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Posted: 3/24/2002 12:17:05 PM EDT
I'm just curious why anyone now would drive all the way to Ill, now that they can't even get a raffle ticket?

I was gonna go, But there is no sense in it now.  The offerings looked great, but...

Oh well.  Hope everyone who does attend has a great time.

Link Posted: 3/24/2002 12:20:14 PM EDT
I was going before I even knew they were going to have a raffle.

The opportunity to meet all of you folks is worth the price of admission.

Eric The(ColorMeGone!)Hun[>]:)]
Link Posted: 3/24/2002 12:26:07 PM EDT
Eric, I couldn't sit there and watch 40 or so beautiful (and very generous) raffled item being drawn for someone, knowing I'm not one of them.

Link Posted: 3/24/2002 12:31:07 PM EDT
One good reason to go is because that not all of the donations will be raffle prizes. I believe several of the really neat toys are earmarked as door prizes, and the winners must be there to win.
Link Posted: 3/24/2002 12:33:29 PM EDT

There is a raffle and door prizes.

Some of the door prizes include the 5 .50 cals.
So you still have a chance to win, even if you missed the raffle ticket sale like myself.

Besides, the prizes are one reason to go.  How about the shooting, the activities, meeting fellow board members, etc...?
Link Posted: 3/24/2002 12:33:53 PM EDT
Well, if you are one of the first 50 there, they kept 100 raffle tickets to be sold to attendees. (I think I saw where, attendees could purchase two upon arrival)

The door prizes, that are up for grabs by people that attend. My understanding is, there are, 4 (maybe 5) 50BMG as door prizes.

Sounds like a good reason to go.

Besides, you might get your mug on the cover of a magazine.
Link Posted: 3/24/2002 12:34:54 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/24/2002 12:41:52 PM EDT
Post from TxLewis -
Eric, I couldn't sit there and watch 40 or so beautiful (and very generous) raffled item being drawn for someone, knowing I'm not one of them.
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I understand completely.

But when I go to The Gentlemen's Club or the Million Dollar Saloon, and watch 40 or so good looking, nude, ladies slither across the stage, I know I'm [b]not[/b] going to take one of those lovely creatures back home with me either!

And yet I find myself going back and back again, like a moth to the flame! 'Cause I do like to look at beauty, even if it's beyond my grasp! [:D]

Miz Hun would NEVER stop beating me with a skillet if I came home with one!

Eric The(OneOfThose[b]Pre-BanCastIronSkillets[/b]ToBoot)Hun[>]:)]
Link Posted: 3/24/2002 1:14:23 PM EDT
I'm just curious why anyone now would drive all the way to Ill, now that they can't even get a raffle ticket?

I was gonna go, But there is no sense in it now.  The offerings looked great, but...

Oh well.  Hope everyone who does attend has a great time.

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I thought this might happen so we DID hold back 100 raffle tickets for sale at the door.  Might limit to one or 2, want as many to have opportunity to win as possible.  The raffle you DON'T have to be there to win.  The funds were used to cover a lot of the basic expenses.

DOOR PRIZES are to encourage attendance by both mfgrs & black rifle enthusiasts.  The list of these prizes gets better all the time.  Door prize tickets are available to ALL registrants & will have opportunity to win more at formal & informal events during Fri & Sat.

To see a list of the different raffle vs door prizes, check the second page of

This is updated as we add more items.

Link Posted: 3/24/2002 4:00:50 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/24/2002 4:11:24 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/24/2002 4:28:49 PM EDT
You have got to be shitting me.  You don't want to go to the BRC because you can't get a raffle ticket?  Who said you have to drive?  AA to STL non-stop $216.50, rental car, $17.00 a day through Thrifty.  Hotel, $50.00/night at the River's Edge.  Sounds to me like it would be cheaper for you to go on this trip than it would for you to go to the Gentleman's Club or some of our other famous local attractions which I have been to many times and have spent a lot more there than this trip is going to cost me.  And you want to talk about looking at beauties, I don't know where else you could see this many beautiful pre-bans, full autos, 50 cals, and just about whatever else you can imagine because they are going to be there.  And hell, if you want a raffle ticket, show up Friday morning at about 6 in the morning and get in line.  And if you're serious, I would probably sell you one of mine personally if we hooked up at the show just to see another AR-15 fan have a good time.  The only problem is, I had to pay $20.00 each for them because I waited too long to get mine also.  So please reconsider your options on going to the BRC.  This could be a once in a lifetime opportunity, plus, you never know, one of those door prizes like the Barret 99 might just follow you home.  Hope to see you there.
Link Posted: 3/24/2002 4:36:31 PM EDT
I'm just curious why anyone now would drive all the way to Ill, now that they can't even get a raffle ticket?

I was gonna go, But there is no sense in it now.  The offerings looked great, but...

Oh well.  Hope everyone who does attend has a great time.

What, you mean attending just to rub shoulders with a bunch of evil black rifle fanatics like us isn't enough of an incentive not to mention all the events scheduled and the chance to see and meet the many vendors?  Check out the list of door prizes which can only be won BY attendees!   See you there!
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Link Posted: 3/24/2002 4:38:09 PM EDT
I didn't even think of the raffle I knew it was sold out. But I am going to meet anyone who shows and put faces to the names. But do me a favor PLEASE save me a Door prize ticket since I am driving and might be 1/2hr or Hour late.

If I don't get one I will still have a good time and hope some pictures to take back instead.
Link Posted: 3/25/2002 9:02:28 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/26/2002 4:11:34 AM EDT
I don't believe that there is a limit on door prize tickets.  In fact if you pre-register and are a member here I believe you are guaranteed 3 of them. (don't quote me I didn't look it up before posting.  I think the info is at the BRC site.
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If your not registered on here (ie login name), you get one ticket.  If you are registered here, you get two.  If you are a Team Member (ie paying 60 a year) then you get 3 door prize tickets.
Link Posted: 3/26/2002 5:13:54 AM EDT
This is going to be the best time of the year for AR15.com member's. To those not going you're going to miss a great time. [smoke]
Link Posted: 3/26/2002 5:57:57 AM EDT
You guys are correct.  Since pre-registration helps with planning, pre-registrants get 1 more than at the door.

[b]AR15.COM Team members[/b] get 1 more also at pre-registration, for a total of 3, if register late or at door 2.

[b]Regular AR15.com & all others[/b] if pre-register get 2, if register late or at door 1.

Regular AR15.COM & others if become a Team member at the door get 2.

We plan on several events during the convention Fri & Sat to win more door prize tickets such as the Alchemy Challange & the shooting competitions at PASA Park.

Link Posted: 3/26/2002 6:03:20 AM EDT
If shooting in any of the competitions at PASA, you also have an opportunity to win up to 4 more door prize tickets per match!

Everyone entering a match gets 1 extra ticket for doing so, but then the match payout will be:
[list][*]1st Place = 4 tickets[/*]
[*]2nd Place = 3 tickets[/*]
[*]3rd Place = 2 tickets[/*]

In theory, if you shoot and win 3 seperate matches, you could come away with 12 extra tickets, over and above what you get for registration!
Link Posted: 3/26/2002 6:22:20 AM EDT
Wow, its still about the prizes huh?

You look at PETA, VPC, MMM, all the anti organizations you can think of and one thing they have over and above us is unity.  Real cohesion within their organizations.  When they decided to do something, they respond in force as a group.

We, apparently, do not have this same level of commitment to our cause.  It seems to be about what we are going to be given for taking time out of our busy and important lives to show support for our cause.

This is why we will never win...

Sorry for the rant, I am just feeling a little "bothered" by something similar to this right now...[V]
Link Posted: 3/26/2002 7:04:18 AM EDT
Link Posted: 3/26/2002 7:26:13 AM EDT
sorry, I just reread your post and I think you are as frustrated as myself. We can stop this, with stopping welfare, and handouts. Drop the entitlements, and make them work for a living. Then they won't have any more time for this crap. And they will have to take time off of their minimum wage jobs to vote, and all of a sudden it won't seem so important to their pea brains.

rant, rant, rant

man I am a mess today
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Yes, I am frustrated...  And, I agree with you 1,000,000%.  All those feel-good programs that take money out of my pocket and give it to a crackhead two-time loser so he can live at the welfare motel must be abolished!

I am mostly frustrated because, although I wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth (I didn't even have a spoon, I had to use my hands), I have clawed my way up from my humble beginnings into the upper tax brackets (isn't it sad that people are judged by society according to their tax bracket?) and I now exist every day with these weenie scumbags and have to listen to their useless tripe as it dribbles from their pig-like snouts!

Wow, I think I am having a really bad day...
Link Posted: 3/26/2002 7:53:22 AM EDT
I was going before I even knew they were going to have a raffle.

The opportunity to meet all of you folks is worth the price of admission.
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Amen to this thought!
Link Posted: 3/26/2002 10:22:45 AM EDT
Link Posted: 3/26/2002 11:05:20 AM EDT
Alright, I have been waiting for an opportunity to confess, so this is as good of a place as any.

I have been "Geeking Out" over the BRC since I saw the first post and immediately went to the master calendar in our kitchen to see if the weekend was open.  I am dragging my family from Florida and judging by the list of attendees, it will be well worth the drive.  I think about what to bring, who I will meet, and what I will be buying on a daily basis.  Am I alone?

My wife was tired of hearing about it until I took her to the range last Thursday and introduced her to the Rem. 700 PSS.  She loved it and was shooting a 2" group after her first 5 shots.  You should have seen her grinning with her target that is now proudly displayed on the freezer on the garage.  We dusted off the M4, blasted some 00Buck with the 12 gauge and had a great time.

My point is this:  If someone doesn't want to come and have a great time, then it will be their loss.  A great one at that.

I, for one, could go on for way too long about what is bringing me to IL.

-White Horse
Link Posted: 3/26/2002 11:45:22 AM EDT
Tx's statement might have some merit to it from the position we might be missing out on a good PR/advertising vehicle as well as a source of revenue.

I don't know if Grin and Anti have anything on the agenda along this line or not.

I'm pissed at myself for not keeping current on the site and then finding the raffle sold out.  That's my fault though.  I enjoy raffles such as NRA and DU much more than the one armed bandits on the boats.

Though we know the raffle was for startup funds, will others not cognizant of that fact consider us elitist and feel that their money is no good when they learn of the prizes?

Are separate raffles such as at NRA and DU events viable as perking  attendees' interest and generating some excitement?

Likewise, would they be a source of revenue to use for PR such as contributions to say handicapped shooters/hunters or Eddie Eagle programs.  Just two examples that came to mind.

Would raffles for the kids, and some exclusively for the ladies add to the family theme?

The gals often tolerate us and our interests, hobbies, and obsessions and need to be remembered from time to time.

Link Posted: 3/26/2002 12:04:46 PM EDT
This is a Convention of people who own guns to get together. It will show a unity towards gun rights. It isn't the MAIN reason to get together. So if it is the prizes that will make you come that’s fine.

Let me ask this if this was billed has a Million Man/Women March. For the support of gun rights would you go. No Prizes, No shooting guns, No BBQ just a demonstration for our rights. Would you come, would you find the time off from work to show up.

I am sure if that was the case you would so lets see Good time, BBQ, Music, May be a prize if you had a ticket. or Same thing without the chance for a prize. Don't you want to meet everyone put a face to the name. Talk about what we write about to each other, that is my reasons. I hope you decide to show I know it's $$$$$$$$$ to get there. But like they say something’s are priceless. This is a Convention of people who own guns to get together. It will show a unity towards gun rights. It isn't the MAIN reason to get together. So if it is the prizes that will make you come thats fine.

Let me ask this if this was billed has a Million Man/Women March. For the support of gun rights would you go. No Prizes. No shooting guns. No BBQ just a demostration for our rights. Would you come, would you find the time off from work to show up.

I am sure if that was the case you would so lets see Good time, BBQ, Music,May be a prize if you had a ticket. or Same thing without the chance for a prize. Don't you want to meet everyone put a face to the name. Talk about what we write about to each other, that is my reasons. I hope you decide to show I know it's $$$$$$$$$ to get there. BUt like they say somethings are priceless.
Link Posted: 3/26/2002 12:19:34 PM EDT
Would raffles for the [red]kids[/red], and some exclusively for the [red]ladies[/red] add to the family theme?

The gals often tolerate us and our interests, hobbies, and obsessions and need to be remembered from time to time.
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[list][*] [b][red]KIDS:[/red][/b] Rogue River Rifle has donated 2 [u]Chipmunk Rifles[/u], to be given away in a drawing for any child that takes a range safety/shooting course.[/*]

[*] [b][red]LADIES:[/red][/b] My wife and I have donated a [u]CRUISE[/u] for 2, that can only be won by a woman over the age of 18, that will be attending the BRC.  I have posted a seperate thread especially about the details of this contribution.[/*][/list]
Basically, we have all of these bases covered!  [;)]
Link Posted: 3/27/2002 1:56:31 AM EDT
I was going before I even knew they were going to have a raffle.

The opportunity to meet all of you folks is worth the price of admission.
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Amen to this thought!
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You're one of the guys I look forward to downing a few beers with. [=D] Remember how we started out? We've come a long way... I appreciate your taking an active voice on the site and not running. (And yeah, I have kept my eye on ya!)

As to Eric(TheNonLapDance)Hun's comments, he's just grumpy because he missed out on GoatFest 2001 last year in Dallas. Everyone in that area needs to plan on GoatFest 2!!! (This fall!) Of course I learned from the last time and will [b]NOT[/b] be running a tab for everyone for a few hours... OUCH!!!!! [=D]
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 I remember all too well how we started out.  All a misunderstanding on my part, and I'm glad we both took time to straighten the whole matter out VIA email.  That's why I try so hard to get others that are in the same situation that I found myself in, to email you or Ed & hash things out.  This site is more than just a guns forum to me.  Much more.  I actually have difficulty putting it into words...
 I don't blame you feeling the need to keep an eye on me - but I've tried my best to keep my efforts focused on the positive here, to help out anywhere, anytime I can.
 As for the [beer], well - sometimes these darned wagons bust a wheel & you've got to climb off to fix them! [:D]

Link Posted: 3/27/2002 4:18:45 AM EDT
OK OK, jeez.  Forget I asked. [:)]

Maybe I'll go just to shoot.  Heck.

Man my car will get lousy mileage with all the weight that will be in the trunk.


Link Posted: 3/27/2002 4:44:01 AM EDT
OK OK, jeez.  Forget I asked. [:)]

Maybe I'll go just to shoot.  Heck.

Man my car will get lousy mileage with all the weight that will be in the trunk.

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Only on the way there, the way back it should be nearly empty. [:D]
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