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Posted: 4/20/2002 11:04:56 AM EDT
...freaking waste of your short time here on earth!?!?!

rant on!

i mowed 2-1/2 hours on tues. night.

i mowed 2-1/2 hours on wed. night.

i mowed 2 hours on thur. night.

1 mowed 1 hour last night (rain shortened session).

i'm in "on break" from mowing now!!!!!!

damn! springtime in ohio is a race to keep up with that communist grass! rain, warm temps and more daylight are keeping me from cycling and shooting!!!

grrrrr! i need wider john deeres!

sorry...i had to vent. mowing has got to be the biggest waste of time foisted upon modern man.

rant off. back to my 46" deck i go!
Link Posted: 4/20/2002 11:11:47 AM EDT
When I get a job in my next lifetime, I am going to buy a house and then pour concrete over the lawn.
Link Posted: 4/20/2002 11:13:46 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/20/2002 11:13:51 AM EDT
I think that mowing the lawn ranks with shovelling snow and raking leaves as all-time great ways for teenagers, or pre-teenagers, to make lots of money.  Maybe you could consider hiring one of the local kids to cut your grass?  

Encourage hard work and capitalism's victory over that "communist grass"?
Link Posted: 4/20/2002 11:14:34 AM EDT
Yeah, like Gloftoe said.
Link Posted: 4/20/2002 11:19:44 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/20/2002 11:30:13 AM EDT
I hear you man, I think gasoline and salt are the best fertilizers. You would think by now a chemical company would have invented a reasonably priced once a year treatment to retard its growing. My friend has some sheep to keep his pasture down, and his field looks as good as one that has just been bushhoged.
Link Posted: 4/20/2002 11:42:27 AM EDT
have you ever seen Round-Up resistant soy beans ?  They spray the beans with Round-up, they look a little wilty for awhile and then whalah, the weeds are gone and the field looks like something from House & Garden.  

My point is, why hasn't some grass seed company done the same ?  Once the resistant plant is developed, then they develope one that has stunted growth....

opps, must of fell down...where am I ?
Link Posted: 4/20/2002 12:22:59 PM EDT
...freaking waste of your short time here on earth!?!?!

rant on!

i mowed 2-1/2 hours on tues. night.

i mowed 2-1/2 hours on wed. night.

i mowed 2 hours on thur. night.

1 mowed 1 hour last night (rain shortened session).

i'm in "on break" from mowing now!!!!!!

damn! springtime in ohio is a race to keep up with that communist grass! rain, warm temps and more daylight are keeping me from cycling and shooting!!!

grrrrr! i need wider john deeres!

sorry...i had to vent. mowing has got to be the biggest waste of time foisted upon modern man.

rant off. back to my 46" deck i go!
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Well Campy you could always move back to Canton. Then you could finish all your mowing in about 45 mins. Think about that and be happy you have so much to mow. You could always drag a rotory mower behind your bike and stop every once in a while to shoot ground hogs.
Link Posted: 4/20/2002 12:26:04 PM EDT
2 Most hated "chores"......mow grass.....wash dishes.....[:(]
Link Posted: 4/20/2002 12:32:26 PM EDT
I love mowing the yard.   Instant gratification.  Smells good.  Almost as good as .......
Link Posted: 4/20/2002 12:36:48 PM EDT
Two words, ASTRO TURF....
Link Posted: 4/20/2002 12:37:05 PM EDT
I always enjoy mowing the yard. Could be because I worked so hard to get the grass to grow in the first place.
Link Posted: 4/20/2002 12:38:16 PM EDT
Idea: just don't mow it. Let it grow a foot tall. Who cares?
Link Posted: 4/20/2002 1:03:55 PM EDT
When I get a job in my next lifetime, I am going to buy a house and then pour concrete over the lawn.
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Imbrog, you are not the only one who thought of it, my Home Owner Association didn't like that idea so....

Campy, I hope you have a ride on mower, man I have a Honda mower that keeps me going year after year...and yes, it can be a pain in hot weather.
Link Posted: 4/20/2002 1:08:06 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/20/2002 1:12:38 PM EDT
I swear Campy, as I mow, the grass behind me grows! That or I forgot to install the blades on my Ariens!

Welcome to Ohio and the land of rain---grow---rain---grow. I spend about the same amount of time between the city house and it's small lawn and the county property and its four acre lawn. Unlike you, I sort of enjoy it. I just put in a CD, a set of headphones, beer in the cup holder and zone out as I assert my domination over mother nature. No Cel phone, pager, fax or emails. Just me an three whizzing blades of death!
Link Posted: 4/20/2002 1:15:44 PM EDT
...freaking waste of your short time here on earth!?!?!

rant on!

i mowed 2-1/2 hours on tues. night.

i mowed 2-1/2 hours on wed. night.

i mowed 2 hours on thur. night.

1 mowed 1 hour last night (rain shortened session).

i'm in "on break" from mowing now!!!!!!

damn! springtime in ohio is a race to keep up with that communist grass! rain, warm temps and more daylight are keeping me from cycling and shooting!!!

grrrrr! i need wider john deeres!

sorry...i had to vent. mowing has got to be the biggest waste of time foisted upon modern man.

rant off. back to my 46" deck i go!
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another Ohio'n,
my God where do you folks keep coming from ? i left there many many moons ago joined the USNavy & only went back for short visits, when i left the Navy i put an oar over one shoulder wyth a photo of a fighter jet attached, started walking east till someone asked what i was carrying, i said it's an oar, the fellow said i know that, but whats that funny looking photo ?........, so i made my home in the middle of the Sonoran desert..., my lawn takes me about 15 minutes to mow & if i don't want to mow it i quit watering & set it afire.., then start watering, makes for a hellofa green lawn........, a few months later !!

Link Posted: 4/20/2002 1:17:51 PM EDT
Get some goats!
Link Posted: 4/20/2002 1:18:38 PM EDT
I actually sort of enjoy it.  Of course, my yard is fairly small, and I can finish it in an hour, or about 4 beers!
Link Posted: 4/20/2002 1:18:55 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/20/2002 1:20:33 PM EDT
Idea: just don't mow it. Let it grow a foot tall. Who cares?
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The neighbors, who will make life difficult for you, if you need any sort of help such as a jump start or emergency babysitting services. They will suddenly disappear, just when you need them, or when your little Johnny and their little Crispin get into a fight- you'll always end up on the short end of the neighborhood stick.

Oh, did I mention I live in Deepest Darkest Submurbia, where, it doesn't matter whether you're a child molester or axe murderer, just as long as the lawn is kept nicely trimmed....[rolleyes].

Real estate agents whom I know tell me the first thing buyers look at when checking out new houses is the lawn- a general indicator of the upkeep of the house and the salability (sp?) of the house. Lots of engineers and computer nerds in this neighborhood- they get transfeered and laid off with astonishing regularity. They also spend big bux on cancerous ChemLawn crapola grass fertiliser and shady-looking landscaping guys so they can have nice, socially approved green deserts out in front of their yuppie palaces...

Oh, did I mention I live in Deepest Darkest Submurbia?

The only thing that makes it fun, and gives me even more exercise, is to mow the lawn with an old reel-type push mower (read: no motor. I am the motor.) I'm known in the neighborhood as the "guy who actually mows his own lawn", and with a granpa-type mower, to boot [:D]....
Link Posted: 4/20/2002 1:22:54 PM EDT
Jeebus CAMPYBOB!! How big of a lawn do you have?!? Thats nuts![shock]
Link Posted: 4/20/2002 1:26:45 PM EDT
Bob, my gosh! How big is your yard? the size of the White House front lawn? I should mow my grass every week but I get lazy and move once every 2 weeks, sometimes I mow once per week during the peak growing season.
Link Posted: 4/20/2002 1:53:55 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/20/2002 2:06:03 PM EDT
Yard work sucks.  We finally got some decent weather today, my grass is about 12 inches tall and I couldn't get the lawn mower started.  I'm getting ready to shoot it!!!!!!!!!!!
Link Posted: 4/20/2002 2:08:01 PM EDT
I don't mow.
Link Posted: 4/20/2002 2:10:15 PM EDT

a stinkin' flat tire!!! the right front actually tore the sidewall out!

i finish mow 3-1/2 acres...and brush hog another 12.

actually, i own 11 john deeres...yup...a disease worse than gun collecting, i tell ya! but i need MORE POWER! the biggest one is only 18 hp and 46" cut. most of the time, my wife and i tandem cut on two tractors. but, she is busy tending an injured horse (tangled up in the fence wire so bad she sheared a post off!).

waldo, you suck! i got out tuesday for a quick 23 mile ride...and that's it!

sukebe, you are right! my 1/4 acre lot in canton took 45 minutes with a little ol' lawnboy!

ramjet...you got it! the damn grass is 4" taller since tuesday!!! frickin' rain and heat, plus the horseshit my wife throws on it!!!

i have no neighbors, to speak of...nearest one is 1/8 mile away and he is much smarter than i. he rarely cuts grass. he lets his wife do it.

so far, the concrete idea has my attention...i'll turn the yard into a go-kart track!


i put myself thru college by cutting grass from age 12 to 19. my brother and i had a lawn mowing service...before there was such a thing in these parts.

maybe that's why i think it's a waste of time, now...i'm not getting paid to do it! heheheh!
Link Posted: 4/20/2002 2:12:07 PM EDT
Living in the desert has it's advantages. Just turn off the sprinklers and the grass won't grow.

Now if I can just find a way to keep my wife from bitchin' about the brown lawn...
Link Posted: 4/20/2002 2:13:02 PM EDT
As a golf course superintendent the absolute last thing I want to do is mow my own lawn!  Then the wife will say something real cute like, "how come our lawn doesn't look  perfect like the golf course"!!
Link Posted: 4/20/2002 2:56:49 PM EDT
I prefer mowing grass to cleaning up after the dogs, but my yard is about 10' by 20'
Link Posted: 4/20/2002 5:07:53 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/20/2002 5:13:03 PM EDT
I only wish I had the property that would take 2 hours to mow.

It takes me about 10 minutes to mow.  20 if I let it get deep.
Link Posted: 4/20/2002 5:14:31 PM EDT
Not when you have kids !!! LOL
Link Posted: 4/20/2002 10:26:12 PM EDT

Again, hire someone!
If not a teenager, then some guy who is strugglin' for money.  Get a gardener at $15/hr.  
Give someone a job, spread the wealth, and spend your time having fun.  Go shooting and forget about the lawn.

Link Posted: 4/20/2002 11:11:48 PM EDT
I don't have your problem, land around here cost about $1,000,000/acre, back when I bought this place.
Link Posted: 4/20/2002 11:28:53 PM EDT
My wife actually likes to mow....well, that is since I got a John Deer rider.

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