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Link Posted: 1/14/2006 7:20:23 PM EDT

There is absolutely no way to judge the situation from what we have so far. Without evidence of wrongdoing, a tie goes to the runner. Therefore, based on the information currently available, I have to say "Good job, officer. I hope you didn't get hurt subduing the malefactor."

  Who did the cop think she was? Rodney King???  
Link Posted: 1/14/2006 7:21:17 PM EDT




There is usually retributiion if it is deserved.
Remember Patricia Konie? The old lady who got trounced by the 280 lbs CHP JBTs?
She is now in court litigating after being released from the hospital post extensive surgery resulting from her "forced evacuation" courtesy of Kalifornia State troopers. She has filed a Federal lawsuit. And rightly so. Sometimes "necessary force" needs to be re-examined, especially where frail old grandmothers are involved.  

Totally unacceptable.  I say this as a lawyer. The problem shouldn't be handled with lawsuits after the fact.  It should be dealt with BEFORE the fact by preventing it in the first place.  Who in their right mind, authority or not, can manhandle a weaponless 100 pound woman like that?

I mean how does that guy sleep at night?  "No officers were hurt in this incident" I guess.  You've got to be pretty vacant to get by with that.  And if that's the case the LAST thing you should have is a badge.

Agreed, but what else can you do? How do you prevent this?

instead of lawsuits, charge their asses with felony assault.  Same as you or me would be charged if we started beating up women and body-slamming old ladies.  
Link Posted: 1/14/2006 7:22:12 PM EDT


it's possible they went to cuff her and since she was standing on wheels she fell
rollerskates aren't exactly known for giving people sure footing

That explains the two shots of the cop kneeing her back and sitting on her with his full weight.

Give me a break.

I am beginning to think that some of you sheep DESERVE a real dictatorship for awhile.

You want law and order?  I'll give you law and order.

- Since you claimed to be an MP ever actually have some rsist arrest on you?  I'm sure the fact that her curling into a fetal ball while keeping her arms pulled into her body didnt have anything to do with the guy going into a knee on back position while he finished cuffing her.  Nooooooooooooooooo, nothing at all.
Link Posted: 1/14/2006 7:23:24 PM EDT



it's possible they went to cuff her and since she was standing on wheels she fell
rollerskates aren't exactly known for giving people sure footing

That explains the two shots of the cop kneeing her back and sitting on her with his full weight.

Give me a break.

I am beginning to think that some of you sheep DESERVE a real dictatorship for awhile.

You want law and order?  I'll give you law and order.

- Since you claimed to be an MP ever actually have some rsist arrest on you?  I'm sure the fact that her curling into a fetal ball while keeping her arms pulled into her body didnt have anything to do with the guy going into a knee on back position while he finished cuffing her.  Nooooooooooooooooo, nothing at all.

thats not the issue.  Its the puddle of fucking oozing blood on the road.  

Link Posted: 1/14/2006 7:23:56 PM EDT

It is true that we don't actually know the real story here.  If she needed to be arrested then that is fine, but that shit is fucking uncalled for, and I can't fucking believe that any of you would sit here and support it.  Don't you have fucking wives mothers or daughters?  Don't you see anything wrong with a stupid piece of shit 300 lb fat fuck of a man beating a 100 lb femals face into the goddamn asphalt?  WTF?!?

I hope this shit isn't real.

I don't care what that girl was doing, absent a weapon, only a fucking faggot ass sorry excuse for a man would be required to bust up her face on the pavement in order to control her.

I am sorry, but I will say openly for the world to fucking hear, that fat fuck better thank God that I am not related to that woman.  I would gladly go to prison and hell for my family.  

Fuck a lawsuit.  I hope that motherfucker goes to jail.

Link Posted: 1/14/2006 7:24:14 PM EDT
I wonder if she wants to go out next friday? And will she wear that same outfit for me,but without the skates
Link Posted: 1/14/2006 7:25:11 PM EDT


It is true that we don't actually know the real story here.  If she needed to be arrested then that is fine, but that shit is fucking uncalled for, and I can't fucking believe that any of you would sit here and support it.  Don't you have fucking wives mothers or daughters?  Don't you see anything wrong with a stupid piece of shit 300 lb fat fuck of a man beating a 100 lb femals face into the goddamn asphalt?  WTF?!?

I hope this shit isn't real.

I don't care what that girl was doing, absent a weapon, only a fucking faggot ass sorry excuse for a man would be required to bust up her face on the pavement in order to control her.

I am sorry, but I will say openly for the world to fucking hear, that fat fuck better thank God that I am not related to that woman.  I would gladly go to prison and hell for my family.  

Fuck a lawsuit.  I hope that motherfucker goes to jail.


I admitted that we don't really know what happened and the above was purely an emotional reaction.
Link Posted: 1/14/2006 7:25:27 PM EDT
Need more details.
And pictures
Link Posted: 1/14/2006 7:25:29 PM EDT

It happened in the Deep Ellum area. A guy on another forum I am on took the pics.



Hopefully the photographer will get in touch with the girl for her lawsuit.
Link Posted: 1/14/2006 7:25:56 PM EDT
tag for further reading
Link Posted: 1/14/2006 7:26:13 PM EDT




it's possible they went to cuff her and since she was standing on wheels she fell
rollerskates aren't exactly known for giving people sure footing

That explains the two shots of the cop kneeing her back and sitting on her with his full weight.

Give me a break.

I am beginning to think that some of you sheep DESERVE a real dictatorship for awhile.

You want law and order?  I'll give you law and order.

- Since you claimed to be an MP ever actually have some rsist arrest on you?  I'm sure the fact that her curling into a fetal ball while keeping her arms pulled into her body didnt have anything to do with the guy going into a knee on back position while he finished cuffing her.  Nooooooooooooooooo, nothing at all.

thats not the issue.  Its the puddle of fucking oozing blood on the road.  

- I would say that is an issue since someone wanted to comment on it. As far as the blood guys, it looks like her face was scarped up on the street.  that tends to occur while struggling on asphalt with someone.
Link Posted: 1/14/2006 7:27:50 PM EDT


There is absolutely no way to judge the situation from what we have so far. Without evidence of wrongdoing, a tie goes to the runner. Therefore, based on the information currently available, I have to say "Good job, officer. I hope you didn't get hurt subduing the malefactor."

  Who did the cop think she was? Rodney King???  

Glad you found that caps lock key before you were done. Here are the facts:

You do not know what initiated violence, or why the cop applied force to restrain her. You know nothing at all about the situation. Not a thing, except that she was wearing roller skates, she received an injury which made her bleed, and she was forcibly restrained. While you can puff, pout, and rail all you like based on those facts, you cannot reach a reasonable conclusion about fault.
Link Posted: 1/14/2006 7:28:10 PM EDT

it's possible they went to cuff her and since she was standing on wheels she fell
rollerskates aren't exactly known for giving people sure footing

Looks to me like there was a struggle, ended up on the ground (shoved? slippied?), and the cop had his knee on her head.  Good way to pin someone down.  Must've given her a hec of a road rash.
Link Posted: 1/14/2006 7:28:43 PM EDT
So which is it guys?

You piss and moan when someone gets tasered or sprayed with OC.

You piss and moan when a person is physically detained, like this example.  

Seems to me this would be a  perfect example for the use of either OC or taser.  Miss rollerskate would probably not be bloodied at all in either case.

Link Posted: 1/14/2006 7:30:33 PM EDT



it's possible they went to cuff her and since she was standing on wheels she fell
rollerskates aren't exactly known for giving people sure footing

That explains the two shots of the cop kneeing her back and sitting on her with his full weight.

Give me a break.

I am beginning to think that some of you sheep DESERVE a real dictatorship for awhile.

You want law and order?  I'll give you law and order.

- Since you claimed to be an MP ever actually have some rsist arrest on you?  I'm sure the fact that her curling into a fetal ball while keeping her arms pulled into her body didnt have anything to do with the guy going into a knee on back position while he finished cuffing her.  Nooooooooooooooooo, nothing at all.

I've never been an MP.  I never claimed I was.

I have had people resist dynamic entry on multiple occasions.

I have dealt with hysterical women.

You're barking up the wrong tree if my experience is where you're headed.
Link Posted: 1/14/2006 7:30:48 PM EDT
Ordnung geltend zu machen
Link Posted: 1/14/2006 7:31:03 PM EDT





it's possible they went to cuff her and since she was standing on wheels she fell
rollerskates aren't exactly known for giving people sure footing

That explains the two shots of the cop kneeing her back and sitting on her with his full weight.

Give me a break.

I am beginning to think that some of you sheep DESERVE a real dictatorship for awhile.

You want law and order?  I'll give you law and order.

- Since you claimed to be an MP ever actually have some rsist arrest on you?  I'm sure the fact that her curling into a fetal ball while keeping her arms pulled into her body didnt have anything to do with the guy going into a knee on back position while he finished cuffing her.  Nooooooooooooooooo, nothing at all.

thats not the issue.  Its the puddle of fucking oozing blood on the road.  

- I would say that is an issue since someone wanted to comment on it. As far as the blood guys, it looks like her face was scarped up on the street.  that tends to occur while struggling on asphalt with someone.

well i am just going to admit that we don't really know what happened here.  Somehow I doubt that everything was done right here though.  Thats just my personal hunch though.

When a police officer does something wrong, and some people get angry about it, its not that their problem with what happened is reflected upon all police officers, or has anything to do with their opinion of law enforcement in general.  Sometimes I don't understand why in some of these types of discussions, especially the ones in which the officer or officers were clearly wrong (not necessarily this one, we just don't know all the facts I'll admit), why some of you guys just won't admit that that particular officer is a fuck up.  It doesn't mean that you are saying all officers are bad.  Sometimes I wonder if there isn't anything that some of you guys wouldn't defend, so long as it was done by a police officer.  
Link Posted: 1/14/2006 7:31:04 PM EDT

I would not live in Dallas proper if you you bought me a luxury home and paid me to do nothing.

The worst schools, high crime, a PD plagued with corruption, scandal and extremely low pay, high turnover. there's just not one damn thing good about it.  Chief Bolton got fired for being the idiot he was, and now can't even get another job as police chief anywhere else.

I don't the whole story here, And I'm not saying there a no good cops on Dallas PD force, but for Dallas, it's par for the course.

On the bright side, at least she had knee and elbow pads.

Thats not the first time I've heard that Dallas has a corruption problem.
The first story I blew off as sour grapes. The second and third I went hmmmm. Different people and different stories.
Link Posted: 1/14/2006 7:32:39 PM EDT

I've never been an MP.  I never claimed I was.

I have had people resist dynamic entry on multiple occasions.

I have dealt with hysterical women.

You're barking up the wrong tree if my experience is where you're headed.

That makes you sound like Dog the Bounty Hunter.  Hey, sorry but you wrote it.

Link Posted: 1/14/2006 7:34:01 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/14/2006 7:34:38 PM EDT
I don't know what happened after her hands came off the car, but I can say this, If he had her in the typical lean forward hands on car stance, it would be pretty damn hard to maintain that for any period of time. There are these things called wheels on skates, and they roll for some reason. She would have to toe the stop off the wheels completely or chances are she would take her hands off the car just to stand up straight after a bit. I do notice the "hulk" putting the ol knee in the neck trick and then playing the game of lay down. It's a BS game, have someone do it to you sometime. It also cuts the blood off to the brain if done just right. Sort of the ol nightstick/crossed arms/boom boom out goes the lights trick. Was pepper spray used first, or was that step missed as I thought chem was used before physical force? [Not debating but that was what I keep hearing from LEOs]

I do know momma never taught her to dress like anything more then a hooker tho. And I'd bet that that was a factor too. If momma did teach her better, obviously it did not sink in.
Link Posted: 1/14/2006 7:35:12 PM EDT

I've never been an MP.  I never claimed I was.

I have had people resist dynamic entry on multiple occasions.

I have dealt with hysterical women.

You're barking up the wrong tree if my experience is where you're headed.

- Alright.. I might have been off-base with the MP comment.  So you've never had to take a female to the ground in order to get cuffs on her? Ever wrestle with someone on a street while taking someone into custody? I ask, because in my experience, such an injury like this is easy explainable.  And certainly not grounds for any kind of legitimate lawsuit
Link Posted: 1/14/2006 7:36:35 PM EDT
Two thongs.   Err, things.  One,  she's a hell of a lot heavier than 100 pounds.  Taking in account the skates, Look at her height compared to the car door.  Two,  see all those little pieces of paper thrown all around?

They're WARNING TICKETS!!  Identical to ours.   In other words,  she started a fight  over the officer cutting her a break. It started fast too.

Alcohol and jack-assery for sure.   Sometimes they are even good looking.
Link Posted: 1/14/2006 7:37:42 PM EDT


I would not live in Dallas proper if you you bought me a luxury home and paid me to do nothing.

The worst schools, high crime, a PD plagued with corruption, scandal and extremely low pay, high turnover. there's just not one damn thing good about it.  DPD Chief Bolton got fired for being the idiot he was, and now can't even get another job as police chief anywhere else.

I don't the whole story here, And I'm not saying there a no good cops on Dallas PD force, but for Dallas, it's par for the course.

On the bright side, at least she had knee and elbow pads.

Thats not the first time I've heard that Dallas has a corruption problem.
The first story I blew off as sour grapes. The second and third I went hmmmm. Different people and different stories.

Ever heard about the fake drug plants? DPD Drug task force planted ground  gypsum (sheetrock) masquerading as heroin & Cocaine and then raided, eventually it hit the fan like a ton of shit. I mean they were not even SMART about it. Chief Bolton was the biggest piece of shit police chief ever, the best argument against affirmative action I have ever seen.
Link Posted: 1/14/2006 7:39:49 PM EDT

Some of the worse fights I've been in have been with females while taking them into custody for a lawful reason.  Some  beautiful ladies think they are above the law and you tend to "take it easy on them" because they are girls.  Forget that, a rollerscate in the balls would take down even a large cop.  

Yep. There was a DUI on Cops once where the guy put the handcuffs on the girl and she was saying softly (And seductively) "Do me! Do me! Oh, you're one of them huh? Do me! Do me! Right here on the patrol car!"

Link Posted: 1/14/2006 7:39:50 PM EDT

When a police officer does something wrong, and some people get angry about it, its not that their problem with what happened is reflected upon all police officers, or has anything to do with their opinion of law enforcement in general.  Sometimes I don't understand why in some of these types of discussions, especially the ones in which the officer or officers were clearly wrong (not necessarily this one, we just don't know all the facts I'll admit), why some of you guys just won't admit that that particular officer is a fuck up.  It doesn't mean that you are saying all officers are bad.  Sometimes I wonder if there isn't anything that some of you guys wouldn't defend, so long as it was done by a police officer.  

- We (LEOs around here) do tend tp state when another LEo has made a mistake/done somethign illegal.  However, we often try to get more facts before making a rush comment about the situation.  Also, in a lot of cases we are offering our perspective on why something might have occured which is often answered immediately by the nazi and jbt remarks.

This thread is a great example of that. People cry Nazi and JBT; yet dont know the entire story.. only what they think happened.  I come along and offer my perspective and (if it doesnt happen I'll be surprised) get called a JBT.
Link Posted: 1/14/2006 7:41:12 PM EDT
I read the story on it, but I am only going by looking at each pic here.
There is no dought that is was resisting arrest while the officer is trying to cuff her. Anyone can see that in the pics, and if you can't you  have never cuffed someone before
Link Posted: 1/14/2006 7:42:30 PM EDT

So which is it guys?

You piss and moan when someone gets tasered or sprayed with OC.

You piss and moan when a person is physically detained, like this example.  

Seems to me this would be a  perfect example for the use of either OC or taser.  Miss rollerskate would probably not be bloodied at all in either case.

I agree with your statement.

However, I would like to point out that maybe people should think about what they really feel is worthy of the use of force, of violence, to enforce.  We have too many bullshit laws in this country.  Why are they bullshit?  Not because I don't think its a good idea not to roller blade in the street, or to wear a helmet when you ride a motorcycle, its just that I don't believe getting people to do these things is worthy of violence.  And that is exactly how laws are enforced, with the threat of violence.  Take this girl for example, she got her ass kicked by a man, probably over a fucking roller blading ticket.  

I know, I know, do what your told, don't talk back, and they won't have to use force against you in order to enforce the law.  Right?  Bullshit.

I don't see why its so hard for people to understand.  Everybody in this country thinks its ok to use violence in order to get their way and get people to live the way that they think they should.  That is called aggression.  The only time violence against another can be justified is if that person infringed upon your rights first and used force against you or another first, or is in the process of doing so.  In other words, for defense.

This right here is why I don't believe in supporting laws that create "crimes" where there is no victim.  No victim, no crime.  For example, as much as I hate druggies, I don't have the right to use violence against them in order to keep them from smoking their drugs in their living room.  I don't think its worth people, including cops, dying over.   Even if more people die from the drugs themselves, at least they die by their own hands and not as victims of our aggression against them.  Its a matter of principle.

Same thing hear.  Some girl got beat up over probably some bullshit infraction.  Why can't people just leave eachother the fuck alone.

And before everyone tells me that according to my argument we'd have to get ride of all of these laws that make our life so much easier and so much more convenient, I'll just go ahead and say it now.  Freedom isn't Free.  What's right is right, and what's right isn't always easy.  Too fucking bad.  
Link Posted: 1/14/2006 7:42:57 PM EDT

It seems that not everyone understands that if you fight with the police, they are going to win, and you are going to lose. It sounds like she didn't think that she had to follow instructions, and could push the cop around. A lot of pretty blond white women think they get to play by different rules than everyone else. Just because she is half the weight of the officer doesn't mean he can't do his job.


Did you read this story?

What kind of bullshiite are you talking now?

There is too much of this story missing to make a call about who was right or wrong. To be honest I'm getting tired of the constant cop bashing on this site. It never ends. Everytime I click on this forum there is a cop bashing thread. It gets old.

Let's see.

'Cop bashing'...is that cops bashing folks, or folks bashing cops?

From the looks of those photos, it appears that there was indeed some cop-bashing' going on in Deep Ellum.

The cops better watch out...they must not realize they are seriously outnumbered!

Eric The(Predictable)Hun
Link Posted: 1/14/2006 7:43:27 PM EDT
 I'd like Austrian to explain this line since he has chosen to make comments based on his experience.

I've served as an officer in one of the nastiest areas of military/law enforcement service there is "

Being MP myself for a goodly part of my military career I'm very curious.
Link Posted: 1/14/2006 7:45:32 PM EDT
First the cigarette bandit, now rollerskating in the street?

Meanwhile, the real crime is taking place elsewhere I suppose.
Link Posted: 1/14/2006 7:45:33 PM EDT


Gotta love guys who got beat up as kids turn into men with guns 'patrolling' our streets

I hope she gets $ and the satisfaction of humiliating that officer and the department that made the bad mistake of hiring and putting up with him for as long as they did.


Thank God I don't live in that rat hole!

And I especially enjoy the idea of the roller-skate chick getting a few thousand bucks from the City of Dallas!

'To Protect And It Serves Them Well'

Eric The(Hardy-Har-Har)Hun
Link Posted: 1/14/2006 7:45:34 PM EDT
She's bearing the bulk of this guy's weight on her neck and jaw.
How could anyone not squirm in this situation?
I may not know the whole story here, but that's fucked up.

If that were my daughter I'd be using that assholes head for a football.
Link Posted: 1/14/2006 7:46:19 PM EDT

 Two,  see all those little pieces of paper thrown all around?

They're WARNING TICKETS!!  Identical to ours.  

Actually I think those are rollerderby flyers.
Link Posted: 1/14/2006 7:49:08 PM EDT
Prosecutor in that "resisting arrest" case is going to be up to his elbows in shit.  IAB is going to have a field day with this one as well.  What do you think the cop will have down as his cause to stop them?  If a bike can be ridden in the street, then why not a pair of roller skates?  Remember that whole "share the highway" thing?  

These fucktard cops are screwed and I'd happily dismiss this case to make sure the cops are fucked.  Better yet, I'd go to trial on the case and blow these idiots out of the water during their testimony and make this girl rich.

Sorry, by the look of the pics, I'd be rightfully pissed if some asshole cop stopped me for roller skating.  By the look of them, they don't look like they swung first either.  

Does anyone notice that she's "assumed the position" on the hood?  She was stopped for a VIOLATION, not a misdemeanor.  She's also on roller skates, how is she supposed to maintain her balance on the hood.  Look at the pics guys, this is nothing more than asshole cops getting their rocks off on two good looking chicks, then a crowd coming to the scene and watching them harass the girls.  When the girls mouth off (rightfully), these scumbags then have to "show their authority" and bust the girl's face up.  Don't we teach women to say "NO" when they're being violated?

This shit infuriates me.
Link Posted: 1/14/2006 7:49:19 PM EDT

So many Fifes, so little real crime.

Eric The(BusyWorkForGestapoWannabes)Hun
Link Posted: 1/14/2006 7:49:38 PM EDT
Guys, I don't like to see a woman manhandled either, but she was resisting being cuffed. Clearly in the picture where she is balled up on the ground by the officer she is fighting him while he is trying to cuff her. Is it acceptable to fight an officer while he is trying to cuff you? Guess what, if you are fighting an officer that is trying to cuff you, you are going to get all the cuts and scrapes that go along with it. Working as a medic, and in the emergency room I have seen a lot of head wounds. Little cuts on the head bleed a LOT. They look really bad, even when they aren't. I'm not saying her injuries were not severe, I don't know, none of us do. I don't see any evidence from the information provided to us that the cop bashed her head into the asphalt. That injury could have occured in any number of ways, but guess what? She was resisting arrest! They went to ground because she decided to fight the cop. Wrestling on the ground can lead to injuries. She should have done what a reasonable adult would do, and obey the law, go to court, and if there is no reason for her arrest, deal with it like a civilized human being. The answer is not to throw a tantrum and fight the cop. I'm sorry, but you are not allowed to fight with a cop. That is unacceptable.
I could be wrong because I don't know the whole story. None of us do. If the cop was wrong, I hope he gets all that is coming to him. If she was fighting the cop because he was arresting her, guess what, that has a tendency to lead to road rash.
How can you defend someone for resisting arrest?
The sight of blood on some pretty girls face is disturbing. Assuming the cop was wrong and abusing her is disturbing as well. The idea that because she is a girl, she should get to fight a cop and not just be allowed to do it is ludacris.
Link Posted: 1/14/2006 7:49:50 PM EDT

She's bearing the bulk of this guy's weight on her neck and jaw.
How could anyone not squirm in this situation?
I may not know the whole story here, but that's fucked up.
If that were my daughter I'd be using that assholes head for a football.

- I'm sure him trying to gain control of her arm(s) has nothign to do with why he is in that position.  Every put someone in cuffs?
Link Posted: 1/14/2006 7:49:54 PM EDT



Gotta love guys who got beat up as kids turn into men with guns 'patrolling' our streets

I hope she gets $ and the satisfaction of humiliating that officer and the department that made the bad mistake of hiring and putting up with him for as long as they did.


Thank God I don't live in that rat hole!

And I especially enjoy the idea of the roller-skate chick getting a few thousand bucks from the City of Dallas!

'To Protect And It Serves Them Well'

Eric The(Hardy-Har-Har)Hun

So if she had warrants and decided to resist, are you going to say you were wrong?
Link Posted: 1/14/2006 7:50:08 PM EDT

 I'd like Austrian to explain this line since he has chosen to make comments based on his experience.

I've served as an officer in one of the nastiest areas of military/law enforcement service there is "

Being MP myself for a goodly part of my military career I'm very curious.

I am a former Captain in a foreign military service.  That's as far as I'm going.  If it was a mistake for me to cite experience without being willing to disclose more details, then I am guilty as charged.
Link Posted: 1/14/2006 7:51:17 PM EDT

She's bearing the bulk of this guy's weight on her neck and jaw.
How could anyone not squirm in this situation?
I may not know the whole story here, but that's fucked up.

Thats the way you cuff someone when there on the ground, you place your knee on their back, If they don't resist it goes fast , if they resist you use more pressure. And she was resisting getting cuffed
Link Posted: 1/14/2006 7:51:40 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/14/2006 7:53:16 PM EDT


She's bearing the bulk of this guy's weight on her neck and jaw.
How could anyone not squirm in this situation?
I may not know the whole story here, but that's fucked up.
If that were my daughter I'd be using that assholes head for a football.

- I'm sure him trying to gain control of her arm(s) has nothign to do with why he is in that position.  Every put someone in cuffs?

As a matter of fact I have. Men much larger than her. Very poor tactics on his part and stupid comment on yours. Bad cop, not donut for you.
Link Posted: 1/14/2006 7:53:55 PM EDT


She's bearing the bulk of this guy's weight on her neck and jaw.
How could anyone not squirm in this situation?
I may not know the whole story here, but that's fucked up.

Thats the way you cuff someone when there on the ground, you place your knee on their back, If they don't resist it goes fast , if they resist you use more pressure. And she was resisting getting cuffed

Bullshit. His knee is on her neck
Link Posted: 1/14/2006 7:54:10 PM EDT

Guys, I don't like to see a woman manhandled either, but she was resisting being cuffed. Clearly in the picture where she is balled up on the ground by the officer she is fighting him while he is trying to cuff her. Is it acceptable to fight an officer while he is trying to cuff you? Guess what, if you are fighting an officer that is trying to cuff you, you are going to get all the cuts and scrapes that go along with it. Working as a medic, and in the emergency room I have seen a lot of head wounds. Little cuts on the head bleed a LOT. They look really bad, even when they aren't. I'm not saying her injuries were not severe, I don't know, none of us do. I don't see any evidence from the information provided to us that the cop bashed her head into the asphalt. That injury could have occured in any number of ways, but guess what? She was resisting arrest! They went to ground because she decided to fight the cop. Wrestling on the ground can lead to injuries. She should have done what a reasonable adult would do, and obey the law, go to court, and if there is no reason for her arrest, deal with it like a civilized human being. The answer is not to throw a tantrum and fight the cop. I'm sorry, but you are not allowed to fight with a cop. That is unacceptable.
I could be wrong because I don't know the whole story. None of us do. If the cop was wrong, I hope he gets all that is coming to him. If she was fighting the cop because he was arresting her, guess what, that has a tendency to lead to road rash.
How can you defend someone for resisting arrest?
The sight of blood on some pretty girls face is disturbing. Assuming the cop was wrong and abusing her is disturbing as well. The idea that because she is a girl, she should get to fight a cop and not just be allowed to do it is ludacris.

The idea that beating up a girl to enforce a bullshit law is ok is ludicrous.  Everything you said here could possibly be 100% correct.  Do you still feel that everyone is better off that this girl got her ass kicked and isn't endagering us anymore by roller-skating on the street?  How would you feel if some dude off the street kicked the shit out of a woman for roller-skating on the street?  How is society, through their representative mr. fat police-man, any more justified in doing so?
Link Posted: 1/14/2006 7:54:48 PM EDT

Guys, I don't like to see a woman manhandled either, but she was resisting being cuffed.

You cannot possibly tell that, from those pics!

The sight of blood on some pretty girls face is disturbing.

No shiite, Sherlock!

Assuming the cop was wrong and abusing her is disturbing as well. The idea that because she is a girl, she should get to fight a cop and not just be allowed to do it is ludacris.

Great Ceasar's Ghost what pure idiocy!

If the big well-trained cop cannot successfully handle a little girl half his size, he should resign in disgrace!

But he won't! Nor will anyone make him even if the City of Dallas pays the girl a Hundred Thou.

Way to go Moose!

Eric The(TossingAFewBottlesWouldNotHaveBeenOutOfOrder)Hun
Link Posted: 1/14/2006 7:55:13 PM EDT


It seems that not everyone understands that if you fight with the police, they are going to win, and you are going to lose. It sounds like she didn't think that she had to follow instructions, and could push the cop around. A lot of pretty blond white women think they get to play by different rules than everyone else. Just because she is half the weight of the officer doesn't mean he can't do his job.


Did you read this story?

What kind of bullshiite are you talking now?

There is too much of this story missing to make a call about who was right or wrong. To be honest I'm getting tired of the constant cop bashing on this site. It never ends. Everytime I click on this forum there is a cop bashing thread. It gets old.

Let's see.

'Cop bashing'...is that cops bashing folks, or folks bashing cops?

From the looks of those photos, it appears that there was indeed some cop-bashing' going on in Deep Ellum.

The cops better watch out...they must not realize they are seriously outnumbered!

Eric The(Predictable)Hun

Link Posted: 1/14/2006 7:55:49 PM EDT



She's bearing the bulk of this guy's weight on her neck and jaw.
How could anyone not squirm in this situation?
I may not know the whole story here, but that's fucked up.
If that were my daughter I'd be using that assholes head for a football.

- I'm sure him trying to gain control of her arm(s) has nothign to do with why he is in that position.  Every put someone in cuffs?

As a matter of fact I have. Men much larger than her. Very poor tactics on his part and stupid comment on yours. Bad cop, not donut for you.

- Please.  Then in your great expereince, how do you limit the movement of a person that is on their side in order for you to move them into a better position to cuff them?

As a DT trainer and someone who has been doing various martial arts for a number of years I'm seeking enlightenment on this.
Link Posted: 1/14/2006 7:56:54 PM EDT
You know, if the victim here were a member of one or another "protected class" we'd all be having a debate about why the disaffected youth of the city was rioting and if it was justified or not.
Link Posted: 1/14/2006 7:57:03 PM EDT



She's bearing the bulk of this guy's weight on her neck and jaw.
How could anyone not squirm in this situation?
I may not know the whole story here, but that's fucked up.

Thats the way you cuff someone when there on the ground, you place your knee on their back, If they don't resist it goes fast , if they resist you use more pressure. And she was resisting getting cuffed

Bullshit. His knee is on her neck

- In the first pic. Once she is prone, he shifts his knee to her lower back.
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