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Posted: 2/17/2021 8:26:36 AM EDT
Lost my pup.
Her name was midnight.
We rescued her from a shelter( arnie)
She was skin and bones and had no hair on her hinds.
She had papers and was already 5..this was in 12'.
She was an Australian shep.
At the time I was going through a bunch of shit.she was afraid of me when my wife brought her home.
My 1st day off from work...I loaded her into my truck and we went for a day hike.
The 1st I had did alone in a looooong time.
After that her, me the harness and truck made us both happy. Smartest dog I've seen and a complete lover to my daughter and wife.
She had been going down hill the last year...but was steady..
Yesterday though I got her outside, in her dog bed on our porch...hour later I heard 3 to 4 half ass barks, our other pup jumped up and ran to our front door( open to a storm door).
I got up and found her on the outdoor cushions...
With out going I to what I dealt with over the next hour,  I got her cleaned up and loaded into my truck as the wife made several phone calls to 911 vets..this calmed her down, but I knew it wouldn't be long .
I started the 35 mile trip into town to a 911 vet..to get diverted to another on the coast.
I kept her calm and kept my hand on her 90% of our ride.
She passed on me ironically at the entrance of a state forest we would normally visit.
My wife and kid who were in bound to the second vet met me there....in the woods.

My daughter who took it bad while hugging me said " she was with you. Doing what she loved to do dad..."

Rip midnight my shtf Aussie...my buddy. Hiking partner and best pup I've had.
Now it's dusty in here...fuvk .me.

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Link Posted: 2/17/2021 8:31:08 AM EDT
I know the pain all to well OP. I'm glad she passed with you by her side giving her comfort.

Dogs bring so much joy but it always comes with a hefty price at the end. Still worth it many times over.

She was beautiful and clearly well loved.
Link Posted: 2/17/2021 8:31:21 AM EDT
I'm sorry for your loss.
Link Posted: 2/17/2021 8:31:55 AM EDT
Good girl. Rest in peace
Link Posted: 2/17/2021 8:32:29 AM EDT
Our condolences. It’s tough. What a great ride that dog had.
Link Posted: 2/17/2021 8:32:31 AM EDT
Sorry to hear about your loss.  I hope you can soon move from the feelings of sadness to remembering all the good moments you and your buddy shared.
Link Posted: 2/17/2021 8:32:46 AM EDT
RIP Midnight. You did a good thing with rescuing her OP.
Link Posted: 2/17/2021 8:33:08 AM EDT
I am so sorry for your family's loss.

RIP Midnight.
Link Posted: 2/17/2021 8:35:08 AM EDT
Sorry man I know it sucks  I hate these threads
Link Posted: 2/17/2021 8:37:04 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/17/2021 8:37:15 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/17/2021 8:37:31 AM EDT
Very hard to lose a friend
Link Posted: 2/17/2021 8:42:20 AM EDT
Sorry op

At least she was with her human in her truck.
Link Posted: 2/17/2021 8:50:27 AM EDT
Sorry OP. Prayers for your family and your pup.
Link Posted: 2/17/2021 8:53:31 AM EDT
Sorry for your loss
Link Posted: 2/17/2021 8:55:51 AM EDT
RIP Midnight.  
Link Posted: 2/17/2021 8:57:36 AM EDT
Been there and sorry to hear it. A good dog is the best companion. Any doubt lock you dog, kid, and wife in the trunk for an hr. Open it and see who is happy to see you. We have 3 recues.
Link Posted: 2/17/2021 8:57:58 AM EDT
few things tear a man's heart like the loss of his dog

she is a good girl

prayers inbound
Link Posted: 2/17/2021 8:59:25 AM EDT
RIP Midnight.
Link Posted: 2/17/2021 9:02:05 AM EDT
I unfortunately know exactly how you feel. I lost my girl Shea this morning, at around 0230. Had a few seizures over the last 24 hours and the one at 0200 was very bad, and she never really came out of it after. Decided it was time. After 14 years of being the most loving, compassionate, and loyal family dog, Shea closed her eyes for the last time.

RIP to Shea and Midnight, May they be chewing on milk bones and treats together right now.

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Though their time on this Earth is short, a man can never have a better friend, and loyal companion, than a dog.
Link Posted: 2/17/2021 9:03:50 AM EDT
Such short lives they live

My condolences for your loss
Link Posted: 2/17/2021 9:05:50 AM EDT
Losing pups sucks, RIP Midnight.
Link Posted: 2/17/2021 9:07:18 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/17/2021 9:07:18 AM EDT
I feel for you. No words can ease what you’re feeling but know you gave Midnight a great life and once the pain recedes a bit, that’s what you’re going to remember.

Link Posted: 2/17/2021 9:08:12 AM EDT
Thanks for giving her a good life.
Link Posted: 2/17/2021 9:08:30 AM EDT
Normally I only read these post and hardly ever reply.
OP you and her touched my heart,
Sorry for your lose. Prayers for all sent
Link Posted: 2/17/2021 9:11:04 AM EDT

what a life
what a friend

you and yours are in my prayers this morning
Link Posted: 2/17/2021 9:13:26 AM EDT
Sorry OP
Link Posted: 2/17/2021 9:17:11 AM EDT
You made her life as close as a dog's can come to heaven.  That's why we have them, to teach us how to love unconditionally.  They don't need to learn it, they're born with it.
Link Posted: 2/17/2021 9:19:54 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/17/2021 9:23:46 AM EDT
You were lucky to find each other.....RIP Midnight
Link Posted: 2/17/2021 9:26:04 AM EDT
So sorry OP. I lost my best buddy in September and still think about him every day.
Link Posted: 2/17/2021 9:27:43 AM EDT
Nice dag, sorry.
Link Posted: 2/17/2021 9:29:46 AM EDT
Lost my pup.
Her name was midnight.
We rescued her from a shelter( arnie)
She was skin and bones and had no hair on her hinds.
She had papers and was already 5..this was in 12'.
She was an Australian shep.
At the time I was going through a bunch of shit.she was afraid of me when my wife brought her home.
My 1st day off from work...I loaded her into my truck and we went for a day hike.
The 1st I had did alone in a looooong time.
After that her, me the harness and truck made us both happy. Smartest dog I've seen and a complete lover to my daughter and wife.
She had been going down hill the last year...but was steady..
Yesterday though I got her outside, in her dog bed on our porch...hour later I heard 3 to 4 half ass barks, our other pup jumped up and ran to our front door( open to a storm door).
I got up and found her on the outdoor cushions...
With out going I to what I dealt with over the next hour,  I got her cleaned up and loaded into my truck as the wife made several phone calls to 911 vets..this calmed her down, but I knew it wouldn't be long .
I started the 35 mile trip into town to a 911 vet..to get diverted to another on the coast.
I kept her calm and kept my hand on her 90% of our ride.
She passed on me ironically at the entrance of a state forest we would normally visit.
My wife and kid who were in bound to the second vet met me there....in the woods.

My daughter who took it bad while hugging me said " she was with you. Doing what she loved to do dad..."

Rip midnight my shtf Aussie...my buddy. Hiking partner and best pup I've had.
Now it's dusty in here...fuvk .me.

View Quote
Sorry for your loss - a very beautiful dog.
Link Posted: 2/17/2021 9:32:21 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/17/2021 9:43:03 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/17/2021 9:48:04 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/17/2021 9:48:40 AM EDT
Sorry about your doggo.

Link Posted: 2/17/2021 10:04:25 AM EDT
It can be pretty tough sometimes.

We've got three buried out behind the old plum trees north of the dog pen.  

I hate digging those holes.  I hate putting my buddies into the hole.  I hate not having them around afterwards.  I have all three holes marked with a small stone and I think about them every time I mow/trim out there.

We've got three right now.  I think, at this point in our lives, we've decided these three will be our last.  For some reason, as I get older, it gets harder to lose one.

OP, get another one (or two).  Giving a poor dog a good home and a good life is worth it, I think.  The joys of the years you have together maybe make the pain you know is coming somewhere down the road a bit easier to stand.

Even though I said my wife and I had agreed there wouldn't be anymore she was looking at one a couple weeks ago that the owners weren't taking good care of.  She asked if they'd like to give the dog away, but they said no.  Every time we drive by that house she's looking for that dog and talking about it.  So, I guess, if they decide they can't keep it, we'll have a 4th dog at that time.  Some promises are hard to keep.  Especially when you see a dog that really needs a good home.
Link Posted: 2/17/2021 10:10:42 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/17/2021 10:12:07 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/17/2021 10:13:13 AM EDT
RIP Midnight, sorry you guys lost your pup.
Link Posted: 2/17/2021 10:14:57 AM EDT
I am so sorry, I've been through it several times and it tears your heart to pieces.
You guys had a good life together. I cried looking at the photo of you two.
Link Posted: 2/17/2021 10:21:06 AM EDT
Sorry for your loss. I have a 12 year old black lab who I thought was going to slip away this last weekend but lots of love and care and he bounced back. But it was a sobering confirmation that his time is coming soon. I feel your pain.

Link Posted: 2/17/2021 10:21:21 AM EDT
sorry to hear. Lost the best dog I ever had a year ago.
Link Posted: 2/17/2021 10:21:25 AM EDT
RIP, Midnight.
May it be bunnies and balls...
Link Posted: 2/17/2021 10:22:40 AM EDT
Sorry to hear that man. My family is dealing with the same thing right now. We put ours down this passed Friday, cancer. Had surgery in June, came back in October, treatment shrunk the timor and made her better for awhile. Then it came back with a vengeance, within 4-5 weeks it grew to the size of a football almost.

It was time. She was a little over 14yo.

We have a 6 and 3yo, been difficult on them. My 6yo understands shes not coming back, 3yo still hasnt gotten it.

Hardest thing Ive ever had to do in my life.

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Link Posted: 2/17/2021 10:23:07 AM EDT
I have 2 good friends waiting for her on the other side of the rainbow bridge.

Link Posted: 2/17/2021 10:23:34 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/17/2021 10:27:23 AM EDT
I am sorry for the loss of your friend , & I am sorry for your family as well.
Link Posted: 2/17/2021 10:27:31 AM EDT
I'm sorry for your loss. We lost the Aussie in my avatar two years ago. I have two more now and still miss her. Midnight was a beautiful Aussie.
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