the rock and hit the underside of the turtle.  The turtle flew up about 15 feet in the air and as it flew up it let out a long stream of blood.
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I won't even comment on the multiple wrongs of this.
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Whats so wrong about that?

I bet I killed about 50 turtles at that creek.  Another thing we used to do is sneak on the turtles sunning on those same rocks and open up with our AK's

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Well, forgeting entirely about the moral and ethical issues, you shot a rifle at a rock. You shouldnt shoot a rifle at water or a rock, you did both. You had no idea where those bullets were going to go and that is just stupid.
Link Posted: 6/18/2003 11:13:14 AM EDT
When I was a kid I shot a high-pressure helium gas line with my friend's BB gun.  He didn't think I could hit it, but I got it on the first shot.

It started hissing really really loud.  The phone company dude who came to repair it was somewhat amused.
Link Posted: 6/18/2003 11:21:04 AM EDT
I shot a spent .22 shell from a short distance away. However, hen you cant see them they sure are hard to hit. The dimes were just too big at that distance, so we had to resort to the empty cases because we are so good. Not really, but still.  
Link Posted: 6/18/2003 11:31:54 AM EDT
Hit a running deer at about 50 yards with a scoped Ruger Single Six .357 mag. Of course the first five shots missed, resulting in the running...
Link Posted: 6/18/2003 11:58:09 AM EDT
In the last highpower match I shot in, I hit a golf tee from 300 yards.  Total accident, of course.  It just so happened that that shot went exactly where the previous shot had gone.  Of course, the tee was in the 9-ring, not the X or ten ring.  One of the guys in the pits brought me the pieces of the tee.  

When I was a kid, maybe ten years old or so, we were at a quarry with my dad shooting bottles, maybe 100 yards away at most.  I was shooting his Charter Arms AR-7.  He was telling my brother how there were still bottles that we hadn't hit, and I said, "Like that one?" and shot it.  "And that one?"  Got it.  Three or four times.  Since then, my dad thinks I'm a great shot.
Link Posted: 6/18/2003 12:12:15 PM EDT
Anyone remember reading the late Gale McMillan on thefiringline.com describing that shot he made with a .50 on the burned out Isreali tank hull. I think the range was over 2000 yards.
Link Posted: 6/18/2003 12:16:10 PM EDT
I musta been about 15 or so, got to fire my dad's M1 for the first time...  
hit the X ring at 300yds off hand..


thats the only shot I can recall with any detail.
Link Posted: 6/18/2003 12:16:45 PM EDT
Was out shooting ground squirrels in our own little "Shock and Awe" demonstration on the little equipment wreckers. My buddy and I were both toting .22 WMR rifles, and I had my Buckmark on my hip. We were walking to our favorite spot to shoot, and one of the little buggers stands up tall about 75 yards out, and the sumbitch starts that irritating little squirrel bark thing that they do. I set my rifle down, and pulled the Bukmark for shits and giggles. My partner says something to the effect of "Bullshit". I let one off, and got that sound that varmint shooters love to hear----WHOP! We walked up on the hole where the critter was, and he was DOA with a little flower shaped pile of guts protruding from his belly. I tried to play it off like it was an everyday occurance to shoot the pistol like that, but that did not last long.
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