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Link Posted: 5/29/2022 6:17:05 PM EDT

Originally Posted By 4xGM300m:


#Ukraine: We obtained a image of a mysterious VTOL UAV, said to be used by the Ukrainian army. Whilst the precise ID is a mystery, it has features that are very similar to the extremely rare PHOLOS loitering munition developed by Overwatch Aerospace 🇬🇧 & Ascent Aerosystems 🇺🇸.
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Link Posted: 5/29/2022 6:27:32 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By jungatheart:

Great post, thanks.  Fuck people who are willing
to give up their (and others) freedoms for a false
feeling of security.
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Originally Posted By jungatheart:
Originally Posted By GTLandser:


I would like this text to be reposted, copied to pages and translated into different languages. To bring it to the attention of foreigners and their politicians.

I am not a military man. I never wanted to be in the military. I am a candidate of historical sciences, researcher, museum worker. And a little writer. I have to spend time researching history, writing scientific and popular science works. And still - art books. Because I like it and even get it.

But lately I've been in the military. Because there is a war in my country. Every day we engage in artillery duels, in which one successful arrival of an enemy projectile will turn us into stuffing. We sleep in the bodies of the boxes in incredible tightness, and wash in warm water once a month. When it's raining, we're wet, when it's a swamp, we're as dirty as hell (and we wash once a month, I remind you, and that's not a fact that we'll have such an opportunity next month). And when it was cold, my brothers froze their fingers. We eat when we have a free minute, not when we have time to eat or have an appetite. We sleep so irregularly that I don't know if I will ever be able to return to my standard schedule from 11pm to 7pm. At the same time, we are a priority target for the enemy. And they can try to destroy us in different ways, at any moment.

And in such conditions, if not more difficult, there are now thousands of historians, writers, accountants, bankers, IT specialists, teachers, designers and other completely peaceful professions in Ukraine. They are killed from the 152nd and from the Points-U, they fly bullets and VOGs, cluster and phosphorus ammunition. Some of them have already died. And someone will never return to their profession because they have burned out. But they all continue to fight. Because Ukraine is behind them. Because if they lay down their arms, their parents will be killed, their wives and daughters raped, and their homes destroyed or confiscated.

And when politicians from France, Italy, Germany and other countries offer us to lay down our arms, agree to lose territories, provide Russia with some security guarantees (absurd !!! Russia does not need any security guarantees, its neighbors need guarantees from the threat from them ) ... Then I feel anger and deep disgust. I loathe these insignificant people who, because of their prejudices or Putin's dirty money, are ready to doom my country to takeover, to a slow and painful death. Disgust and anger at those who have great opportunities to help overcome the crisis, but instead seek, consciously or unconsciously, to deepen it. Because even the complete capitulation of Ukraine will not solve the problem of world security. On the contrary, it will push Russia into new conquests.

We do not need offers to surrender. If you are not ready to fight with us against a rabid enemy, then help us with weapons, money, sanctions. We need a lot to defeat Russia and thus drastically reduce the global crisis. But we have the main thing - motivation. We have historians who are ready to sleep in boxes of five people in two beds and knead the mud for weeks without being able to wash. We have accountants who are ready to eat only porridge with stew for months. We have young students who spend their best years at risk of death. And they will not go anywhere - unless they are all killed.

With your consent.

Ukraine will fight either to victory or until it can resist.

And what will you do?

Candidate of Historical Sciences,
writer, author of six books,
currently a junior sergeant of the Armed Forces
Nazar Rozlutsky.

Great post, thanks.  Fuck people who are willing
to give up their (and others) freedoms for a false
feeling of security.


Would we give up Texas to Mexico?  No.
Link Posted: 5/29/2022 6:45:58 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By mbinky:
Sometimes got gotta sack a guy.

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Maybe someone showed Zelenskyy some “Coach Red Pill” YouTube videos and informed him that greasy grifter is at liberty in Kharkiv.
Link Posted: 5/29/2022 6:50:32 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Wreckshooter:
Some Russian Fagot (ATGM) strikes.

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I would hate to be killed by a fagot
Link Posted: 5/29/2022 7:00:42 PM EDT
New ISW update:

May 29, 5:30 pm ET

New reports confirmed that Ukrainian forces conducted a successful limited counterattack near the Kherson-Mykolaiv oblast border on May 28, forcing Russian forces onto the defensive. This Ukrainian counterattack is likely intended to disrupt Russian efforts to establish strong defensive positions along the Southern Axis. While the Ukrainian counterattack does not appear likely to retake substantial territory in the near term, it will likely disrupt Russian operations and potentially force Russia to deploy reinforcements to the Kherson region, which is predominantly held by sub-standard units. Ukrainian counterattacks may additionally slow Russian efforts to consolidate administrative control of occupied southern Ukraine.[1]

Russian forces continued to assault Severodonetsk on May 29 but did not make any confirmed advances; Russian progress in intense urban combat will likely be slow. The Russian campaign in eastern Ukraine—which previously aimed to capture the entirety of Luhansk and Donetsk Oblasts—is now focused almost entirely on Severodonetsk. Russian troops are unlikely to be able to conduct multiple simultaneous operations and will likely further deprioritize advances southeast of Izyum and west of Lyman in favor of concentrating available forces on Severodonetsk in the coming days.

Key Takeaways

Russian forces continued attempts to take full control of Severodonetsk.
Russian forces continued offensives southeast of Izyum but did not make any confirmed advances toward Slovyansk.
Russian forces continued offensive operations to cut Ukrainian ground lines of communication (GLOCs) northeast of Bakhmut and appear unlikely to attempt to directly assault the city.
The Ukrainian counteroffensive in northwestern Kherson Oblast has forced Russian troops to take up defensive positions and will likely disrupt Russian efforts to effectively dig in and consolidate control of occupied areas along the Southern Axis.    
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Main effort—Eastern Ukraine (comprised of one subordinate and three supporting efforts);
Subordinate Main Effort—Encirclement of Ukrainian troops in the cauldron between Izyum and Donetsk and Luhansk Oblasts
Supporting effort 1—Kharkiv City;
Supporting effort 2—Southern axis;
Activities in Russian-occupied areas
Main Effort—Eastern Ukraine

Subordinate Main Effort—Southern Kharkiv, Donetsk, Luhansk Oblasts (Russian objective: Encircle Ukrainian forces in Eastern Ukraine and capture the entirety of Donetsk and Luhansk Oblasts, the claimed territory of Russia’s proxies in Donbas)

Russian forces continued offensive operations southeast of Izyum toward Slovyansk but did not make any confirmed advances on May 29. Russian troops unsuccessfully attacked Bohorodychne, about 30 km southeast of Izyum.[2] Russian forces additionally shelled Ukrainian positions southwest of Izyum around Husarivka, Velyka Komyshuvakha, and Virnopillya, and to the southeast of Izyum around Dovehenke and Raihorodok.[3] Russian efforts south of Izyum have likely shifted from being a key effort to a subordinate action increasingly intended to support offensive operations around Lyman. Advances in both southeastern Kharkiv Oblast and northern Donetsk Oblast are now subordinate to the dominant Russian effort in the Donbas, the encirclement of Severodonetsk.[4]  
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Russian forces continued ground assaults against Severodonetsk itself on May 29, though ISW cannot confirm any specific advances. The Ukrainian General Staff stated on May 29 that Russian troops intend to encircle Severodonetsk and Lysychansk and cut the main Ukrainian ground lines of communication (GLOCs) in the area, as ISW has previously assessed.[5] Russian forces additionally attempted to advance northward toward Severodonetsk from Bobrove and Ustynivka.[6] Head of Luhansk Regional State Administration Serhiy Haidai emphasized that Ukrainian troops are still in control of Severodonetsk, denying Chechen Leader Ramzan Kadyrov’s false claims that Severodonetsk is under full Russian control as of May 28.[7] Haidai additionally claimed that Ukrainian forces conducted a limited counterattack and drove a Russian grouping out of Toshkivka, which may put pressure on Russian operations in the vicinity of Popasna.

Russian forces continued offensive operations to push westward of the Luhansk Oblast administrative border and cut Ukrainian GLOCs northeast of Bakhmut, rather than advancing toward Bakhmut itself, on May 29. The Ukrainian General Staff noted that Russian troops are fighting around Volodymyrivka, Vasylivka, Komyshuvakha, and Myronivka those troops likely intend to reach and block the Bakmut-Lysychansk T1302 highway.[9] Russian forces around Donetsk City continued unsuccessful assaults around Avdiivka.[10] The Ukrainian General Staff noted that Russian troops intensified air, mortar, artillery, and rocket strikes in western Donetsk Oblast around Kurakhove on May 29.[11] The Ukrainian General Staff has not reported any Russian offensive operations around Kurakhove since May 16, and this report may indicate Russian efforts to renew offensive operations in this sector to support stalled Russian operations towards Zaporizhia.[12]  
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Supporting Effort #1—Kharkiv City (Russian objective: Withdraw forces to the north and defend ground lines of communication (GLOCs) to Izyum)

Russian forces focused on maintaining their positions north of Kharkiv City and fired on surrounding settlements on May 29.[13] The Ukrainian General Staff stated that Russian forces fired on Cherkasy Tyshky, Ruski Tyshky, Petrivka, and Ternova to deter further Ukrainian advances toward the international border.[14] A Russian Telegram channel claimed that Ukrainian forces took heavy losses during fighting in Ternova and that Russian troops have subsequently stopped Ukrainian pushes toward the international border.[15]
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Supporting Effort #2—Southern Axis (Objective: Defend Kherson and Zaporizhzhia oblasts against Ukrainian counterattacks)

The ongoing Ukrainian counteroffensive in northwestern Kherson Oblast did not make any confirmed advances on May 29, and Russian forces focused on maintaining their defensive positions and launching limited attacks to regain lost ground.[16] The Ukrainian General Staff stated that Russian forces took up defensive positions in Kostromka, a settlement in northwestern Kherson Oblast within 10 km of the Kherson-Mykolaiv oblast border.[17] Reporting by Russian and Ukrainian sources indicates that Ukrainian troops likely conducted a counter-offensive south of the village of Davydiv Brid and east of the Inhulets River on May 28.[18] The Ukrainian General Staff noted that Russian forces are attempting to recapture positions in Andriivka, Bilohirka, and Bila Krynytsia, indicating the Ukrainian counteroffensive south of Davydiv Brid recaptured these positions on the Kherson-Mykolaiv border on May 28.[19] Russian forces are reportedly fighting around Vysokopillya, Dobryanka, and Kochubeivka, all settlements in northern Kherson Oblast.[20] Russian forces conducted artillery strikes against Mykolaiv and Zaporizhzhia Oblasts and a missile strike against Kryvyi Rih.[21]  
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Activity in Russian-occupied areas (Russian objective: consolidate administrative control of occupied areas; set conditions for potential annexation into the Russian Federation or some other future political arrangement of Moscow’s choosing)

Russian forces continued to consolidate their administrative control of occupied regions on May 29. Russian occupation forces are reportedly shipping looted rolled steel and metal to Russia through the Port of Mariupol.[22] The Russian-backed head of Kherson’s civil-military administration, Kirill Stremousov, told Reuters that the decision for Kherson to join Russia will likely occur next year and walked back his previous statements that Kherson would join Russia automatically by stating there will be a “referendum.”[23] Stremousov said that the occupation administration is focusing on restoring order in Kherson before making decisions on a potential referendum to join the Russian Federation, indicating that Ukrainian partisan activities may be disrupting ongoing efforts to consolidate full Russian administrative control of Kherson Oblast.  
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Link Posted: 5/29/2022 7:10:57 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Yor:
I would hate to be killed by a fagot
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That vaunted Soviet/Russian precision /s - I guess it doesn't matter that they fly like a drunken magpie and it looked like it even skipped off the ground, but eventually it got to the target and went boomski.
Link Posted: 5/29/2022 7:19:45 PM EDT

Link Posted: 5/29/2022 7:25:22 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By 4xGM300m:

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Originally Posted By 4xGM300m:

Originally Posted By 4xGM300m:


#Ukraine: We obtained a image of a mysterious VTOL UAV, said to be used by the Ukrainian army. Whilst the precise ID is a mystery, it has features that are very similar to the extremely rare PHOLOS loitering munition developed by Overwatch Aerospace 🇬🇧 & Ascent Aerosystems 🇺🇸.

Link Posted: 5/29/2022 7:30:51 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Capta:

It’s also like Russia is reading from a script of “how to become universally hated while committing national suicide.”  I think they’re going for “terror tactics in all things” to support and lend weight to their nuclear threat-making.  But no one but a few squirrely eurotrash is buying it.
I can understand show trials for domestic political points.  But after that you exchange them.  Executing even a few, let alone the mass of Azov, would be an extraordinarily bad idea, even for them.  It would cement world opinion that Russia cannot be dealt with and needs to be ground into powder.
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Originally Posted By Capta:
Originally Posted By gatetraveller:
Originally Posted By sq40:

Two British ‘mercenaries’ who fought for Ukraine were today told they face the death penalty at the hands of pro-Putin separatists.

Captives Shaun Pinner, 48, and Andrew Hill, 35, are to be put on trial in self-styled Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR).

Pro-Russians are feared to be aiming to stage a show aimed at maximising concessions in Britain.

If convicted, the maximum penalty is execution - believed to be by gun shot - for conducting “combat operations” against the pro-Putin region, said a local law enforcement official.

Absent for unexplained reasons from the list of those to be tried was British "mercenary" Aiden Aslin, 28, who had been also detained by pro-Russian forces.

I don't think executing British citizens will have the effect that the junior Orcs have in mind.

It’s also like Russia is reading from a script of “how to become universally hated while committing national suicide.”  I think they’re going for “terror tactics in all things” to support and lend weight to their nuclear threat-making.  But no one but a few squirrely eurotrash is buying it.
I can understand show trials for domestic political points.  But after that you exchange them.  Executing even a few, let alone the mass of Azov, would be an extraordinarily bad idea, even for them.  It would cement world opinion that Russia cannot be dealt with and needs to be ground into powder.

It would also encourage a tit for tat response from Ukraine.

Hey assholes, we have your prisoners too.
Link Posted: 5/29/2022 7:44:06 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/29/2022 7:48:37 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By deputyrpa:

I think you're right, because it appears that the T-62 deployment is fake.
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Fake based on what?

The British defense ministry reported they were being mobilized, which is pretty far up my list of believable sources. If they're only being moved now, could be weeks before they're smoking ruin in Ukraine
Link Posted: 5/29/2022 7:59:54 PM EDT
[Last Edit: mbinky] [#12]
They are most certainly pushing T62's into Ukraine.  Like the Mosins though they will likely be relegated to the separatist troops.  I was kind of surprised to see a trainload of the T72's.

Russia has A LOT of tanks.  The T62's may be old but I wouldn't say obsolete.  Obsolete against a modern tank in actual tank on tank combat yes, but for a checkpoint or used in hardening a defense?  They will work.

If you are an infantry squad moving through the woods and you see a tank you ain't gonna say "it's only a T62, they are obsolete, don't worry".  It's still a friggin' tank.  

Like others have said I equate them to early M60's or the later M48A5's.  

The fact that Russia has lost 1000 (give or take) of their front line tanks is amazing.  They have a metric crap ton of older ones but can they get them running?  There is no way in hell the US could get original M1's up and running (in original M1 configuration), and even getting older M1A1's combat ready would take a long ass time.  

Link Posted: 5/29/2022 8:17:40 PM EDT

Russia has not been known for their storage and upkeep of older equipment. Just look at their Sub and surface fleet. Plenty of pics of them rusting/rotting away in ports. Same with aircraft.

Tanks stored outside, if not maintained, will do poorly. Rubber dries and riots. Electrical system corrode, Optics leak and moisture plays havoc on the internal seals. Gaskets leak, Hydraulic lines corrode. Check valves get stuck. Bearings seize from lack of motion. Think of how the Auto load system on T-72s that have been stored outside in Russian Weather for years are?

And if the Spare parts system has not been kept up, and the individuals who used to be trained on how to troubleshoot, maintain and repair all those vehicles are now in there 50's and 60's. Living in their small little apartments on their small government pensions, downing copious qty's of Vodka why the relieve there Red October glory days of the glorious and Mighty Red Army.....

vs. a T-62 that only needs a basically trained loader to feed rounds into the gun. With a simple FCS with a simple optical Gun sight.

Yeah, there scrapping the bottom.
Link Posted: 5/29/2022 8:33:41 PM EDT
[Last Edit: mbinky] [#14]
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Originally Posted By Harv24:
Tanks stored outside, if not maintained, will do poorly. Rubber dries and riots. Electrical system corrode, Optics leak and moisture plays havoc on the internal seals. Gaskets leak, Hydraulic lines corrode. Check valves get stuck. Bearings seize from lack of motion. Think of how the Auto load system on T-72s that have been stored outside in Russian Weather for years are?
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Yup.  The US has, and is, running into this problem.  There have been somewhere between 8-9K M1 series tanks built.  A lot of the older M1, M1IP, etc. tanks have been stored outside at Anniston.  Water has crept into a lot of places.  Can they be made operational?  Yup.  But not without EXTENSIVE refit (not to mention those very early M1's need way more rework than the later M1A1's).  And you can't just get them back into original configuration since many of the parts for those vehicles haven't been made in literally decades.  So you have to bring them up to the current minimum standard which would be an M1A1 SA in Army parlance.

I'll tell you what the Army was happy a shit the USMC got rid of their tanks because that gave them a decent fleet (400+) to pick from to rework into foreign military sales.  

On another note the logistics of maintaining such a varied fleet has got to be hard as shit.  The Russians have fielded multiple tank families (T72, T80, T90, etc) and they have sub-sets within those families (turbine, diesel, etc).  Kind of like the US in WWII.  

The US fields one tank family, the Abrams, and although there are different sub-sets (M1A1 SA, M1A2 SEP V2, SEP V3) it's no where the number of differences the Russians have.  Shit I've had kids order the wrong parts for M1A1's from the M1A1 parts TM!  (For some reason there are certain parts categories in the TM that to this day have older parts in them for tank configurations the US haven't fielded since the late 90's.  I assume the reason is that the same TM's are used for FMS).  

Give them another few configurations within the family and the wrong shit would be showing up all the time lol.  
Link Posted: 5/29/2022 8:38:43 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By mbinky:

Yup.  The US has, and is, running into this problem.  There have been somewhere between 8-9K M1 series tanks built.  A lot of the older M1, M1IP, etc. tanks have been stored outside at Anniston.  Water has crept into a lot of places.  Can they be made operational?  Yup.  But not without EXTENSIVE refit (not to mention those very early M1's need way more rework than the later M1A1's).  And you can't just get them back into original configuration since many of the parts for those vehicles haven't been made in literally decades.  So you have to bring them up to the current minimum standard which would be an M1A1 SA in Army parlance.

I'll tell you what the Army was happy a shit the USMC got rid of their tanks because that gave them a decent fleet (400+) to pick from to rework into foreign military sales.  
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Originally Posted By mbinky:
Originally Posted By Harv24:
Tanks stored outside, if not maintained, will do poorly. Rubber dries and riots. Electrical system corrode, Optics leak and moisture plays havoc on the internal seals. Gaskets leak, Hydraulic lines corrode. Check valves get stuck. Bearings seize from lack of motion. Think of how the Auto load system on T-72s that have been stored outside in Russian Weather for years are?

Yup.  The US has, and is, running into this problem.  There have been somewhere between 8-9K M1 series tanks built.  A lot of the older M1, M1IP, etc. tanks have been stored outside at Anniston.  Water has crept into a lot of places.  Can they be made operational?  Yup.  But not without EXTENSIVE refit (not to mention those very early M1's need way more rework than the later M1A1's).  And you can't just get them back into original configuration since many of the parts for those vehicles haven't been made in literally decades.  So you have to bring them up to the current minimum standard which would be an M1A1 SA in Army parlance.

I'll tell you what the Army was happy a shit the USMC got rid of their tanks because that gave them a decent fleet (400+) to pick from to rework into foreign military sales.  
They may seem like scrap right now, but in a war-time environment we'll be happy to have the extra hulls laying around to refit.
Link Posted: 5/29/2022 8:42:37 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Jack841:
Perun has posted another video. I'm no expert on any of this but I've found his videos to be pretty solid.  

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Seems a peacetime program aimed at facilitating the corrupt behavior of low-mid level Russian logistics personnel could do immense damage to them.
Link Posted: 5/29/2022 8:48:23 PM EDT
[Last Edit: CarmelBytheSea] [#17]
Link Posted: 5/29/2022 8:51:11 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Kanati:
They may seem like scrap right now, but in a war-time environment we'll be happy to have the extra hulls laying around to refit.
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Absolutely.  ANAD/Lima can rebuild pretty much any M1 hull.  To include replacing major portions of it.  ANAD even saves the combat loss tanks we brought back from overseas.    The only issue is how long will it take to bring it up to the minimum standard that we can find parts for.

Besides a few NG units and some FMS who still use the A1 everything forward will be V3 (or higher).  

We only have two depots that can build tanks.  Not sure what the output is but if we started running through tanks like Russia is I'm not sure we could keep up with production needs.
Link Posted: 5/29/2022 9:05:08 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By mbinky:

Absolutely.  ANAD/Lima can rebuild pretty much any M1 hull.  To include replacing major portions of it.  ANAD even saves the combat loss tanks we brought back from overseas.    The only issue is how long will it take to bring it up to the minimum standard that we can find parts for.

Besides a few NG units and some FMS who still use the A1 everything forward will be V3 (or higher).  

We only have two depots that can build tanks.  Not sure what the output is but if we started running through tanks like Russia is I'm not sure we could keep up with production needs.
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Originally Posted By mbinky:
Originally Posted By Kanati:
They may seem like scrap right now, but in a war-time environment we'll be happy to have the extra hulls laying around to refit.

Absolutely.  ANAD/Lima can rebuild pretty much any M1 hull.  To include replacing major portions of it.  ANAD even saves the combat loss tanks we brought back from overseas.    The only issue is how long will it take to bring it up to the minimum standard that we can find parts for.

Besides a few NG units and some FMS who still use the A1 everything forward will be V3 (or higher).  

We only have two depots that can build tanks.  Not sure what the output is but if we started running through tanks like Russia is I'm not sure we could keep up with production needs.

Russia doesn't have the ability to manufacture much of their modern inventory... at all. And couldn't do it even before the sanctions.

Things like fire control, radios, radar, image sensors were all manufactured in places like (gasp) germany.

Going to be interesting to see what they are using to replace the embargoed shit.
Link Posted: 5/29/2022 9:05:19 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By GiggleSmith:
Meanwhile....In the skies over Eastern Europe....

What is that KC-135 doing over there????

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It refueled something in that most eastwardly track which is interesting indeed.  When the track color turns that lighter shade of blue, the tanker in its usual altitude when refueling.
Link Posted: 5/29/2022 9:10:32 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Billy_Ringo:

Any timetable as to when these will start delivering product?

At what point will Russia diminish their weapons stash, military production capabilities and manpower that they will become a target beyond the Ukrainian battlefield?  China has to be licking their chopsticks.  (With apologies for the terrible pun.)  Are they just assuming the threat of nukes will make them untouchable?

They have already pulled forces and military hardware from many of their remote outposts like Syria as to have their more global influence significantly neutered.  Making those countries way more vulnerable.  

There is no win for Russia at this point, only Putin's ego.

Kill Putin's ego, end the war.

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I'm sure that before the inked dried on the sanction agreements, government policy wonks poured over every inch of text looking for loopholes.  Therefore, it's probably a safe bet that russia is getting materials for its military equipment, but at a lesser amount and higher prices.  I wonder how many German companies are making a killing on profits right now.  

When there were sanctions on Iran and other countries in the past, eventually the news reported of a German company still selling against the sanctions.
Link Posted: 5/29/2022 9:11:23 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/29/2022 9:12:52 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Tiberius:

Seems a peacetime program aimed at facilitating the corrupt behavior of low-mid level Russian logistics personnel could do immense damage to them.
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Originally Posted By Tiberius:
Originally Posted By Jack841:
Perun has posted another video. I'm no expert on any of this but I've found his videos to be pretty solid.  


Seems a peacetime program aimed at facilitating the corrupt behavior of low-mid level Russian logistics personnel could do immense damage to them.

To try and keep them from rebuilding into a decent force? Sure. But really we ought to be looking to do the same thing further East.
Link Posted: 5/29/2022 9:14:39 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Tiberius:

Seems a peacetime program aimed at facilitating the corrupt behavior of low-mid level Russian logistics personnel could do immense damage to them.
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Originally Posted By Tiberius:
Originally Posted By Jack841:
Perun has posted another video. I'm no expert on any of this but I've found his videos to be pretty solid.  


Seems a peacetime program aimed at facilitating the corrupt behavior of low-mid level Russian logistics personnel could do immense damage to them.

A bunch of pages back I posted an article about sub par and commercial parts used in Russian military drones.   So yeah it would be really easy but not sure you'd have to encourage the behavior they're doing plenty of damage on their own.
Link Posted: 5/29/2022 9:34:18 PM EDT
[Last Edit: CarmelBytheSea] [#25]
Ukraine casualties likely higher than 100 a day (about 2 minutes into the interview with former Ukrainian government official)
Russia's 'methodical' change of tactics | Tymofiy Mylovanov
Link Posted: 5/29/2022 9:52:40 PM EDT
[Last Edit: Freiheit8472] [#26]
He said James (Vasquez, our Ohioan Orc Slayer) is going to be on his show this week!

Leaked Russian Intel Exposes Massive Weakness In The Russian Military

I forget is he from Ohio or Virginia? I get him and Rip mixed up
Link Posted: 5/29/2022 9:54:13 PM EDT

Garry Kasparov explains European cowardice.

I don't think Scholz, Macron, and Draghi want Putin to win, not exactly. But they are afraid of Ukraine winning and the world changing, of becoming less relevant. A new European security structure won't see them as leaders after their appeasement.

The complacent Western European old guard want to keep having it both ways. They claim the moral high ground & posture about human rights while funding Putin's police state and the war machine that is now slaughtering Ukrainians.

Now they have to pick a side. They pretend they can be peacemakers with evil and compromisers with war criminals. No. There is honor only in helping the Ukrainians who are fighting for them, no honor in helping bury them later.

To quote Churchill: "You were given the choice between war and dishonour. You chose dishonour, and you will have war".
Link Posted: 5/29/2022 9:55:20 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By GTLandser:

Garry Kasparov explains European cowardice.

I don't think Scholz, Macron, and Draghi want Putin to win, not exactly. But they are afraid of Ukraine winning and the world changing, of becoming less relevant. A new European security structure won't see them as leaders after their appeasement.

The complacent Western European old guard want to keep having it both ways. They claim the moral high ground & posture about human rights while funding Putin's police state and the war machine that is now slaughtering Ukrainians.

Now they have to pick a side. They pretend they can be peacemakers with evil and compromisers with war criminals. No. There is honor only in helping the Ukrainians who are fighting for them, no honor in helping bury them later.

To quote Churchill: "You were given the choice between war and dishonour. You chose dishonour, and you will have war".
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https://amp.dw.com/en/ukraine-zelenskyy-rules-out-military-means-to-regain-all-lost-territory-live-updates/a-61965552Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 5/29/2022 10:12:17 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By AlmightyTallest:

Certainly makes the most sense.
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Originally Posted By AlmightyTallest:
Originally Posted By JustaGunNut:
Originally Posted By AlmightyTallest:
Originally Posted By AROKIE:
Originally Posted By AlmightyTallest:
Stugna-p hit on something with a lot of dismounts riding on top.


Wish they would publish more of the actual video. Atleast a minute or two after the hit. Most Ukraine videos stop right at impact

Me too, others are calling for that as well on various forums.

Probably semi-boring. Just a bunch of concussed dudes bailing and laying around or crawling to cover while taking small arms fire and their vehicle burns. They probably stop filming so they can break down equipment and displace since they're actually fighting a war and not just filming for our pleasure.

Certainly makes the most sense.

Might be big tech censorship too.  They are trying to get a message out and if places are pulling down slightly longer videos showing Russians burning alive as they try to escape a vehicle brewing up, or bleeding out from injuries violate the TOS it’s best for Ukraine to stick to shorter videos to get the message across.
Link Posted: 5/29/2022 10:13:50 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By GTLandser:

Garry Kasparov explains European cowardice.

I don't think Scholz, Macron, and Draghi want Putin to win, not exactly. But they are afraid of Ukraine winning and the world changing, of becoming less relevant. A new European security structure won't see them as leaders after their appeasement.

The complacent Western European old guard want to keep having it both ways. They claim the moral high ground & posture about human rights while funding Putin's police state and the war machine that is now slaughtering Ukrainians.

Now they have to pick a side. They pretend they can be peacemakers with evil and compromisers with war criminals. No. There is honor only in helping the Ukrainians who are fighting for them, no honor in helping bury them later.

To quote Churchill: "You were given the choice between war and dishonour. You chose dishonour, and you will have war".
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https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/eu-pledge-support-ukraine-not-ready-with-new-russia-sanctions-2022-05-30/Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 5/29/2022 10:14:48 PM EDT
U.S. leans toward sending rocket systems to Ukraine
Kyiv has been asking for the weapons for months, but no final decision has been made.

Link Posted: 5/29/2022 10:18:19 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By spydercomonkey:
U.S. leans toward sending rocket systems to Ukraine
Kyiv has been asking for the weapons for months, but no final decision has been made.

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I really want to see these systems get to Ukraine.  They need long range fires to hit the entrenched defenses and to put the fear of God in the command nodes way behind the lines.
Link Posted: 5/29/2022 10:41:16 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By mbinky:

I really want to see these systems get to Ukraine.  They need long range fires to hit the entrenched defenses and to put the fear of God in the command nodes way behind the lines.
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Originally Posted By mbinky:
Originally Posted By spydercomonkey:
U.S. leans toward sending rocket systems to Ukraine
Kyiv has been asking for the weapons for months, but no final decision has been made.


I really want to see these systems get to Ukraine.  They need long range fires to hit the entrenched defenses and to put the fear of God in the command nodes way behind the lines.

I think they could be really key.

US arms to UA have (wisely) focussed on 'Anti Systems'. Anti tank, anti air.

Russias strength was essentially a triad of Tanks, Aircraft, Artillery.

ATGMS and MANPADS have essentially negated 2 legs of the triad, turning most tanks into deathtraps and preventing RU from employing much of its airpower.

However what we see now in the East/Donbass is the third leg of the triad - artillery - really fucking up the UA lines. Without an 'anti artillery' counter, massed artillery is going to steadily chew up the UA lines.

I'm hoping the guided HIMARS rockets, paired with ISR data, can serve as that 'Anti Artillery' system, and start to break up and destroy Russias concentrated artillery. Once their artillery is suppressed RU wont have a leg of the stool left.
Link Posted: 5/29/2022 10:42:28 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By CarmelBytheSea:
Originally Posted By GTLandser:

Garry Kasparov explains European cowardice.

I don't think Scholz, Macron, and Draghi want Putin to win, not exactly. But they are afraid of Ukraine winning and the world changing, of becoming less relevant. A new European security structure won't see them as leaders after their appeasement.

The complacent Western European old guard want to keep having it both ways. They claim the moral high ground & posture about human rights while funding Putin's police state and the war machine that is now slaughtering Ukrainians.

Now they have to pick a side. They pretend they can be peacemakers with evil and compromisers with war criminals. No. There is honor only in helping the Ukrainians who are fighting for them, no honor in helping bury them later.

To quote Churchill: "You were given the choice between war and dishonour. You chose dishonour, and you will have war".

That is VERY very Concert of Europe at the end of the Napoleonic Wars.
Link Posted: 5/29/2022 10:44:54 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/29/2022 10:57:17 PM EDT
[Last Edit: amannamedjed] [#36]
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Originally Posted By THOT_Vaccine:

Russia doesn't have the ability to manufacture much of their modern inventory... at all. And couldn't do it even before the sanctions.

Things like fire control, radios, radar, image sensors were all manufactured in places like (gasp) germany.

Going to be interesting to see what they are using to replace the embargoed shit.
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And you are sure Germany won’t quietly sell them those parts?  Below the table, of course.

Edit:  punctuation
Link Posted: 5/29/2022 10:59:30 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Yor:

I would hate to be killed by a fagot
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AIDS is a hell of a drug
Link Posted: 5/29/2022 11:00:47 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/29/2022 11:07:41 PM EDT
[Last Edit: CPT_CAVEMAN] [#39]
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Originally Posted By mbinky:
They are most certainly pushing T62's into Ukraine.  Like the Mosins though they will likely be relegated to the separatist troops.  I was kind of surprised to see a trainload of the T72's.

Russia has A LOT of tanks.  The T62's may be old but I wouldn't say obsolete.  Obsolete against a modern tank in actual tank on tank combat yes, but for a checkpoint or used in hardening a defense?  They will work.

If you are an infantry squad moving through the woods and you see a tank you ain't gonna say "it's only a T62, they are obsolete, don't worry".  It's still a friggin' tank.  

Like others have said I equate them to early M60's or the later M48A5's.  

The fact that Russia has lost 1000 (give or take) of their front line tanks is amazing.  They have a metric crap ton of older ones but can they get them running?  There is no way in hell the US could get original M1's up and running (in original M1 configuration), and even getting older M1A1's combat ready would take a long ass time.  

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So know Russia is tier 1 because they can get some old ass tanks in combat?

The difference is, the us doesn't need to. And even of we did, I'm willing to bet we could.  But why would we being them up to their old standards and not just use the hulls to refit to the latest gen?

How long would that take?

Link Posted: 5/29/2022 11:12:03 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/29/2022 11:40:09 PM EDT
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They just can't seem to shake their East German ways
Attachment Attached File

The former East German, warmed over commie shitheads are running the show, sadly
Link Posted: 5/29/2022 11:41:39 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/29/2022 11:50:06 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By spydercomonkey:

Somewhat related, are there any US companies that still produce regular 155mm shells?
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General Dynamics at least and I’m sure others.
Link Posted: 5/29/2022 11:58:14 PM EDT
Task and Purpose.Pretty good summary of todays offensives and how they relate to the bigger war plans. I found it very helpful. Even if his attempts at humor irritate me.
And I want to know what kind of strange rifle is at 10:34.

Russia's Attempt to Surround Eastern Ukraine
Link Posted: 5/30/2022 12:03:36 AM EDT
[Last Edit: stone-age] [#45]
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Personally I think he should keep quiet about such things. But maybe he has reasons to say it like his own country is getting tired of losing their good men and resources and are wondering how long they can keep this up. Or maybe he wants russia to have an off ramp. Crimea belongs to Ukraine regardless of who invades it.
Russian talking head on russian state media said they don't care if they get to keep crimea, they have much bigger plans. And he also said they have plans military technical response for the US if they don't get their money back.
Link Posted: 5/30/2022 12:18:06 AM EDT
[Last Edit: mbinky] [#46]
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Originally Posted By CPT_CAVEMAN:


So know Russia is tier 1 because they can get some old ass tanks in combat?

The difference is, the us doesn't need to. And even of we did, I'm willing to bet we could.  But why would we being them up to their old standards and not just use the hulls to refit to the latest gen?

How long would that take?

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Never said Russia was tier 1 because they fielded some old ass tanks.  I just said a tank is a tank.  1960 or 2020, a grunt running across one still has to remember it is a tank.  In trashcanistan the taliban steered clear of our old ass USMC M1A1 FEP tanks.  Not because they were the tip-off the spear wiz bang Army tanks but because they were tanks.  

As far as how long?

Depends on the chassis you are starting with.  An original M1?  M1E1?  M1IP?  Improved M1E1?  Early M1A1? There were around 3000 M1 versions built, about 5000 M1A1 versions.  Not getting too deep into the woods...

Where was it stored?  Anniston or Sierra Army Depot (the desert)?

Big issue with water intrusion into the rear antenna mounts if stored in the wet weather.  Water runs in and destroys the side armor packages, necessitating a complete refit.  Oh and by the way, as of a few years ago only one place could do that type of repair.  Lima, OH.  Anniston had to ship the turrets there for repair that had this issue.

Parts.  They don't make many of them any more.  Unit's with M1A1's have a hard time getting parts (this is where the USMC getting rid of tanks hurt as they helped pay for the older parts).  Now the only units with M1A1's are some ARNG and FMS.  The Army plans on getting rid of the A1 platform by 2025 so they have already stopped A1 modernization unless it's safety related.  That leaves FMS and although every country wants the Abrams they are cheap bastards (Except Poland.  They went straight for the newest model, the V3, and paid upfront from what I hear).  

I'd write off upgrading any M1/E1/IP tanks right of the bat.  They require WAY too much work (see that big circlular plate in front of the loaders hatch on an M1A1?  That's where the CITV goes on an A2 or up.  Thinking ahead they built that into the A1 models so they would be easier to upgrade).  

Couldn't find any pics of the top so here is a quickie from the side.

EDIT:  Found a better top pic (boys are pulling the gun mount for replacement)

Even only upgrading A1 models there is still a shit ton of work required to bring it to a V3 standard.  And the V3 is relatively new.  A kid I know who IST'd over to the Army just got issued V3's and he said they are still having a hard time getting parts.  Manufacturers need to feed the line and they also need to feed DLA who feeds the unit.  

So back to the original question on how long to bring an M1 from mothballs to current standard....I have no exact answer.  But I will ask around.  Depending on the age of the chassis you could be looking at 3 months to WAAY longer.  And we have two locations who can do this work, and not all locations can do all of the work.  

Link Posted: 5/30/2022 12:21:17 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By spydercomonkey:

Somewhat related, are there any US companies that still produce regular 155mm shells?
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We make RPG7 launchers and RPG rounds in the usa, of course we still make 155s.
Link Posted: 5/30/2022 12:23:57 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Circuits:

Sevastopol is not the only Russian port on the Black Sea, and in fact parts of their Black Sea Fleet are based out of other Russian Black Sea ports. It is the most built up, with the most sunk costs in facilities, but it would have been cheaper to just upgrade another port, like Novorossiysk than launch a war of conquest, if it were *just* about having a home port for the Black Sea Fleet.
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Originally Posted By Circuits:
Originally Posted By stone-age:
Correct me where I am wrong here. It seems to me I remember when russia pulled their invasion of crimea, I remember people here arf.com saying that crimea had the only port russia could use for their black sea fleet, so there was no way in hell they would allow it to be owned by ukraine instead of russia. So how does that play out in the real world, if accurate? It kind of sounds like russia would go totally batshit to keep that port, or putin would have some kind of defeated emotional breakdown or something. I think his personality is too fragile to be able to handle being kicked out of crimea. He would be defeated.

Sevastopol is not the only Russian port on the Black Sea, and in fact parts of their Black Sea Fleet are based out of other Russian Black Sea ports. It is the most built up, with the most sunk costs in facilities, but it would have been cheaper to just upgrade another port, like Novorossiysk than launch a war of conquest, if it were *just* about having a home port for the Black Sea Fleet.

Yes, losing Crimea would drive them batshit crazy and they’ll flog their nuclear dick for all it’s worth.  My opinion is that Ukraine is coordinating strategic policy with the US, so if you see Ukraine go for the throat in Crimea, it’s probably because they know we will back them with nuclear deterrence.  This issue gets into a deep side issue about what the US aims are and what we’re willing to do to achieve them.  My opinion is that the US is determined to permanently cripple/crush Russia and will do what it takes.  YMMV.
You also have to consider the war aims of both Russia and Ukraine.  For Russia, it’s primary goal was to enslave Ukraine and re-integrate Ukrainian manpower, economic, and energy resources back into Russia.  Even if Russia achieves a somewhat neutral outcome, most of those goals can never happen at this point, and instead Russia has ensured the undying emnity of their neighboring state.  Therefore Russia’s war aim is now to ensure that Ukraine, if it continues to exist, is crippled as a viable nation - no access to the sea, no industrial base/mineral resources from the east, no energy reserves largely in Donbas and off Crimea.
Ukraine’s aims are the inverse and reflect why Ukraine cannot accept territorial compromise, because to do so gives up much of their manufacturing base, mineral resources, and future energy resources.  It’s effectively national suicide to accept such a “compromise.”

IMO, if there is potential for a negotiated territorial settlement that both parties can live with (if not be happy with) it is that Russia gets to keep Crimea, but Crimea is stripped of its offshore mineral rights, which remain with Ukraine.  There would also have to be a permanent embargo on Russian development of drilling sites in the region, monitored by neutral third parties.  However, this may not be a practical solution, as it’s beyond question that Russia would lie and drill anyway if there was any way to do so.  They would probably also not accept the loss of their exclusion zone around Crimea.

If this was a workable endgame for both parties, it can only come about by Ukraine taking Crimea and negotiating it back from a position of strength.  Russia’s aim now is to permanently cripple Ukraine even if Russia doesn’t “win” outright, and they will never accept any other outcome unless they have no other choice.

To answer the second question, yes Russia could just develop another port on the Black Sea.  However, as they consider the situation, a port further to the east in the Black Sea can simply be bottled up by naval/ground forces in Crimea.  With Ukraine being effectively and understandably a permanently hostile nation now, that is a real issue.  Of course the Bosporus is another choke point, but the Russians have direct access to NATO countries in the western Black Sea, and in the future they may expect to cultivate or intimidate Turkey into a more friendly position.
Link Posted: 5/30/2022 12:35:55 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By sq40:


Would we give up Texas to Mexico?  No.
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Originally Posted By sq40:
Originally Posted By jungatheart:
Originally Posted By GTLandser:


I would like this text to be reposted, copied to pages and translated into different languages. To bring it to the attention of foreigners and their politicians.

I am not a military man. I never wanted to be in the military. I am a candidate of historical sciences, researcher, museum worker. And a little writer. I have to spend time researching history, writing scientific and popular science works. And still - art books. Because I like it and even get it.

But lately I've been in the military. Because there is a war in my country. Every day we engage in artillery duels, in which one successful arrival of an enemy projectile will turn us into stuffing. We sleep in the bodies of the boxes in incredible tightness, and wash in warm water once a month. When it's raining, we're wet, when it's a swamp, we're as dirty as hell (and we wash once a month, I remind you, and that's not a fact that we'll have such an opportunity next month). And when it was cold, my brothers froze their fingers. We eat when we have a free minute, not when we have time to eat or have an appetite. We sleep so irregularly that I don't know if I will ever be able to return to my standard schedule from 11pm to 7pm. At the same time, we are a priority target for the enemy. And they can try to destroy us in different ways, at any moment.

And in such conditions, if not more difficult, there are now thousands of historians, writers, accountants, bankers, IT specialists, teachers, designers and other completely peaceful professions in Ukraine. They are killed from the 152nd and from the Points-U, they fly bullets and VOGs, cluster and phosphorus ammunition. Some of them have already died. And someone will never return to their profession because they have burned out. But they all continue to fight. Because Ukraine is behind them. Because if they lay down their arms, their parents will be killed, their wives and daughters raped, and their homes destroyed or confiscated.

And when politicians from France, Italy, Germany and other countries offer us to lay down our arms, agree to lose territories, provide Russia with some security guarantees (absurd !!! Russia does not need any security guarantees, its neighbors need guarantees from the threat from them ) ... Then I feel anger and deep disgust. I loathe these insignificant people who, because of their prejudices or Putin's dirty money, are ready to doom my country to takeover, to a slow and painful death. Disgust and anger at those who have great opportunities to help overcome the crisis, but instead seek, consciously or unconsciously, to deepen it. Because even the complete capitulation of Ukraine will not solve the problem of world security. On the contrary, it will push Russia into new conquests.

We do not need offers to surrender. If you are not ready to fight with us against a rabid enemy, then help us with weapons, money, sanctions. We need a lot to defeat Russia and thus drastically reduce the global crisis. But we have the main thing - motivation. We have historians who are ready to sleep in boxes of five people in two beds and knead the mud for weeks without being able to wash. We have accountants who are ready to eat only porridge with stew for months. We have young students who spend their best years at risk of death. And they will not go anywhere - unless they are all killed.

With your consent.

Ukraine will fight either to victory or until it can resist.

And what will you do?

Candidate of Historical Sciences,
writer, author of six books,
currently a junior sergeant of the Armed Forces
Nazar Rozlutsky.

Great post, thanks.  Fuck people who are willing
to give up their (and others) freedoms for a false
feeling of security.


Would we give up Texas to Mexico?  No.

You just wait
Link Posted: 5/30/2022 12:45:22 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Tiberius:

Seems a peacetime program aimed at facilitating the corrupt behavior of low-mid level Russian logistics personnel could do immense damage to them.
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Originally Posted By Tiberius:
Originally Posted By Jack841:
Perun has posted another video. I'm no expert on any of this but I've found his videos to be pretty solid.  


Seems a peacetime program aimed at facilitating the corrupt behavior of low-mid level Russian logistics personnel could do immense damage to them.

That's exactly what Reagan did.
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