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Link Posted: 3/7/2006 8:51:26 PM EDT
Man where do I start?

When I was in high school we were all hanging out at this strip mall and these two girls where walking towards the breezeway to go pop a squat in the bushes.  I took aim at her ass with a bb gun and missed to the left.  The bb bounced off a plate glass storefront window and nailed one towards the back of the mall.  Inside that breezeway it sounded like a shotgun going off!  The chicks screamed and took off running.  I didn't laugh, like everyone else.  I called the owner of the place and bought him a window.   Fucking safety glass!  

Once I was in a pickup cab with my friend looking at his Ruger singlesix (loaded with magnums).  I had the window on my side cracked about an inch, but other than that the cab was sealed.  Sure enough, I go to let the hammer down and it slips from my thumb.  The round goes right out the window with no damage, but fuck it was loud.  My friend looked at me and backhanded me in the face.  Then we busted out laughing.

Twice I have shot my pickup.  Once I was leaning on the drivers side windshield post aiming across the pickup with my 22-250.  I had a prairie dog in my sight and when I fired, all I saw was a puff of dust and the dog haul ass.   Then I noticed my antenna swinging wildley.  The bullet put a perfect C notch in it!  I couldn't even see it through my scope.  

The last time I shot anything stupidly was the morning after a hard night of drinking.  I was nursing my hangover by shooting rabbits.  So I see one, and take aim with my AR (which has a tall sight tower) using my driver's door as a rest.  Pull the trigger and get sprayed with plastic and glass.  Yes, I shot right through my side mirror.  Damn short barreled carbines!

Being careless is expensive.  Learn from it!  
Link Posted: 3/7/2006 8:55:23 PM EDT
Jr. year in high school, I was sitting in the passenger seat of a friends 69 convertible Cutlass.  Really nice car.  For some reason he had his shot gun in the car after a weekend of us out shooting.  He was sitting in the drivers seat and decideed to show it to another guy standing outside the closed driver door.  With the gun laying in his lap and pointing towards the door he decided to pull the trigger on his unloaded shot gun.  Blew a hole through the drivers door and into the leg of our friend standing out side.   Window was down inside the door and slowed the pellets enough that our friend wasn't seriously injured.  Several pellets burried into his thigh.

Sr. year in high school I was at a New Years Eve party when  the host brought out his shotgun to fire off a couple of rounds at midnight.  Beer, loaded shotgun, large hole in parents ceiling.  I didn't hang around to see the stroke of midnight.

Link Posted: 3/7/2006 8:59:48 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/7/2006 11:17:26 PM EDT


Her left eye.


What were you aiming at ?

Her mouth of course!
Link Posted: 3/7/2006 11:26:14 PM EDT
Door knob     'nuff said...
Link Posted: 3/7/2006 11:28:51 PM EDT
Good trigger discipline would have avoided many a f*ck up.
Link Posted: 3/7/2006 11:35:43 PM EDT
Never shot anything accidentally.
Link Posted: 3/7/2006 11:36:17 PM EDT
When I was about 10, my Brother and I each got a "Wrist-Rocket" style slingshot for christmas.
The first few months were spent shooting at normal stuff- passing trains, kids on bicycles a couple streets away, rabbits, the neighbors cats, streetlights when we snuck into town in the middle of the night, stuff like that.
About 9-10 months later, we were in the yard raking leaves for our allowances, and one of us got the bright idea to shoot the other with a slingshot, and an acorn. He hit me in the arm, I grabbed an acorn, pulled up and released lower than I had intended. I shot my brother in the nuts with an acorn. He fell over and threw up.

Link Posted: 3/7/2006 11:36:24 PM EDT
Was shooting a BB gun, must've been around 9 years old, at a target in the backyard with a railroad cart behind it.  My dad was standing next to me as I shoot the railroad cart, the BB ricochets off of the cart back to my dad's crotch.

I couldn't stop laughing.
Link Posted: 3/7/2006 11:39:56 PM EDT
I went to grade school with a pair of twin brothers. There were about 12 of us in the neighborhood that were around the same age, and we all hung around together. There was a group of us on the back porch of the twins house, and another group down in the yard, probably 30-40 yards away. The brother on the porch goes inside, and comes back with a Red Ryder BB gun. He turns around, and says "Hey guys, watch this". He yelled for his brother, and when his brother looked up, he shot him in the left eye with the Red Ryder.
Link Posted: 3/7/2006 11:53:41 PM EDT
my target frame.
Link Posted: 3/7/2006 11:58:15 PM EDT
trapshootin' with 12 gauge + hangfire = dead bucket
Link Posted: 3/8/2006 12:20:11 AM EDT
Hit a metal gong at about 150 yards with a trapdoor Springfield when I was about 13.

I was aiming for the target 5 feet to the left of it.  

Dad was impressed, though!

- BG
Link Posted: 3/8/2006 12:34:36 PM EDT

My chronograph.

A sandbag on the bench.

I'm sure yours is not the only chronograph to catch one in these parts.
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