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Posted: 12/6/2002 6:02:18 PM EDT
Has anyone else been wondering why so many cruise ships have been all of a sudden coming down with the same massive sick passenger rates?  Do you think it's just the flu or something else with flu-like symptoms?
Link Posted: 12/6/2002 6:25:40 PM EDT

Of course it is terrorism.  The government is just keeping it under wraps so they don't freak out the sheep, I mean, general populace.

Stay the hell away from those things, this is simply the first wave.

Link Posted: 12/6/2002 6:34:47 PM EDT
Yeah, sure.  Like it isn't a bunch of poorly run cruise companies trying to squeeze every buck out of their multi-million dollar investments by cutting corners with the upkeep of the ships.  Maybe it is as simple as they are turning each cruise around a wee bit too fast?  I'm blaming disreputable business practices.
Link Posted: 12/6/2002 6:36:04 PM EDT
That's my take as well.  I also think there's something else up with the airliner that went down in N.Y. after the 911 fiasco.... You know, the one where there were several credible witnesses who said they saw what they described as a rocket trail leading up to the plane before the crash?  Kinda sounds similar to the recent failed missile attempts on the airliner attributed to terrorists.  But we don't want to create a panic here right?
Link Posted: 12/6/2002 6:38:11 PM EDT
Yeah, sure.  Like it isn't a bunch of poorly run cruise companies trying to squeeze every buck out of their multi-million dollar investments by cutting corners with the upkeep of the ships.  Maybe it is as simple as they are turning each cruise around a wee bit too fast?  I'm blaming disreputable business practices.
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That's quite a coincidence that all of a sudden the poor business practices are hitting all the different cruise lines at the same time...
Link Posted: 12/6/2002 6:38:17 PM EDT

Normally I would agree, but so many different cruise ship companies all hit with the same virus, within weeks of each other, and keep getting it despite cleanings overseen by the CDC?  This is not an outbreak of 50 people on one ship, this is hundreds of people on many different ships operated by different companies all within the same time period.

Definitely the first wave.
Link Posted: 12/6/2002 6:54:45 PM EDT
If terrorists were hitting cruse ship, why not spread something deadly?  While I agree many different companies having the same problem at the same time is suspect, I don't see Terrorists wasting their time spreading the stomach flu.  One man's humble opinion.
Link Posted: 12/6/2002 6:56:11 PM EDT
Keep your eyes open and think for yourself (follow your instincts, that's why you have em)..... this is not the time to be caught in sheep mode.  Think of all the people in tower #2 who stayed against their better judgement because someone on the loudspeaker was telling them they were safe and that they shouldn't evacuate.
Link Posted: 12/6/2002 6:57:45 PM EDT
According to a report I heard today, this virus, or others like it, affect cruise ships this time of year with like clockwork. The only difference this year is the amount of media attention the problem is getting.
Link Posted: 12/6/2002 7:00:16 PM EDT
If terrorists were hitting cruse ship, why not spread something deadly?  While I agree many different companies having the same problem at the same time is suspect, I don't see Terrorists wasting their time spreading the stomach flu.  One man's humble opinion.
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I'm not 100% convinced that it's only a stomache flu.  I hope I'm wrong but I'm not ruling out that it could be a reaction to something else.  Hell, HIV has symptoms similar to the flu when it is first contracted.  I hope it's just a coincidence and only the flu.
Link Posted: 12/6/2002 7:04:46 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/6/2002 7:10:06 PM EDT
If terrorists were hitting cruse ship, why not spread something deadly?  While I agree many different companies having the same problem at the same time is suspect, I don't see Terrorists wasting their time spreading the stomach flu.  One man's humble opinion.
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I'm not 100% convinced that it's only a stomach flu.  I hope I'm wrong but I'm not ruling out that it could be a reaction to something else.  Hell, HIV has symptoms similar to the flu when it is first contracted.  I hope it's just a coincidence and only the flu.
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Point well taken.  Nor can we assume the media reports are 100% accurate...  That said I am still 60/40 flu/bio weapon.  
Link Posted: 12/6/2002 7:15:39 PM EDT
It's different cruise liners hitting the same Caribbean ports. Never eat the raw "fresh" veggies! Most likely a virus spread by dirty food brought aboard at one of the ports.
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Yep.  Seen it happen before - Hurghada, Egypt.  They fertilize their crops with human waste.  If you eat uncooked fruits or veggies and you get a nice case of puking and crapping for a couple of days.  I'm not sure of where these cruise ships are pulling in, but, I bet they buy the local (cheap) produce when they do.
Link Posted: 12/6/2002 7:43:05 PM EDT
This is about as effective a method of terrorism as sneezing on salad bars. It doesn't kill you, it just makes you feel awful for a few days. I can't seen a terrorist in a cave rejoicing in how he ruined a cruise for 100 people. That's like a 'professor chaos' type plot.

The sypmtoms sound like something I and other members of my family had last year. Horribly sick for a couple of days, then a couple of days of slow recovery. Some of the most violent [puke] episodes I've ever experienced. OTOH, it's the most days  I've been able to take off from working in the past 7 or so years...
Link Posted: 12/6/2002 8:01:06 PM EDT
It's part of a massive terrorist conspiracy to give everyone a case of the shits. be afraid
Link Posted: 12/6/2002 11:50:56 PM EDT
Perhaps terrorists spreading an airborne bug on cruise ships would be a good testing ground for effectiveness of a debilitating virus.  If that were the case, then spreading the same virus on our troops overseas could put them out of the fight for a few weeks.  
Link Posted: 12/7/2002 12:03:19 AM EDT
Maybe it's a failed bio terror attack that's just effective on those w/weak immune systems, i.e. old folks, and it's showing up on cruise ships.  Be afraid.
Link Posted: 12/7/2002 12:08:02 AM EDT
Well im pritty sure it aint bio terrorism. according to what the local news says the symptoms are I had that virus and ita a real bitch. By the way Ive never been on a cruise ship in my life. Symptoms are sever stomach cramps for 48hrs accompanied by diahreea and vomiting can take 12 to 48 hours after exposure to become sick your contagous supposedly for 72hrs. Let me tell you its the sickest ive been in a long time I couldnt hardly walk the first day My stomach hurt so bad. Water made it feel better so i drank water by the gallon then I puked for quite awhile I also ran a bit of a temperature the next day wasnt as bad but I still had stomach cramps to beat all hell.
Link Posted: 12/7/2002 12:37:43 AM EDT
Try BRAT?  Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, Toast?  That's what I was perscribed when I got "Muhammed's Vengance".
Link Posted: 12/7/2002 12:55:59 AM EDT
I don't really think this is terrorism, but I do think we should be very cautious when dealing with cruise liners. They would be an ideal target for terrorist dirtbags. Defenseless, isolated and full of people, this sure would seem like a terrorist's dream target.

I highly doubt this is anything terror related though. I have heard some suggest that and a few others who think this might be a test run to gauge our response. But I seriously think that they already know the capabilities of any bio-weapons they may have and if they use them, there won't be any question about what it is.

This isn't terrorism, but it's good to see everyone keeping their guard up. I awake every day hoping for the best and expecting the worst. We never know when and where or how the next one will occur, just that another attack will occur. I don't suggest people panic or see a terrorist behind every tree, but it certainly is healthy to be aware of what's happening around you....condition yellow as the experts call it. But now that I think about, I always have operated in that mode myself anyway.
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