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Posted: 9/7/2010 11:17:31 AM EDT
Do you pick up after your dog when walking it?

I freaking hate when people leave dog piles in my yard

I want to go smear it on their front door
Link Posted: 9/7/2010 11:27:07 AM EDT
My dog is weird, he'll pee on everything and when he's out of pee he'll lift his leg but poop instead.  It's one of the goofiest things I've seen.  Sometimes the little bastard will squeeze out another after I've used up all my poo-bags, then you're SOL, sorry.  Or if it's a "splat" I'm not even gonna try.
Link Posted: 9/7/2010 11:29:15 AM EDT
I won't have a dog because that's required where I live.  Going out two or three times a day to pick up warm turds with a plastic bag wrapped around your hand is a step in the wrong direction IMO.
Link Posted: 9/7/2010 11:36:08 AM EDT
I walk somewhere in the neighborhood of 20 miles a week with my dogs.  It irks the daylights out of me to see big steamy piles of poop on or near the trails we walk.  My dogs aren't allowed to go in my neighbors yards, but if they did and pooped there, I'd sure as hell pick it up.   I religiously police my dogs waste on our walks.  Hell, if they have runny bowels, I'll bring bottled water to rinse things down after trying to pick up what I can.  It's gross, but it's called being a responsible neighbor/dog owner.
Link Posted: 9/7/2010 11:39:08 AM EDT
frankly you are a disgusting person and i hope you get hit by a truck if you let your dog off your own property and dont pick up after it.

Link Posted: 9/7/2010 11:39:34 AM EDT

Thats why I don't own dogs
Link Posted: 9/7/2010 11:40:58 AM EDT
Stepped in dog poop once on the sidewalk outside my building.  Ticked off I step into the shrub to rub it off on the dirt and turns out I'm stepping in another pile.

Link Posted: 9/7/2010 11:42:51 AM EDT
Stepped in dog poop once on the sidewalk outside my building.  Ticked off I step into the shrub to rub it off on the dirt and turns out I'm stepping in another pile.

Just wasn't your day, was it?

Don't own dogs...
Link Posted: 9/7/2010 11:42:58 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/7/2010 11:44:20 AM EDT
I have a Chihuahua.  Her steaming piles are smaller than a pencil diameter and about an inch long.  Quite frankly they are hard to see.
Link Posted: 9/7/2010 11:46:37 AM EDT
Yes, and I try to avoid letting my dog piss or shit on anyone else's lawn.
Link Posted: 9/7/2010 11:50:53 AM EDT
Every time. Do unto others and all that.
Link Posted: 9/7/2010 11:52:44 AM EDT
They should pay me for fertilizing their lawn.

Link Posted: 9/7/2010 11:53:16 AM EDT
I have a Chihuahua.  Her steaming piles are smaller than a pencil diameter and about an inch long.  Quite frankly they are hard to see.

Except that someone else's kid, or dog will find them every time.  Police yo' shit, yo!
Link Posted: 9/7/2010 11:54:13 AM EDT
The last time I stepped on a dog pile, the first place I went was to my local democratic congress critters office..
After making a 5 pace circle in front of the secretary I presented them with a bill for my services, and left.
Link Posted: 9/7/2010 11:55:39 AM EDT
I'm waiting until I see people holding a cup under there to catch No. 1 so they stop leaving burned spots in the grass.
Link Posted: 9/7/2010 11:55:42 AM EDT
If I lived in a suburb or similar I would pick up, but glad I live way out in the country and my dogs use the pasture.
Link Posted: 9/7/2010 11:59:09 AM EDT
Whenever possible but not 100% of the time. And only when I'm up in the city.

Otherwise, my dogs are likely shitting the same place that the coyotes, raccoons, possums, deer, livestock, etc. shit.
Link Posted: 9/7/2010 12:00:15 PM EDT

I carry a GI entrenching tool with me.

Link Posted: 9/7/2010 12:05:34 PM EDT
We are usually gonna drop heat about 500 yards into a track during the summer.

I'm sorry if it's in your yard. I'm hoping you'll over look it if the suspect is hiding in your back yard.
Link Posted: 9/7/2010 12:07:57 PM EDT
Walk in the city or park, definitely.
Walk in the woods off the trail, probably not.
Link Posted: 9/7/2010 12:09:26 PM EDT
City folk,
Link Posted: 9/7/2010 12:17:04 PM EDT
No big piles for me.
And we always pick up the Poo. Don't let em go in others yards but on grass near road and sidewalk only.
Yorkies FTW!!!

Link Posted: 9/7/2010 12:20:20 PM EDT
My dogs only shit in their own yard.
Link Posted: 9/7/2010 12:23:26 PM EDT
I walk somewhere in the neighborhood of 20 miles a week with my dogs.  It irks the daylights out of me to see big steamy piles of poop on or near the trails we walk.  My dogs aren't allowed to go in my neighbors yards, but if they did and pooped there, I'd sure as hell pick it up.   I religiously police my dogs waste on our walks.  Hell, if they have runny bowels, I'll bring bottled water to rinse things down after trying to pick up what I can.  It's gross, but it's called being a responsible neighbor/dog owner.

Link Posted: 9/7/2010 12:28:18 PM EDT
When we lived in a rural area we didn't.  The dog mostly pooped in our yard though, so no big deal anyway.

In the suburbs (or city) there's not much choice.  You basically clean it up or are officially an asshole.  There just isn't enough open space per person to let everyone's dogs run around leaving poop piles.  It's okay when there's 1 acre of land per dog but not when there's 20 dogs per acre of poopable space.
Link Posted: 9/7/2010 12:30:36 PM EDT
Neighbor's yard: picked up even if I have to go back home to get a bag.

Vacant lot or untended power-line right of way: Left for fertilizer.
Link Posted: 9/7/2010 12:33:08 PM EDT
The occasional steamer does not really bug me (big yard) but I draw the line at them letting their dog piss on my lawn/mailbox. I've run off more than one inconsiderate tool letting their dog piss in my yard or on my mailbox over the years.
Link Posted: 9/7/2010 12:51:50 PM EDT
I don't have a dog, but when I took out my roommates, yes, I picked up after it.
Link Posted: 9/7/2010 12:55:33 PM EDT
I pick up after, unless she chooses to shit in a neighbors yard who leaves shit in my yard.  Then, I encourage her.

Link Posted: 9/7/2010 12:59:02 PM EDT
City folk,


Link Posted: 9/7/2010 1:01:48 PM EDT
I don't have a dog, but when I took out my roommates, yes, I picked up after it.

So are your roommates retarded or something...?


Link Posted: 9/7/2010 1:05:36 PM EDT
City folk,


Ironic from the guys that probably have No Trespassing signs posted all over their spread.

Face it, dog owners who don't pick up after the dogs in community or others' property are inconsiderate people.  Like poop, don't leave the yard until after the squat occurs...
Link Posted: 9/7/2010 1:08:29 PM EDT
I don't, but I don't let them shit in other people's yards either.  They do it on state property or my property.
Link Posted: 9/7/2010 1:10:23 PM EDT
Much like my high school self my dog is afraid to poop in public.
Link Posted: 9/7/2010 1:11:44 PM EDT
only leave the dogs dropings in the school playground....
Link Posted: 9/7/2010 1:14:34 PM EDT
When my dogs are out it's about the walk, not marking territory.  I walk them in the road so they are not right on top of sents.  My female dog tries to piss while she is walking from time to time.  Funniest thing ever watching her try to do a squat piss walk.  The wierd thing is when I stop for her she just keeps going.  If they do crap I will pick it up but don't worry about it if I don't have a bag.  I went back for one once and it had been driven over so many times by the time I got back there was nothing to pick up.
Link Posted: 9/7/2010 1:16:11 PM EDT
No my dog poops in the bushes.
Link Posted: 9/7/2010 1:20:48 PM EDT


frankly you are a disgusting person and i hope you get hit by a truck if you let your dog off your own property and dont pick up after it.

+1 and in my county it is the LAW,

Link Posted: 9/7/2010 1:24:39 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/7/2010 1:27:03 PM EDT
We let our dogs go in the fenced in back yard and then pick it up with a pooper scooper. When we walk them and they go its not a big deal since we live in a kind of rural area and they like to go in the woods or a tree line and do it.
Link Posted: 9/7/2010 1:27:34 PM EDT
My wife and I walk our dog at the park right across the street. We let the dog drop logs and then go back to the park and pick them up. I don’t like picking up steaming piles but yes we do pick up after him. Same on the hiking trails, even though they see little traffic, I don’t want my dog shitting where others walk.

You think dogs are bad you should see the jackoffs that ride their horses through town and let them shit all over the street and don’t clean up after them. Once they shit right at the end of my driveway and I walked out as they were walking away. I said “HEY! You going to come back and pick up that horse shit!?” They looked at me like it never occurred to them. There’s nothing I’d love more than to chamber a slug and shoot that horse right out from under them. Sorry, got worked up. There is frequently horse shit in front of the church and funeral hope up the street as well. Very classy.
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