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Link Posted: 9/18/2005 8:03:52 PM EDT

Let's see --

Clinton let nuclear secrets leak to the Chinese that could result in West Coast Cities getting nuked -
Clinton let OBL escape 5 or 6 times, when folks in other countries offered to hand them to us -

Those two things right there are far worse than anything LBJ or Carter ever did, and I am as old as you and remember both of their administrations.

zips lip. nevermind.

carry on guys and gals

Link Posted: 9/18/2005 8:30:26 PM EDT


Let's see --

Clinton let nuclear secrets leak to the Chinese that could result in West Coast Cities getting nuked -
Clinton let OBL escape 5 or 6 times, when folks in other countries offered to hand them to us -

Those two things right there are far worse than anything LBJ or Carter ever did, and I am as old as you and remember both of their administrations.

Then I would argue that you have no sense of scope.
What nuclear secrets did Clinton leak to the Chicoms?

He moved the responsibility of guidance system secrets for Department of State to the Department of Commerce.  He then pushed through the LORAL sale that resulted in their advanced guidance systems getting into the hands of the Chinese Military.  He was caught red handed receiving money from the Chinese to aid in his re-election campaign.  Potential Nuked Cities outweigh all damaged caused by LBJ's great society program and our involvement in Vietnam.
Link Posted: 9/18/2005 8:42:10 PM EDT
Well, Iraq is basically a failure, the Katrina response was fucking retarded and our national defecit is at historic levels. Please point out where Clinton was wrong?
Link Posted: 9/19/2005 7:15:54 AM EDT



Let's see --

Clinton let nuclear secrets leak to the Chinese that could result in West Coast Cities getting nuked -
Clinton let OBL escape 5 or 6 times, when folks in other countries offered to hand them to us -

Those two things right there are far worse than anything LBJ or Carter ever did, and I am as old as you and remember both of their administrations.

Then I would argue that you have no sense of scope.
What nuclear secrets did Clinton leak to the Chicoms?

He moved the responsibility of guidance system secrets for Department of State to the Department of Commerce.  He then pushed through the LORAL sale that resulted in their advanced guidance systems getting into the hands of the Chinese Military.

I have heard these accusations for years now and while I suspect there is some truth to them I have yet to see anything convincing.

He was caught red handed receiving money from the Chinese to aid in his re-election campaign.

I am well aware. Pretty sleazy.
But where is the quid pro quo?

 Potential Nuked Cities outweigh all damaged caused by LBJ's great society program and our involvement in Vietnam.



There are chicom subs off the coast that can hit us anytime.
There are other ICBMs capable of hitting us. Perhaps not as accurate previously but still capable of horrific damage.

LBJ and Carter did thing swhich were clearly damaging. Clinton, if correct, did things that might  put us at risk. Your assertion that potential damage is greater than true, documented damge is ridiculous on the face of it.

Listen, I am no Clinton fan but if you guys are the ones comparing him to Bush. In that comparison he doesn't come off looking too damn bad. What that speaks for is how poor a President Bush has been. If he is the best conservatives can come up with we are totally screwed as a nation.

I wonder what you guys will be saying about his handling of the federal budget and the economy in aobut 10-15 years. Yeah, it'll be a different story then.

Gridlock is apparently a good thing.
Link Posted: 9/19/2005 7:22:10 AM EDT

He's just trying to set the stage for his wife to win. election as world president.

Fixed! [/tinfoil]
Link Posted: 9/19/2005 7:24:32 AM EDT

Remember back when Presidents would leave office and then STFU.

Those were the days Republicans.

Fixed it for you!

Link Posted: 9/19/2005 7:29:59 AM EDT


Remember back when Presidents would leave office and then STFU.

Those were the days Republicans.

Fixed it for you!


Now don't go throwin' facts in there man! This seems to have evolved into a thread for remembering Klinton with warm, fuzzy thoughts and blaming Bush for 9/11 and Katrina. Don't confuse them with the fact that Dems are low-rent scumbags with NO class who ignore long-standing tradition at the drop of a hat in deference to political posturing. Dems are desperate and would chew their own leg off to win something. And the Repubs are just too stupid and "gentlemanly" and keep getting their ass handed to them in these fistfights. Oh well... I just wanted to say that. Now, back to the Klinton orgy...
Link Posted: 9/19/2005 7:40:17 AM EDT
"Will no one rid me us of this meddlesome priest ex-President?"

Not even You, Lord?

Link Posted: 9/19/2005 7:54:14 AM EDT


"We have never done this before. Never in the history of our republic have we ever financed
a conflict, military conflict, by borrowing money from somewhere else."

Clinton once again demonstrates his ignorance (or, more likely, his ability to lie through his teeth.)  The Revolutionary War was financed by borrowing from other nations.  I'm not advocating the practice, just pointing out that it has happened.

sorry to nitpick, but that was pre-republic....

Link Posted: 9/19/2005 7:55:24 AM EDT
Looks like he said

1. Fema director sucks.  Ok he was fired.

2. LA should have had the buses used to evac people.  Alot of people here have said the same shit.  

3.  That the deficit is bad.  Hmm...

Wow what a classless prick.  Look at the shot he is taking at Bush
Link Posted: 9/19/2005 8:31:07 PM EDT

Looks like he said

1. Fema director sucks.  Ok he was fired.

2. LA should have had the buses used to evac people.  Alot of people here have said the same shit.  

3.  That the deficit is bad.  Hmm...

Wow what a classless prick.  Look at the shot he is taking at Bush

Thank you. The conservative blinders apparently block any form of rational thought from some other poster's minds and somehow make out what Clinton said to be treasonous. And to be quite honest, Clinton is a private citizen now just like you and me who all LOVE to voice our opinions about political matters. So why is it different if Clinton does it?
Link Posted: 9/19/2005 8:45:52 PM EDT

No friend of Clinton but  -
"What Americans need to understand is that ... every single day of the year, our government
goes into the market and borrows money from other countries -very true
--namely China -Japan - -

Nothing wrong with a having a willing buyer for our debt.  We're in the world security business.  China and Japan understand the free flow of goods and capital are essential to good relations and indeed, peace itself.  Not to mention how much of their crap we buy.....
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