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Posted: 4/2/2002 12:14:44 PM EDT
We NEED to help Israel...

So far we have ONLY sent them $133.132 billion in aid. We can do SO MUCH MORE.

And to make up for my former misguided criticism of them I will own up for it right now. I will now raise funds for that poor beleagured nation that we have a moral, religious and global socialized obligation to.

I have formed a fund raising organization called the: Citizens Against Semetic Hatred.

So do your part, send a check in any amount you can made out to C.A.S.H.

and send to:

[b]Editted to remove Corp. name and address in case some moron actually decides to send a check.[/b]

It's the right thing to do and GOD wants you to do it. He told me so.
Link Posted: 4/2/2002 12:25:21 PM EDT
You gave in too easy.

But, just to get the ball rolling, my check is in the mail.
Link Posted: 4/2/2002 12:31:03 PM EDT
...my check is in the mail...
View Quote

and I'll respect you in the morning
Link Posted: 4/2/2002 12:36:10 PM EDT
Just to add...

We can use ALL forms of assistance...

Weapons and firearms
Preban High Capacity magazines
Tactical Gear/Equipment

We have a FFL/SOT on staff to receive any regulated items you may wish to donate to this fine cause.

Items of a "non military" nature are also accepted. They will be sold and the proceedes used to administer the C.A.S.H. program.

So please send all you can. We don't want you to be damned to hell for turning your back on "God's Chosen People" in their hour of need.
Link Posted: 4/2/2002 12:37:56 PM EDT
...my check is in the mail...
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and I'll respect you in the morning
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and I won't co.............  Oh, never mind.
Link Posted: 4/2/2002 12:39:07 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/2/2002 12:40:46 PM EDT
...my check is in the mail...
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and I'll respect you in the morning
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and I won't co.............  Oh, never mind.
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I'm from the government and I'm here to help you.

Link Posted: 4/2/2002 12:47:13 PM EDT
will the big rangemaster in the sky strike you down if you don't raise the money?

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Hey GOOD ANGLE! Ok people, if I don't raise a sufficient amount of money for the C.A.S.H. program God may just "call me home." Please don't let that happen.

Also like to point out that if you DON'T send a donation you are clearlt ANTI-SEMETIC and GOD will punish you. And if you don't send a check you hate children and are probably a bigotted, child molesting racists. We are considering the creation and later publication of a list of ALL members who are in fact "bigotted, child molesting racists."

So please give genrously...

Mods, can we tack this up? Certainly the Mods don't hate Jews.
Link Posted: 4/2/2002 12:48:33 PM EDT

You make it sound like you paid the entire 133 billion. Why don't you ask the people responsible for the aid instead of whinning?[:D]
Link Posted: 4/2/2002 1:00:02 PM EDT
My check is in the mail also.....oh wait...I can't..I have to give to another Jewish Charity....my ex-wife-------ya thought I was racist..the ex-wife was jewish.......I guess that makes me kosher......
Link Posted: 4/2/2002 1:03:35 PM EDT
...my check is in the mail...
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and I'll respect you in the morning
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and I won't co.............  Oh, never mind.
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I'm from the government and I'm here to help you.

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You guys are rotten to the core. Too funny.[:D]
Link Posted: 4/2/2002 1:07:38 PM EDT
Post from hound -
I guess that makes me kosher.
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Nope, it just made what you ate while you were married to your ex-wife kosher!

Eric The(Haggadah)Hun[>]:)]
Link Posted: 4/2/2002 1:08:46 PM EDT

You make it sound like you paid the entire 133 billion. Why don't you ask the people responsible for the aid instead of whinning?[:D]
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So I can count on you for a donation?
Link Posted: 4/2/2002 1:23:50 PM EDT

Yer slayin' me man!!!!


Link Posted: 4/2/2002 1:29:44 PM EDT
Nope, it just made what you ate while you were married to your ex-wife kosher!
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I've never eaten kosher before, does it taste any different?
Link Posted: 4/2/2002 1:35:22 PM EDT
[b]SteyrAUG[/b], where did you get the amount of US-Israel foreign aid being $133.132 billion?

I've looked in all of the usual places and I couldn't find a number even remotely approaching [b]$133.132 billion.[/b]

The highest I found, so far, was $66 billion in grants and $19 billion in loans for the time period of 1949 through 2000.

Where'd you get your numbers?

Eric The(Inquisitive)Hun[>]:)]
Link Posted: 4/2/2002 1:35:28 PM EDT
Is the 133 billion in real inflation adjusted dollar terms?

When you consider that we have been carrying government debt during the aid years the real cost due to interest payments goes even *much higher*
Link Posted: 4/2/2002 1:37:33 PM EDT

Yer slayin' me man!!!!


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G'man, want a job? I'm thinking fund coordinator. Of course you can keep 40% of the funds you raise as a form of administrative salary as is the standard practice of fund raising organizations and charities.

Having a "religious" figure as a frontman will sell very well "in the sticks."
Link Posted: 4/2/2002 1:38:33 PM EDT
SteyrAUG, I got a better idea!

Let's get Eric a great big cardboard sign with "Tel Aviv" printed on it!  Dump him off at the nearest on-ramp to I-10 East ..... you get the idea! [;)]

Link Posted: 4/2/2002 1:46:00 PM EDT
Funny thread SteyrAug,

I am all for cutting aid to israel. I still have not read or heard of anybody who can make a cogent logical argument on why israel should be getting a single red cent from our country. Aside from the FACT that they own all our senators and congressmen, and the banking institutions.

Arabs could care a hoot less about the USA, the ONLY reason they hate us is that we support israel... PERIOD.

If israel did not exist, they would be happily concentrating on doing what arabs do best... screwing eachother over and killing lots of their fellow muslims. Look at history... even recent history... iran/iraq war, the gulf war, and this will be made PERFECTLY clear. Crystalline would hardly be overstating it.

If there were no israel... the USA would be perceived as exactly what we are... the worlds biggest marketplace to sell your goods.

Israel is a thorn in Americas side... and anybody... I mean anybody... that calls me a anti-semite, I will laugh in their face. I dare you to prove it. I am against those who would harm my country... the USA! I dont care if you are polka-dot and worship a particular species of fungus found only in the desert... facts dont lie. Israel is not our friend.... witness the almost sale of AWACS to the filthy commie chinese. Israel is a backstabbing bunch of bloodsuckers...

As far as what should be done with the terrorists??? Kill every last one of them. Or go medieval... kill every third palestinian male, regardless of age. As an object lesson. And dont bury them either... shoot em' in the street, and allow no one to touch them for a week, just so they get the idea. Israel has the nukes... who gives a crap what the world thinks when you have the power to annihilate all of islam. Dare the arab armies to cross the borders. Just remember folks... this will never end until one side or the other is dead. You either brutally subjugate your opponents.... or kill them all.

But not one damn dollar of my money would I give to an israeli, or any other country for that matter. America first, last and always. Spend our money here where it belongs.

BTW, Steyr said I could be the other signatory on the C.A.S.H.  account, and due to my financial acumen, be in charge of investing the proceeds of this worthy charity. Now where did I put my passport and plane ticket.....

Link Posted: 4/2/2002 1:52:29 PM EDT
SteyrAUG, I got a better idea!

Let's get Eric a great big cardboard sign with "Tel Aviv" printed on it!  Dump him off at the nearest on-ramp to I-10 East ..... you get the idea! [;)]

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Don't be mean now. We all have different roles. Some of us find that to be posting on ar15.com [;)]
Link Posted: 4/2/2002 2:05:24 PM EDT
SteyrAUG, I got a better idea!

Let's get Eric a great big cardboard sign with "Tel Aviv" printed on it!  Dump him off at the nearest on-ramp to I-10 East ..... you get the idea! [;)]

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Link Posted: 4/2/2002 3:18:24 PM EDT
[b]RamblinWreck[/b], still pizzed about that story concerning the pretty little co-ed from Georgia Tech?

You know, the one that had to return her vibrator for a refund?

[b]It kept chipping her teeth![/b][:D]

Eric The(DidYouKnowHer?)Hun[>]:)]
Link Posted: 4/2/2002 4:44:00 PM EDT
Nope, it just made what you ate while you were married to your ex-wife kosher!
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I've never eaten kosher before, does it taste any different?
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Tastes like chicken. [img]http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/images/smilies/happyyid.gif[/img][img]http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/images/smilies/wallywink.gif[/img]
Link Posted: 4/2/2002 5:24:59 PM EDT
They already got my check....in the form of taxes!!!!
Link Posted: 4/2/2002 5:33:40 PM EDT
Damn!  That's a hilarious smiley, 71-Hr_Achmed!


Eric will love that!


Link Posted: 4/2/2002 5:39:27 PM EDT
You have been Hunified! [>]:)]
Link Posted: 4/2/2002 5:46:44 PM EDT
You have been Hunified! [img]http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/images/smilies/happyyid.gif[/img]
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Yep, you have been "Hunified"!  [:P]

DaMan having fun!
Link Posted: 4/2/2002 6:04:39 PM EDT
I am all for cutting aid to israel. I still have not read or heard of anybody who can make a cogent logical argument on why israel should be getting a single red cent from our country. Aside from the FACT that they own all our senators and congressmen, and the banking institutions.

Arabs could care a hoot less about the USA, the ONLY reason they hate us is that we support israel... PERIOD.
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They hate us because we are infidels, not because of Israel. They do hate our support for Israel, but they'd hate us without them. They hate our music, our culture, our religion (or lack thereof as the case may be).

If israel did not exist, they would be happily concentrating on doing what arabs do best... screwing eachother over and killing lots of their fellow muslims. Look at history... even recent history... iran/iraq war, the gulf war, and this will be made PERFECTLY clear. Crystalline would hardly be overstating it.
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Look at a broader view of history and you see them invading Europe, Central Asia, India and Africa. Proclaiming "Convert or Die" to the conquered peoples. THATS what they would be doing more of if it weren't for Israel.

Israel is a thorn in Americas side... and anybody... I mean anybody... that calls me a anti-semite, I will laugh in their face. I dare you to prove it. I am against those who would harm my country... the USA! I dont care if you are polka-dot and worship a particular species of fungus found only in the desert... facts dont lie. Israel is not our friend.... witness the almost sale of AWACS to the filthy commie chinese. Israel is a backstabbing bunch of bloodsuckers...
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Anti-Semite?! Heavens no! I would call you something worse - Short-sighted. If you are against those who are against our country, be against those who have actively tried to kill us. The Arabs wish YOU and I were in the WTC too.
The Israelis screwing us is just trying to make friends elsewhere. After all, where have we been when they've needed us most? We've been telling them to let the Palestinians bomb them! We've told them to have restraint! What kind of friend is that? Someone who can be counted on? I think not!

As far as what should be done with the terrorists??? Kill every last one of them.
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But not one damn dollar of my money would I give to an israeli, or any other country for that matter. America first, last and always. Spend our money here where it belongs.
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$537. I like to think that my $537 bought at least one M16 and one round of ammo that blew off the head of one palestinian. Money well spent.
$537 to distract the arabs and make them see a Jew in every dark corner? Well spent.
Unfortunately, it won't make up for all the money we've sent to the people who want to kill us in the form of payment for oil.
Link Posted: 4/2/2002 6:21:31 PM EDT
SteyrAug, is it Israel that you are pissed we are giving money to or everyone (countries) we give money to?  If your point is we shouldn't be the world's welfare system, well I'm all for that.  I think most would agree.  Israel isn't the only country we "contribute" to.  We've given money to just about every 3rd World craphole on the Globe.  Also we continue to send millions, if not billions, to Europe, Japan and other countries that are hardly "in need."  The whole world hates us until there a** is in trouble (Kuwait, Phillipines, France/Europe in the 40's, etc.)  But since we are the Superpower, everyone is on our case.  The world is no better than most of the whining liberals in this country.  It's always what we "haven't done" not the good we have.  If Europe wants Peace in the Middle East, then step up to bat.  No, no one but us is willing to risk our ass against tyrants and oppressors.  No one else writes checks like us or at ALL!!!!  If you or anyone else thinks that if we (the US) pull away from Israel that will solve the problem, you are mistaken.    
Link Posted: 4/2/2002 6:31:37 PM EDT
It would be my honor to send the rifle of the person's choice to anybody that would shoot that nut case Arafat!

Did any of you here that whaco during the news interview with whats her name Aminpoor?  He sounded like a kid throwing a tantrum!
Link Posted: 4/2/2002 7:05:08 PM EDT
Excerpt from article at Mandate for Leadership IV, presented by the Heritage Foundation:

"Surprisingly, the largest supporters of America's foreign aid program often are not the foreign countries that receive aid, but American businesses, consultants, and contractors that each year siphon off some 80 percent of the entire foreign aid budget. [b]Out of every foreign aid dollar the U.S. designates to help the poor overseas, 70 cents to 80 cents stays in the United States.[/b]

"AID Administrator J. Brian Atwood takes great pride in pointing out how important America's foreign aid program is to American business: '[W]e certainly have a strong constituency, made up of some of the largest businesses in this country.' He also admits that business seriously influences the budget process: 'In just the last year, a coalition of over 1000 businesses has called for the foreign aid budget to be increased to $18 billion a year.... I think these constituencies have really come together because of the deep cuts that were taken in the fiscal 1996 budget.' One such group which came to the defense of America's foreign aid program recently is the Business Alliance for International EconomicDevelopment. In a report distributed to Congress in June 1996, the Alliance proudly declares: [b]'A vital factor linking all the components of our foreign assistance budget is that most of the money is spent right here in the United States.'[/b]

"This process has created a powerful lobby in America that obstructs cuts and reforms in the foreign aid program. Many businesses support the program not because they want to help the poor, but because they benefit from it. According to Larry Byrne, Assistant Administrator for Management at AID, 'Ninety-five percent of [AID's] procurement went to a few firms that only did business with AID. They were inside-the-beltway firms that employed former AID staffers.' These businesses are a powerful obstacle to abolishing AID and reforming the foreign aid program."

[b]As I have said, more than 80% of all foreign aid given to any country, never leaves the United States, but is spent directly here.

How are you coming with those figures for US aid to Great Britain and France anually?

Let me know when you get them!

Eric The(It'sOnlyFair,It'sWhatA'RealAmerican'WouldDo!)Hun[>]:)]
Link Posted: 4/2/2002 7:50:36 PM EDT

Sorry pal, you should urgently purchase a clue, perhaps two...

The nation of israel is THE factor in arabs hating us. Yes, we are infidel, but if we kept out of the region and just bought oil? Ne problem pas monsieur! To think otherwise is just wishful thinking on your part. It is economic necessity. Ever take simple economics in college ? ... from your post it is obvious you did not... or were sleeping in lecture. And btw, the age of empires when the arabs assaulted Europe have been over for quite some time, plz step out of the way back machine Sherman. Hahahahaha!!!! Mass conversions of modern day Europe?? You need tranquilizers pal.

Short sighted?????????????????????? Wow.. flush out your head-gear fella. Israel IS THE PROBLEM, they mean nothing to us strategically, or culturally unless you are a jew or one that misinterprets scripture. Arabs resent our influence in the area and that influence is directed at our butt kissing of israel. It is plain, it is obvious, it is blatant... remove your head from the sand and look.

The israelis are out for themselves and are not our friends now, tomorrow, or next week. Get real. They have backstabbed us since day one, out of their own self interest, which one cannot blame them for but.... they are NOT our FRIENDS!!!!!!

Lets get this straight.... Kill all the muslims you want to, works fine for me. But the reason for them hating us is ISRAEL. To think otherwise is blindness, of which I will not indulge in. You are most welcome to pal.

I would no more trust an israeli, then bend over for the soap in prison. They are out for number one in a way you cant even comprehend.

Remember pal, all roads lead back to israel and our support for their zionist, communist/socialist, country.... btw they own this country too. Look at the last names of the guys that run the Fed reserve. Look at the last names of the guys that RAN clintons white house. This isnt a joke, Charon even made a comment on the power of the jewish lobby in this country and how they owned the USA.

Is $537 what you paid in taxes??? I paid a **** of a lot more than that...way more, and if I had to throw it all in a fire to keep the israelis from getting it, guess where it would go???? Where is that can of lighter fluid....

The roots of the 9/11 attack start in israel. Nowhere else. And if you dont know or understand the history of the region... I suggest you do some research before opening your mouth. The Mark Twain quote about it being better to appear a fool than open your mouth and prove it beyond doubt definitely applies to you and your foolish ramblings.

Rant off/Dram out

Link Posted: 4/2/2002 8:01:50 PM EDT
Lord, [b]Dramborleg[/b], I was under the impression you were c of C?  Maybe not.

There are two forces facing each other in the Holy Land.

The first is a force that still prays to the same God that we pray to, that is democratic in the best sense of that term, that permits Israeli Arabs to vote, to hold office, and to represent their constituents in their legislature.

The other is a force that doesn't mind sending children with explosives wrapped around their bodies into grocery stores, pizzerias, discos, wedding chapels, synangogues, market places, and other such public places to kill, main, and terrorize other children, their parents, and grandparents. This other force has very  limited  elections that are suspect to say the least, that hold women in the same regard as Afghans, that purposefully fire from inside and around Christian Churches in order to
maximize the damage to Christian Churches rather that Islamic mosques.

Now, are you certain that you cannot pick a dog in this fight?

Eric The(IMeanReallyCertain?)Hun[>]:)]
Link Posted: 4/2/2002 8:20:04 PM EDT
Here's the deal:  The war is a sideshow to take everyone's attention away from the true threat which is globalism.  You have to have conflict  to get people to give up their freedoms and cherished sensibilities.  You have to have hate.  Without such crises, there would be no reason to have governments full of bureaucrats or world leadership full of the same.  

I'd be really happy if the aid effort to Israel were as voluntary as the one Steyr suggests.  Hey, these folks over here need help and you know, if you could spare a few bucks that'd be cool.  Instead we get our money stolen from us with a very real threat of force if we do not comply.  Sounds like liberty to me.
Link Posted: 4/2/2002 8:34:21 PM EDT
SteyrAug, is it Israel that you are pissed we are giving money to or everyone (countries) we give money to?  If your point is we shouldn't be the world's welfare system, well I'm all for that.  I think most would agree.  Israel isn't the only country we "contribute" to.  We've given money to just about every 3rd World craphole on the Globe.  Also we continue to send millions, if not billions, to Europe, Japan and other countries that are hardly "in need."  The whole world hates us until there a** is in trouble (Kuwait, Phillipines, France/Europe in the 40's, etc.)  But since we are the Superpower, everyone is on our case.  The world is no better than most of the whining liberals in this country.  It's always what we "haven't done" not the good we have.  If Europe wants Peace in the Middle East, then step up to bat.  No, no one but us is willing to risk our ass against tyrants and oppressors.  No one else writes checks like us or at ALL!!!!  If you or anyone else thinks that if we (the US) pull away from Israel that will solve the problem, you are mistaken.    
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Here is what pisses me off...


At $3 billion a year, Israel receives more U.S. aid than any other country, and 40 percent of the U.S. foreign aid budget.

Noting that Israel has one one-thousandth of the world's population and the 16th highest per capita income in the world, critics question the aid -- and surprisingly, Israel agrees.


So yes, A LOT of countries on the "should be cut off" list. But fix the BIG LEAK first.

The Israelis screwing us is just trying to make friends elsewhere. After all, where have we been when they've needed us most?
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1. We [b]DON'T[/b] owe Israel a goddamn f*cking thing.

2. We've [b]GIVEN[/b] them about 100 BILLION dollars.

I like to think that my $537 bought at least one M16 and one round of ammo that blew off the head of one palestinian. Money well spent.
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If YOU want to buy them one, fine send them a check. I'd rather have my tax dollars go for a M16 to be given to a AMERICAN SOLDIER.
Link Posted: 4/2/2002 8:35:07 PM EDT
You have been Hunified! [img]http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/images/smilies/happyyid.gif[/img]
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Yep, you have been "Hunified"!  [:P]

DaMan having fun!
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(Not much of a Hun is he [;)])
Link Posted: 4/2/2002 8:39:54 PM EDT
[b]Out of every foreign aid dollar the U.S. designates to help the poor overseas, 70 cents to 80 cents stays in the United States.[/b]

Eric The(It'sOnlyFair,It'sWhatA'RealAmerican'WouldDo!)Hun[>]:)]
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I seriously DOUBT Israel qualifies as "the poor overseas."


Israel DOES get more U.S. aid than any other country.

And Israel gets 40 percent of the U.S. foreign aid budget.

Even though Israel has one one-thousandth of the world's population.

And Israel has the 16th highest per capita income in the world.

So I seriously DOUBT they qualify as "the poor overseas."

Link Posted: 4/2/2002 8:56:10 PM EDT

Sad to say... after many puzzling religious posts on your part in support of Roman holy days... you have displayed grave gaps in biblical knowledge on your own part. Do you serve Rome and that which presides there... bowing before pagan idols and indulging in rituals and recognizing days and seasons of the moon, or do you serve The Lord? You, my lad, are the one who has cast doubt on your allegiance to him.... not I.

The nation of israel is mostly agnostic. They have NO god, neither a good, bad, or indifferent one. This is fact. And lets clear this up once and for all..... those who crucified Christ, denied Him and He who sent Him were the jews. This is iron clad fact. The jews claim Christ is the bastard child of a roman soldier. And other even more blasphemous lies. Be it known ETH, not only to you but those who read this... any who deny Christ and God that sent him... deny God himself. Eric, you are an obviously intelligent man, law degrees are not handed out like cocktail napkins. What do you not understand about those who have turned their backs on Christ, ie the jews or very specifically, those who actually are religious jews. These people deny the divinity of Christ, who in fact IS GOD. Emanuel sp., means God with us. They claim to pray to Yahweh but in FACT have killed his son and denied his divinity and still pray to God to send his son. Those who claim to be jews are no more inheritors of Gods love than the dogs wandering the streets in Bethlehem. THEY have cut themselves off from God. God did not turn his back on them, the jews did.

Now, whose side am I on?????? The side of the USA. Our best bet is to let them kill eachother in wonderful pyrrhic victory for one side or the other. But it wont happen with zionists owning this country. Our boys will end up going to die for NOTHING. I pray it does not happen. Do I care tuppence for arabs??? NOPE. They are not my concern, and in the same breath, those Godless jews are not my concern either. They are of the same hue and stripe ETH, the way is broad, but the true path is narrow. Are either of them on the narrow path???? Not by the longest of shots. They are both Godless and separate from God by the same bottomless gulf of eternity. Care to explain how these Jesus scoffing characters are going to claim eternal life ETH? Hmmmm.... No Christ.. No peace. Bottom line.

You are either in or out Eric. Both of them are out.

Link Posted: 4/2/2002 8:57:04 PM EDT
Now I have made it clear, quite clear what israel should do to solve their problems. Read my posts. As an outsider looking in, jews got it locked, they own the nukes and the US is in their back pocket. Kick all the palestinians out of their country. Totally. Bulldoze the dome of the rock and sow the ground with salt. If you would like to be radical??? Flatten all PA areas with dozers and send the people streaming over the borders. Or, kill them all, shoot every mother lovin one of em. That is the only way to do it..... if they were to be serious about it.

But frankly I could care less. The TRUE Jews are gone from the face of this earth. The temple is no more, and the last actual priest of the correct tribe has been dust for centuries untold. Eric, just because someone claims to be a jew does not make them a Jew. You can shove a Torah in your shorts and dance ha va na gilah in a tube top and it still wont make a real Jew. They are gone, scattered by the destruction of the temple and the diaspora. So sorry to burst your bubble. No more left.

Christ=God No Christ=No God  To Deny Christ= Much worse than having no God at all  

So whose side are you on ETH????? They are both Godless. So which one is less Godless??? They both deny the Christ.... do I need to spell it out?????? Pick up your Bible and TELL ME WHAT IS THE FATE OF THOSE WHO DENY CHRIST... HUH?! TELL ME! Even some of those who claim to serve Christ will not make it.... how bout this one " on that last day many will say unto me Lord Lord have we not done these many great things in thy name...." and what did Christ say he would tell them???? " I will turn from them and say I knew you not" Those jews that claim any god, DENY Christ. And you would ally yourself with them!?!?!?!?! Wave their banner and shout?
You Eric, are in grave need of understanding the Word, I pray you find it. If you need help or would like to discuss it further, IM me and I will send you my email or my phone number, whichever you prefer. But as a brother in Christ, you are suffering under grave misapprehensions.

Your servant,

Link Posted: 4/2/2002 8:59:48 PM EDT

Now, whose side am I on?????? The side of the USA.  
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All I need to know and good enough for me. Pretty much how I feel.
Link Posted: 4/2/2002 9:00:56 PM EDT

Yer slayin' me man!!!!


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G'man, want a job? I'm thinking fund coordinator. Of course you can keep 40% of the funds you raise as a form of administrative salary as is the standard practice of fund raising organizations and charities.

Having a "religious" figure as a frontman will sell very well "in the sticks."
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naw man ya gotta have Sally Strothers....she can work um!
Link Posted: 4/2/2002 9:12:12 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/2/2002 9:32:24 PM EDT
Sorry fridgedoc,

Hmmm... never heard of holy war inc. I do happen to use my hat for more than a hatrack, and frankly when I need your opinion, I'll slit you open and read your entrails. ( are you smart enough to know what that means?? very good if you do, but I seriously doubt it )

Anyhow, dont know you doc, dont care to. Some obscure book you refer to means less than nothing to me. Do you want a dissertation on the rise of militant moslems? I could give you one and where and when it began too. But likely a simpleton like you doesnt need one with holy war in your hip pocket. Give me a break and go get a life.

I KNOW the roots of this problem.... you obviously dont.

Link Posted: 4/2/2002 9:33:58 PM EDT
[b]RamblinWreck[/b], still pizzed about that story concerning the pretty little co-ed from Georgia Tech?

You know, the one that had to return her vibrator for a refund?

[b]It kept chipping her teeth![/b][:D]

Eric The(DidYouKnowHer?)Hun[>]:)]
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Eric the Jew: that joke is almost as old as you are, and as lame. Go tell it to Ms. Hun, and while you're at it, tell her to stop calling me.
Link Posted: 4/2/2002 9:41:39 PM EDT
You made yer joke. I made mine. If you want to get personal, do it off line and email me.

Link Posted: 4/3/2002 5:41:14 AM EDT
Post from Dramborleg -
Now, whose side am I on?????? The side of the USA.
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And so is Israel, my brother! How can you let our faith stand in the way of our country doing what is right in the Middle East.

Men, women and children are being murdered in the Holy Land and all you can say is 'our best bet is to let them kill each other'?

Is [u]that[/u] what Christ would say?

Is that what our Master would have us [u]do[/u]?

Yet [u]you[/u] would rather quibble over nonsense such as a secular celebration of the Birth of Christ? a public manger scene? what?

If Christmas turns a person's thoughts, even just one person's thoughts, to Jesus, then the whole rigamarole is worth every penny spent!
But it wont happen with zionists owning this country.
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Hmmm, Abraham was a Zionist, Isaac was a Zionist, Jacob was a Zionist, Kind David was a Zionist.

So if those are the sort of Zionists that you accuse of 'owning this Country', we must be in very good hands, indeed.

But if you are talking about Jews, and secular Jews at that, you are simply perpetuating a crude and horrible lie made up in the minds of folks who don't like Jews of [u]any[/u] sort.
Even believing Jews, such as Messianic Jews.
Our boys will end up going to die for NOTHING.
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Why? The Israelis are quite content to do their own fighting, thank you very much!

But if the safety, security, and the best interests of THIS country ever require us to go to Israel to assist them, I would hope that you would be just as content to see them go as you were when 'our boys' went to Afghanistan!
I pray it does not happen.
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As do I, brother, as do I.
Do I care tuppence for arabs??? NOPE.
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Now, that's a problem, because 10% of the Arabs living in Israel are Christians.

The same is true of the West Bank, 10% of the Arabs living there are Christian. At the turn of the last century, in 1900, that number was roughly 35%, but thanks to actions by Arab Muslims, the number has slowly dwindled to the present amount, mostly by Christian Arabs moving to the United States and elsewhere!

Even today, the small Christian village of Beit Jalla, is the site of many Palestinian terrorists shoot-outs with the IDF.

They come into the town, which overlooks Jerusalem's southern neighborhoods, and snipe away to their evil heart's content. When the IDF react, the bastards run away, to leave the small Christian enclave to bear the brunt of any IDF return fire!

[b]What brave men you are 'supporting' by default![/b]

- continued -
Link Posted: 4/3/2002 5:44:04 AM EDT
Oh, and look how the Palestinian terrorists ran into the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem yesterday, during their gun battles with the IDF!  They use 'Jesus' to protect them from the righteous wrath of the 'Jews' and hide under the habits of Nuns!

[b]What heroes these guys are![/b] Reckon we'll ever see [u]that[/u] on a poster or stained glass window in the Church?
They are not my concern, and in the same breath, those Godless jews are not my concern either.
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So Jesus says stop preaching to the Jews? He has told you that unsaved Jews are [u]not[/u] your concern?

Why did Jesus tell the Jewish people [red][b]"Ye shall not see Me henceforth [u]until[/u] ye say 'Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord'"[/b][/red], unless He knew that one day some of the very people who rejected Him, would come to Him?

The [u]entirety[/u] of Christ's original church was made up of Jews, who believed.
They are of the same hue and stripe ETH, the way is broad, but the true path is narrow.
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Amen, brother.
Are either of them on the narrow path???? Not by the longest of shots. They are both Godless and separate from God by the same bottomless gulf of eternity.
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Is the United States on the 'narrow path'? I know we used to be to some degree, but are we any longer? Why cut the US slack and not the Jews and Muslims? [b]He won't![/b]
Care to explain how these Jesus scoffing characters are going to claim eternal life ETH?
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Are we talking about Jews now, or Americans? I have to say I probably have seen more Jesus-scoffing take place here than most other places on the face of the globe.
Hmmmm.... No Christ.. No peace. Bottom line.
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Yes, indeed! [b]Know Christ, know peace![/b]
You are either in or out Eric. Both of them are out.
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Amen to the first. To the second, I judge not.

I believe that all have hope of finding Jesus while the door is open and the day of salvation is at hand.

For soon the day of salvation will be over and the day of judgment will begin.

Eric The('In',Hopefully)Hun[>]:)]
Link Posted: 4/3/2002 6:04:49 AM EDT
Post from Dramborleg -
You Eric, are in grave need of understanding the Word, I pray you find it.
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I made the mistake of responding to your first post without reading the continuation.

I always pray that my understanding of His word increases as time goes on. I will pray the same for you, as well.
If you need help or would like to discuss it further, IM me and I will send you my email or my phone number, whichever you prefer.
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I always need help, but I have a pretty bid support group here in Texas. Thanks for your concerns, as is fitting a brother in the Lord.
But as a brother in Christ, you are suffering under grave misapprehensions.
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And what would that be, brother?

That we should turn our backs on Jew and Muslim?

That we should not have our country do what is right in Israel, as we insist that it do in Afghanistan?

That Jews and Muslims are already condemned to die and go to Hell, so why bother trying to deal with them?

That Jews no longer hold a place in Christian history?

That Jews no longer are considered by God as worthy of redemption?

That Jesus will not one day return to this earth and the very first place that His heel will touch the earth is....

Not in Rome

Not in Paris

Not in New York City

Not even in Dallas

But on the Mount of Olives, across the Kidron Valley from the Holy City, Jerusalem.

And He won't be taking a bus into town, nor a helicopter, nor any other means of travel, other then a simple colt, of a donkey, that has never been ridden by man before.

And He will enter the City through [u]His[/u] Gate, which is called the 'Golden Gate' which is presently walled-up (to prevent the Messiah's entrance, LOL).

The Jews know that Messiah will come to earth and appear first on the Mount of Olives, that is why the western slope of that hill has been covered with Jewish graves since the beginning of Israel. They await the Messiah in their graves.  I would imagine Simeon and Anna are both buried there, waiting to see His face once again.

And the only difference between those dead Jews and us, is that we know the name of their Messiah, they don't. His name is Jesus.

Eric The(DidIMissAnything?)Hun[>]:)]
Link Posted: 4/3/2002 6:10:19 AM EDT
Aside from the FACT that they own all our senators and congressmen, and the banking institutions.


Israel is a thorn in Americas side... and anybody... I mean anybody... that calls me a anti-semite, I will laugh in their face. I dare you to prove it.
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You did a pretty decent job yourself.

Arabs could care a hoot less about the USA, the ONLY reason they hate us is that we support israel... PERIOD.
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No.  They hate us because we're not Moslem, muslim whatever.  Same reason they hate the Jews.

If there were no israel... the USA would be perceived as exactly what we are... the worlds biggest marketplace to sell your goods.
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Doubt it.
Link Posted: 4/3/2002 6:13:55 AM EDT
If my money would help rid one Palestinian *Terrorist* from the face of the earth, it would be money well spent.

So, SA do you have the address for the IDF ? I don't have much money, but I can give them something.
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