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Posted: 5/23/2003 5:56:03 AM EDT
[b]Trooper Michael Newton
Missouri State Highway Patrol, MO
End of Watch: Thursday, May 22, 2003

Biographical Info
  Age: 25

Incident Details
  Cause of Death: Automobile accident
  Date of Incident: Thursday, May 22, 2003
  Weapon Used: Not available
  Suspect Info: Not available

Trooper Newton was killed when his patrol car, a 2003 Ford Crown Victoria, was struck from behind while he was making a traffic stop on the shoulder of I-70 near Odessa, Missouri, at 0700 hours. The patrol car burst into flames upon impact and Trooper Newton was trapped inside. The driver of the vehicle he had stopped and the driver of the truck that struck his patrol car were both injured in the accident.

Trooper Newton was assigned to Troop A in Lee's Summit.[/b]


Yet another officer killed while serving his fellow Americans, many of whom are quick to cast dispersions, suspicion and even hate upon him simply for the righteous profession he pursued.

Thank you for your service, Trooper. We pray for your family.
Link Posted: 5/23/2003 5:59:06 AM EDT

Prayers for the family.  
Link Posted: 5/23/2003 7:16:27 AM EDT
Too bad.

Those Crown Vics need fuel saftey cells.
Link Posted: 5/23/2003 7:22:50 AM EDT
Okay this is sad and all.  But should I also start posting every day about average joes that die every day?

Or do you have a point to make Five-0??

If so, why don't you just make your point and be done with it?

Link Posted: 5/23/2003 7:26:48 AM EDT
[url=http://www.kansascity.com/mld/kansascitystar/5924799.htm]Link[/url] to story in today's Kansas City Star.
Link Posted: 5/23/2003 7:55:35 AM EDT
Okay this is sad and all.  But should I also start posting every day about average joes that die every day?

Or do you have a point to make Five-0??

If so, why don't you just make your point and be done with it?

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Sure, please post about anyone who dies serving their communities, friends, families and strangers. Anyone who dies while serving is worthy of recognition in my opinion. I think that is a great idea.

Point? There are numerous things that should come to mind when one considers another's selfless sacrifice. Choose which ever one strikes you.
Link Posted: 5/23/2003 8:10:52 AM EDT
there's a poor shmuck, laying in a burn unit bed burned over 40% of his body for running over the limit.

no sympathy mentioned for the 'perp'?

Link Posted: 5/23/2003 8:12:42 AM EDT
Thanks for the link, DzlBenz. Unusually thorough article.

Prayers go out to the motorist who was badly injured while in the Troopers vehicle. Tragic.

Ford needs to do something about those damned cars. This was an '03 for Petes sake. There were supposed to be some improvements made...
Link Posted: 5/23/2003 8:13:36 AM EDT
sgtar15, we come here to honor our fall'en heros. that is the point! granted this should be in the brothers of the shield or hall of heros section, but whats the deal?

why are you raging on FiveO?  
Link Posted: 5/23/2003 8:34:20 AM EDT
Thanks for the link, DzlBenz. Unusually thorough article.
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No problem, FiveO. Yes, the article is unusually thorough, but contains a rather significant inconsistency. I suspect an editing foul-up:

Officials said Newton had stopped Michael Nolte, 48, of Overland Park for a traffic violation at 6:54 a.m. Nolte sat in the patrol vehicle as he and Newton discussed the violation. About five minutes later, dispatchers began fielding calls about a wreck from that location.

Officials said a 1-ton pickup towing a flatbed trailer drove onto the shoulder and slammed into the patrol car, which in turn struck Nolte's Lincoln. The pickup continued for 200 feet, striking the right-side guardrail several times.
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OK, so the patrol car is pulled up behind the Lincoln. The truck hit the patrol car from the rear. This is a common scenario for this type of accident. Read on:

Officials said Newton had positioned the front of the patrol vehicle slightly toward the highway, while the rear was pointed toward the embankment.
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Standard drill, right? Here's the part that doesn't make any sense:

The pickup hit a glancing blow to Nolte but slammed into Newton with full force, Alumbaugh said.
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I think that what Alumbaugh was trying to convey was that the pickup hit Newton's CAR with full force, and then continued to side-swipe Nolte's CAR. The paraphrase as presented reads as if the truck glanced by Nolte's BODY and then hit Newton's BODY with full force. I'm sure there will be a more detailed account in tomorrow's paper.

Sorry about being picky about the morbid details of this accident, but the article bothered me because it paints an unclear account of the mechanism of the collision(s).
Link Posted: 5/23/2003 9:42:24 AM EDT
I think your assesment is spot on. If the article was 100% accurate Hell would have frozen over, eh?

Yes that positioning is good tactics. It places a sliver of your front left fender as a bit of potential cover between you and the stopped vehicle.

OT to this particular incident but with all due respect to Troopers and other prolific traffic focused officers (which I have never been, BTW), I hate how so many of my fellow officers put the driver in the car with them. Most folks being right handed, it places your weapon right there, they can hear the radio if you get a "hit" on the car or driver and your mobility, offensive and defensive tactics are severely limited. I have never done that. Not one time.
Link Posted: 5/23/2003 3:01:50 PM EDT
BTT because it is worthy.
Link Posted: 5/23/2003 3:22:22 PM EDT

Thanks FiveO
Link Posted: 5/23/2003 3:29:11 PM EDT
Okay this is sad and all.  But should I also start posting every day about average joes that die every day?

Or do you have a point to make Five-0??

If so, why don't you just make your point and be done with it?

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Sure, please post about anyone who dies serving their communities, friends, families and strangers. Anyone who dies while serving is worthy of recognition in my opinion. I think that is a great idea.

Point? There are numerous things that should come to mind when one considers another's selfless sacrifice. Choose which ever one strikes you.
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I'm sorry that Trooper Newton died while [b]doing his job[/b], a job which entails [b]risks[/b] that he voluntarily assumed when he took the job.  He was also [b]compensated[/b] for taking this risk via a paycheck.  
He [b]chose[/b] to make the traffic stop.  Where exactly was the [b]selfless[/b] act?

I'm not making light of the Trooper's death whatsoever, Five0.  
Are you trying to make a point using the Troopers death as an example?

edited to add...I'm not answering for sgtar15.  I don't need to.
Link Posted: 5/23/2003 3:36:03 PM EDT
Christ some of you people are asses.

I suppose it doesn't matter to any of you when our soldiers die either because they get their awesome mulitmillion dollar paychecks(/sarcasm).
Link Posted: 5/23/2003 4:15:48 PM EDT
Police like to post this kind of stuff to bolster their ego's here is a list of dangerous jobs and there ranking, let's post everytime a fisherman loses his life bringing us food, or a power worker or miner dies ,  bringing us energy, , any guys death is tragic to his friends and family.                             Occupation
Relative Risk*
Leading Fatal Event

Average All Jobs
1.0 Homicide and Accidents

21.3 Drowning

Timber Cutters
20.6 Struck by Object

Airplane Pilots
19.9 Airplane Crashes

Structural Metal Workers
13.1 Falls

Taxi Cab Drivers
9.5 Homicide

Construction Workers
8.1 Vehicular, Falls

5.9 Falls

Electric Power Installers/Repairers
5.7 Electrocution

Truck Driver
5.3 Highway Crashes

Farm Occupations
5.1 Vehicular

Police, Detectives, Supervisors
3.4 Homicide, Highway Crashes

Nonconstruction Laborers
3.2 Vehicular

3.2 Electrocution

Welders and Cutters
2.4 Falls, fires

2.3 Homicide

Groundkeepers and Gardeners
1.9 Vehicular

1.6 Falls

Auto Mechanics
1.1 Highway Crashes, Homicide

Supervisors, Proprietors, Sales
1.0 Homicide

0.9 Homicide

Link Posted: 5/23/2003 9:41:02 PM EDT
Yankee, answer MDC85s question. Our Soldiers, Marines, Airmen and Sailors die doing the jobs they are [red]paid[/red] for and [red]volunteered[/red] for and often performing routine tasks they [red]chose[/red] to do or was [red]part of their job[/red]. That makes it meaningless or somehow less than [red]selfless[/red] to you, eh?

Does the officer have to go down in a blaze of gunfire rescuing a kid from a child molester for it to count to you????


The point remains obvious. If you do not get it, well you just don't fucking get it.

Cyanide, it is no fucking contest and it is not about ego. What do you do for a living, friend? How does it serve your community? And even if you do something worthwhile, something with inherent and daily risks, why would [b]your ego[/b] dictate that you belittle the death of a man you do not know and who was perfoming in a valuable role?

I do not and would not (nor would I have reason to) dispute that others have risky professions. You point is lost on me.

This thread memorializes one of the ones who died serving.
Link Posted: 5/24/2003 4:15:59 AM EDT
Cyanide, it is no fucking contest and it is not about ego. What do you do for a living, friend? How does it serve your community? And even if you do something worthwhile, something with inherent and daily risks, why would your ego dictate that you belittle the death of a man you do not know and who was perfoming in a valuable role?
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Don't twist my words, you egotistical person. I was serving my community and nation while you most likely were just a gleam in your fathers eye, I did it, and don't feel the need to have the adoration you seem to need. In any event there are way more dangerous occupations than police work, farmers is just one that comes to mind. So the point is " I know brave polieman die in the line of duty, it happens over 200 times a year, are you going to post every time one dies if so I will post every time a farmer dies or is maimed by farm equipment. [b] Get off your high horse[/b]
Link Posted: 5/24/2003 5:05:10 AM EDT
What in the hell is going on? This thread is created to report the loss of a State Trooper, but yet it is somehow turning into a little pissing match.
If anyone does not like to read or cares about the passing of this Trooper then [b]Shut The Fuck Up[/b] and keep your opinion to yourself.
This thread was created to report the Troopers death and that is all it needs to be.
If anyone feels this thread should have not been created take your ass and start your own damn thread.
If anyone feels the creating of this thread is bullshit due to a Trooper being the subject of the thread, then take your ass and start your own thread with the subject being whom every you so choose.
Five0 created this thread about a falling Officer and that is point and nothing else.
Link Posted: 5/24/2003 5:06:21 AM EDT
[usa] R.I.P. Trooper
Link Posted: 5/24/2003 5:49:26 AM EDT
Don't twist my words, you egotistical person. I was serving my community and nation while you most likely were just a gleam in your fathers eye, I did it, and don't feel the need to have the adoration you seem to need. In any event there are way more dangerous occupations than police work, farmers is just one that comes to mind. So the point is " I know brave polieman die in the line of duty, it happens over 200 times a year, are you going to post every time one dies if so I will post every time a farmer dies or is maimed by farm equipment. [b] Get off your high horse[/b]
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What words did I twist?

What have I posted that makes you feel I am egotistical or desire "adoration"? If you are referring to the pride and sense of worth I take from my profession, and the sorrow and pride I feel when I read about a Brother LEO who dies in the line of duty, then so be it.

If you served (I guess you are implying you were in the Military), you have my greatest respect and thanks. I feel no desire to demean your service or the sacrifice of your fellow _______(???). Why would YOUR EGO push you to demean mine?

Please do start a thread about hurt or injured farmers. I live in an agricultural area and know the value of the American farmer. This thread is about fallen officers.

You say I need to get off my high horse. Don't read the thread. You need to get off of what ever petty BS you have going on inside you that would dare make you trivialize the loss of anyone, LEOs included.
Link Posted: 5/24/2003 5:55:23 AM EDT
[red]Please do start a thread about hurt or injured farmers.[/red] I live in an agricultural area and know the value of the American farmer. This thread is about fallen officers.
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That would make you less "SPECIAL" now wouldn't it?

Link Posted: 5/24/2003 6:06:07 AM EDT
[red]Please do start a thread about hurt or injured farmers.[/red] I live in an agricultural area and know the value of the American farmer. This thread is about fallen officers.
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That would make you less "SPECIAL" now wouldn't it?

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Me? I do not feel special, except to my daughter, wife, friends and family. That is enough for me.

Fallen officers are "special" as are the lives of anyone else serving their country or their fellow man.

This topic is about LEOs killed in the line of duty.

Why do so many have a problem with that? I do not understand.

As far as the topic of this thread, or I should say what it has become, not at all. The dedication, service and sacrifice of one group in no way makes the dedication, service and sacrifice or another any less valuable and worthy of thanks and respect. Does it?
Link Posted: 5/24/2003 6:09:50 AM EDT
WTF is wrong with you people.  We have come here to honor a fallen hero in our community.  I see posts all the time, about "hey i lost my dad" or "i lost my best friend."  etc etc.  

we honor them in those posts too.  If you lost someone that you agree needs to have their spot on the site, do a post.  But to come in here and comment about how unfair it is that we are treating this trooper special is really childish.

Guys get over it!  A Trooper has died, and those of us on the site who are pro-LEO understand his sacrifice.  PUUHLEEASE lets just honor our fallen brother and move on.

If you want to Honor some other job do it in your own post.
Link Posted: 5/24/2003 1:26:04 PM EDT


The point remains obvious. If you do not get it, well you just don't fucking get it.

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Ahhh there it is, the real cop in you has surfaced!!!
Link Posted: 5/24/2003 1:54:44 PM EDT
Yankee, answer MDC85s question. Our Soldiers, Marines, Airmen and Sailors die doing the jobs they are [red]paid[/red] for and [red]volunteered[/red] for and often performing routine tasks they [red]chose[/red] to do or was [red]part of their job[/red]. That makes it meaningless or somehow less than [red]selfless[/red] to you, eh?

Does the officer have to go down in a blaze of gunfire rescuing a kid from a child molester for it to count to you????


The point remains obvious. If you do not get it, well you just don't fucking get it.

Cyanide, it is no fucking contest and it is not about ego. What do you do for a living, friend? How does it serve your community? And even if you do something worthwhile, something with inherent and daily risks, why would [b]your ego[/b] dictate that you belittle the death of a man you do not know and who was perfoming in a valuable role?

I do not and would not (nor would I have reason to) dispute that others have risky professions. You point is lost on me.

This thread memorializes one of the ones who died serving.
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Sure, be happy to answer MDC's question.  
It's shameful how our military personnel can't raise a family on what they're paid.  I'm probably more aware of the situation than most tax-paying Americans about this situation.
And if you don't believe that it matters to me when a soldier (or a cop) dies doing what they've chosen to do, then you're not a very good judge of character.

I'm not sure how you misread my post so badly that you believe that I don't care about the death of anybody.
If you knew me at all, you'd know I'm not at all anti LEO or anti military.  
But then again, you probably don't want to get to know somebody on the other side of the "blue line" who challenges your beliefs.

HAND [wave]  
Link Posted: 5/24/2003 2:03:03 PM EDT
call me an ass hole, which I am.

Sure, please post about anyone who dies serving their communities, friends, families and strangers. Anyone who dies while serving is worthy of recognition in my opinion. I think that is a great idea.

Point? There are numerous things that should come to mind when one considers another's selfless sacrifice. Choose which ever one strikes you.

Don't cops get pay?

Um a construction worker is helping to build our community but if he dies on the job its a on work accident.

He's no hero right?
Link Posted: 5/24/2003 2:35:15 PM EDT
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call me an ass hole, which I am.
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No one called you an ass-hole, so why are you trying to stir shit?

Sure, please post about anyone who dies serving their communities, friends, families and strangers. Anyone who dies while serving is worthy of recognition in my opinion. I think that is a great idea.
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So why are you trying to throw out comparisons. This thread is about a Trooper and not a comparison thread.

Point? There are numerous things that should come to mind when one considers another's selfless sacrifice. Choose which ever one strikes you.
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Exactly and Five0 choose to report this Trooper falling in the line of duty.

Don't cops get pay?
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Sure does so what is the problem

Um a construction worker is helping to build our community but if he dies on the job its a on work accident.
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Snipley I am a construction worker and when I go to work every night I am not in fear of being shot or hit by a passing motorist while I am at work. Police perform different jobs and duties so there is a big difference in this comparison.

He's no hero right?
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Every time a Construction worker dies on a job does not make them a hero. I have seen construction workers die on job-sites before from heart attacks, heat strokes, and yes by accidents of falling.
The two construction workers I saw that fell to their death were not being hero's or trying to be hero's. Their deaths were freak accidents and they were not ask to put their lives on the line or put into extreme dangerous situations.

      Why are you starting this shit for? This Thread was created for a Fallen Trooper not a Construction worker or anyone else.
If you would like you question answered then create a thread. I have answered some of your questions since I am an Construction worker and I have been both Law Enforcement and a Construction worker.
This thread is not the place for some of your comments it has already been shit on enough.
Link Posted: 5/24/2003 2:51:19 PM EDT
IMO this thread was to honor someone who died performing his duty. Regardless of how you feel about the thread, it is inappropriate and disrespectful to voice your displeasure on this thread. Make a new one. Respect the purpose of this thread and go exchange insults on another.

That said: My sympathy to his family.

Link Posted: 5/24/2003 6:32:02 PM EDT


The point remains obvious. If you do not get it, well you just don't fucking get it.

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Ahhh there it is, the real cop in you has surfaced!!!
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LMAO! And you come back with a limp, glancing left! What the hell does that even mean?

If by the "the real cop" you mean a guy than can tell when someone "just don't fucking get it" you are correct. If you are referring to me referring to you as an "asshole" again I guess I call 'em as I see 'em. And you keep proving me right.

Flail away Fellow.
Link Posted: 5/24/2003 6:54:05 PM EDT
Since I kind of had a hand in starting this mess my point to Five-0 was why did he post about 2 different fallen officers in 2 days.  I know Five-0 was trying to point out that LEOs die on the job and deserve respect.

But posting two in two days means there was an alterior motive also.

So Five-0, what was the real point that you wanted to make?  Was it to show that we should  respect Cops more than we do?  Well, some people have had real negative experience with cops and it will take a lot to change that.  Why should all the weight of change be on the citizens shoulders?  

I am sorry this and any cop died on the job.  But I feel no less nor no more for him than I do the guy that died as a farmer, mechanic, or office worker.

All jobs have hazards, yes LEOs have more at times.  And LEOs serve the community like others also do.  But I doubt serving the comunity is truly the main reason a person becomes a LEO.

Not a flame...just my opinion.


Link Posted: 5/24/2003 7:22:48 PM EDT
Since I kind of had a hand in starting this mess my point to Five-0 was why did he post about 2 different fallen officers in 2 days.  I know Five-0 was trying to point out that LEOs die on the job and deserve respect.

But posting two in two days means there was an alterior motive also.

So Five-0, what was the real point that you wanted to make?  Was it to show that we should  respect Cops more than we do?  Well, some people have had real negative experience with cops and it will take a lot to change that.  Why should all the weight of change be on the citizens shoulders?  

I am sorry this and any cop died on the job.  But I feel no less nor no more for him than I do the guy that died as a farmer, mechanic, or office worker.

All jobs have hazards, yes LEOs have more at times.  And LEOs serve the community like others also do.  But I doubt serving the comunity is truly the main reason a person becomes a LEO.

Not a flame...just my opinion.

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You stated my point and you were right. Take from it what you will.

I have had some negative experiences with candle stick makers. I do not lump them into one pile and doubt their motivations, criticize and demean them everytime candles come up.

If you feel no more for a murdered officer than for anyone else, so be it. I assume you feel the same way about our armed forces? Just a question.

What do you think is the "main reason" you feel we become LEOs? Do you know enough of them to construct an informed opinion?

Why do people join the military? Is it always for the most honorable of reasons? In the end, does it really matter. Both [b]serve[/b]. Both [b]sacrifice[/b].

As far as posting this type of thread, expect more after Memorial Day. Believe me, there are [red]thousands upon thousands[/red] of worthy officers to reflect upon. [b]Be sure to not read them if it bothers you.[/b]
Link Posted: 5/24/2003 8:45:19 PM EDT


The point remains obvious. If you do not get it, well you just don't fucking get it.

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Ahhh there it is, the real cop in you has surfaced!!!
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LMAO! And you come back with a limp, glancing left! What the hell does that even mean?

If by the "the real cop" you mean a guy than can tell when someone "just don't fucking get it" you are correct. If you are referring to me referring to you as an "asshole" again I guess I call 'em as I see 'em. And you keep proving me right.

Flail away Fellow.
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Actually I was referencing your lack of communicating skills. You cant intelligently make your point stammering away saying well...well..well..you just don't get it ASSHOLE!!

LOL, keep it up! Your job is no more important than any other!!! <----ouch I bet that stings!![hail2]

what made you become a cop?
Link Posted: 5/24/2003 9:13:40 PM EDT
Well Five-0...I guess you took my post as a flame.

Actually, I have a large respect for the military, especially soldiers that die or get hurt defending our country.  They are a different breed.  

However, once they start feeling they deserve [i]and get[/i] special treatment then I will lose a certain amount of respect for them.  I am not talking about monitary ($$$), I mean in their perception of their roles in society.

Why?  Because even thought they run the risk of sacrific more does not nessecarily mean they are better than me.  Same holds true for LEOs.

My main point here is that a LEO is just as worthy of respct than anyone else.  You may wear a badge and all, but it was the rest of us that made the badge, the cruiser, the radios, the weapons, and so on.  So we all played a role in society.  Bill Gates, who is just one average citizen, has done more for this country than any single LEO.  What level of resect would you give him?

And true, I guess I do lump alot of LEOs together.  But try looking at it from my side.  I have been ticketed for minor moving violations which I routinely see LEOs committe themselves.  I see entrapement and lying inside courtrooms.  When my wife came home and had been assulted I has the first one assuced.  Which I understood,as standard procedure, but was still treated harsely and lied to about it.   And then I was the one that investigated the crime because for some reason the cops didn't want to do anything other then take a report.  If it wasn't for me nothing would have been done!!!

I have told cops that they can not search my vehicle, which is within my rights.  Only to be delayed till a K9 could come out and search for drugs, weapons or whatever (which I didn't have on me)  This was after an intitial pull over for a broken headlighted, or "safety reasons" as the cops said...yeah right!!

I have had ammo and other stuff stolden out of my garage.  When I told the cop I had over 2K rounds of ammo stolden I was given a lecture of why there was no reason I needed that much ammo!!  Meanwil he had a hicap mag 9mm pistol...the same highcaps I am not allowed to buy.  Cops here in California can buy AR15 rifles..I can't not.  I don't care weather they wrote the law or not.  They still benefit from it and support the superiors that allow it.  This continues the cycle of special treatment.

Should I go on??

I also have funny storing about LEOs, usually at their expense, what to hear those also?

Again, I try to respect everyone.  But the minute they think they are better than me...for what ever reason...that respect diminishes.

Humility isn't thinking less or more of yourself.  It excepting yourself for what you are and not having to brag/flaunt/act to others about it.

Link Posted: 5/24/2003 9:40:29 PM EDT
I'm not here to argue about this man's profession.  I am sad for the loss that his family has to deal with.  It is never easy for a wife to deal with the death of a husband nor is it easy for a child to deal with the death of a parent.

Link Posted: 5/24/2003 10:02:52 PM EDT
Rip, I believe my posts stand on their merit. Read them and you will find that you comments have been countered by myself and others.

Actually, in reviewing your posts I see that you made very few points at all. Your short, choppy little attacks are weak at best. I think you should perhaps question your own elementary skills.

You should really read all of the posts, not simply the short rebukes which are the only type necessary for your little impotent jabs.

As far as stinging... Gnats do not sting, they are just annoying. You simply swat them away...

Is the job important? Damned right it is. I can say that my community is a better place for the people who are in prison with my name on their jackets! We have minimized the impact of crime for many of our victims and prevented countless new victims. Damned right it is important! Is arresting, prosecuting and convicting a pedophile, robber, rapist, murderer, burglar, DUI driver, meth cooker, crack dealer, etc. more important than SOME other jobs? I think perhaps it is. Does what we do have a greater impact than SOME other jobs? I think it does. You tell me.

Why did  I become a cop... There is no short answer, I have had about a six pack and I am bored so here goes…

I started college in Pre-Law and saw that the Degree or a Poly Sci Degree would be worthless if I chose to not go on to Law School. I was a Boy Scout (made Life, almost Eagle but got hormonally sidetracked), active in a very community oriented church, in JROTC and later in Army ROTC. I have always had a strong interest in LE and a high degree of respect for LEOs so I went with Criminal Justice, Law School still being what I thought I wanted to do. I wanted to be in the JAG Corps or be a Prosecutor. Civic pride and service have been a part of my life as long as I can remember.

Along came my Internship with a large Metro PD and I found out two things; exposure to defense attorneys, to put it mildly, turned me off and I found out what true excitement and true service was. I saw a lot of deserving people go to jail, saw alot of innocent victims comforted and even avenged and saw true appreciation in people when someone went the extra mile for them. LE challenges every skill, talent and capability you have. It is never monotonous, it is never dull.

I really had the bug so I began reserving with the SO  my last year of college (undergrad). There was no turning back. I love the action, the tactics, the toys, the uniform, the face of a thankful victim, the face of an arrested POS. I love knowing that IN MY COMMUNITY, I was making a difference. Large scale sweeping difference? No, but a personal, individual difference.

I took a full time slot upon getting my BS and started Grad School in Justice and Public Safety, Law School an option I only laugh at now.

After getting my MS I went to a larger Sheriff's Department and the rest is history. I have served 5 years in the Patrol Division and 3 years as a Criminal Investigator.

Much ado has been made about people's reasons for becoming a LEO. For me it is very multifaceted with "service" being but one reason. I do get much satisfaction and enjoyment out of other aspects of the job. My interests in tactics, weapons, psychology (my Minor), the Law, and the skills and knowledge I gained in life, school and on the job are all well used and satisfied.

I love it. I love going to work. I eat it with a big assed fork. And yes I am proud. Proud of my fellow LEOs, proud of my family and other LEO families who support us, and proud of the Brothers who have made a sacrifice that I hope my family never has to bear.

Well that should put a few people to sleep. Sorry you asked? What can I say, I am bored.

What do YOU do, Rip?
Link Posted: 5/24/2003 10:34:31 PM EDT

I did not see your post as a flame at all. You asked questions, made points, I responded.

You say you respect everyone and only when they think they are better than you do you get upset. Well, let me ask you, why does me posting about fallen officers imply that I or anyone else is better than you? You jumped into this thread as the third reply after two "condolences" going on about "average Joes" and all that WHICH I never questioned. Basically, no one rattled your cage.

If I start a "Ford" thread and you like "Chevys" start a Chevy thread and do not go stir up the Ford guys, unless that is your thing, of course, which it seems to be.

You have had some negative run ins. Sorry. Stuff like that should not happen, but it does sometimes. Grind your ax till the day you die, I guess. Is that why you feel compelled to trivialize the passing of a LEO?

As far as Bill Gates goes, Hell, I love the guy. I use a bunch of his shit. I even paid for some of it. What is the point? I could counter by asking how many robberies has he stopped or how many child molesters he has put away. But, unlike you I do not feel a need to.

We all have or roles. I am fond of mine and I am proud of my brothers.
Link Posted: 5/25/2003 4:52:26 AM EDT
Rip, I believe my posts stand on their merit. What do YOU do, Rip?
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Just got out of the Military after 7 years and am continuing to do the very same job for a civilian contractor. The job I do directly contributes to killing and protecting an enormous amount of people.

If you want the technical definition here it is.

Develops and evaluates systems that measure characteristics of objects, substances, or phenomena, such as length, mass, time, temperature, electric current, luminous intensity, and derived units of physical or chemical measure: Identifies magnitude of error sources contributing to uncertainty of results to determine reliability of measurement process in quantitative terms. Redesigns or adjusts measurement capability to minimize errors. Develops calibration methods and techniques based on principles of measurement science, technical analysis of measurement problems, and accuracy and precision requirements. Directs engineering, quality, and laboratory personnel in design, manufacture, evaluation, and calibration of measurement standards, instruments, and test systems to ensure selection of approved instrumentation. Advises others on methods of resolving measurement problems and exchanges information with other metrology personnel through participation in government and industrial standardization committees and professional societies.

So if you were trying to put me on the spot the joke is on you. I am a contributor like many others and am no different. I only wish you could say the same!!
Link Posted: 5/25/2003 6:44:03 AM EDT
nwatson99, No one called me an Asshole your right, but like I said I am one :)

I say if some one is working on a new wing for a hospital and takes a nasty fall and dies, is giving just as much to the community then a cop getting hit in his car.

Really both are getting paid so how is it heroic. I am sorry just my views.

I wouldnt be heroic if paid to protect my community. It is part of the job.

Now don't get me wrong I am sure plenty of people will miss the guy because after all he was human and no doubt has family and friends, but he died in a traffic accident.
Link Posted: 5/25/2003 7:05:28 AM EDT
I find it fascinating that police work is being compared to military SERVICE in this, and other threads. It would appear, some police have taken the militarization of our police to heart.

BTW, For the record, there is NO comparison, between a soldier, and a police officer, and a true "Peace Officer", would resent the comparison.....

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