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Posted: 12/24/2002 5:27:38 AM EDT
last night me and my wife got into a big fight!
well so what; right! well my wife grab a pair of scissors and was trying to stabbed me with them, I mean she was trying to kill me. so I grabbed her arm with these pair of scissors in her hands before they stabbed me and I threw her on the floor trying to defend myself the scissors went a flying so she got up and started to swing at me and got one good one in the left eye. well the so called step daughters I have DEFENDED her, threaten to call the police and have me thrown in jail. I believe the cops would take there word over mine because it was three against one in this matter so later she started flaking out and saying I don't want you to leave and took about three hours to convinced me to stay well this morning I still want to leave but I am really backed up against the wall this shit is getting fucking retarded. I did not strike my wife what so ever
I just threw her down in defence, but the daughters are backing her up not me. oh she said she really loves me but i really hate to see what would happen if she hated me.

Link Posted: 12/24/2002 5:32:21 AM EDT
1. Report Incident to police to get it on the record.

2. Get a restraining order/order of protection.

If you're afraid that she will use the daughters to get a restraining order against you, the only choice you have is to act first.
Link Posted: 12/24/2002 5:36:31 AM EDT
Get her help or get the hell out. I would not live with anyone who was those sort of issues. She obviously needs to face whatever it is that makes her think the way to resolve a fight is to stab you with sissors.

If she refuses to get help, get out. It will only be a matter of time before she decides to try attack you again. If her kids are going to back her, you can't even afford to defend yourself.
Link Posted: 12/24/2002 5:42:25 AM EDT
problem is I have direct deposit on my checks this would give here two weeks to screw me over
because this is how long it would take to change over. also this was really strange I have never ever seen her this violent before.
If i get a restraining order against me then I would lose my rights to bear arms(that aint gonna happen).
Link Posted: 12/24/2002 5:44:11 AM EDT
Was alcohol{drinking} involved?
just wondering...Some people say and do the strangest things,when drinking.
As far as the violence...No offense,But she needs to deal with something,Has she ever attacked this way before? My thoughts are with both of you.
Link Posted: 12/24/2002 5:53:25 AM EDT
no drugs or alcohol were involed at all.
se has never attacked at all before. this was really strange?
Link Posted: 12/24/2002 5:58:10 AM EDT
I guess you have to ask yourself..


If not get the F out of dodge NOW!!
Link Posted: 12/24/2002 6:04:19 AM EDT
To quote Pink Floyd, RUN LIKE HELL!!!!!!!
Link Posted: 12/24/2002 6:06:24 AM EDT
LocknLoaded, I know this will be hard to accept but your first inclination is the right one and if you don’t do right away (meaning ASAP ie; right now) you will regret it for the rest of your life.

Close the account your check is direct deposited into.
Stay with a friend or relative or live out of your car if you have to but get out.

How long have you been married?

Link Posted: 12/24/2002 6:06:34 AM EDT
What was the fight about?  
Link Posted: 12/24/2002 6:06:56 AM EDT
File a police report NOW!  Tell the truth.  Be as absolutely honest and straightforward as you can.  Don't BS them.  Make sure you explain about the guns in the house.  Show the lawmen any battle scars.

GET OUT OF THERE...NOW!!!  If, as you state, she assaulted you with scissors, that is attempted murder.  Time to go.  Regardless of her anger, she understood the consequences of her actions and did it anyway.  She is a clear and present danger to you now.  In 1985, a shipmate of mine ignored the warnings and he woke up in pain about 0200 as his Old Lady aired him out 37 times with a butcher knife.  He didn't die instantly either...unlike what they show in the movies.

Immediately close down all accounts that you can to restrict her access BEFORE she cleans you out and hauls ass...leaving you holding the bag.  Call the credit card companies now and report the situation.  You might have to put a formal statement in the local paper about disavowing any of her future debts.

Make sure your company changes the automatic direct deposit to another account or pays you in a check...for awhile anyway.

Lawyer up...you will need it.

Remove ALL of your firearms from the house NOW.  If she files a complaint first, you will be slapped with all sorts of evil papers...and your guns will go bye-bye.

Call the lawmen before you decide to leave.  Have the moving truck/rental truck and the lawdogs show up at the same time.  This will prevent another, possibly more violent scene.  My son did this, per the sheriff's request, when he moved out on his psycho-bitch-from-hell.  He already had legal custody of their two little kids.  With the cops standing by, all she could do is rant a bit...or go to jail, as he cleaned out their apartment.  SWEEEET!

Take pictures of your property in case she decides to go on a destruction rampage.  The insurance company and the cops will want to know.


Link Posted: 12/24/2002 6:16:08 AM EDT
... Excuse me if I sound curt, but life is too short to live it miserably. Cut your losses and get out of Dodge.

... However, if you believe the relationship to be salvageable or there are any redeeming value in staying together get her to commit to professional help. Make certain you take hold of the situation.

... Do it now or we may read your next sit-rep from the local newspaper.
Link Posted: 12/24/2002 6:22:33 AM EDT
[B]WHAT?  youre still there? file the report before she files one against you.   then get out, bring all your guns and other property.  start the divorce process.  you gotta look out for number one!  those 3 stepdaughters are evil. [/b]
Link Posted: 12/24/2002 6:23:37 AM EDT
I'd file a police report today and get the hell out. Your HR at work can stop your check from being deposited immediately, so you won't have to wait two weeks.

Make sure you go to the cops first and don't let her know. Tell her that everything is cool and you're going to the store or something or she'll call 911 when you're on your way and you'll be screwed.

If I had a wife that tried to stab me, I'd have knocked her fucking teeth out.
Link Posted: 12/24/2002 6:37:27 AM EDT
File a police report NOW!  Tell the truth.  Be as absolutely honest and straightforward as you can.  Don't BS them.  Make sure you explain about the guns in the house.  Show the lawmen any battle scars.

GET OUT OF THERE...NOW!!!  If, as you state, she assaulted you with scissors, that is attempted murder.  Time to go.  Regardless of her anger, she understood the consequences of her actions and did it anyway.  She is a clear and present danger to you now.  In 1985, a shipmate of mine ignored the warnings and he woke up in pain about 0200 as his Old Lady aired him out 37 times with a butcher knife.  He didn't die instantly either...unlike what they show in the movies.

Immediately close down all accounts that you can to restrict her access BEFORE she cleans you out and hauls ass...leaving you holding the bag.  Call the credit card companies now and report the situation.  You might have to put a formal statement in the local paper about disavowing any of her future debts.

Make sure your company changes the automatic direct deposit to another account or pays you in a check...for awhile anyway.

Lawyer up...you will need it.

Remove ALL of your firearms from the house NOW.  If she files a complaint first, you will be slapped with all sorts of evil papers...and your guns will go bye-bye.

Call the lawmen before you decide to leave.  Have the moving truck/rental truck and the lawdogs show up at the same time.  This will prevent another, possibly more violent scene.  My son did this, per the sheriff's request, when he moved out on his psycho-bitch-from-hell.  He already had legal custody of their two little kids.  With the cops standing by, all she could do is rant a bit...or go to jail, as he cleaned out their apartment.  SWEEEET!

Take pictures of your property in case she decides to go on a destruction rampage.  The insurance company and the cops will want to know.


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Ditto... grab your Christmas presents, and LEAVE NOW!!!
Link Posted: 12/24/2002 6:49:50 AM EDT
Dude, the wicked step-sisters, er, step daughters from hell are gonna side with their momma. Do all of the advice above and figure out your Christmas from wherever. The next time she takes scissors to you, you might be asleep. Run now.
Link Posted: 12/24/2002 6:51:14 AM EDT

Link Posted: 12/24/2002 7:00:49 AM EDT
Link Posted: 12/24/2002 7:04:56 AM EDT
no drugs or alcohol were involed at all.
se has never attacked at all before. this was really strange?
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Strange behaviour could mean she has flipped, or it could mean something is going on you don't know about.  Leave now.  Trust me, I learned the hard way.  Do not drag it out, do not rationalize, do not try and accomodate unless you enjoy being drug around and your pride driven into the ground.  You can still be nice, but you need to protect #1 here.  While divorce is the last resort (I still don't believe in it), run run run, and figure it out later, from a safe distance, with support from whomever you can get it from.  You can still be there for her if she needs you, while protecting yourself.  If she loves you, she will want to work it out, you can get some professional help, then you can deal with whatever the issue is and hopefully fix things.  But protect yourself!!!!!!!

But I can't stress this enough....whichever way it goes, the sooner you get going, the sooner you will get to the light at the other end!  There is NO point in dragging it out.      
Link Posted: 12/24/2002 7:14:54 AM EDT
Link Posted: 12/24/2002 7:20:53 AM EDT
Yes, if she files a RO against you, your guns will be confiscated. File one against her first! Unfortunately, it has come to the point that he who files first has the power!
Link Posted: 12/24/2002 7:22:55 AM EDT
get pics of your eye, document everything.
Link Posted: 12/24/2002 7:27:58 AM EDT
My prediction:
He'll do nothing and later be victimized by her again.

However, this time it will be his word against three.

He'll lose his firearms, his freedom, his RKBA, and everything else.

Move out and do it now.  Worry about the wife later.  If she wants to get back together at a future date, maybe some serious counselling would be in order.
Link Posted: 12/24/2002 7:29:03 AM EDT
I usually try to be a voice of moderation...not this time.

I'm with the group here.  Get the heck out.  Get your guns to a reliable friend's house for safe keeping.  Write it up in a contract and sign it with a third witness.  Sing it in front of a notary if you can manage that so it is legally dated.

Don't be a jerk about it, but file the report and take out a temporary restraining order against her.  That's inflammatory, and could escalate things, but it's pretty much the only protection you can get for your RKBA.  While she is under the restraining order, do not attempt to contact her directly or you could force her to violate the order.  Keep it to the phone.

Let her know that things are just too hot and you want to enforce some space on the situation to allow things to cool out and figure out what the heck happened.  Then get a professional counsellor or clergy to mediate your discussions on NEUTRAL ground without the kids around.

Your wife has a problem.  Maybe it's just the silly season, maybe hormones.  (Is she menopausal by any chance?)  Whatever it is, she needs counselling at the least and possibly professional medical care.

You also need to listen to her and figure out if you are doing anything wrong to un-necessarily increase her stress levels.   The marriage may be broken, but you should probably make an attempt to fix it....carefully.

But get the hell out of there first.  Your absence and the other efforts MAY shock her into realizing how irrational the situation was.  If you go back make damned sure that you are the only one who can gain access to your guns,...next time she might grab for a loaded 1911A1 rather than a pair of scissors.
Link Posted: 12/24/2002 7:29:44 AM EDT

If you need a place to store your collection, I'm sure some ARFdotcom bros can help out!

Get out, NOW. RUN, don't walk.
Link Posted: 12/24/2002 7:34:59 AM EDT
Im here to say, "YOU ARE CRAZY!"  Man, are you thinking?  Your wife tried to stab you and you are on a message board seeking advice...? WTF?
So, she knows not to go for sicssors next time(there will be).   So, what,  maybe she'll be creative and wait 'till you fall asleep and pour a gallon of boiling grease on your crotch.

If you don't LEAVE now, you deserve that crazy bitch and whatever harm she causes you. She has given you fair warning.
Link Posted: 12/24/2002 7:58:51 AM EDT
Hmmmm, we haven't heard from locknloaded for better than 2 hours. Hopefully he's taken the good advice, and beat feet......
Link Posted: 12/24/2002 8:02:57 AM EDT
like everybody else said, file a police report on this pronto!  Women have the upper hand in claiming they were beaten, and you WILL go to jail if she says you hit her and the kids back her up.  Protect yourself by filing the report and letting the cops have a record on file for when she reports you, because eventually she probably will.
Link Posted: 12/24/2002 8:11:01 AM EDT
Link Posted: 12/24/2002 8:19:51 AM EDT
problem is I have direct deposit on my checks this would give here two weeks to screw me over
because this is how long it would take to change over. also this was really strange I have never ever seen her this violent before.
If i get a restraining order against me then I would lose my rights to bear arms(that aint gonna happen).
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A payroll request to stop a direct deposit will be immmediate. The "two weeks" time period is for a new direct deposit request to be completed. Stop your DD's now, and you will have to pick up and deposit your checks on your own until you set up a new account
BTDT- get out!
Link Posted: 12/24/2002 8:25:24 AM EDT

Things AREN'T going to get better. Can you imagine them getting worse??? I can. Go!
Link Posted: 12/24/2002 8:32:29 AM EDT
Not to be cold but.....$10 says she already has a man on the side, hence the odd behavior!

I have yet to see a marriage go good when previous marriage kids are involved.

Link Posted: 12/24/2002 8:47:50 AM EDT
Link Posted: 12/24/2002 9:09:38 AM EDT
Iam back well we talked things over we agreed to get counseling she was balling her eye's out.
like i never seen before, something in her past is really screwing her up so I told her if you get help by metal health or I will walk. so i gotta go. thanks!
Link Posted: 12/24/2002 9:17:40 AM EDT
Dude....I was in your situation 16 months ago.

Three things

2)Get a GOOD lawyer, a little more money to the lawyer of loose your right to own a gun or lose your valuable property later
3)File a police report!!!!!!!!!!!!!

did I mention pack your most valuable things and leave?

Good luck buddy, it has happended to a lot of us guys
Link Posted: 12/24/2002 9:44:58 AM EDT
Listen up guy, I'm a woman, and I hope you listen to me if you do not listen to the boys here....

I have had girlfriends who turned psycho, and I have had guy friends who had psycho girlfriends, so PLEASE listen to me!!

In this day and age, the cops WILL listen to the women, and shove you up the creek.  If you think they will not go legal on you, THINK AGAIN!


This woman will do anything, and it is true that there is nothing more menacing than a woman scorned.  She clearly has issues, she was probably sexually/physically abused, and badly, as a child.  Now since she CANNOT deal with what happened to her back then, you have become every person who ever hurt her all wrapped up into one.  Therefore, in her mind, you are the ultimate evil, and she will feel justified in EVERYTHING she does to you.

If you think I am exagerating, think again, PLEASE think again!  My stepmother went down a psychotic spiral she has NEVER recovered from, and she started out being wonderful.

Leave the house immediately, taking your firearms with you.  Then go to the police, make a report, preferably with a female officer.  Tell them everything, including having to wrestle her down to the floor.  If you remain in the house, your story will not be taken seriously.

Close down the bank account, and talk to your employer, most will understand.  Send your wife enough money for food, that will make things look even better for you.  Get a restraining order, NOW.  That way, if she files against you, it willl hold no weight.  

This might seem to be extremely overreactionary, and you may feel embarrassed, and less of a man to have to go to the cops over a woman threatening YOU, but think about the consequences...

She very well may say you abused her physically, this will cause problems, could cause you to be fired, and will forever take away your right to bear arms.

She could also have her daughters claim you sexually abused them.  This can even just be them saying that you made sexually explicit comments...heck...if have porn ANYWHERE in the house, that can be used as evidence, that can be all they need to prove their case...trust me, a friend of mine IS going through this.

Even if these charges never go to trial, it will forever haunt you...and if you get a feminazi judge, or a judge who doesn't give a flying you know what, you could get charged with a mild case...you will be marked for the rest of you LIFE!!  It will follow you wherever you go!!  Please don't say this couldn't happen to you, it could, my friend said the same thing, and he's royally screwed now.  

Sorry to take worst case scenario, but I really hate it when women do stuff like this. They do 'cause a lot of guys either don't want to deal with it or they think the woman will never go that far.  These women take away the legitamacy from women who REALLY ARE being abused, and in my opinion, deserve to be shot, or at least, made to pay dearly for what they do.  Criminal action can be taken against her as well, and in my mind, she deserves it.  

My 2 cents, I sincerely hope you listen!  And please, don't let this sour you on all women, we are not all like that!  [:)]

Link Posted: 12/24/2002 9:49:09 AM EDT
LocknLoaded - geez, man!  You are IGNORING all the advice you sought.  I can't count how many times, on this very board, men like you have come asking for advice on VERY similar topics and then not followed the advice of others who have been through the EXACT same thing.  Your wife is PLAYING you - she started up the water works when she saw you were showing some spine and you caved.

I spoke to my best friend, an Attorney who is a Public Defender in Phoenix.  I told him your story.  He said "Eric, I see this crap all the time.  The woman is playing this guy and either has some serious psych issues or is screwing someone on the side.  My advice to him is to cancel all joint accounts immediately, switch his bank, get rid of his guns to a 3rd party with paperwork, and move the hell out NOW!  Counseling is fine AFTER everything else is done.  This will show how serious she is about sticking together.  Get a lawyer, file a General Order of Protection, document everything, pics of the bruise on your eye, file a police report, etc.  If he doesn't do all of this, he WILL get screwed - maybe not right away, but eventually he will."

So, Lock - the ball is in your court - we're just trying to help you.
Link Posted: 12/24/2002 9:51:42 AM EDT
Listen up guy, I'm a woman, and I hope you listen to me if you do not listen to the boys here....

I have had girlfriends who turned psycho, and I have had guy friends who had psycho girlfriends, so PLEASE listen to me!!

In this day and age, the cops WILL listen to the women, and shove you up the creek.  If you think they will not go legal on you, THINK AGAIN!


This woman will do anything, and it is true that there is nothing more menacing than a woman scorned.  She clearly has issues, she was probably sexually/physically abused, and badly, as a child.  Now since she CANNOT deal with what happened to her back then, you have become every person who ever hurt her all wrapped up into one.  Therefore, in her mind, you are the ultimate evil, and she will feel justified in EVERYTHING she does to you.

If you think I am exagerating, think again, PLEASE think again!  My stepmother went down a psychotic spiral she has NEVER recovered from, and she started out being wonderful.

Leave the house immediately, taking your firearms with you.  Then go to the police, make a report, preferably with a female officer.  Tell them everything, including having to wrestle her down to the floor.  If you remain in the house, your story will not be taken seriously.

Close down the bank account, and talk to your employer, most will understand.  Send your wife enough money for food, that will make things look even better for you.  Get a restraining order, NOW.  That way, if she files against you, it willl hold no weight.  

This might seem to be extremely overreactionary, and you may feel embarrassed, and less of a man to have to go to the cops over a woman threatening YOU, but think about the consequences...

She very well may say you abused her physically, this will cause problems, could cause you to be fired, and will forever take away your right to bear arms.

She could also have her daughters claim you sexually abused them.  This can even just be them saying that you made sexually explicit comments...heck...if have porn ANYWHERE in the house, that can be used as evidence, that can be all they need to prove their case...trust me, a friend of mine IS going through this.

Even if these charges never go to trial, it will forever haunt you...and if you get a feminazi judge, or a judge who doesn't give a flying you know what, you could get charged with a mild case...you will be marked for the rest of you LIFE!!  It will follow you wherever you go!!  Please don't say this couldn't happen to you, it could, my friend said the same thing, and he's royally screwed now.  

Sorry to take worst case scenario, but I really hate it when women do stuff like this. They do 'cause a lot of guys either don't want to deal with it or they think the woman will never go that far.  These women take away the legitamacy from women who REALLY ARE being abused, and in my opinion, deserve to be shot, or at least, made to pay dearly for what they do.  Criminal action can be taken against her as well, and in my mind, she deserves it.  

My 2 cents, I sincerely hope you listen!  And please, don't let this sour you on all women, we are not all like that!  [:)]

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For God sakes listen to her...

Ever hear this?

"Hell hath no fury like a womans scorn..."

[b]GET OUT NOW[/b]
Link Posted: 12/24/2002 10:22:12 AM EDT
Link Posted: 12/24/2002 10:23:08 AM EDT
Leave now or I'll stab you with the scissors myself!
Link Posted: 12/24/2002 10:33:20 AM EDT
You ignorant dumbass! I read through all of this stuff just to find that youve caved in. For gods fuckin sakes you have no backbone at all. none,nada,zilch. That bitch is playin you like an old guitar. Dont have pitty on her! GET THE HELL OUT [b]NOW[/b]
Link Posted: 12/24/2002 10:56:12 AM EDT
I hate to say this but I would guess there is a real strong possibility she has a boyfriend on the side.

I has been my experience when some women go psycho for no apparent reason that there is a reason you do not know about and it is usually money, drugs, or another guy and she is feeling guilty and trying to justify her bad behavior to herself by making you the bad guy.

This was no accidental smack but an attempt to seriously harm you. No matter what she is saying now if she has attacked you once she will do it again.

If you do not report the incident to the police and get out you are putting your future and life in the hands of someone who has shown dangerous unpredictable behavior.

Be forewarned.
Link Posted: 12/24/2002 11:09:01 AM EDT

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what he said
Link Posted: 12/24/2002 11:19:02 AM EDT
So did she kill her first husband also...?
Link Posted: 12/24/2002 11:27:24 AM EDT
Side, top, bottom, 69 and probably from the roof.

Sad, very sad that you caved in.

I hate to say this but I would guess there is a real strong possibility she has a boyfriend on the side.
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Link Posted: 12/24/2002 11:46:39 AM EDT
Get the f*** out.How can you ever go to sleep knowing the bitch has tried to kill you.
Link Posted: 12/24/2002 12:17:21 PM EDT
How many casualties have we had here on AR15.com?

I'm sick to hear you're 'talking things out'.
Get pictures and do all the other things that have been mentioned here.
Especially the restraining order and Police Report.
Then, LEAVE or have her committed.
You're in danger of a lot of things.

Get help.  Get out.  Get going!
Link Posted: 12/24/2002 12:17:45 PM EDT
Two words for you:

Phil Hartman!
Link Posted: 12/24/2002 12:50:14 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/24/2002 2:17:38 PM EDT
Listen up guy, I'm a woman, and I hope you listen to me if you do not listen to the boys here....

I have had girlfriends who turned psycho, and I have had guy friends who had psycho girlfriends, so PLEASE listen to me!!

In this day and age, the cops WILL listen to the women, and shove you up the creek.  If you think they will not go legal on you, THINK AGAIN!


This woman will do anything, and it is true that there is nothing more menacing than a woman scorned.  She clearly has issues, she was probably sexually/physically abused, and badly, as a child.  Now since she CANNOT deal with what happened to her back then, you have become every person who ever hurt her all wrapped up into one.  Therefore, in her mind, you are the ultimate evil, and she will feel justified in EVERYTHING she does to you.

If you think I am exagerating, think again, PLEASE think again!  My stepmother went down a psychotic spiral she has NEVER recovered from, and she started out being wonderful.

Leave the house immediately, taking your firearms with you.  Then go to the police, make a report, preferably with a female officer.  Tell them everything, including having to wrestle her down to the floor.  If you remain in the house, your story will not be taken seriously.

Close down the bank account, and talk to your employer, most will understand.  Send your wife enough money for food, that will make things look even better for you.  Get a restraining order, NOW.  That way, if she files against you, it willl hold no weight.  

This might seem to be extremely overreactionary, and you may feel embarrassed, and less of a man to have to go to the cops over a woman threatening YOU, but think about the consequences...

She very well may say you abused her physically, this will cause problems, could cause you to be fired, and will forever take away your right to bear arms.

She could also have her daughters claim you sexually abused them.  This can even just be them saying that you made sexually explicit comments...heck...if have porn ANYWHERE in the house, that can be used as evidence, that can be all they need to prove their case...trust me, a friend of mine IS going through this.

Even if these charges never go to trial, it will forever haunt you...and if you get a feminazi judge, or a judge who doesn't give a flying you know what, you could get charged with a mild case...you will be marked for the rest of you LIFE!!  It will follow you wherever you go!!  Please don't say this couldn't happen to you, it could, my friend said the same thing, and he's royally screwed now.  

Sorry to take worst case scenario, but I really hate it when women do stuff like this. They do 'cause a lot of guys either don't want to deal with it or they think the woman will never go that far.  These women take away the legitamacy from women who REALLY ARE being abused, and in my opinion, deserve to be shot, or at least, made to pay dearly for what they do.  Criminal action can be taken against her as well, and in my mind, she deserves it.  

My 2 cents, I sincerely hope you listen!  And please, don't let this sour you on all women, we are not all like that!  [:)]

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Move up here to the Oregon coast will ya?
Link Posted: 12/24/2002 2:25:24 PM EDT
LocknLoaded,Hey Brother I know you feel 'yall can work this out,she's the love of you're life etc etc but hey man where would YOU be if you had attacked her?You'd be eating bread and beans for XMas that's where.I know you feel this is the only woman for you (trust me I've been there) but man she tried to KILL you.

Whenever I've been in woman situations I've always told myself to listen to what family/friends are saying.And we are ALL saying the same things-get out.We can't ALL be wrong and you right.

Good Luck Dude.
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