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Posted: 4/8/2001 6:51:40 PM EDT
I'm interested in hearing about different "action careers" that you know of.  I'm in the looking process and was wanting to know what input you guys and gals could offer.  When I say action careers,,,I'm talking about something with adventure, danger, etc.  Anything and everything you can think of.  I'm not interested in actual inlisted military,,,but don't leave out anything that is military related.  Thanks for your replies,,,claymore
Link Posted: 4/8/2001 7:42:29 PM EDT
BATF taunter.

Lots of action.
Link Posted: 4/8/2001 7:47:12 PM EDT
Minefield clearance.
Link Posted: 4/8/2001 7:48:32 PM EDT
mall security ?
Link Posted: 4/8/2001 7:51:59 PM EDT
Play ground patrol, Beulah park elementary school
Link Posted: 4/8/2001 7:58:54 PM EDT
hmmmmm,,,,very,,,,,,helpfull,,,,,,,grin.  I'm serious,,,I'd just like to know what is out there that is atleast exciting.  I'd appreciate responses that are atleast helpful.  Come on,,,be creative,,,how about a photo journalist in war area???
Link Posted: 4/8/2001 8:01:08 PM EDT
Pizza Delivery in the Gaza strip?
Link Posted: 4/8/2001 8:08:59 PM EDT
Before choosing a war photojournalism career, why not stop by your nearest V.A. hospital and get an idea of the end result.

Hey, you're not related to Al Gore, are you?

Actually I'll have to think about this for a while.  
[red][size=4] P.R.K.

Link Posted: 4/8/2001 8:09:52 PM EDT
Rosies food server the bitch cant stop eating.
Link Posted: 4/8/2001 8:14:40 PM EDT
Peep show floor swabber.
Link Posted: 4/8/2001 8:18:19 PM EDT
Originally Posted By garden weasel:
Peep show floor swabber.
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Hey!  They're called Giz Moppers.  You know I bet they handle more sticky situations than a Mall Ninja.[}:D]
Link Posted: 4/8/2001 8:20:23 PM EDT
Try renting the movie, "Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark" if you hadn't seen it already and watch it several times.  I would be surprised it does not compel you to buy a fedora hat, whip, and leather jacket and leave your sweety to go travel around the world for lost artifacts.  

Don't forget the trusty sidearm when you leave.  You just never know when you may come across a sword-wielding killer.  

Does that qualify as an action career with adventure, danger, etc.?  Sure does with me!
Link Posted: 4/8/2001 8:25:12 PM EDT
U.S Military aviator flying near the Chinese border.
Link Posted: 4/8/2001 8:32:58 PM EDT
mall security ?
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Damn straight.

Mall Security is possibly the most dangerous, exhilerating, fulfiling jobs you will ever know. Less than one tent of one percent of the world's special orces operative ever make it in the harsh, cruel world of Mall Security.

If you're up for it, it will build you into the most elite securtiy officer in the world, other wise it will spit you out like an overchewed wad of Juicy Fruit, fit only for the dregs of the professions, such as the Navy SEEL's, and the Army ran gers.
Link Posted: 4/8/2001 8:38:20 PM EDT
LEO in South Central or Washington DC...
Link Posted: 4/8/2001 8:41:00 PM EDT
Can you remain cool under fire?
Driving range golf ball pick up vehicle driver.
Link Posted: 4/8/2001 8:58:13 PM EDT
Towel Monkey at the local bordello.[;)]
Link Posted: 4/8/2001 9:04:37 PM EDT
You want something with danger? How 'bout doing my laundry....you should see my shorts. Especially after I went to the mall recently and was temporarily incarcerated for suspected shoplifting. Three highly trained and heavily armed individuals detained me, pending security tapes...Having that MP5 held to my head for twenty minutes really made me lose bladder control. Luckily no evidence was found and I was allowed to leave, soiled drawers and all.
Link Posted: 4/8/2001 9:19:50 PM EDT
How about Kevlar vest tester?

If you want something a bit more tame, you could always become a fluffer.
Link Posted: 4/8/2001 10:07:15 PM EDT
"Fluffer" for gay porn? I here it's tough on the sphincter.
Link Posted: 4/8/2001 10:22:14 PM EDT
I think being a floor trader on an exchange would be exciting without being (physically) dangerous.  

Another adventerous thing to do would be to enlist in the Foreign Legion.  They have a tenuous training contract.  You can complete the training (4 months long) and if you decide it's not right for you, you can leave within six months of first enlisting.  After 6 months, they give you a definitive contract for 5 years.  5 years.  Long time.

They figure if you know you dont want to be in the Legion, you'll just eventually try to escape anyway, so they give you the chance to bow out gracefully and not waste both your time and theirs.  

Other action-oriented careers...bounty hunter?  Summons server?  Wilderness/hunting guide?  CIA case officer?  Would probably need a master's, military experience, and facility in foreign language for that......

Or bodyguard.  There are bodyguard schools.  They teach you how to drive cars, shoot guns, yell "Noooooo!!" as you take a bullet for your charge.
Link Posted: 4/8/2001 10:41:52 PM EDT
Lion proctologist for the zoo???
Link Posted: 4/8/2001 11:17:42 PM EDT
The Crocodile Hunter's assistant? Blyme!!
Link Posted: 4/9/2001 12:19:26 PM EDT
mall security ?
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Damn straight.

Mall Security is possibly the most dangerous, exhilerating, fulfiling jobs you will ever know. Less than one tent of one percent of the world's special orces operative ever make it in the harsh, cruel world of Mall Security.

If you're up for it, it will build you into the most elite securtiy officer in the world, other wise it will spit you out like an overchewed wad of Juicy Fruit, fit only for the dregs of the professions, such as the Navy SEEL's, and the Army ran gers.
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"navy SEEL's and ARMY RAN gers? you would'nt happen to be/know a "operator" by the name of Pretty Boy would you?
Link Posted: 4/9/2001 12:36:14 PM EDT
I'm interested in hearing about different "action careers" that you know of.  
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Check with Steyr Aug.

His career seems to get him LOTS of "action" in most every sense of the word.

Link Posted: 4/9/2001 12:44:46 PM EDT
L.A.P.D. S.W.A.T.  Any questions?[:D]
Link Posted: 4/9/2001 12:52:20 PM EDT
How old are you, what education do you have behind you, and are you willing to relocate???
Link Posted: 4/9/2001 12:57:39 PM EDT
Rosie O'Donut's proctologist...Can you feel my PAIN?????[puke]
Link Posted: 4/9/2001 1:19:00 PM EDT
I work IT (infrastructure and w/s support) I am assigned to be a dedicated onsite IT person in our company's call centers, let's just say there IS A VERY GOOD REASON why these "ladies" are on the phones and you can't see them. deuce? deuce and a half? you ask? Not by a long shot! I fear stampedes daily, and take inspiration from Henry Bowman taking down 5 cape buffalo with a bolt-action, I guess for a good analogy borrowing from Gecko, hunting capes is to being a SEEL as being a little young computer-fixin-boy in a phone-center is to mall security. (remember the  "I love men with cold steel" thread? thats getting a little close at least)
Link Posted: 4/9/2001 2:12:30 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/10/2001 4:22:06 PM EDT
Well I've really outdone myself this time.  Now I've joined the ranks of Gecko45.  That is actually embarrassing.  I guess most of you smart asses took my post the wrong way.  However I would like to thank those of you that actually gave a reasonable answer.  Bodyguarding, now that was the kind of thing I was looking for.  Indiana Jones???  I've already got the hat and the whip, now all I need is the jacket (smart ass). Oh, wilderness guide, there is something that I will seriously consider.  When I said "danger" and "adventure", I wasn't talking about James Bond so please quit with the smart ass answers.
Link Posted: 4/10/2001 4:25:10 PM EDT
I'm interested in hearing about different "action careers" that you know of
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The most common is a 4 year stint in the Military followed up with a career in Law Enforcement.

But since you want to avoid military service maybe Mall ninja or Armored car driver is more your speed? Try Brinks or West tec.
Link Posted: 4/10/2001 5:42:51 PM EDT
Be careful if you do choose mall security.  Those guys sometimes have to take multiple .308 rounds in the back for their partner...
Link Posted: 4/10/2001 5:48:40 PM EDT
The guy who pushes the blue light around K-Mart.
Link Posted: 4/10/2001 5:55:18 PM EDT
Man whore - gigalo
Lots of action for the right man.
Link Posted: 4/10/2001 6:08:38 PM EDT
Might try being a venom collector for antivenin production at a cobra farm in Calcutta, India...  if the snakes don't get ya I'm sure one of those 15 cent hookers would [sex] !
Link Posted: 4/10/2001 8:14:35 PM EDT

 When I said "danger" and "adventure", I wasn't talking about James Bond so please quit with the smart ass answers.
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Ask a stupid question get a stupid answer
Link Posted: 4/10/2001 8:37:22 PM EDT

Link Posted: 4/10/2001 8:58:43 PM EDT
claymore, how about river guide or mountain guide?? I worked for 2 years doing just that, the fear of dumping a boat full of gear or pasengers on the middle fork of the salmon with ritzy clients on board will make you pucker.  Or trying not to laugh at some of the get-ups these "high class" idiots wear to be fashionable in the wilderness!!  Chasing off bears who are trying to eat your weeks stash of food on the river.

Link Posted: 4/10/2001 9:03:58 PM EDT
King crab fisherman--------------------------nah
Link Posted: 4/11/2001 3:09:43 PM EDT

 When I said "danger" and "adventure", I wasn't talking about James Bond so please quit with the smart ass answers.
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Ask a stupid question get a stupid answer
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Stupid question??? Please explain, I'm still trying to find the stupid question.
Link Posted: 4/11/2001 3:26:58 PM EDT
Stupid question??? Please explain, I'm still trying to find the stupid question.
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Well, I don't think it is exactly a stupid question, but it is a bit of a silly one.  

After all, you didn't give any background info, age, experience, education, location, physical condition, etc...  For example, if I posted that a question looking for a job that pays 6 figures a year and didn't supply my education and work experience, I would expect a lot of smart ass remarks.

Maybe if you supplied some info, folks could help you out a bit more.

Plus the answer to your question is VERY subjective.  Some folks might think being an a bathroom attendant is a dangerous job, while some more ballsy folks might consider EOD a walk in the park.  Having no idea what type of person you are, how can we suggest an ideal job that is "dangerous" or "exciting"???
Link Posted: 4/11/2001 3:33:42 PM EDT
In this market--Mob boss's financial advisor.
Link Posted: 4/11/2001 8:14:24 PM EDT

 When I said "danger" and "adventure", I wasn't talking about James Bond so please quit with the smart ass answers.
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Ask a stupid question get a stupid answer
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Stupid question??? Please explain, I'm still trying to find the stupid question.
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Action and adventure are completely different to one person as to another, I know some people who do reletively boreing jobs and are extremely excited about it. YOU have to decide what is ACTION and ADVENTURE. sorry for the sarcasim but refer to the above post, cant afford a flame suit but I've got plenty of asbestos
Link Posted: 4/12/2001 7:36:17 AM EDT
Internet Gadfly.  It's tough work.
Link Posted: 4/12/2001 7:56:47 AM EDT
I created the internet, that was exciting, that was after a four year stint at Hawvad...[;D]
Link Posted: 4/12/2001 8:05:49 AM EDT
Assistant Crak-Ho
Link Posted: 4/12/2001 3:45:35 PM EDT
Ok,,,apologies to all,,,sorry for getting a little mad when I didn't explain myself clearly. I've already found what I was looking for so I'll go ahead and put an end to this thread. By the way,,,being Rosie O'Donut's proctologist is TOO much adventure,,,plenty of danger,,,,and not at all exciting. Plus the thought of it just made me hurl all over my keyboard,,,better get that cleaned up.
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