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Posted: 9/8/2004 6:52:26 PM EDT

Survivor recounts horror in Russian school
Captors laugh as children, elderly faint
Friday, September 3, 2004 Posted: 5:27 PM EDT (2127 GMT)

An injured boy is rushed away from the siege school Friday.

Chechen MUSLIM rebels are blamed for dozens of attacks in recent years.

BESLAN, Russia (AP) -- Holding up the corpse of a man just shot dead in front of hundreds of hostages at a Russian school, the rebel -- his pockets stuffed with ammunition and grenades -- warned: "If a child utters even a sound, we'll kill another one."

When children fainted from lack of sleep, food and water, their masked and camouflaged captors simply sneered. In the intolerable heat of the gym, adults implored children to drink their own urine.

Hours after escaping alive, a woman who had been taken hostage with her 7-year-old son and her mother spoke of three days of unspeakable horror -- of children so wired with fear they couldn't sleep, of captors coolly threatening to kill off hostages one by one, of a gymnasium so cramped there was hardly room to move.

"We were in complete fear," said Alla Gadieyeva, 24, who spoke to an Associated Press reporter as she lay in a stretcher outside a hospital. "People were praying all the time and those that didn't know how to pray -- we taught them."

The woman told her tale after commandos stormed the school in this southern Russian town, bringing the nation's worst hostage crisis to a head Friday. The carnage left more than 200 people dead and more than 700 people wounded, according to officials.  Most of them were women and children.

Children faint, captors laugh
Alla and her mother Irina were in the school courtyard seeing off her son Zaur for his first day of school when they heard sounds like "balloons popping."

She thought the noise was part of school festivities.

It wasn't.

Five rebels suddenly burst into the courtyard, shooting in the air and ordering people to get inside the school. Children, parents, and teachers -- Alla estimated there were about 1,000 in all -- were corralled into a corner on the ground floor and then pushed into the gymnasium.

Alla said children whimpered in fear, and all around there was screaming and crying. The hostages were forced to crouch, their hands folded over their heads.

For the rebels, the first order of business was confiscating cell phones. They smashed the phones and made the following threat: "If we find any mobile phones, we will shoot 20 people all around you."

On Day 1, people got a tiny bit of water to drink, but no food. From Day 2, Alla said, nothing.

When she asked the rebels for water for her mother, they laughed at her.

"My mother was terrified, and I thought she was having a heart attack. When I saw my son, my mother ... go unconscious, so tired, so thirsty, I wanted it all to come to an end," she said.

"When children began to faint, they laughed," Alla said. "They were totally indifferent."

During the ordeal, Zaur became so traumatized that he would flinch whenever someone would touch him, or even brush by him. Like other children, his only spells of sleep were the times he fell unconscious from thirst and exhaustion.

When asked how her son would remember the ordeal, Alla replied: "How can a person ever forget it? Would you ever forget it?"

Bombs hung from ceiling
As Alla spoke under a grove of spruce trees, she had not yet been reunited with her mother or son, although authorities confirmed to her that they were alive.

She recounted how the hostage-takers eventually took off their masks. They had beards, long hair, and spoke with Chechen accents, she said.

When children started to faint from thirst, the adults urged them to urinate. It was so they could drink their own urine, Alla said.

We'll shoot until our guns stop. And when our guns stop, we'll blow up the building.
-- Captor in Russian school  

The gymnasium was quickly transformed into an arsenal of explosives -- bombs dangling from the ceiling, set on the floor, strung up on walls. She said they seemed to be homemade, primitive packages containing bolts and nails.

"They're not human beings,"
Alla said. "What they did to us, I can't understand."

On Day 3, early in the afternoon, the explosions erupted, under circumstances that still remain somewhat unclear.

What is known is that emergency workers had arrived at the time -- apparently with the militants' permission -- to collect the bodies of those who had been executed. Russian authorities insist they did not plan a raid.

Suddenly, there were blasts inside and outside the gym, Alla said. In the chaos, she couldn't figure out how they were set off. Gunfire followed. As the fight intensified, the rebels betrayed agitation for the first time.

"We'll shoot until our guns stop," a rebel announced to the crowd. "And when our guns stop, we'll blow up the building."

Making an escape
The hostage-takers began pushing people out of the gym and into the basement. That created an opening for the hostages: They began breaking windows and fleeing. Some captives literally started pushing children outside.

Alla said she helped her son and mother out of a window. She didn't manage to get out.

For some reason, a six-year-old boy -- whom she didn't know -- was drawn to Alla. She held him in her arms. He clung to her, she said, "as if he would never let go."

A group of hostages, including Alla and the boy, then made a rush for a set of doors in the gymnasium. As they fled, she noticed the bodies of captives strewn on the floor -- shot by the rebels, it seemed, as they battled Russian security forces who swarmed the area.

Some Russian soldiers appeared as they reached the doors. "At first I didn't believe it," she said. "I thought they were Chechens."

Her doubts soon vanished.

It's OK, the soldiers told her. "You're home now."

As Alla told her tale, townspeople kept coming up to her, asking her about the fate of their loved-ones.

A man, around 20, asked Alla if she knew what had happened to one of the captives, a woman.

She's dead, Alla replied.

The man bit his lip. He nodded.

And then he turned away.

Rest in Peace:

Rest in Peace:

Rest in Peace:

A video image shows anxious women checking the identification of a dead child being carried on a stretcher

Rest in Peace:

Rest in Peace:

Mom isn't coming home anymore, the religion of peace took her away.

Bodies of schoolchildren and hostages killed in a school seizure seen in a hospital morgue in Beslan, North Ossetia, Friday, Sept. 3, 2004.
Rest in Peace:

Rest in Peace:

Rest in Peace:

Rest in Peace:

Rest in Peace:

Rest in Peace:

May God bless them and hold the victims close for eternity.  May the victims families take solice in knowing that their sons, daughters and wives will sit on the right hand of our Father away from the evils of this world.

Reposting because people here have their panties in a bunch for calling a spade a spade.

More pics of children and a video of the intensity of fighting and of the victims.

I didn't want to try and link to Ogrish pictures, since they turn into disgusting images, so there is the link.  Do not link their pics to this site.

Here's the link to their video:


More pics:

Please let them come home safely:


Getty Images pictures

God, I want to cry and kill at the same time ...

Thank you:

Link Posted: 9/8/2004 6:55:47 PM EDT
I hope mainstream America does not forget about this massacre.  The worst footage for me has been the video of mothers looking under white sheets trying to find and identify their kids.  Can you fucking imagine that.  Pulling back that sheet not knowing if your going to see your kid lying there dead or not?  Having to look under so many sheets.  That just floored me.  I tossed and turned and did not get much sleep replaying that in my head.  I just cannot imagine what those women felt.  
Link Posted: 9/8/2004 6:58:22 PM EDT
… Despicable bastards!

… May the perpetrators all die a slow and painful death then rot I hell for eternity.
Link Posted: 9/8/2004 7:03:03 PM EDT
Not for nothing, but Putin is laying some of the blame for that disaster on the United States...In any case, nothing is shocking anymore when it comes to these animals...I'm curious to see what Russia does...its their move...

Link Posted: 9/8/2004 7:09:43 PM EDT
i dont know what to say, other than i feel ill.
Link Posted: 9/8/2004 7:09:58 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/8/2004 7:11:02 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/8/2004 7:11:39 PM EDT
I have the same feelings and thoughts I had on September 12th, 2001. The day after

Thank you for taking the time to repost this thread.
Link Posted: 9/8/2004 7:11:58 PM EDT
I will not say it, but it needs to be done sooner, rather then later.

These pictures break my heart.

Sure hope it won't happen here, but somehow I know it will some day.

RIP to all who died....and KTA to the animals who did this.

Link Posted: 9/8/2004 7:12:54 PM EDT
hmm, I think a nuke or 2 could come in handy.
Link Posted: 9/8/2004 7:16:05 PM EDT
i dont really think thats the answer. killing the ones responsible yes, killing off the entire population of them.. no.
Link Posted: 9/8/2004 7:16:44 PM EDT

Wednesday, September 08, 2004  

None So Blind
There's a nightmare that recurs to some people where you fall into a dark pond where a ravenous beast is lurking; but friends are at hand. You call out for help and they turn, but with blank faces, and walk away. Roger Simon describes that feeling.

When I first "came out" on this blog as an apostate from the liberal church, I heard a number of old friends and acquaintances whispering, sometimes in front of me and sometimes behind my back, "Poor Roger, he's scared. He got mugged by 9/11." Well, no. I don't scare that easily. I have my share of problems, but unbridled fear isn't one of them. I was angry.

But now I am scared. 9/11 didn't scare me. The Atocha railroad station didn't scare me. The horrors of the Russian schoolhouse didn't even scare me. It was the reaction by many in Europe and in our media to what happened in that school that has me terrified. Sure the Russians have historically brutalized and mistreated the Chechens, but this barbarism was far beyond a reaction to that. It goes to the core of our common humanity. It was a gauntlet thrown down at Western civilization and yet some still choose to look the other way. But if the sight of children being stripped and shot in the back after having had their gymnasium pre-wired with explosives doesn't wake them up, I don't know what will.

The first task in a nightmare is to discover which parts are wholly imaginary and which have real counterparts. In this scenario Roger Simon is real but the "liberal church" from which he expects outrage has now become entirely fictive. Or rather it has faded into non-existence in a positive sense and come into its own in the negative. The only literary character that ever frightened me was Edward Rolles Weston in C.S. Lewis' science-fiction classic Perelandra. Nothing before or since has ever been so horrible as the description of the brilliant Weston being taken over by the evil whose existence he denied. In the story, Weston decides to corrupt an Edenic planet purely as demonstration of intellectual power; an ultimate exercise in vanity. But on the way Weston discovers he cannot hold evil at arm's length, that is become him. The protagonist of Perelandra, Professor Ransom, describes his confrontation with a Weston who has now turned into the Un-Man. Effects are magnified on that alien planet and evil has eaten him out.

'But this is very foolish,' said the Un-Man. 'Do you not know who I am?'

'I know what you are,' said Ransom. 'Which of them doesn't matter.'

'And you think, little one,' it answered, that you can fight with me? You think He will help you, perhaps? Many thought that. I've known Him longer than you, little one. They all think He's going to help them -- till they come to their senses screaming recantations too late in the middle of the fire, moldering in concentration camps, writhing under saws, jibbering in mad-houses, or nailed on to crosses. Could He help Himself?' -- and the creature suddenly threw back its head and cried in a voice so loud that it seemed the golden sky-roof must break, 'Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani.'

And the moment it had done so, Ransom felt certain that the sounds it had made were perfect Aramaic of the first century. The Un-Man was not quoting; it was remembering. These were the very words spoken from the Cross, treasured through all those years in the burning memory of the outcast creature which had heard them, and now brought forward in hideous parody; the horror made him momentarily sick.

The Left, having declared itself above the pettiness of all moral belief now finds its emptiness filled by the ugliest and darkest blood-cult on the planet. It was a proud Tower, but its windows are now dark and its rooms filled with old and withered things. Laugh at it. There is nothing left to fear.

posted by wretchard | Permalink: (Click to access comments)1:45 PM Zulu

Link Posted: 9/8/2004 7:17:00 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/8/2004 7:18:30 PM EDT

i dont really think thats the answer. killing the ones responsible yes, killing off the entire population of them.. no.

Remember the history of our wars with the Indians?
Link Posted: 9/8/2004 7:18:43 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/8/2004 7:22:56 PM EDT
Thank you for posting this again.  I appreciate your efforts to make sure no one forgets or glosses over what happened in Beslan.  May Putin have the courage to do what we will not.

If anyone has not read Oriana Fallaci's  "The Rage and the Pride", I encourage you to do so.  (Ignore the literary reviews on the Amazon page -- the book is excellent, but hits Islam pretty hard, so it got horrible reviews by the politically correct press.)
Link Posted: 9/8/2004 7:29:42 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/8/2004 7:41:21 PM EDT
My heart goes out to the families...I am speechless.

Truly a day which will live in infamy...the killers were Muslim, that is all.
Link Posted: 9/8/2004 7:46:54 PM EDT

i dont really think thats the answer. killing the ones responsible yes, killing off the entire population of them.. no.

Another quote from a person who does not understand the concept of war.  They do not believe we are at war.  They think this is a "police action" and you can just go out and arrest the perpetrators and then do something punitive, but not necessarily kill them, just like on TV - all clean, no blood, or if there is blood, with no "innocent" bystanders getting hurt.  

The same resolve it took to bomb cities in WWII is required here.  Anyone who harbors terrorists.  Anyone who allows them to live next to them, in their cities and neighborhoods and mosques is assisting them.  They are not "innocent".  This is not a choice between Republicans and Democrats where you can abdicate responsability by not casting a vote - This is a yes or no choice between those who bomb school buses in Israel and invade and commit attrocities on children in Russian schools.  If they are condemning the terrorists and expelling them from their communities and mosques and fighting them tooth and nail, then they are good and can be our allies.  If not, they have only themselves to blame when those that their friends and neighbors have attacked respond by eliminate their cities of support.  Where the hell do you think the terrorists are getting their support?  Do you think their food, shelter, weapons, ammo, hiding places, money, gasoline just appear out of nowhere?  These guys are organized, sheltered, and provisioned by communities, mosques, and mid-east governments.   Yes - some Governments are sponsoring terror.  However, the communities and mosques are their recruiting grounds, their primary support base, their shelters.  These elements should be bombed, these support centers, with no more remorse than bombing a German or Japanese factory or city in WWII and damn those who stand against such actions because of the political impact.  The city, the community, the mosque is the equivalent of the Peenemunde or Dresden factories that create the materiel that allow the terrorist to continue to wage war against us.  Sometimes people go so far outside the rules that compelling force is necessary to bring them back within the norms of civilized behavior.  If their version of civilized behavior as compelled by their religion includes targeting my family, my friends, my kids, my country - then everyone associated with them by positive or negative action (ie, not providing active dissent) is a target of mine, until I make it so painful and certain that I am a far more forbidding and terrible enemy than the terrorist that they passively support that they are forced to take action to avoid certain death and destruction.

I have had it with appeasers.  The same crap arguments are used day after day by people to make their cowardice at the required solutions seem relatively sane.  I will always prefer Churchill to Chamberlain.
Link Posted: 9/8/2004 7:51:33 PM EDT
I am a parent, I have lost a child.  This is beyond words.  It will only bring death to more chechnyans and they will never be listened to or taken seriously again.  People want to do this exact thing to us.  Don't forget that, people want to bring this pain to America.

You are correct for posting it, and put up some WTC pics while you are at it for a refresher on that topic.
Link Posted: 9/8/2004 7:57:53 PM EDT

I am a parent, I have lost a child.  This is beyond words.  It will only bring death to more chechnyans and they will never be listened to or taken seriously again.  People want to do this exact thing to us.  Don't forget that, people want to bring this pain to America.

You are correct for posting it, and put up some WTC pics while you are at it for a refresher on that topic.

I expect to do so on Friday.  My 9/11 tribute is almost finished as far as my writing goes.  I may post my original story I wrote at 5am on 9/12/01.  I read it and get the chills, since they don't look like my words, nor do I remember writing them, but I lived out everything they said.

But yes, more 9/11 pics will go up.
Link Posted: 9/8/2004 8:04:25 PM EDT

If this thread is trolled, please IM me--anyone crapping in it will simply be removed from the site.  Please be respectful in honoring the dead.  

Once again, thank you bk1.  The value of this thread is that it shows what others consider yesterday's news, just another Russian/Chechnyan episode.  This is much more than that and, therefore, must remain in the forefront.  As ArmdLbrl posted above, this horror is beyond what we've yet seen in the War on Terror.

Thank you for posting this again, Balzac.
Link Posted: 9/8/2004 8:05:44 PM EDT
Rest in Peace
Link Posted: 9/8/2004 8:06:43 PM EDT
Thanks Balzac
Link Posted: 9/8/2004 8:14:15 PM EDT
Those that would deny the horror, those that say evil does not exist, those that hide in denial cannot bring themselves to look at the bestilled faces of the fallen children, ever silent.

Link Posted: 9/8/2004 8:19:16 PM EDT
Prayed again...

never done that twice in one day unless requested

- BG
Link Posted: 9/8/2004 8:20:56 PM EDT
Thanks for keeping this topic alive.
Link Posted: 9/8/2004 8:26:47 PM EDT
May those innocent souls rest in peace.  I believe that those who did this are not caught up in ideology to a religion any more than they are hapless followers of a doomsday cult.  I found it most interesting that the murderers of the children fought with each other and that they were led by an individual noted to be evem more sadistic than the rest.  This scenario is both implausible in its sickness and cruelty and so plausible in its scope within cultish behavior.  Such as the domestic cults we are familiar with, these people are easily manipulated by a strong willed leader who activated the most base desires within each member (hatred, need for love, affection, need to belong, hunger, sustenence, etc.) They stoke the flames and all the while craft each member into a cold, hard killer with only a shred of human dignity tucked tightly under their headscarves.  Many of them are so embroiled in the group and so complicit in murders that the idea of suicide or murder is really their only escape.

Please, do not get me worng here... this is just my stream of conciousness ramblings trying to sory out the whys and hows of tragic evens such as this.

I think that "Islam" as a faith has little or nothing to do with these people.  However the fact that they align themselves with the faith and that in turn they become the cause celebre with the disemfranchised poor muslims the world over is what creates a real danger.  

I truly believe that the actual percentage of dangerous fanatical muslims is about 5% of all of them.  the problem is that amongst the 95% left of moderate muslims, fear, famine, economic depression, war, pestilince is only a heartbeat away from making them become a sopntaneous fanatic with murder on his mind.  the power players of the Islamic world ARE NOT PIOUS, RELIGIOUS FACTIONS... they are the cult leaders, the tribal warloards, the cleric with political aspirations or a vendetta against other factions. their rhetoric is easily absorbed and assimilated in areas rife with tumult and with peoples eager to take up ANY message and to be a part of ANY form of change.

of these chechen terrorists, i would guess that out of the approximate 30:

5 wanted to just stay home
10 wanted to just plant a bomb somewhere
10 werent sure what was going to happen but were prepared to kill or be killed
5 came to specifically terrorize little children and women
1 came to murder anyone and everyone with his bare hands to cement his own megolomania

in my hypothesis it only takes one sick Islamicist fuck to lead this group of 30 strong terrorist to commit such atrocities...

30 people who might have stayed at home that day, or done somehting else entirely.

What we are fighting is NOT Islam per se, but the fact that there are Islamic areas the world over that are bubbling and festering not only an environment ripe for ideological exploitation, but an area of the world that is rapidly coming to grips with its ability of small time players to suddenly make a worldwide impact overnight.  no longer are local warlords and small time cult leaders "local" or "small time"

they are front page and they are big time fucking power players negotiating with the fucking US Military for Chrissakes!!!

Al Sadr! Negotiating with the worlds most powerful military!

terrorism in these Islamic countries and a reversal of the economics of scale have changed the way that ANYONE conducts global terror operations.

look for the IRA, nuts here stateside, ETA, whomever to copy the tactics being employed in these Islamic countries...

Link Posted: 9/8/2004 9:21:53 PM EDT
Awesome post..  I am linking this as others need to see it..    as I Pm'd you..  Thanks for Sharing
Link Posted: 9/8/2004 10:36:58 PM EDT
Thanks Balzac72.

Hunter out...
Link Posted: 9/9/2004 3:24:07 AM EDT
If the perpetrators of this horror was a species of animal, that species would have been made extinct long ago.
I have a nine year old daughter those pics strike home hard

No society would accept animal predators rounding up children to be harmed like this.

Islam has no place on this planet

Just anger left after sadness

and now pure hatred that I didn't have before
Link Posted: 9/9/2004 4:13:50 AM EDT
Thanks for all your work, Balzac72
Link Posted: 9/9/2004 5:09:03 AM EDT
Thanks Balzac.
Link Posted: 9/9/2004 5:18:27 AM EDT
The russians have just found 50 pounds of plastic explosives, many firearms and ammunition is a theatre that is undergoing reconstruction.  Will this happen again?  You bet your life it is going to happen again.  The Religion of Peace will overcome us all, if we allow them to.
Link Posted: 9/9/2004 5:19:28 AM EDT

The russians have just found 50 pounds of plastic explosives, many firearms and ammunition is a theatre that is undergoing reconstruction.  Will this happen again?  You bet your life it is going to happen again.  The Religion of Peace will overcome us all, if we allow them to.

Link Posted: 9/9/2004 5:32:12 AM EDT

May those innocent souls rest in peace.  I believe that those who did this are not caught up in ideology to a religion any more than they are hapless followers of a doomsday cult.  I found it most interesting that the murderers of the children fought with each other and that they were led by an individual noted to be evem more sadistic than the rest.  This scenario is both implausible in its sickness and cruelty and so plausible in its scope within cultish behavior.  Such as the domestic cults we are familiar with, these people are easily manipulated by a strong willed leader who activated the most base desires within each member (hatred, need for love, affection, need to belong, hunger, sustenence, etc.) They stoke the flames and all the while craft each member into a cold, hard killer with only a shred of human dignity tucked tightly under their headscarves.  Many of them are so embroiled in the group and so complicit in murders that the idea of suicide or murder is really their only escape.

Please, do not get me worng here... this is just my stream of conciousness ramblings trying to sory out the whys and hows of tragic evens such as this.

I think that "Islam" as a faith has little or nothing to do with these people.  However the fact that they align themselves with the faith and that in turn they become the cause celebre with the disemfranchised poor muslims the world over is what creates a real danger.  

I truly believe that the actual percentage of dangerous fanatical muslims is about 5% of all of them.  the problem is that amongst the 95% left of moderate muslims, fear, famine, economic depression, war, pestilince is only a heartbeat away from making them become a sopntaneous fanatic with murder on his mind.  the power players of the Islamic world ARE NOT PIOUS, RELIGIOUS FACTIONS... they are the cult leaders, the tribal warloards, the cleric with political aspirations or a vendetta against other factions. their rhetoric is easily absorbed and assimilated in areas rife with tumult and with peoples eager to take up ANY message and to be a part of ANY form of change.

of these chechen terrorists, i would guess that out of the approximate 30:

5 wanted to just stay home
10 wanted to just plant a bomb somewhere
10 werent sure what was going to happen but were prepared to kill or be killed
5 came to specifically terrorize little children and women
1 came to murder anyone and everyone with his bare hands to cement his own megolomania

in my hypothesis it only takes one sick Islamicist fuck to lead this group of 30 strong terrorist to commit such atrocities...

30 people who might have stayed at home that day, or done somehting else entirely.

What we are fighting is NOT Islam per se, but the fact that there are Islamic areas the world over that are bubbling and festering not only an environment ripe for ideological exploitation, but an area of the world that is rapidly coming to grips with its ability of small time players to suddenly make a worldwide impact overnight.  no longer are local warlords and small time cult leaders "local" or "small time"

they are front page and they are big time fucking power players negotiating with the fucking US Military for Chrissakes!!!

Al Sadr! Negotiating with the worlds most powerful military!

terrorism in these Islamic countries and a reversal of the economics of scale have changed the way that ANYONE conducts global terror operations.

look for the IRA, nuts here stateside, ETA, whomever to copy the tactics being employed in these Islamic countries...

You are wrong.

Thanks Balzac for the hard work.

Link Posted: 9/9/2004 5:40:40 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/9/2004 5:47:39 AM EDT

Kill all terrorists!
Link Posted: 9/9/2004 8:32:34 AM EDT


The russians have just found 50 pounds of plastic explosives, many firearms and ammunition is a theatre that is undergoing reconstruction.  Will this happen again?  You bet your life it is going to happen again.  The Religion of Peace will overcome us all, if we allow them to.


Sorry, nothing direct yet, it came across my bloomberg terminal.
Link Posted: 9/9/2004 8:36:07 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/9/2004 8:40:59 AM EDT



The russians have just found 50 pounds of plastic explosives, many firearms and ammunition is a theatre that is undergoing reconstruction.  Will this happen again?  You bet your life it is going to happen again.  The Religion of Peace will overcome us all, if we allow them to.


Sorry, nothing direct yet, it came across my bloomberg terminal.

Nevermind, I found this link off of Freep:  news.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2004/09/09/uruss.xml
Link Posted: 9/9/2004 8:43:08 AM EDT
Beyond Words.

"If their governments don't restrain them- there would be no end to the evil they would do
against visitors.

Marco Polo 1240 A.D.  while travelling through Asia Minor

Someone needs to die for their religion- might as well be the Mohamedan.

Canooger 2004 A.D.
Link Posted: 9/9/2004 1:16:40 PM EDT
I hope Russia explodes and the Bear tears out its asshole via unconventional warfare.
Link Posted: 9/9/2004 1:26:44 PM EDT
You are doing "the lord's work" here Balzac! People need to be reminded of these horrors or they will slip into complacency.

I commend you on your persistence as well! You have had this thread locked twice, and yet you continue to start over! Keep up the good work brother!

Link Posted: 9/9/2004 1:33:15 PM EDT
Heaven help me.  One of the dead looks like my next door neighbors' little boy.
Link Posted: 9/9/2004 2:02:59 PM EDT
Bump and bump this often.
Link Posted: 9/9/2004 4:07:51 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/9/2004 4:20:04 PM EDT
Thanks balzac. These images are as permamently etched in my brain as the jumpers from the WTC. Something I will never forget.

May the Lord's hand pass judgement upon these monsters sooner than later.

Link Posted: 9/9/2004 4:20:59 PM EDT

What we need is an underground army to beat these murderous terrorists at their own game.

An well-funded organization such as this would be able to carry out operations that the .gov can't/won't.


Thanks Balzac72 for reposting and thanks to the mods for keeping this troll free.
Link Posted: 9/9/2004 4:32:03 PM EDT
I remember going to NY to stand at Ground Zero and the overwhelming power of the scene. I cried openly there at the fence. I am crying again now. Thank you.
Link Posted: 9/9/2004 8:13:49 PM EDT
BTT, even if its a bit late.
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