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Link Posted: 9/20/2009 4:14:09 PM EDT
Who gives a shit.  Put a fucking sock in it.

azmjs, nice to see you back, now go away

azjms?  I don't recall posting any rambling bullshit about Ron Paul supporters and blimps and whatnot.  Seems the only time he came out was to carry on about how much Ron Paul fans like Ron Paul.

How do YOU know what azjms posted?
Link Posted: 9/20/2009 4:14:50 PM EDT
Liberals will be falling all over themselves with ecstacy. They thrive on the outrageous and unorthodox.

Whether or not the Obamas are good for the future of America is irrelevant to liberals in the face of such frivolity.

If our first black president had been Clarence Thomas instead of Odungo, I guarantee you his wife would have worn something classy appropriate to the event.
Link Posted: 9/20/2009 4:15:29 PM EDT
She thought it was the MTV Awards, not MOH Awards...
Link Posted: 9/20/2009 4:15:36 PM EDT
it's a MoH ceremony not a fucking nightclub - she has no respect.
Link Posted: 9/20/2009 4:16:11 PM EDT
Who gives a shit.  Put a fucking sock in it.

azmjs, nice to see you back, now go away

azjms?  I don't recall posting any rambling bullshit about Ron Paul supporters and blimps and whatnot.  Seems the only time he came out was to carry on about how much Ron Paul fans like Ron Paul.

How do YOU know what azjms posted?


I demand an IP check.
Link Posted: 9/20/2009 4:16:57 PM EDT
I think the word "honor" may have confused her.....
Link Posted: 9/20/2009 4:17:22 PM EDT
Kurg...you've bit off more than you can chew..these guys LIVE to talk shit about people like you...What are you doing here?..why are you wasting your time? Whats your home-base forum..or are you too chicken-shit to say?
Link Posted: 9/20/2009 4:18:47 PM EDT
Looks like Eddie Van Halen's guitar.

Link Posted: 9/20/2009 4:19:46 PM EDT
but...but..but she cant possibly be wearing designer dresses...palin did and they jumped all over her for it....the media will not let this stand...

And Palin's clothes were paid for by the Republican party. I'm guessing that you and I are providing Mrs. Hussein with her wardrobe.

Link Posted: 9/20/2009 4:24:49 PM EDT


Link Posted: 9/20/2009 4:29:16 PM EDT


Link Posted: 9/20/2009 4:29:27 PM EDT
Movin on up!
Link Posted: 9/20/2009 4:30:15 PM EDT
I know that military guy in the center pic!  Crazy!
Link Posted: 9/20/2009 4:32:48 PM EDT
I dunno, I think she looks kinda hawt in that.  Maybe she could give lapdances to the honor guard or something.
Link Posted: 9/20/2009 4:36:11 PM EDT
Who gives a shit.  Put a fucking sock in it.

Link Posted: 9/20/2009 4:38:41 PM EDT
The fuck is wrong with this woman?

You can take a Wookie out of Kashyyk, but you can't take Kashyyk out of a Wookie.
Link Posted: 9/20/2009 4:43:32 PM EDT
Who gives a shit.  Put a fucking sock in it.

This. How someone dressed is not of my concern. People have the freedom to wear whatever they like.

Who gives a shit.  Put a fucking sock in it.


It was a MOH ceremony, genius.  Not that you give a flying fuck about dead soldiers.

Wearing certian clothes doesn't make anything "better", or make the soldiers rise from the dead. Not like she is walking around naked or anything. If you're offended by someones choice of clothes, I pity you.

And yes, I do care about our dead soldiers. But I don't give a fuck what someone wears.

Who gives a shit.  Put a fucking sock in it.


ETA: She looks like an idiot and oBama looks embarassed in that photo. WE NEED SOME PICTURE CAPTIONING SKILLS, HERE!

Also....In on one.

Link Posted: 9/20/2009 4:44:22 PM EDT
You can take the Wookie out of the jungle, but you can't take the jungle out of the Wookie.
Link Posted: 9/20/2009 4:44:58 PM EDT
Who gives a shit.  Put a fucking sock in it.

This. How someone dressed is not of my concern. People have the freedom to wear whatever they like.

Who gives a shit.  Put a fucking sock in it.


It was a MOH ceremony, genius.  Not that you give a flying fuck about dead soldiers.

Wearing certian clothes doesn't make anything "better", or make the soldiers rise from the dead. Not like she is walking around naked or anything. If you're offended by someones choice of clothes, I pity you.

And yes, I do care about our dead soldiers. But I don't give a fuck what someone wears.

Who gives a shit.  Put a fucking sock in it.


ETA: She looks like an idiot and oBama looks embarassed in that photo. WE NEED SOME PICTURE CAPTIONING SKILLS, HERE!

Also....In on one.


over your head the point went.
Link Posted: 9/20/2009 4:45:02 PM EDT
It's a fine choice of a dress..................  If your from the ghetto and don't know any better.
Link Posted: 9/20/2009 4:46:01 PM EDT
She's not even wearing nylons? She can't even dress for the occasion....

Link Posted: 9/20/2009 4:46:05 PM EDT
The fuck is wrong with this woman?

dont you mean Wookie?
Link Posted: 9/20/2009 4:46:42 PM EDT
They are driving people crazy, and loving every minute of it.

Exactly they are reacting exactly like they want. Trivial antics to distract from real issues.

This is the problem.  A bunch of mouth-breathing morons finding any little pathetic personal nitpick to blather about instead of focusing on real issues.

He's played many of you like a fiddle, you look like a bunch of racist douchebags because you focus on ad hominem instead of focusing on the issues.
You're like those moron Birthers.  The smartest thing he's done is not release whatever they keep bitching about, because they've been made to look like utter fools now.

I seriously wonder how long it will be before you're making personal attacks on his children, complaining about his wife wearing white after labor day, or whatever the hell it is you dimwits obsess over all day instead of the facts?  When you get in arguments with people who are anti-gun or pro socialized medicine please Jebus tell me you don't rant about his wife's clothes or call him the "Kenyan".

My guess is a good percent of you bought that death panel bullshit too.

No, the real problem is the boiling frog and the blatant lies about how much any kind of government run healthcare will cost.  Personally, I'm not happy I'd probably lose my HDHP+HSA plan.  Not to mention that this is a first attack, in 5 years they'll be back around for round 2 which includes socialized medicine meaning some scumbag drug dealer will get health care as good as I do and that this will happen by bringing my quality down, not his up.

Is that whizz or Dloken?
Link Posted: 9/20/2009 4:49:18 PM EDT
Who gives a shit.  Put a fucking sock in it.

Only if "it" is your suck hole.
Link Posted: 9/20/2009 4:50:45 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/20/2009 4:50:51 PM EDT
Wookie PLLLLLLease!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Link Posted: 9/20/2009 4:50:55 PM EDT
I'm waiting to see her in some of those fucked up looking hats that seem so stylish...

Link Posted: 9/20/2009 4:51:40 PM EDT
You might think everyone is picking on this woman..but it goes to show you, they have no clue who they are or who they represent. Jeffersons in the White House. No class at all...wearing all this designer crap to classy events.

Honestly:  What do you expect from a communist muslim?

Link Posted: 9/20/2009 4:53:44 PM EDT


BTW... that is the "93rd Hottest Woman On The Planet" you're talking about there.  


Yeah, I always did think Aunt Ester was smokin'.
Link Posted: 9/20/2009 4:54:54 PM EDT
Wookie PLLLLLLease!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 I get it!  Of all the muthafuckahs in the world, you the muthafuckest!  
Link Posted: 9/20/2009 4:54:57 PM EDT
I'm not going to comment on how she looks in the chosen attire, but I will say her choice of clothing was/is beyond inappropriate for such a ceremony. On the other hand, did you expect something else from someone who has nothing but contempt for the men of our armed forces?

Absolutely right!

That smelly female dog just saw another opportunity to strut it.

What a putz.

They are both an embarrassment to anything respectful in this country.
She ought to wear that shit to an ACORN picnic. Maybe the food stains wouldn't show as much.
Link Posted: 9/20/2009 4:55:57 PM EDT
Just another evening in Motown
Link Posted: 9/20/2009 4:58:02 PM EDT


Man, that dress is ugly.

And inappropriate.


Link Posted: 9/20/2009 4:58:57 PM EDT
Looks like the out of style stuff you give to the maid.

Or some kind of cranberry field camo!
Link Posted: 9/20/2009 5:00:36 PM EDT
Hahaha. Plenty of other things for me to get stressed over than how the first lady dresses. It is funny though.
Link Posted: 9/20/2009 5:01:40 PM EDT
This just makes me want to shake my head in utter amazement.
Link Posted: 9/20/2009 5:03:12 PM EDT
Who gives a shit.  Put a fucking sock in it.

Low Post Count:                                     CHECK
Retarded Statement:                               CHECK
Defending Wookie:                                  CHECK
Lack of Class:                                         CHECK
Lack of Respect for Dead Soldiers:        CHECK

Probability of Retarded D.U. Troll:             98.4%
Link Posted: 9/20/2009 5:06:32 PM EDT
Why are people comparing these retards to the Jeffersons?

Barack isnt half the man George was. George owned a large dry cleaning business in New York. He went from nothing to 15 dry cleaning locations by his own way. Nothing like Obama.

Weezie also had CLASS, something Michele wouldnt understand.

Link Posted: 9/20/2009 5:08:53 PM EDT
I'm just as pissed that the OP would call it "the MOH Awards" like it's some hollywood bullshit. No doubt the First Lady thought it was like the Espys, Oscars, or Academy Awards, or other "red carpet" events and wanted to look her most glamorous.  I'm surprised that none of her 30 assistants may have seen fit to clue her in that the awarding of the MOH is a ceremony of the highest importance, and as solemn as a funeral.

I was thinking exactly the same thing.

Link Posted: 9/20/2009 5:10:07 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/20/2009 5:14:41 PM EDT
What do expect from a woman who would put her arm around the Queen of England, like she's a little kid. They have no clue of what it means to have real class or how to run the country.
Link Posted: 9/20/2009 5:18:57 PM EDT
+1.  Doesn't the First Lady get advisors to give her advice on how to dress and carry herself ?


No class.

Link Posted: 9/20/2009 5:21:45 PM EDT
The fuck is wrong with this woman?

Both she and her worthless husband are narcissist......it's ALL about them.
Link Posted: 9/20/2009 5:23:38 PM EDT
Looks like someone projectile vomited salsa and pork BBQ on a bleached GP tent.
Link Posted: 9/20/2009 5:26:32 PM EDT


A thread full of ghey.

When did you hardlegs start being so damn fashion conscious?

We are not fashion conscious, but we do know that Camouflage is a no-no to a formal event.

When did the Red urban Camo come back into style?

Link Posted: 9/20/2009 5:28:27 PM EDT
+1.  Doesn't the First Lady get advisors to give her advice on how to dress and carry herself ?

No class.


Would you try to tell IT what to do?
Link Posted: 9/20/2009 5:34:20 PM EDT
Who gives a shit.  Put a fucking sock in it.


It was a MOH ceremony, genius.  Not that you give a flying fuck about dead soldiers.

+1 A man died, gave everything he had ,so some of his buddies could go home tuck their kids into bed at night!! The bitch colld at least have worn black!!   Fucking wookie!!

Fuck the Wookie and the troll.
Link Posted: 9/20/2009 5:34:59 PM EDT

Quick someone write her fashion adviser!
Link Posted: 9/20/2009 5:36:28 PM EDT


Fuck... LOL~~~!!!
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