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Posted: 4/16/2001 6:15:59 PM EDT
There is a pending bill in the NYS Assembly that:

"Prohibits police in cities with a population of one million or more from using magazine clips with more than 10 rounds of ammunition."


Link Posted: 4/16/2001 6:28:48 PM EDT
That is stupid.Abviously those fucks making those decisions are not on the street,in the line of fire.The cops in the big cities need effective firepower,along with good training.They need to be properly armed,the  thugs and gang members are heavily armed,and they would love to know that the local patrol is limited to 10 shot clips.

"I'm the Sofa King!! my prices are Sofa-King low!!!
Link Posted: 4/16/2001 6:48:31 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/16/2001 6:54:19 PM EDT
OhBoy!!! This one could get interesting in a hurry. Do we have a bid to limit caliber size?????
Link Posted: 4/16/2001 7:00:40 PM EDT
Making the Cops use 10 round mags is a great idea.  

They always operate with plenty of backup anyway. And they are "Trained Professionals".

And yet the idiots in Congress who voted in favor of the Brady Bill seemed to have believed that us mere Citizens should use 10 round mags.

Even though when we encounter a Burglar in our Kitchen at 2 in the morning, half-asleep, untrained, and with nobody else to back us up, we are supposed to make due with a stinking 10 rounds of Ammo.

Hell Yes, I say let the Cops make due with 10 round magazines, same as us.....It may teach some of them a few valuable lessons....

Link Posted: 4/16/2001 7:04:59 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/16/2001 7:16:35 PM EDT
Yeah, and no flashhiders on their ARs either. That'll learn 'em.
Link Posted: 4/16/2001 7:17:26 PM EDT
Not only that, they should not have flash hiders, bayonet lugs, folding stocks, or tax free full auto unless all law abiding citizens are allowed the same freedoms. Criminals are already banned. How's that sound??
Link Posted: 4/16/2001 7:17:41 PM EDT
i believe that cops "should" use "high-capacity" magazines, like i "should" use "high-capacity" magazines.

since there is a law prohibiting the manufacture of high-capacity magazine for us jubjects, then police should choose to abide by the same law. i know this may seem anti-leo, but is not. it is pro-continuity. [:)]

justice lib
Link Posted: 4/16/2001 7:38:17 PM EDT
Whats good for the goose is good for the gander
Link Posted: 4/16/2001 7:38:44 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/16/2001 7:40:59 PM EDT
Don't get too excited.

If that went into effect how long do you suppose it would be before
a proposal stating that citizens
will only be able to
own 8 round magazines surfaces?
To keep the police from being "out gunned"
of course.
Link Posted: 4/16/2001 8:29:52 PM EDT
"Plenty of Backup"?
My backup is usually 10-20 minutes away, even at maximum warp.
Another stupid law in the works.
Link Posted: 4/16/2001 9:07:46 PM EDT
I think the secret service ought to be limited to 10 rounds too. And no guns in DC by anyone including SS. I'm sure there is no problem of that happening
Link Posted: 4/16/2001 9:12:38 PM EDT
Originally Posted By Garand Shooter:
What a novel idea, require those who enforce the laws to live by them. I wonder how many of these police organizations, unions, chiefs assc., departments, etc that rally for gun control will sing a differant tune when they have to play by the same rules as the rest of us?
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Probably not many.  The organizations you are talking about, Chief's associations, administrations, etc, are all political.  They couldn't give a crap about the guy on the street.  They will do whatever is politically expedient, and sacrifice their troops.  Most of your line officers are strong 2nd amendment supporters.  It is the administrators who usually fail the test.
Link Posted: 4/16/2001 9:15:07 PM EDT
This will spell one thing.  With out hi-cap mags full of 9m or .40 auto only one thing will happen.

The return of the .45 AUTO!
Link Posted: 4/16/2001 9:19:47 PM EDT
I don't understand what the fuss is about. Everybody knows that "high-capacity" magazines are only used for assaults, and spraying bullets with fully automatic bolt action sniper rifles.
Seriously, if being able to purchase a new high round clip is not a right of a basic citizen why should police need them? Now to see if the cops, who claim they don't speak up for our rights to carry high capacity magazines because they are not allowed, instantly have the right to a public opinion once this comes into debate.
Link Posted: 4/16/2001 9:25:45 PM EDT
Here in Calif, the state gov't passed a Sat. Nite Spl. ban law for civilians, but there is an a exception for the police/military.  Even though the police have an exception, the lawyers are advising the local jurisdictions to not carry any guns that are defined as Sat. Nite Spls for liability reasons.
Link Posted: 4/16/2001 9:27:12 PM EDT
Interesting bit of nonsense from the "we don't know which end of the barrel the round comes out of" croud.

Let's see' seems to me I heard something about equality under the law.  Yet, the penalties for assaulting an LEO or murdering one are more stringent than they are for Joe citizen.  And the same is true for hate crimes.  If someones hates you when he assaults you then his penalty should be greater.  If he likes you, but still beat the crap out of you, then go easy on the BG.  Just so long as hate wasn't involved.

Let's see, seems to me I heard something about equality under the law.
Link Posted: 4/16/2001 9:38:34 PM EDT
Finally they come out with truly "common sense and reasonable" legislation.


Link Posted: 4/16/2001 9:45:55 PM EDT
S'pose it won't matter because
many of the new S&W autos  
the departments will be forced
to buy will malfunction after two.
Link Posted: 4/16/2001 10:20:09 PM EDT
Originally Posted By garden weasel:
Don't get too excited.

If that went into effect how long do you suppose it would be before
a proposal stating that citizens
will only be able to
own 8 round magazines surfaces?
To keep the police from being "out gunned"
of course.
View Quote

That will be great! Then I'll get to pay twice as much for a Pre-ban 10 rounder!!!! Will this crap ever end????

Link Posted: 4/16/2001 10:22:23 PM EDT
Ah yes..."what goes around...comes around.."
I look at it this way. Generations of Police Officers served WITHOUT semi-automatic handguns and WITHOUT "bullet proof" vests...
They can do it again...
Seriously though...what no one really talks about is the increased ratio of misses vs. hits during armed confrontations by police officers since they turned in their revolvers for semi-autos.
I think police would be better armed with 44 Magnum, 45 Colt, 475 or 500 Linebaugh Revolvers..than with small caliber semi-autos with high cap magazines.

Typical trigger pulls for Semi-Autos is around 10 lbs...typical trigger pull for a revolver is about 3 lbs (single action). This would make for fewer misses. The larger calibers would increase stopping power.

Exemptions are coming to an end..it is only a matter of time.
Link Posted: 4/16/2001 11:12:35 PM EDT
Why don't you people actually go out on patrol in a sector car...better yet, foot patrol: more interaction with the public, on a busy Friday or Saturday summer night (4pm to midnight shift) in a "nice" busy section of Brooklyn, and tell me how much you appreciate the fact that you have those 15 round mags. Untill you people start wearing bullet resistant not "bulletproof"(no such thing) armor to work everyday and finally realize, "hey there are people out there that tried to spit/punch/kick/stab/shoot at me today!!!!" you start to realize that maybe you wish you had something bigger than a 9mm pistol with ONLY 15 round magazines...[pissed]  
Link Posted: 4/16/2001 11:46:16 PM EDT
Every time I hear the line "it's the police chief's and not the duty officers" it reminds me of how much BS there is in the world.  First of all if that was true why don't you hear the duty officers speak up?  I think it has to do with the fact that the laws being passed don't affect them so they don't care.

Nomex on
P.s. this is NOT a generalization, this is how the police are where I live (Seattle)
Link Posted: 4/16/2001 11:51:44 PM EDT
its a good idea, but i think they should make cops carry revolvers again, maybe a 5 shot chiefs

of course this law comes out of NY, kalif isnt dumb enough to think of something like this, maybe we should just nuke NY off the map and start again, you NY gun owners gotta move
Link Posted: 4/17/2001 12:03:03 AM EDT
Waverunner - I think that most of us here support the police being equipped with any equipment they realistically need.

We just don't like the double standard.  Why should the Master's Enforcers be priviledged enough to have hicaps and body armor when we poor plebes are denied the same?

I know police don't make the law.  We just protest that the police don't have to live under the same law.

Here in Maryland we passed a whole bunch of crappy gun law last year under the guise of protecting police officer's lives.  By the time the bill was passed, the police were specifically exempted from this bad legistlation.  Now they are trying the same thing with banning body armor - to protect the police.  What about the poor tax payer?  We aren't allowed to carry a gun to protect ourselves, and now we won't be allowed to wear armor to protect ourselves.  Why the double standard?
Link Posted: 4/17/2001 12:48:06 AM EDT
I think its a great law, whats good for the ordinary law abiding citizen is good for the police officer. It helps restore a balance of power. Maybe they should set the example. Besides who needs more than ten rounds. The should also be required be to plug thier shotguns not to hold more than 2 rounds in the tube. Its all fine and dandy when your not the one with the crappy end of the stick. Now that they might get the crappy end of the stick they can see how it feels. The easy way to fix the problem is get rid the politcally correct mag law. I am sure all those officers are glad they pushed for the Assualt weapon ban now.

Link Posted: 4/17/2001 12:50:59 AM EDT
Waverunner - I think that most of us here support the police being equipped with any equipment they realistically need.

We just don't like the double standard.  Why should the Master's Enforcers be priviledged enough to have hicaps and body armor when we poor plebes are denied the same?

I know police don't make the law.  We just protest that the police don't have to live under the same law.

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Trust me, this hi-cap thing is bullshit anyway. A badguy is just as dangerous with 1 single bullet as he is with 15+1. This legislation only keeps "the good people" from getting stuff anyway. As for the not allowing body armor on civilians...aren't lawmakers the most idiotic form of life in exisistance?
Link Posted: 4/17/2001 2:52:25 AM EDT
Amen!!!  I fully support the arming of police to what ever level is needed to combat the BG's. Since when did they ever get into a shoot out with law abiding citizens? Doesn't the term "law abiding" sort of exclude that possibility? Except of course if the police themselves are not law abiding. Criminals are already banned from owning or possessing guns. All of these stupid restrictive laws against law abiding citizens should be repealed immediately. Will it happen? Probably not any more likely than further restrictions on police arms. LEO's need to get vocal about this, both for their own sake and for the sake of those of us who don't break the law. We may _be_ your backup someday.
Link Posted: 4/17/2001 3:31:54 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/17/2001 4:44:57 AM EDT
Why don't you people actually go out on patrol in a sector car...better yet, foot patrol: more interaction with the public, on a busy Friday or Saturday summer night (4pm to midnight shift) in a "nice" busy section of Brooklyn, and tell me how much you appreciate the fact that you have those 15 round mags. Untill you people start wearing bullet resistant not "bulletproof"(no such thing) armor to work everyday and finally realize, "hey there are people out there that tried to spit/punch/kick/stab/shoot at me today!!!!" you start to realize that maybe you wish you had something bigger than a 9mm pistol with ONLY 15 round magazines...[pissed]  
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Not to be a asshole dude, but how do you think those that are law-abiding feel like on those same streets, and they are disarmed by law, and do not have a vest?  Or are unable to defend themselfs at home with a 9 mm cause they do not have a permit??
Link Posted: 4/17/2001 5:24:54 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/17/2001 5:50:11 AM EDT

Not to be a asshole dude, but how do you think those that are law-abiding feel like on those same streets, and they are disarmed by law, and do not have a vest?  Or are unable to defend themselfs at home with a 9 mm cause they do not have a permit??

Hey, I hear what you're saying, loud and clear, I think civilians should be able to carry and wear the same stuff we do.  I'm not worried about the "good people" it's the badguys that are the problem. These laws keep "good people" the down...that's what I mean

Link Posted: 4/17/2001 6:39:06 AM EDT
Great idea[beer]

Since the police force is there to serve the civilian population, they should be required to carry whatever the civilians are limited to.  In a free state, full auto is accepted, and for New Socialism (York) single shot .22s
Link Posted: 4/17/2001 9:21:59 AM EDT
LAgun-LOL! I feel your pain, you poor Kali misfit!

Yep, it gives me heartburn when I see LEO or Government use ONLY. Total bullshyt. I would love to see this gem move forward!

Link Posted: 4/17/2001 9:33:31 AM EDT
again this idea doesn't matter. if limited to 10rd mags. they would still carry 31 rds, 2 10rd backup mags & a 10rd mags w/ 1 in the chamber in the gun.  you don't need that many when 4 cops are shooting you, for a total of 41 rds fired!
Link Posted: 4/17/2001 9:51:30 AM EDT
I am very pro law enforcement and want them to have the very best that can be purchased . Being that cops are civilians too , I recommend that they practice mag changes with those 10 round mags just like us. After all the family I protect is no less important than the people they protect.
Link Posted: 4/17/2001 10:10:28 AM EDT
Originally Posted By Garand Shooter:
What a novel idea, require those who enforce the laws to live by them. I wonder how many of these police organizations, unions, chiefs assc., departments, etc that rally for gun control will sing a differant tune when they have to play by the same rules as the rest of us?
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The ten round limit is just as stupid for cops as it is for the average citizen.  Hopefully by highlighting the stupidity of limiting cops to ten rounds, people will realize it is just as dumb to do it everyone else.

Do they actually think a guy with a gym bag full of ten round mags and whatever gun he chooses to use is any less dangerous?
Link Posted: 4/17/2001 11:10:30 AM EDT
I carry a Glock 21 with 13 round mags. Give me 10 round mags I don't care I can still speed load and hammer the chest before most people can figure out their gun just stopped working.

Hehehehehehe  Don't get me wrong I understand the reason for this post. Magazine capacity is not and issue and should not be regulated for ANY law abiding folk.

Hunter out...
Link Posted: 4/18/2001 4:32:18 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/18/2001 4:43:24 AM EDT
Don't stop with NY. What's good for the masses is good for the police. Expand the 10 rd limit to all LE including the feds. It's about time these stupid laws applied to them as well. Aren't we the ones they're sworn to protect and serve? Why should we be subject to this type regulation and not them? BTW I'm a supporter of my local police and have several friends that are in their ranks. I apprieciate the job they do but I can't see why honest, law abiding citizens should be treated in the untrustworty manner that most gun laws imply.
Link Posted: 4/18/2001 8:36:47 PM EDT
high caps mags are fun on the range but if i cant stop the threat in 10 rounds im probbly dead dont get me wrong i think all this "High cap" "AW" "gun laws" are all a big pile of the most vile smelling crap  
Link Posted: 4/19/2001 12:14:12 PM EDT
What pisses me off is the price differential.  "Pre-ban" Sig 226 15rnd. NIW, $50, same mag with LEO markings, $10.  Same with the LEO only AR15s.  They're just a regular configuration with bayo lug, flash hider, and telestock.  We're getting reamed, fellows.  Funny thing is, I still have 15rnd and 16rnd. mags for my EAA Witness (among others).  So can anyone tell me what this law accomplished?  If you say "artificial scarcity" you get a cookie.  
Link Posted: 4/19/2001 12:33:46 PM EDT
Where is the line drawn? I agree that there should be NO mag capacity bans, on ANYBODY. To me it's unconstitutional and sets a bad precident since LE an military can have them. To me that's a government with too much control issue.

Anyway back to the topic, I don't see cops having 10 rounders any time soon. Especially in NY where cops are up against small armies. It's not right that cops should be limited to 10 rounds, just like it's not right for the rest of the country.
Link Posted: 4/19/2001 12:52:10 PM EDT
all the law did was jack the prices thru the roof and created a artifical Scarcety
Link Posted: 4/19/2001 12:58:35 PM EDT
What pisses me off is the price differential.  "Pre-ban" Sig 226 15rnd. NIW, $50, same mag with LEO markings, $10.  Same with the LEO only AR15s.  They're just a regular configuration with bayo lug, flash hider, and telestock.  We're getting reamed, fellows.  Funny thing is, I still have 15rnd and 16rnd. mags for my EAA Witness (among others).  So can anyone tell me what this law accomplished?  If you say "artificial scarcity" you get a cookie.  
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What pisses me off is, even though I buy this with my own money, I can't keep it.  There is no provision in the law for LEO's to keep privately purchased LEO weapons.  If I stick around for 20, my Dept can "Present" me with my Glock and its LEO magazines, but my Bushmaster?  No I have to sell it to another "authorized" user.  Yeah, I got a great f***ing deal.
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