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Posted: 12/10/2002 6:02:12 AM EDT
How easy/hard is it to get one given the following conditions:

*Not that great of record concerning grades.
*Only have one or two more semesters left.
*Only need 3,000$ or so.

How fast does it go through?
How do you apply?
What do you need to present?

How do I go about it?

Link Posted: 12/10/2002 6:08:59 AM EDT
I am assuming you are in college, right.  If so, your college, more than likely, has an office of financial aid and you should have a financial aid advisor.  Go to them, they have untold millions in scholarship funds just waiting to help you finish out your education.  Hell, there are some scholarships SPECIFICALLY designed for people with less than stellar grades.  Give them a call and see what they can come up with.  The money is out there, you just have to go find it.  Good luck
Link Posted: 12/10/2002 6:21:59 AM EDT
The first thing you need to do is fill out the FAFSA form.  Get one from your school's financial aid department or go to [url]http://www.fafsa.ed.gov/[/url]

It takes a month or so to process. You'll need your income tax return info from last year.

Student loans are easy to get.  Obviously, your income isnt a big consideration for loan eligibility.  Your parents' income is, if you're 23 or younger.
Link Posted: 12/10/2002 6:25:41 AM EDT
How easy/hard is it to get one given the following conditions:

*Not that great of record concerning grades.
*Only have one or two more semesters left.
*Only need 3,000$ or so.

How fast does it go through?
How do you apply?
What do you need to present?

How do I go about it?

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"Not that great of record concerning grades"

WTF? Is this English? College English? Where are you going to school? Slippery Rock State U? What are you studying?

(Please don't say Criminal Justice or Law Enforcement...)

Let me see if I have this right. You want taxpayers to lend subsidized money to somebody who isn't doing all that well in his studies? Do you think the taxpayers will ever see their money back?

Do you honestly expect to get some sort of job with your degree and its accompanying academic record (which employers WILL want to see...) that will pay sufficently well to make it so you can live on your own and pay off your student loans in THIS economy?

I have news for you- nobody hires mediocrity. Maybe they did in the Billy Jeff Klintoon years, but those days are gone. And I don't expect them back very soon.

Just how did you pay for your studies up to now. Or- more to the point- WHO paid for them?

Every day is Palm (up) Sunday for some people, I guess... [rolleyes]

OK: I'll lend you the $3,000, but only on the proviso that you get STRAIGHT A's EVERY TIME, otherwise, you pay back the loan at a higher interest rate due IMMEDIATELY upon graduation or cessation of studies. NO B.S.!

And if you don't pay up, my brother Nunzio and his associates Aldo and Guido will extract it out of you, any which way they can....
Link Posted: 12/10/2002 6:29:48 AM EDT
How's the weather up on your high horse, 95th?
Link Posted: 12/10/2002 6:35:01 AM EDT
95th Foot:

Fuck off.

Link Posted: 12/10/2002 6:38:53 AM EDT
If you've got a 2.0 or better I don't think that they even look at your grades.

I think the only stipulation is that you are currently enrolled. The number of semesters left shouldn't matter.

I don't know if you tell them how much you need. I think you apply, they tell you how much they will give you and then you can accept all of it, or just what you need. I doubt $3000 would be that big of a deal. I've got friends that had loans out that totaled over $50K.

Go to the financial aid department of you school to find out more specifics.
Link Posted: 12/10/2002 6:43:12 AM EDT

Let me see if I have this right. You want taxpayers to lend subsidized money to somebody who isn't doing all that well in his studies? Do you think the taxpayers will ever see their money back?

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What makes you think that taxpayers will get screwed out of their money? Not all loans are subsidized. The money is loaned from a bank and guaranteed by the government.

If you default on student loans you can't get a drivers license, hunting license, any other governmental license. They can and will take money out of your paycheck or withhold it from you income tax return. One way or another, they [b]will[/b] get their money back. They don't fuck around with student loans.

BTW...nice attitude
Link Posted: 12/10/2002 6:52:37 AM EDT
Link Posted: 12/10/2002 6:56:59 AM EDT
95th Foot:

Fuck off.
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1)  I've been up for over twenty-four hours writing a research paper on a semester hydroponics project.
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You will find the world does not care how much work one puts into something, only the results. In college these results are called "grades".

2)  I have more intelligence and wit in one pubic hair than you'll ever dream of having.  
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And this is measured exactly how?....if you're so capable, what are you asking for info about financial aid at a gun web page for? Didn't you know that your university or college has a financial aid office? Didn't the institution tell you about all this when you came aboard? Didn't your fellow students mention ths same problem in passing?

3)  I never asked for taxpayer money or government assistance.   I want a normal loan that I will pay off with interest.
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Rotsa ruck. Have you ever actually paid off a loan, a big one? It's a BIG responsibility. And if you don't pay it off promptly, the interest owed accrues and you have to pay that off, too. AND it ruins your credit rating - for a LONG time. Banks do not hand out money to poor risks. If you were a stellar student, they might. But if you are not, I hope you know somebody real well at the local S&L....

BTW who has paid for your studies up to now? THAT is a question you will get from any lender.

4)  I am the hardest working mother fucker you'll ever meet.
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The world does not care. It is a cruel world out there, if you are not prepared, and even if your are, it can still be quite difficult.

5) Fuck off.
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Well, thank you for your childish display of all you have learned. If you can't take criticism and are thin-skinned about your academic record at this point in life, then guess what: it doesn't get any easier later on.

You either get that message for free now from some stranger on the Internet, or you find out later at interviews and rejections in the job market, for real.

The former is easier to deal with.
Link Posted: 12/10/2002 7:18:34 AM EDT

Well, thank you for your childish display of all you have learned. If you can't take criticism.. 'snip'
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You're way out of line. That wasn't criticism, it was an insult.

I think he responded appropriately.
Link Posted: 12/10/2002 7:31:52 AM EDT
Hey Pot,

Congrats on almost being done! I still have a ways to go. The best site that I have found for student loans and info is [url]http://www.salliemae.com/[/url]. There are specific grants, scholarships, and loans listed on there for any major, or any situation that you might be in. Definately talk to you schools financial aid dept and your local credit union/bank. My CU has a short term student loan as an option. You can borrow up to I think its $5000 for one year at a rediculously low interest rate, but if you go over the year, its going to cost you out the ass. Hope that helps.

Link Posted: 12/10/2002 8:29:12 AM EDT

Well, thank you for your childish display of all you have learned. If you can't take criticism.. 'snip'
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You're way out of line. That wasn't criticism, it was an insult.

I think he responded appropriately.
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Personally I have no problem with 95thfoot telling him how it is.  It IS pretty pathetic that the greatest intellect of our time can't even use the english language properly.  Not to mention, is this a real university or one of those "colleges" located in an offic building next to an acounting firm?  None of your compatriots have loans?  When I was in school and needed to get into loans, I simply asked my friends who already had loans.  Bottom line is the other posters are right, get to your financial aid office.  You might even be able to get a grant and really rook the gov't into paying to teach you how to grow weed. (name's patchouli, doing a hydroponics project?).

If you need the money right away, then student loans ain't gonna do it.  Get yourself a credit card with a 0% introductory rate, and use the card until the loans come in.

I am one of those idiots with $50k of student loan debt.  Even after my minimum monthly payment I make more money than anyone I grew up with.
Link Posted: 12/10/2002 9:31:25 AM EDT
Do you honestly expect to get some sort of job with your degree and its accompanying academic record (which employers WILL want to see...) that will pay sufficently well to make it so you can live on your own and pay off your student loans in THIS economy?
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95, I hate to break the bad news to you, but did you know that 70% of all US CEO's graduated with a GPA of less than 2.5.  BTW, companies would rather hire someone with real skills and or traits like problem solving skills, creativity, enthusiasm etc"  If you hire someone on the basis of a GPA your company will SURELY flop.  They look at your degree and your skills not your grades.

I would rather give our tax money to a college student than some piece of trailer park trash that is on the DRAW.  BTW, where did you go to college?  Inquiring minds would like to know.

Patch, best of luck! [:D]
Link Posted: 12/10/2002 9:50:24 AM EDT
I am one of those idiots with $50k of student loan debt.  Even after my minimum monthly payment I make more money than anyone I grew up with.
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The thing is...it's usually not the idiots that have the gigantic loan debts. Of the people I know, one is a doctor, another is a lawyer and the other is still in law school in San Diego.
Link Posted: 12/10/2002 9:53:50 AM EDT

95, I hate to break the bad news to you, but did you know that 70% of all US CEO's graduated with a GPA of less than 2.5.  BTW, companies would rather hire someone with real skills and or traits like problem solving skills, creativity, enthusiasm etc.
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My boss was the same way. He couldn't care less about what my grades were. All they care about is the piece of paper. Besides, there are a million different reasons why someone might not be in the top 5% of their class, being lazy or stupid aren't the only two.
Link Posted: 12/10/2002 10:58:52 AM EDT

95, I hate to break the bad news to you, but did you know that 70% of all US CEO's graduated with a GPA of less than 2.5.  BTW, companies would rather hire someone with real skills and or traits like problem solving skills, creativity, enthusiasm etc.
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My boss was the same way. He couldn't care less about what my grades were. All they care about is the piece of paper. Besides, there are a million different reasons why someone might not be in the top 5% of their class, being lazy or stupid aren't the only two.
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Geez, I wish.  Many of the places I have applied to won't even give me the time of day, because I do not have a college degree.  Regardless of my ability to perform in any given position, I won't get the chance if I don't have a degree.  

I have been working full-time and going to college part-time for better than five years.  I'm finally graduating with my Associates degree in the spring and transferring to another University to complete my bachelors.

As a middle-class, full-time working stiff, I'm expected to contribute in excess of $5000 per year (according to FAFSA) toward my college education.  It's not likely to happen any time soon.

When I see the genetic drift that some parents are sending to college, it scares me.  When I find out what kind of a "free ride" many are getting, it makes we want to scream.

Link Posted: 12/10/2002 11:17:23 AM EDT
Geez, I wish.  Many of the places I have applied to won't even give me the time of day, because I do not have a college degree.  Regardless of my ability to perform in any given position, I won't get the chance if I don't have a degree.
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Exactly...that is what I was saying. They all want to see the diploma and could give a shit less about your transcript (eg. grades). No diploma, no job.
Link Posted: 12/10/2002 11:25:12 AM EDT
Of course the real reason for all this conflict in here today is that the person has a screen name taken from a body odor covering oil used by all the liberal hariylegged and amrpitied dope somoking birkenstock wearing hippy chicks out there.

Oh yea, forgot non red meat eating, looking for an emo boyfriend (If she can get his crank out of HIS boyfriends 4th point of contact.)


Link Posted: 12/10/2002 12:41:18 PM EDT
The scoop:

I don't know anything about loans.  You know why?  Because I busted my ass to make it this far.  I took a year off and worked my ass off in the middle of the Bering Sea for 18 hours a day, 7 days a week.   I have held a student job during the entire time I've been in college.  I was promoted to a lead position here because of my work ethic.   Now, I'm almost done and I want to give myself a little bit of a break by not working so damn hard.  That's where the idea of a loan comes into play.  Why did I ask here on a gun board?  Gee I don't know.  Maybe it has to do with the thousands of members that have done just about anything and everything.  It's a resource that I can use to have the answers, opinions, and experiences literally waiting for me when I check in, instead of having to hunt for them all myself.   Boy, I must be stupid to ask questions here.

As for my education.  I never bought into the GPA game.   It doesn't mean anything -- plain and simple.  I have a better command of life and knowledge than half the Dean's List.  

And yes, I told you to fuck off, you pencil-necked piece of shit.  Immature?  Nope.  Just honest.

Link Posted: 12/10/2002 12:44:51 PM EDT

And yes, I told you to fuck off, you pencil-necked piece of shit.  Immature?  Nope.  Just honest.

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I think I like this guy. [:D]
Link Posted: 12/10/2002 1:48:22 PM EDT

And yes, I told you to fuck off, you pencil-necked piece of shit.  Immature?  Nope.  Just honest.

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I think I like this guy. [:D]
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I [b]KNOW[/b] I don't [:D]
Link Posted: 12/10/2002 2:14:32 PM EDT

Fill out a financial aid packet from your school. As long as you maintain either a 2.0 or 2.5 GPA, your fine. Congratulations on near completion. It is a tremendous accomplishment.

Edited because my brains is faster than my fingers.
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