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Link Posted: 9/8/2010 7:29:43 AM EDT

Link Posted: 9/8/2010 7:33:17 AM EDT
Down from the 90% figure reported just a year or so ago.
Now THAT's progress!

I guess they determined no one was buying their obviously false number, so they cut it in half to make it more believable.
They're still using the "of crimes traced by the ATF" wording, and the media is still omitting that important detail in the headlines.
Link Posted: 9/8/2010 7:39:38 AM EDT
You gots it alls wrong, its 90%.  AOL says so!!

90% of guns used in racist mexican killings sent there by racist Americans gun nuts and probably Glenn Beck too!!

Report: 90 Percent of Drug War Guns Originate in USUpdated: 2 hours 43 minutes ago
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Dana Chivvis

AOL News Surge Desk (Sept. 7) –– A bloody, drug-fueled war is being waged just across the border in Mexico and a report out Tuesday finds that 90 percent of the guns traced from Mexican crime scenes since 2006 have originated in the United States. The report was released by Mayors Against Illegal Guns, a group of more than 500 mayors from American towns and cities, and was based primarily on data from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

The new findings reinforce previous estimates while contradicting claims made last year by several news organizations, including Fox News and the Examiner, that only 17 percent of the guns found at Mexican crime scenes were traced back to the U.S. Those organizations also based their findings on ATF statistics.

Luis Acosta, AFP / Getty Images
A new report released by the Mayors Against Illegal Guns contradicts previous reports that said only 17 percent of the guns found at Mexican crime scenes were traced back to the U.S.According to the new report, from 2006 to 2009, 40 percent of the U.S.-originated guns that ended up in Mexico were sold by dealers in Texas. Another third of the American guns were from Arizona, California and New Mexico. Since 2006, more than 23,000 people have been killed in the drug wars, according to the report.

No matter whose count you believe, when it comes to American arms and drug gangs, it's hard to imagine the problem going away anytime soon. The ATF, which regulates guns in the United States, has not had a director since 2006. Only about 10 percent of the country's licensed gun dealers are audited by the ATF each year, according to The Washington Post. Even then, the ATF can't fine those dealers who sell guns illegally –– it can only revoke the dealer's license.

In May, Mexican President Felipe Calderon exhorted Congress to reinstate an assault rifle ban that expired in 2004 to help stem the flow of illegal guns across the border. But, though President Barack Obama promised to renew the ban while he was campaigning in 2008, he has recently gotten quiet on the subject, Mother Jones reports.
Filed under: Nation, World, Crime, Surge DeskTagged:  mexico drug war, mexico drug violence, mexico drug cartel, mexico drug law, mexico drug cartels, mexico gun violence, illegal guns, illegal gun sales, gun trafficking, weapons trafficking, gun laws, national rifle association, felipe calderon, felipe calderon - mexico - world leader, bureau of alcohol tobacco and firearms, atf, nra
Related Searches:  mexican drug war, mexican drug violence, mexican drug cartels, mexico cartels, who are the drug cartels in mexico, gun rights, calderon mexico, alcohol tobacco and firearms
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Link Posted: 9/8/2010 8:12:01 AM EDT
If America Mexico did not have such an insatiable appetite for drugs cheap labor guns there would not be a market for export....

BUT......I am willing to help stem the tide of illegal guns into Mexico,  I propose we build a wall.  The barrier may not alltogether stop the flow,  but it will slow it to a managabe trickle.

I ask that Mexico join me in this noble effort.    

Worst case scenario,  I propose a firearms amnesty in Mexico,   the sheer number of illegal guns in Mexico makes it impractical to round up and destroy all of them.   An amnesty would bring them out of the shadows,   we would of course require a small registration fee as a penalty.
Link Posted: 9/8/2010 9:04:32 AM EDT
Few thousand guns vs tens of millions of illegals. Sounds like mehico is getting the better deal.

Exactly. Who cares what they think about much of anything. My sympathy is all used up. This is simply another example of Mexicans violating US law and smuggling illegal contraband. Do they really expect us to scrap the second amendment of our constitution because they have become a nation of criminals?
Link Posted: 9/8/2010 9:11:09 AM EDT
40% of guns used in Mexico crimes originated in Texas

(4:28 a.m.)By Daniel Borunda / El Paso Times
Posted: 09/08/2010 04:32:00 AM MDT

Forty percent of Mexico gun crimes traced by the ATF last year used guns originally sold in Texas,

Our media at work for us..........

Link Posted: 9/8/2010 9:14:36 AM EDT
Fuck mexico (Not capitalized intentionally).  Pathetic little marginalized shit hole of a country. Mexico, North Korea, Iran and Venezuela can all have a big "Blame America" party filled with whiny cock-suckery.
Link Posted: 9/8/2010 9:15:39 AM EDT
It's intentional. It's our version of border control. We figure the more of them that off themselves the fewer will be seen in our hospitals and jails.
Link Posted: 9/8/2010 9:27:53 AM EDT
Fuck mexico (Not capitalized intentionally).  Pathetic little marginalized shit hole of a country. Mexico, North Korea, Iran and Venezuela can all have a big "Blame America" party filled with whiny cock-suckery.

Dear America

Thank God it's your fault now.

Best thing we ever did was ditch the Empire and let someone else take over the World Police role.   We got sick of the "Blame Britain" parties so we stopped supplying the beer and chips.

We still have a few that think we should finance their every move and fix all their problems, but we are hoping to pass them over to you guys soon.

Well done and keep up the good work.



Link Posted: 9/8/2010 9:29:57 AM EDT
My thought is that a closed border with monitored crossings would solve this issue for our neighbors to the south...
Just sayin'...


I agree. Let's call it a big problem ( even though it isn't ) and help out Mexico and BUILD A FUCKING FENCE!
Link Posted: 9/8/2010 9:32:52 AM EDT
So you're meaning to tell me that a large percentage of guns made in the US come from the US?

No way!

So you're telling me that most AR15s used in crimes come from the US? This is amazing!

So you are saying that the ATF is not going to try and trace the new production chinese AKs coming in from Columbia to the mexican drug cartels.

Bloomberg can go fuck himself
Link Posted: 9/8/2010 9:47:02 AM EDT
So you are saying that the ATF is not going to try and trace the new production chinese AKs coming in from Columbia to the mexican drug cartels.

You know, as much as I hate to admit it, if you look at the pictures of the guns recovered in alot of the shootouts in Mexico they are without doubt U.S. guns.

There was one photo from the Juarez shootout last month that lasted several hours where I saw a Bulgarian thumbhole AK- You KNOW that gun came from the States, no question- nobody else had thumbhole guns. There was an Israeli pattern FAL in the same pics that was assembled on a Type 3 receiver- again, that's a US made Kit Gun guaranteed. There were a shit ton of WASR's in the pics too-easy to tell with the laminate furniture, scope rail etc.....

Do the cartels get guns on the International black market? No doubt, but I'm betting it's about 50-50 between there and the US. While I am willing to admit what is true, I don't GIVE a shit or think it is somehow our problem.
Link Posted: 9/8/2010 9:54:32 AM EDT
The bipartisan advocacy group Mayors Against Illegal Guns

Nothing bipartisan about it.

And I could care less how many of the guns came from Texas, because Mexico opposes any and all serious attempts to secure the Southern border, either on their side or ours.

Link Posted: 9/8/2010 11:04:13 AM EDT
they just busted an Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation Agent for gun running last month.  he was not of irish decent.
Link Posted: 9/8/2010 11:57:27 AM EDT

Do the cartels get guns on the International black market? No doubt, but I'm betting it's about 50-50 between there and the US. While I am willing to admit what is true, I don't GIVE a shit or think it is somehow our problem.

Statistically it's not close to a 50-50 split unless Mexico were with holding tens of thousands of U.S. origin firearms from the ATF.  Other than government issued weapons I see no reason why Mexico would with hold them.  It would only increase their cause to send all those traceable guns back.

Link Posted: 9/8/2010 12:00:59 PM EDT
The D/FW gun shows suck. I never see any grenades.

No doubt..
Link Posted: 9/8/2010 12:21:30 PM EDT
40% of guns used in Mexico crimes originated in Texas

(4:28 a.m.)By Daniel Borunda / El Paso Times
Posted: 09/08/2010 04:32:00 AM MDT

Forty percent of Mexico gun crimes traced by the ATF last year used guns originally sold in Texas, according to a report issued Tuesday by a coalition of U.S. mayors.
The bipartisan advocacy group Mayors Against Illegal Guns reported that 2,076 guns recovered at crime scenes in Mexico were tracked to Texas by the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms and Explosives.

Texas had the highest percentage of any state in the study. Another 36 percent of guns seized in Mexico were traced to sales in New Mexico, Arizona and California, according to the report by the coalition of 500 mayors. El Paso is not listed as part of the group.

"Illegal guns and their accompanying violence devastate communities across our country. Now we know more about how guns purchased here have helped sustain violent drug wars in Mexico," New York City mayor and coalition co-chairman Michael R. Bloomberg said in a statement.

The report titled, The Movement of Illegal Guns Across the U.S.-Mexico Border, was based on ATF data provided to the organization in March.

The report mentioned "90 percent of guns recovered and traced from Mexican crime scenes originated from gun dealers in the United States."

An El Paso Times investigation last year found that the "90 percent" figure, which was even quoted by President Barack Obama, refers to only the percentage of the guns submitted by Mexico to the ATF for tracing and not all guns seized in Mexico.
A spokesman for the National Rifle Association declined to comment on the new report because he had yet to see it.
Mayors Against Illegal Guns reported the ATF traced more than 5,000 guns from Mexico in 2009. The report showed the period from when a gun is purchased and then recovered in a crime in the U.S. is nearly 11 years, but the period was three years for guns in Mexico.

A recent Mexican government report on the drug war stated more than 84,000 firearms have been seized in Mexico from December 2006 to July of this year.

The Mexican government reported the current violence is due to seven wars among drug cartels in various regions of the country. There have been more than 28,000 murders in Mexico linked to organized crime since December 2006.

In Juárez, about 2,000 people have been killed this year because of the war between the Juárez and Sinaloa drug cartels. The Sinaloa cartel is also called the Pacific cartel.

Juárez Mayor Jose Reyes Ferriz is among voices asking the United States to do more to stop the flow of weaponry, including high-powered AK-47s and AR-15 rifles preferred by cartel gunmen.

"A high percentage of weapons that come into Ciudad Juárez come from the United States, and Texas is the perfect corridor. It worries us a lot," Juárez city spokesman Jaime Torres said.

Torres said the Juárez government is thankful for inspections by U.S. federal agents on the international bridges looking for firearms destined for Mexico.

The ATF is attempting to keep weapons out of the hands of Mexican drug cartels by increasingly cooperating with Mexican authorities, working with U.S. gun dealers and placing a bigger emphasis on the border.

ATF spokesman Special Agent Tom Crowley said a large number of firearms smuggled to Mexico historically come from Texas simply because of the huge Texas-Mexico border.

"What's important to realize about weapons going into Mexico is that it's not only a border issue," Crowley said via telephone from Dallas. "In El Paso, we are real busy. Everyday we are working firearms cases. We got cases out here in Dallas, Oklahoma and - to be honest - all around the country we have cases."

Crowley said cooperation between the ATF and gun sellers is needed to identify "straw buyers," or customers purchasing weapons for somebody else, including gun traffickers.

Crowley said the ATF in the "near future" will be adding extra staff in El Paso, including firearm-trafficking investigators and agents gathering intelligence.

Daniel Borunda may be reached at [email protected]; 546-6102.


Yep, and where did the rest of them come from, motherfucker?
Link Posted: 9/8/2010 12:32:49 PM EDT
From the article "The report showed the period from when a gun is purchased and then recovered in a crime in the U.S. is nearly 11 years, but the period was three years for guns in Mexico. "

I have defective guns.  None of my guns have been involved in crimes and I've havd a couple of them for 40 years now.

Oh yes obligitory call out....

Fuck Obama
Fuck Holder
Fuck Pelosi
Fuck Clinton, both of them just for good measure
Fuck Mexico
Fuck the Mayors

Link Posted: 9/8/2010 12:39:01 PM EDT

Yep, and where did the rest of them come from, motherfucker?

Brazil: Taurus, Springfield, Imbel
Croatia: Springfield
Austria: Glock
Germany: HK, Sig
Italy: Beretta
Link Posted: 9/8/2010 1:14:25 PM EDT
40% of guns used in Mexico crimes originated in Texas

(4:28 a.m.)By Daniel Borunda / El Paso Times
Posted: 09/08/2010 04:32:00 AM MDT

The bipartisan advocacy group Mayors Against Illegal Guns reported that 2,076 guns recovered at crime scenes in Mexico were tracked to Texas by the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms and Explosives.
A recent Mexican government report on the drug war stated more than 84,000 firearms have been seized in Mexico from December 2006 to July of this year.

Meh....what's that, about 2%?
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