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Link Posted: 9/29/2005 8:14:32 PM EDT
That I will outlive either of my kids.
Link Posted: 9/29/2005 8:15:57 PM EDT
Losing my sister.
Link Posted: 9/29/2005 8:28:19 PM EDT

Something happening to my daughter, or me while she is still here.

Yep, that's the one.

That and being in an attic or crawlspace full of spiders.  (shiver)
Link Posted: 9/29/2005 8:30:42 PM EDT

My greatest fear is that of spending one solitary day on this earth without my wife. I am one of those who truly believe we were meant to be together. Lotsa guys say their gal is special, or wonderful, or the most beautiful woman in the world. Well, I'm different in that I KNOW she is all that and more. Love doesn't have to make sense. It just IS.

OK, we just KNOW that she was watching you type that!
Link Posted: 9/29/2005 8:45:36 PM EDT

being in an attic or crawlspace full of spiders.  (shiver)


and being helpless
Link Posted: 9/29/2005 9:08:12 PM EDT
Being helpless.

I know this kinda covers a lot of ground but of the various things that scare me, for example: tight spaces (as in to tight to move much), being tied up or restrained, not being with my wife when she is in a potentially risky area & assorted other things all boil down to not being able to act. I'm terrified of being helpless. My wife has epilepsy (getting MUCH better now though) and it was very hard having to watch her go through it and not being able to do a damned thing about it.

I not particularly afraid as long as I can DO something. Give me 20 people to fight, a boulder to move, whatever,  just so long as I don't have to stand there unable to do anything.

oh yea, clowns.... they freak me out.

and ghosts, I don't like things you can't shoot.
Link Posted: 9/29/2005 9:21:44 PM EDT
Bees!  - I'm more than sure I'm allergic to them, and I could live my whole life not finding out.
Jellyfish and other scary water animals - I refuse to get into natural bodies of water these days.

Also that I will be unable to have children, or if I do, that they won't be healthy... miscarriage, still birth, if they're ok, I fear them hating me.

My biggest fear of all is dying a slow or violent death - being murdered, trapped in a fire, drowning, falling, being stricken by a long, drawn-out illness

Kinda sad, but there you go, my worst fears.
Link Posted: 9/29/2005 9:22:32 PM EDT
X-wife finding me
Link Posted: 9/29/2005 9:29:09 PM EDT
Letting others down.

Losing my sister, or a few close friends of mine. I already had a very tough occurance happen with my brother, at least he's alive hinking.gif.
Link Posted: 9/29/2005 9:35:03 PM EDT
Outliving my children.

Failing as a father.

I have been beat up, punched out, knocked down, and sucked in.  Most of my owrse fears have happened.

Top of the list?  I fear the Almighty God.  

Link Posted: 9/29/2005 9:42:26 PM EDT
Letting life pass me by.
Link Posted: 9/29/2005 10:12:26 PM EDT
Losing one of my kids
Facing God (I'm trying real hard to be good, but....)
Prison with some guy named Bubba
Having to draw down on someone to defend my life
Dying (I know it's going to happen, but it's still scarey)
Getting that phone call that one of my parents has passed away (Late night phonecalls scare the poo right out of me)
Link Posted: 9/29/2005 10:19:28 PM EDT

Being in a deep body of water (ocean, lake, swamp) at night.  I will literally walk on water to get the hell out.  I have no idea why.

Fear of unknown.  Same here.  Deep swimming pools are fine.  I can see the bottom.  Murky water in pond or what not. Blah.  I'm always afraid I'll bang my shin on something or get caught up in the sea weed... not be able to swim.. then sink.. take in water.. and die from oxygen deprvation...  lungs burning for air..  fighting not to inhale, cause is water.. sink into the dark...
Link Posted: 9/29/2005 10:26:42 PM EDT


Of what?  What is it you don't want revealed?
Link Posted: 9/29/2005 10:40:04 PM EDT
Not being there for my daughter.
The death of my parents.
Link Posted: 9/30/2005 1:15:48 AM EDT
The dentist.  I faced at beat the rest of the fears I've ever had.

And once I get insurance again...it will be time to cowboy up and get my teeth fixed.
Link Posted: 9/30/2005 1:47:44 AM EDT
assault weapon bans, and aliens
Link Posted: 9/30/2005 2:06:39 AM EDT

 giant squid ( it's yet another reason why I live in the desert )

 monkeys.....years ago I narrowly escaped a monkey mauling

 clowns are spooky but that is why God had JMB invent the 1911

 but these are earthly fears.......

 I guess I'll include myself among those who fear the Day of Judgement....I try to be as decent a person as I can be and I do study religion and philosophy and the sciences ( well, Engineering, anyway ) in an effort to understand the Epistemology of it all.....yet I fear the at The End of All Things I will be sent to the Left hand side of God instead of the Right.  I know that I'll deserve it, too....because at the end of the day, when all is said and done....I'm still a bastard.

Link Posted: 9/30/2005 2:13:32 AM EDT

...in an effort to understand the Epistemology of it all.....

Of all the words I thought that I would see on this board, I never dreamed that would be one of them.

Nice to meet you.
Link Posted: 9/30/2005 3:17:03 AM EDT

... rodents slithering things don't bother me...

Link Posted: 9/30/2005 3:17:40 AM EDT
bee's and premature death, loosing my girlfriend or my dogs.  I guess when I have kids having something bad happen to them would be #1
Link Posted: 9/30/2005 3:19:42 AM EDT
My greatest hope is to have everyone come to know me for what I am and love me for it, or at least respect me.

My greatest fear is to have everyone come to know me for what I am and hate or ridicule me for it.
Link Posted: 9/30/2005 4:25:50 AM EDT
My biggest fear may seem unreasonable to you guys but I'll play. This is not something I expected to say in my lifetime, but here it is.

I don't really fear anything living, -the living can only kill my body- but I still fear the spirit of an evil entity. I experienced some sh*t that I hope never happens to anyone here.

Well maybee I also fear big cats and this one black bear that comes too close to my house in PA.

At least some of my fears can be taken care of with a bountiful hunting season.

Link Posted: 9/30/2005 4:29:32 AM EDT
Letting the people that are important to me down.
Link Posted: 9/30/2005 4:33:33 AM EDT
Being alone.

Losing my guns.

Link Posted: 9/30/2005 4:37:17 AM EDT
There wasn't much I worried about until two nights ago.  The wife and I were watching TV and she said something about seeing a lawyer and making arrangements for our kids IF something were to happen to both of us...

Then it hit me like a ton of bricks; I'm terrified of someone else raising our kids or worse yet, them being separated and living in foster homes. The thought of how afraid they would be makes me sick to my stomach.  The thought of how effed up they'd be if they were bounced around scares the shit out of me.

Until this point I've always made arrangements for the wife and kids in case I was taken out but I never thought about what would happen to the kids if both the wife and I were gone...that scares the living hell out of me.
Link Posted: 9/30/2005 4:40:22 AM EDT
Tight shoes...
Link Posted: 9/30/2005 4:47:01 AM EDT


...in an effort to understand the Epistemology of it all.....

Of all the words I thought that I would see on this board, I never dreamed that would be one of them.

Nice to meet you.

I must admit that I had to look it up, now I am grinning after re-reading desertmoon's post. That's a real mind fv<% of a sentence, or perhaps it's too early for me.


The branch of philosophy that studies the nature of knowledge, its presuppositions and foundations, and its extent and validity.

That is more than the word of the day, that's the sentence of the day.  Nice one desertmoon.
Link Posted: 9/30/2005 4:49:36 AM EDT
-Not being able to support myself for the rest of my life.
-Having bad health.
Link Posted: 9/30/2005 4:57:27 AM EDT
The deep blue sea.
Critters with poisonus bites or stings.
Being unable to provide for myself or family.
Link Posted: 9/30/2005 5:21:54 AM EDT
waking up in a drunken stupor and finding I'm the father of 7 of this ladie's spawn

Link Posted: 9/30/2005 5:24:27 AM EDT
CARNIES! (Austin Powers<little hands you know>Austin Powers)
Link Posted: 9/30/2005 6:59:02 AM EDT
Hey, FishKepr: Honest to God: she wasn't even home when I wrote that. I've just recently had the idea of living without her thrown at me. That had never occurred to me before. It's such an alien concept that I hadn't the slightest idea how to wrap my head around it. I have no fear of anything else that even comes close. Although, I admit I have no friends with eight legs, multiple eyes and low slung bodies....
Link Posted: 9/30/2005 11:34:00 AM EDT

I fear nothing, what is going to happen is going to happen.

What he said
Link Posted: 9/30/2005 3:16:24 PM EDT
Really? Someone snatching up my two girls on their way home from anywhere.

Link Posted: 9/30/2005 4:19:03 PM EDT


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