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Posted: 1/31/2002 10:10:35 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/31/2002 10:11:09 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/31/2002 11:51:30 PM EDT
what puffery!  The Nazis got the trains running on time too, you know.  Ashcroft had Lady Justice's bare boob covered up because he didn't like it--not moral enough!  LOL!  It was moral enough for how many years?  
Link Posted: 2/1/2002 12:17:54 AM EDT
They should have mentioned the Secret Service phrase "CST" or "Clinton Standard Time" i.e., at least 30 minutes late.
Link Posted: 2/1/2002 12:39:44 AM EDT
what puffery!  The Nazis got the trains running on time too, you know.  Ashcroft had Lady Justice's bare boob covered up because he didn't like it--not moral enough!  LOL!  It was moral enough for how many years?  
View Quote

Dude - who would you rather have in the White House? Gore? Damn! First halfway decent pres in 8 years and you act like he's the antiChrist. Maybe Lady Justice should be spreading? Would that suit you?
Link Posted: 2/4/2002 3:19:55 PM EDT
what puffery!  The Nazis got the trains running on time too, you know.  Ashcroft had Lady Justice's bare boob covered up because he didn't like it--not moral enough!  LOL!  It was moral enough for how many years?  
View Quote

The only puffery I see here is you blowing smoke out your ass.  Only a goddamned moron would compare the Bush administration to Nazi Germany.
Link Posted: 2/4/2002 3:44:07 PM EDT
what puffery!  The Nazis got the trains running on time too, you know.  Ashcroft had Lady Justice's bare boob covered up because he didn't like it--not moral enough!  LOL!  It was moral enough for how many years?  
View Quote

Puffery?  Please explain.

If you are serious, you need to do a reality check.  The author simply points out that the current occupants of the White House really have that overused Latin word, gravitas.  They are serious, good people who respect and care for their country and its fellow citizens far more than the children of the previous administration.  Trust me...I am being far too kind in my description of the Clinton's but I just don't have the time to write a book on them...and they've already been written anyway.  Get one...read it...the truth will set you free.

If that causes you heartburn, then you really are in a state of denial and need to come to grips with reality.  This country is vastly better off, especially now that we are at war, than if Bill Clinton or AlGore were residing in the White House.

If you are jesting....you got us.
Link Posted: 2/4/2002 6:15:25 PM EDT
Re the boobs:

Reporters and photographers were making a point of photographing Ascroft from an angle that would put the statue in the background, so they could then run the photos to make Ashcroft look ridiculous. Something they didn't do with Reno.
Link Posted: 2/4/2002 6:28:31 PM EDT
Lets not forget about the problems in front of us just because Bush is on time, Christian, and wears a tie! Enron is a huge scandal that reveals how the election was bought. ANWR was sold out to the big oil companies. The execution of the prisoners in Cuba is beyond all law! Don't market this as a "War on Terrorism" and then use it to deny justice to accused criminals/POWS. Is it a war or not?

 I'm thrilled Bush is Christian, but as the Lord said, "You shall know a tree by its fruit".
Link Posted: 2/4/2002 6:39:22 PM EDT
Lets not forget about the problems in front of us just because Bush is on time, Christian, and wears a tie! Enron is a huge scandal that reveals how the election was bought.
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No, Enron is a non-issue that the Democrats desperately WANT to pin on Bush but is blowing up in their faces.  Only media-brainwashed idiots believe the Bush administration is involved with Enron's collapse.

Link Posted: 2/4/2002 6:44:18 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/4/2002 6:55:02 PM EDT
Lets not forget about the problems in front of us just because Bush is on time, Christian, and wears a tie! Enron is a huge scandal that reveals how the election was bought. ANWR was sold out to the big oil companies. The execution of the prisoners in Cuba is beyond all law! Don't market this as a "War on Terrorism" and then use it to deny justice to accused criminals/POWS. Is it a war or not?

 I'm thrilled Bush is Christian, but as the Lord said, "You shall know a tree by its fruit".
View Quote

If you were kidding, please excuse the rant.  [:)]

If you are serious, you must be out of your frigging mind for buying the leftist BS hook, line and sinker!

First--Enron is NOT a Bush scandal.  It is leftist "repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth" propaganda.  The election was bought?  Bullshit.  It was nearly stolen--by Gore!!

ANWR contains a tremendously huge reserve of oil that WE OWN--and it can be acccessed by encroaching upon less than 2% of the land area, making us much less dependent upon foreign sources of petroleum.  This is very important to our liberty in ways too far reaching to explain here.  

What execution of prisoners in Cuba?  Where did you hear this?  They are living much better than they did while "free" at home.  [rolleyes]

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He MUST be kidding us.  Nobody is THAT stupid.  We're getting pulled...
Link Posted: 2/4/2002 6:55:18 PM EDT
No Blue Jeans:
No Pizza:
No reason to visit the oval office.

Link Posted: 2/4/2002 7:14:50 PM EDT
"Every good tree bears good fruit"
You left the quote off. Its Matthew 7:16 and elsewhere.

ANWR stands for Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Its a national refuge. If you want to see what its going to look like drive through Texas and see how the big oil companies clean up their mess.

The Afghan prisoners are either criminal deserving representation, or POW's. Which is it before they are executed? Just so we all know. We are all mad as hell at these guys, but we still need to follow the laws of this country(remembering that they were apprehended abroad)and that not every Moslem carrying an AK47 in Afghanistan took part in the attacks here.

The United States has a long way to go if it wants to regain the status it once had as a Christian nation. We are presently in the "Post Christian Era", and missionaries are sent here to preach the Word from Christian countries. The world is watching to see if we are a nation of justice or vengeance. The idea spread on this page is...

Never Forget!
Never Forgive!

What a pathetic anthem! Hardly Christian.
Link Posted: 2/4/2002 7:25:02 PM EDT
Why does there always have to be a couple of dillusional a$$holes?
Link Posted: 2/4/2002 7:29:37 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/4/2002 7:42:03 PM EDT
Lets not forget about the problems in front of us just because Bush is on time, Christian, and wears a tie! Enron is a huge scandal that reveals how the election was bought. ANWR was sold out to the big oil companies. The execution of the prisoners in Cuba is beyond all law! Don't market this as a "War on Terrorism" and then use it to deny justice to accused criminals/POWS. Is it a war or not?

 I'm thrilled Bush is Christian, but as the Lord said, "You shall know a tree by its fruit".
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OK - only a Democrat would accuse a company that just went Bankrupt of having received special favors from the administration. If the administration was working in Enron's favor, wouldn't logic dictate the company would do better?

Democrats can rake in hundreds of thousands in shady business deals and it is not a scandal. A Republican cooperates with the heads of major energy industries to develop an energy policy (I guess liberals would prefer he call Miss Cleo). One of these companies goes under. Now people are accusing that Republican of preferential treatment. I just don't get it.

Link Posted: 2/4/2002 7:49:00 PM EDT
It is nice to see someone treating this job with respect.  Although I pretty much just figured that Bush was the lesser of two evils I am sure glad that I voted for him.  (Keys was the best choice IMHO but he really didn't have a chance.)  As far as Bush respecting the house too, I don't think he will be trying to steal the furniture when he leaves.  As far as the ANWR, it sounds like you haven't been working in the oilfield lately.  When you work in any wildlife refuge you can't even take a leak on the ground.  Ever seen a location covered in thick black plastic with a drilling rig on top of it all?  Oh yeah, and if you are worrid about the drilling mud they use, around here they use it as fertilizer.  No joke, its free, works great and the farmers love it.  Even if your not on a wildlife refuge and work for a major company spills are not tolerated, not even freshwater.  No, I think the ANWR will be just fine.
Link Posted: 2/4/2002 8:04:20 PM EDT
You are missing the mark, boys:

"puffery" is when you don't inhale...

Link Posted: 2/4/2002 8:05:46 PM EDT
Regarding ANWR... People need to drive smaller cars. Its the patriotic thing to do. The EPA regulations limiting gas mileage for SUV's would have prevented drilling ANWR. That legislation was shot down in favor of a continuance of gas guzzling auto's that make the oil companies rich. How did it happen with a Texan in the White House? Hmmm...

Everybody will remember Bush's presidency as a return to the slavery of the American people to big companies, big oil, big banks, deficit spending and voodoo taxes that favor the rich. Nice ties though.
Link Posted: 2/4/2002 8:13:51 PM EDT
grimshaw, are you sure you're on the right board?  Democratic Underground is three doors down and to the left.  
Frankly, you sound like a raving liberal buffoon.
Link Posted: 2/4/2002 8:16:42 PM EDT
Grimshaw, pull up your pants cuz your socialist is showing.

POWER TO THE PEOPLE, blah, blah, blah...
Link Posted: 2/4/2002 8:38:03 PM EDT

663 posts.

Suddenly, I don’t care at all about my measly sub 20.

And now for something completely different....

Hey [b]Adam_White[/b]..

My business partner served two years in the ROK during the seventies.

We civies can no longer write to “any American solider”. Security - well and good.

Anybody in your unit in need of a “care package?” Maybe someone who is not hearing from home? Maybe you need something?

I guess the ROK is a lot different today than when my partner served, so maybe no one needs anything.

But if you know of someone, and want to email a name and address, along with what should go in the package, we’ll send it out.

It is also ok to ignore this.

Link Posted: 2/4/2002 8:56:30 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/4/2002 9:05:17 PM EDT
The tree huggers and animal smoochers went ape over the pipline and except for a couple of minor accidents that were cleaned up and then inspected by the EPA it hasnt impacted on the environment at all. The animals migrate right past it and the grass grows around it with no problem. I say drill a hellhole up there Mr. President.
Link Posted: 2/4/2002 9:07:26 PM EDT
Quoted by grimshaw:
ANWR was sold out to the big oil companies.
View Quote

Only 8% of ANWR will be probed for oil (leaves no traces).  If oil is discovered, only 0.01% will be altered for drilling.
To put that into perspective for your unisynaptic brain [b]grimshaw[/b], if ANWR were an entire football field, the amount altered by drilling would be about 1.5 square ft.

More than 75% of Alaskans favor exploration and production in ANWR. The Inupiat Eskimos who live in and near ANWR support onshore oil development on the Coastal Plain.
Quoted by grimshaw:
"Every good tree bears good fruit"
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And I suppose shitpiles like you are the fertilizer.
Link Posted: 2/4/2002 9:10:24 PM EDT
Quoted by trickshot:
what puffery! The Nazis got the trains running on time too, you know. Ashcroft had Lady Justice's bare
boob covered up because he didn't like it--not moral enough! LOL! It was moral enough for how many years?
View Quote

So how's your spleen lookin' from up there [b]trickshot[/b]?

Yeah, it was moral enough for Larry (Jabba-the-hut-Jr.) Flynt to feel right at home defending the cigar-stuffing antics of Slick-Willie.

If you think there was ANY morality in the White House during the Clitoris years, then the incredible height of your idiocy could only be matched by the towering stack of your gay-porn video collection.
(Admit it, we all know you're just a bit jealous that Monica got to Bill before you did. )

Oh, by the way dicksnot, it was Mussolini who kept the trains running on time, not the Nazis.

You can reinsert your head now...

Link Posted: 2/4/2002 9:13:21 PM EDT
Is that harsh?

Considering [b]trickshot[/b] brought the Nazis into it... I figure he had it coming. [;D]
Link Posted: 2/4/2002 9:16:11 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/4/2002 11:11:00 PM EDT
SUVs and Gas Mileage?  Droll, very droll...

I, for one, am immensely sick to the teeth of hearing this tripe spouted over and over!  You want to rant, get after the housewives taking the Expedition to the corner store for a quart of milk and some bread.

Before anyone asks - I have a brace of Jeep Cherokees - 87, 88, and 89.  Average mpg is 21/23 for all - and I maintain my vehicles.  All are pre-OBD-I engine control.  All still produce tailpipe emission lower than most 1996-1998 models.  All get better mileage than these so-called "SUVs" thrown up at me, and I have more usable power besides.

Do we need to exploit domestic national resources?  Yes.  Why?  National security - our defense establishment (and most of the economy tied in with petrochemistry!) is helplessly linked to the Middle East, and that needs to be corrected.

On the "monster SUV" issue, I know ONE guy that has a Suburban and actually NEEDS it - he's married with 5 kids.  They actually USE all the seats in it...

Of course, energy markets and conservation are also tied in with the pertoleum economy.  I'm doing my part - I have installed energy-efficient lighting all through my home (as of three years ago, before the KSSR energy "crisis,) and I have replaced desktop computers throughout my family with laptops - save one.  I have to keep an online server for data storage for two home businesses.  Why laptops?  A laptop running full tilt uses less power than a desktop sitting idle with the monitor turned off.  The LCD displays are VERY efficient, and the advances made to extend battery life apply to conservation as well.  Add in the benefits derived from portability, and I'm starting to get somewhere...  The kids got their laptops for their birthdays this past Summer.

I'm conserving just as much as I can, but I still see the need for the increase in the use of domestic resources vice those overseas...

Link Posted: 2/4/2002 11:56:46 PM EDT
what puffery!  The Nazis got the trains running on time too, you know.  Ashcroft had Lady Justice's bare boob covered up because he didn't like it--not moral enough!  LOL!  It was moral enough for how many years?  
View Quote

Dude - who would you rather have in the White House? Gore? Damn! First halfway decent pres in 8 years and you act like he's the antiChrist. Maybe Lady Justice should be spreading? Would that suit you?
View Quote

Link Posted: 2/5/2002 12:35:23 AM EDT
Ya know grimshaw if you have such a problem with"big business" like you say then maybe you should go and live out in the woods somewhere! You stupid moron who do you think gives you your job?? OOPS that would be "big business"!! You could work for some small company, but in one way or another "big business" would be connected to that job. So if you dont like haveing a job then why dont you go live in some third world country where poverty and sickness runs rampant.Oh by the way do you realize that the people who make the most money pay the greatest taxes? So of course they are going to get a huge amount of money? If you had any idea about economic principles you could see that reduceing taxes for Big business is going to help out the economy, extra money means investment into company, which means jobs, which means money because people are getting a pay check, which means demand for product because people are spending money, which means economic stability because demand for product keeps the businesses in business you moron!!!! I think that is economy 101 which you learn in High school!!!!!!!!  
You say maybe we should all drive smaller cars! My question is why? Why should I drive some small little piece of sh*t that cannot fit my family of four plus passengers in? Why should I drive some small piece of sh*t that wont pull my boat? Why should I drive some piece of Sh*t that wont make it into the woods so I can go and shoot my guns? Oh your liberal mind says rely on public transportation right? Well you dip wad public transportation wont pull my boat,and go were I need to go when I need to go? Oh and by the way oil drilling brings employment, that translates into money spent to help the economy! Oh and the EPA has made laws that are so strick that you could not even piss on the ground without getting a big fat fine! Oh and by the way it is in our national security to drill for oil anywhere in the US, that even means off shore oil drilling, I am for it, because less dependency on foriegn oil means better leverage and better economic growth for america you dip wad.
You say Bush is involved with Enron? That is bull? My question to you would be I wonder why in the Eight years that Clinton was in office why did he not have an energy plan? Maybe because clinton is involved with this Enron scandal  some way?
You see the Bush administration is needing to clean up all of the messes that the Clinton administration made and the democrats are trying to pin it on Bush! Oh and all of the accounting policies(accounting laws) that are in effect today would be the result of the previous administration not keeping tabs on what was going on and not doing anything about preventing illegal business practices from happening? Oh yea blame bush, but the real culprit is  all of the messes that clinton made and know bush a rightous man is needing to come in and look at what a sad shape things are in and clean it all up? To bad that in the future some other stupid democrat will eventually get into office and F**K everything all up again! But I suppose that is the nature of the beast?
So grimshaw pull your head out of your ass and take a good whiff at reality!!!!!!!!!!
Link Posted: 2/5/2002 2:40:29 AM EDT

Hey [b]Adam_White[/b]..

My business partner served two years in the ROK during the seventies.

We civies can no longer write to “any American solider”. Security - well and good.
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Not sure of the rules on that - I can tell you my mail room got in a plethora of such letters from schoolchildren, etc. prior to Christmas.

Anybody in your unit in need of a “care package?” Maybe someone who is not hearing from home? Maybe you need something?
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Korea (with the obvious exception of the gun laws) is in many ways freer than the US. This has led to economic growth that would cause anyone here in the 70s or even the early 90s to stare in disbelief. The end state for Joe here is that he can purchase a cell phone in the cut throat market here for dirt cheap and call home for 9 - 10 cents a minute. You can also use the internet for barely 80 cents an hour nearly everywhere you look. Korea has one of the highest percentage of broadband internet connections in the world. Thus anything US related that you do miss is usually deliverable within a week or so from some company doing business on the web (the price with shipping is always better thab the PX for the stuff you CAN find here). Thats not to say I don't have lonely, homesick soldiers - I probably do. It's just that there is no where near the feeling of isolation that there used to be here.

I guess the ROK is a lot different today than when my partner served, so maybe no one needs anything.

But if you know of someone, and want to email a name and address, along with what should go in the package, we’ll send it out.
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Thanks for the gesture.
Unfortunately the reality of my job is I get to know the outgoing, drinking, and/or troublemaking soldiers more than the ones that might truly appreciate such a gesture. Heck, I got pissed when I saw in my supply room that they had grabbed a handful of the previously mentioned "any servicemember" letters and were reading them and laughing. I told them they'd better write back to each one of them (most were from little kids). Call me a cynic, but I doubt they did.

Life here is OK once you get used to curfews and thus give up on, eh, "physically interracting" with the locals. Damn Bin Laden ruined my social life!

It is also ok to ignore this.
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Heck, I got nothing else to do (I am trying to ignore the stack in my inbox and the unanswered e-mails) - we are in the middle of a guard mount (another side-effect of Mr. Bin Laden) so I am hanging out until the armorer secures the arms room and gives me the keys.

Wait a second - there is something - you guys don't know anybody who recorded the superbowl COMMERCIALS do you? We got kind of deprived of them here. (that and I missed the last 2 minutes of the game - yeah, THOSE two minutes - thanks to another guard mount. At least I don't have to pull guard)

Link Posted: 2/5/2002 10:58:50 PM EDT
Adam -

Mail to your ar15.com listed address.


Link Posted: 2/6/2002 12:03:14 AM EDT
Regarding ANWR... People need to drive smaller cars. Its the patriotic thing to do. The EPA regulations limiting gas mileage for SUV's would have prevented drilling ANWR. That legislation was shot down in favor of a continuance of gas guzzling auto's that make the oil companies rich. How did it happen with a Texan in the White House? Hmmm...

Everybody will remember Bush's presidency as a return to the slavery of the American people to big companies, big oil, big banks, deficit spending and voodoo taxes that favor the rich. Nice ties though.
View Quote

I actualy know a whiney assed liberal who would agree with you on the ANWR issue. she has bumper stickers on he vehicle that says "No drilling in the ANWR." Guess what kind of car she drives ? A big one ton V-10 Ford van. This is typical of the FUCKING loser hypocritical liberal assholes who have infected this once great nation like a festering disease.

Oh! you are right about those big evil satanic corporations. They employ thousands/millions of people. Yup! we should put those rotten evil bastards out of buisiness, and let our rich uncle sam take care of the masses.

Was the car you drive made by one of these demonic corporations ? How about your TV or appliances. You should be ashamed of yourself for supporting those rich slaveowners.

Or, you could see the folly of following the story line of the likes of Kennedy, Dashel, and the Clinton/Gore crowd.

But alas, you are probably to far gone.

Now more than ever, I believe in the bumper sticker I have on my truck. It reads " There are patriotic Americans, then there are Democrats"
Link Posted: 2/6/2002 7:22:30 PM EDT
Wow! Lots of guys that aren't up to defending Bush! By your language you should work for Clinton! Straighten your ties Gentlemen! You'll get your one party government soon enough! Mr. Macallan, is it possible that you are Mr. McUzi?
Link Posted: 2/6/2002 8:08:53 PM EDT
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fsfnkmphlssff... ROTFLMAO!!! (that first one is the sound of scotch coming out the nose)

Thanks [b]71-Hour_Achmed[/b] - that'll keep me laughing for days!! [:D]

Link Posted: 2/6/2002 8:14:18 PM EDT
Mr. Macallan, is it possible that you are Mr. McUzi?
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Link Posted: 2/6/2002 8:27:00 PM EDT
They should have mentioned the Secret Service phrase "CST" or "Clinton Standard Time" i.e., at least 30 minutes late.
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HA HA! I drove a White House press corp vehicle in Bush's and Cheney's motorcades last year at the Congressional retreat here in VA. The SS agent that was in the front seat said the same things as the article above (in somewhat more cautious language). We also talked about guns (what he carried, what I carried, etc.). Cool guy, they are glad to have a more professional leader in there, politics aside.
Link Posted: 2/6/2002 8:30:45 PM EDT
Wow! Macallan! You have restrained yourself to a mere symbol? Is that the symbol of your party?
Link Posted: 2/6/2002 8:36:35 PM EDT
Wow! Macallan! You have restrained yourself to a mere symbol? Is that the symbol of your party?
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Nah.  Just a little levity.

I lean towards the Republican party because that's that party that infuriates or disgusts or embarrasses me the least.  

I choose not to "opt-out" and become an independant because, well... everyone likes a party! [bday]

Link Posted: 2/6/2002 8:41:03 PM EDT
grimshaw= [:K] or [%|]

BTW grimshaw,

Moslem is a condescending colonial term used by people with a stiff upper lips who have difficulty in pronouncing the 'mu' sound in Muslim.
Link Posted: 2/6/2002 8:48:15 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/6/2002 8:49:57 PM EDT
Well, it may be levity for you. In my opinion you are either alcoholic or a troll. I don't appreciate your language, Sir. If you really despise the immorality of Clinton and respect the outward political correctness of Mr. Bush, then you should show your support for your leader by changing your behavior to reflect that respect.

Want to be a Patriot? Pay all your taxes.

Want to be a Christian? "I tell you it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of Heaven"

I have my doubts about a man that spent a half a billion dollars to gain the most powerful position on Earth when he claims allegiance to Christ in an indirect manner.
Link Posted: 2/6/2002 9:09:14 PM EDT
In my opinion you are either alcoholic or a troll.
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Do I have to be either/or?

I don't appreciate your language, Sir.
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Really??  huh...
I guess I should change so that you will appreciate me more [b]grimshaw[/b].  Then maybe I can get on your good side.  Then maybe we could meet up sometime and... I don't know - maybe paint each others toenails... or go on a picnic together! I bet you'd like me then !!

If you had any further coherent thoughts in your post - I'd continue this fun.  But frankly, you're nuts.
Link Posted: 2/6/2002 9:26:03 PM EDT
My, what my nice, upbeat little thread has turned into . . .
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You're right.  
(Sorry 'bout tracking in the mud on such a nice thread.)
Link Posted: 2/6/2002 9:32:48 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/7/2002 6:24:28 AM EDT
grimshaw, my man, you are forgetting two of the most important words in a country such as ours:


okay, well, i guess that's three words.

yeah, it would be really nice if we had an infrastructure that didn't require such a dependence on fossil fuels.  but we don't.  and even if we did, it wouldn't matter as this is a free country to the extent that people can drive whatever type of vehicle they want.

as for the personal responsibility thing.  it is not for the government to dictate the actions of its citizens, no matter how good those actions might be.  the people have to feel that it is the right thing to do.  and guess what:  if enough people don't want to do it, maybe that's a sign that it isn't the right thing to do.

i'd agree that i'm not fond of the idea of drilling in ANWR.  but then, i'm also well aware of the implications of not doing so, and the cost of not doing so scares the hell out of me.

you drive your smaller car if you want.  i'll drive my behemoth of a suburban.  (do i get any credit for choosing the 5.7 instead of the 7.4??????)  just beware of throwing stones.  unless you are perfect in your actions to "save the environment" you are the last person that needs to be telling other people what to do.
Link Posted: 2/7/2002 12:34:14 PM EDT
Okay, LWilde, you were wrong . . . pity.  
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Yup...you're right.  What a maroon...  [%|]
Link Posted: 2/7/2002 12:57:09 PM EDT
Wow! Lots of guys that aren't up to defending Bush! By your language you should work for Clinton! Straighten your ties Gentlemen! You'll get your one party government soon enough! Mr. Macallan, is it possible that you are Mr. McUzi?
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There are a lot of things that Bush can be attacked for, but you seem able to do nothing more than parrot the erroneous socialist tripe of the day. Most of us realize that anything beyond 'Bush=bad, Clinton=good', things such as facts and reality, will merely get filtered out of your mental processes. Hence there exists no need to expend time and effort to turn your sights to the painfully obvious.

Speaking of one party government, I have to find it interesting that there are still large pockets of libero-socialists who still feel it necessary to moan and complain over the election
(I've heard 'resident Bush', and Commander-in-Theif quite often).....yet the conservatives for some reason don't still bemoan the Jim Jeffords switch. They simply decided to move on and do their job.

If you truly have a wish to debate these things, then develop a reasoned position and at least provide SOME facts. If you are simply trolling for reactions, please waste someone else's bandwidth.
Link Posted: 2/7/2002 1:07:22 PM EDT
Grimshaw's just d*ckin with you folks! Kinda like Imbrog meets Gecko. Personally, he's cracking me up!

Edited to add: Trickshot may be more talented than grim though, he got this whole thing rolling with one little post!
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