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Posted: 3/11/2002 11:07:54 AM EDT
Good read from FOE...!

Link Posted: 3/11/2002 11:31:06 AM EDT
'Women in combat' is an idea whose time will [u]never[/u] come.

If I am not mistaken, the two women servicemen captured in the Gulf War were both raped by their captors. Maj. Rhonda Cornum, in her 1992 book, entitled 'She Went To War', downplays the incident by calling it 'molestation' and saying that only one Iraqi actually molested her! The other soldier was an Army sargeant captured, while having sex with another NCO on a pipe line road, when an Iraqi patrol came upon them.

Both she and the other NCO were forced to resign after the Gulf War was over (seems they were both married, just not to each other).

This alone should put an end to trying to justify 'women in combat' on some vague BS about lack of career opportunities.

I remember reading about an outtake from a video that was shot at some base in Saudi Arabia during Desert Gulf War. The news guy was busy interviewing all of the servicemen when he happened upon this ditzy female:

'What is your assignment here?' he asked.

'I'm the camp whore!', she replied with a grin.

Needless to say that clip didn't make the evening news.

Eric The(WarIsBadEnoughWithMenOnly)Hun[>]:)]
Link Posted: 3/11/2002 11:50:05 AM EDT
Following Shield and Storm many stories circulated in both active and reserve component units about female types returning to CONUS with thousands of untaxable assets compliments of the world's oldest profession.  
Link Posted: 3/11/2002 11:53:00 AM EDT
'Women in combat' is an idea whose time will [u]never[/u] come.
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Hey! Zeus had a headache which was growing worse and worse until he finally had the craftsman god, Hephaestus, split his head open with an axe, and out sprang Athena, fully grown and in full armor.
Oh, wait - that was,,, nevermind... [;)]
Link Posted: 3/11/2002 12:08:36 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/11/2002 12:21:17 PM EDT
We have had women in support roles in combat for 50 years but every time I ask a simple question I get blank stares.

Give one example of a U.S. service woman operating in a modern theatre (Desert Storm, Vietnam, Korea) who has used a weapon in an offensive role.  You think a MASH nurse somewhere at a forward fire base when the base was being overrun would have picked up a rifle.  I have found nothing.  Any help would be appreciated.  As far as weight of packs, pushups, and other crap we can beat that dead horse all day long.  
Link Posted: 3/11/2002 1:11:02 PM EDT
'Women in combat' is an idea whose time will [u]never[/u] come.

If I am not mistaken, the two women servicemen captured in the Gulf War were both raped by their captors. Maj. Rhonda Cornum, in her 1992 book, entitled 'She Went To War', downplays the incident by calling it 'molestation' and saying that only one Iraqi actually molested her! The other soldier was an Army sargeant captured, while having sex with another NCO on a pipe line road, when an Iraqi patrol came upon them.

Both she and the other NCO were forced to resign after the Gulf War was over (seems they were both married, just not to each other).

This alone should put an end to trying to justify 'women in combat' on some vague BS about lack of career opportunities.

I remember reading about an outtake from a video that was shot at some base in Saudi Arabia during Desert Gulf War. The news guy was busy interviewing all of the servicemen when he happened upon this ditzy female:

'What is your assignment here?' he asked.

'I'm the camp whore!', she replied with a grin.

Needless to say that clip didn't make the evening news.

Eric The(WarIsBadEnoughWithMenOnly)Hun[>]:)]
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i agree whole-heartedly with your point.  but not your implications.  you see, when i hear this argument worded in the manner in which you have, it always seems to reek of fingerpointing.

i don't deny that women in the military has created a fraternization problem that threatens to destroy the system if left alone.  but what i can't abide by is the implication that women are at fault for this.  their presence is a contributing factor, yes.  but do not mistake a contributing factor for the cause.

remember it takes two to tango and it's just as much the fault of the men that such fraternization occurs as it is of the women.

there's no need to flame as i am in no way supporting women in the military, let alone combat.  i just hate the idea that some people think women are the absolute cause of all that is wrong with the system as it stands.
Link Posted: 3/11/2002 1:42:33 PM EDT
Sorry, [b]ARLady[/b], maybe I should have phrased my post a bit more carefully.

It is incumbent upon [u]both[/u] men and women in the military not to copulate like a bunch of sex-crazed weasels!

Eric The(Sex-CrazedWeaselsWithFirearms!)Hun[>]:)]
Link Posted: 3/11/2002 2:01:02 PM EDT
'Women in combat' is an idea whose time will [u]never[/u] come.
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What the HUN said [smoke]
Link Posted: 3/11/2002 2:13:21 PM EDT
Every time a topic like this comes down the pipe and I say, "can't wait untill the draft comes back. Because, I know it's unconstitutional just to draft men and not women." I get NO response from any of you.


I was in the Army for 4 years and I would love to see this P.C. s@it hit the fan in a real war.
Link Posted: 3/11/2002 2:27:48 PM EDT
Every time a topic like this comes down the pipe and I say, "can't wait untill the draft comes back. Because, I know it's unconstitutional just to draft men and not women." I get NO response from any of you.


I was in the Army for 4 years and I would love to see this P.C. s@it hit the fan in a real war.
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Would you want to be in a unit where you have to set up your tent when you go to the field, then set up a separate GP tent for the women because they can't lift the tent itself, let alone the big center beam? Would you want to have to dig your cathole, then go dig a separate one down the hill for the women, and tie up a couple of ponchos around it so they're not embarrassed or inconvenienced when they have to pee? Would you want to have to rely on a woman to pick up your big shot or mortar fragged ass, along with your rifle, and run you to the battalion aid station? Would you want to have to rely on a woman to carry extra ammo for the M240G or the SAW along with a few IV bags for the Doc and her personal gear in her ruck? What about the radio? What do you think the odds are that you'll be carrying some/most of it before the hump is over? Would you want to rely on a woman not to slow your patrol down in hostile territory, like 9000 feet up a snowy mountain in Gardez, Allfuctupistan?

That environment is too expensive to bet men's lives on for an inclusive, gender-normed military.
Link Posted: 3/11/2002 2:45:13 PM EDT
Every time a topic like this comes down the pipe and I say, "can't wait untill the draft comes back. Because, I know it's unconstitutional just to draft men and not women." I get NO response from any of you.


I was in the Army for 4 years and I would love to see this P.C. s@it hit the fan in a real war.
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Would you want to be in a unit where you have to set up your tent when you go to the field, then set up a separate GP tent for the women because they can't lift the tent itself, let alone the big center beam? Would you want to have to dig your cathole, then go dig a separate one down the hill for the women, and tie up a couple of ponchos around it so they're not embarrassed or inconvenienced when they have to pee? Would you want to have to rely on a woman to pick up your big shot or mortar fragged ass, along with your rifle, and run you to the battalion aid station? Would you want to have to rely on a woman to carry extra ammo for the M240G or the SAW along with a few IV bags for the Doc and her personal gear in her ruck? What about the radio? What do you think the odds are that you'll be carrying some/most of it before the hump is over? Would you want to rely on a woman not to slow your patrol down in hostile territory, like 9000 feet up a snowy mountain in Gardez, Allfuctupistan?

That environment is too expensive to bet men's lives on for an inclusive, gender-normed military.
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Oh, but just imagine how nice it would be if everyone was accepted! [whacko]
Link Posted: 3/11/2002 2:53:42 PM EDT
Oh, but just imagine how nice it would be if everyone was accepted! [whacko]
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Kumbaya, my Lord, Kumbaya
Kumbaya, my Lord, Kumbaya
Kumbaya, my Lord, Kumbaya
Oh Lord, Kumbaya

[size=5][b]Everybody, now![/b][/size=5]
Link Posted: 3/11/2002 3:29:28 PM EDT
I can still remember the photo I saw of a male and female soldier moving along some line of march in the Gulf War - the male soldier was carrying his field pack, etc., on his back, and then the two of them were carrying her's between them!

Doesn't that mean that the male soldier was carrying 150% of the specified weight for his personal gear?

So whenever they reach their objective, I suppose that 'true equality' will exist - they will both be equally tired!

Here's a nice discussion of women in combat:[url]http://www.heritage.org/library/categories/natsec/bgu230.html[/url]

Between 'women in combat' and 'gays in the military', something tells me that the Far Left has some very ulterior motives in mind for even suggesting the two policies.

Eric The(Realistic)Hun[>]:)]
Link Posted: 3/11/2002 3:33:25 PM EDT
You can tell the real motives of those pushing this garbage by one fact: None of them have [b]ever[/b] been in the military, and would [b]never[/b] allow their son or daughter to serve in the military they are attempting to destroy.
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