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Posted: 2/7/2009 3:12:48 AM EDT
I see that all the awesome AR15 spare parts are sold out.  All the name brand parts and awesome home defense, total fragmentation rounds are sold out.  Are people buying up all the stuff because they think Obama will reinstate the firearms ban, or do they think some amazing depression/ civil war is coming?

If they think some amazing revolution or apocalypse is coming, do they really think having their house as a one-stop armory will be the solution to their plight, or what?  Live by the gun, die by the gun is what I think.  I own an AR15, but what the hell are all these militias thinking?  I see these guys with thousands of rounds of ammunitiion and I wonder what the hell they are thinking,,,,  who are they preparing for?  The inevitable civil war?

There is a great depression coming, and what I see is a few well-armed citizens robbing trucks full of supplies and groceries fucking the system up.  In desperation, the government will try try to cinfiscate these arms, or at least protect these trucks,  The sioldiers who try to protect these trucks or confiscate these guns will be met with great resistance.  In the end, it will be our country's love of their guns and the few assholes who ruin it for all of us.  Slowly, our second amendment will kill us.

Oh well though, the lack of foresight on part of all of us will be our demise.  To those of you who fight for good and try to preserve the integrity of us all, I salute you and wish you the best of luck,  I am an Army Medic and I hope that I can tend to you in your time of need,  If you are one of those who seeks to destroy us from within or tries to preserve their way life no matter who they have to climb over or who they have to kill, all I have to say is that theu will meet their end.  I don't know what to think about these next few years, but what I do see is the end of our economic structure soon enough,.  Our entire system of buying and selling goods will be at an end.  What will you do to better not only your life, but those around you?

Anyway, I know I'm not the only one who sees this coming.  I know that people out there are paranoid and scared, perhaps confused.  Don't blame it on any one person, just know that this has been in the works for years,  What are you doing, and what kind of person will you try to be in the years to come?  I'm not particularily religious, and I don't believe that any one religion is more true than any other.  I just know there is some serious shit right around the corner, and that is for damn sure...
Link Posted: 2/7/2009 12:03:08 AM EDT
I need more tin foil
Link Posted: 2/7/2009 12:16:49 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/7/2009 12:17:36 AM EDT
Can't wait.
Link Posted: 2/7/2009 12:33:10 AM EDT
.  This is a technical forum.  Take this crap to the General Discussion.
Link Posted: 2/7/2009 12:36:14 AM EDT
My bad, sorry dude.  I didn't know the difference.  Maybe the mods can transfer it?  I wouldn't know how.  Too drunk at the moment.  Perhaps you can post your thoughts on this, instead of act like a jerk and call this crap?
Link Posted: 2/7/2009 1:10:21 AM EDT
You say SHTF is imminent but you think those who stockpile ammo and weapons (among other things like food, h2o, etc) are loons?
Link Posted: 2/7/2009 1:14:54 AM EDT
The troll is strong with this one...
Link Posted: 2/7/2009 1:25:32 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/7/2009 1:40:50 AM EDT


I'm w/ ya man....I'm taggin this thread so I can come in and check on this guy from time to time and see how he's doin.
Link Posted: 2/7/2009 1:47:14 AM EDT
I love it. Well asked.
Its getting closer...


Link Posted: 2/7/2009 1:49:07 AM EDT
I can't blame the OP lots of people are scared and feel helpless. the Soros socailists act of 09 is about to pass and it looks like nothing is going to stop Obama in his move to change the Nation to a socialist communist nation
Link Posted: 2/7/2009 3:06:52 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/7/2009 3:11:36 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/7/2009 3:12:33 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/7/2009 3:29:23 AM EDT
As far as recession/depression - it has arrived.
Link Posted: 2/7/2009 3:33:18 AM EDT
The economy must be truely fucked when trolls can't afford a new topic.....
Link Posted: 2/7/2009 3:33:43 AM EDT
You say SHTF is imminent but you think those who stockpile ammo and weapons (among other things like food, h2o, etc) are loons?

Because they are the type that would try to kill those of us that stocked up and take it
Link Posted: 2/7/2009 3:36:58 AM EDT
Do I think a depression is likely, yes especially in light of this absurd "Stimulus" bill we'll have shortly.

Do I think a revolution will happen, negative....having said that, would I like to see that happen, absofuckinglutely! This country is 3/4 of the way down a double flusher, and the assholes on Capitol Hill have ZERO positive effect on anything nor do they fulfill their primary role by representing us, the Citizens, and thus all need to be fired. Unfortunately the only action that would facilitate the current crop of politicians being kicked to the curb would be a revolution, or coups? again, won't happen because the sheeple here are content with being bent over, and prefer to watch American Idol rather than being involved in things like Government or securing their financial well being.
Link Posted: 2/7/2009 3:43:56 AM EDT
Tell me you are not 12 years old and living in Mom's basement.
Link Posted: 2/7/2009 3:57:56 AM EDT
I see that all the awesome AR15 spare parts are sold out.  All the name brand parts and awesome home defense, total fragmentation rounds are sold out.  Are people buying up all the stuff because they think Obama will reinstate the firearms ban, or do they think some amazing depression/ civil war is coming?

If they think some amazing revolution or apocalypse is coming, do they really think having their house as a one-stop armory will be the solution to their plight, or what?  Live by the gun, die by the gun is what I think.  I own an AR15, but what the hell are all these militias thinking?  I see these guys with thousands of rounds of ammunitiion and I wonder what the hell they are thinking,,,,  who are they preparing for?  The inevitable civil war?

There is a great depression coming, and what I see is a few well-armed citizens robbing trucks full of supplies and groceries fucking the system up.  In desperation, the government will try try to cinfiscate these arms, or at least protect these trucks,  The sioldiers who try to protect these trucks or confiscate these guns will be met with great resistance.  In the end, it will be our country's love of their guns and the few assholes who ruin it for all of us.  Slowly, our second amendment will kill us.

Oh well though, the lack of foresight on part of all of us will be our demise.  To those of you who fight for good and try to preserve the integrity of us all, I salute you and wish you the best of luck,  I am an Army Medic and I hope that I can tend to you in your time of need,  If you are one of those who seeks to destroy us from within or tries to preserve their way life no matter who they have to climb over or who they have to kill, all I have to say is that theu will meet their end.  I don't know what to think about these next few years, but what I do see is the end of our economic structure soon enough,.  Our entire system of buying and selling goods will be at an end.  What will you do to better not only your life, but those around you?

Anyway, I know I'm not the only one who sees this coming.  I know that people out there are paranoid and scared, perhaps confused.  Don't blame it on any one person, just know that this has been in the works for years,  What are you doing, and what kind of person will you try to be in the years to come?  I'm not particularily religious, and I don't believe that any one religion is more true than any other.  I just know there is some serious shit right around the corner, and that is for damn sure...

Please feel free to give my knob a good polishin, Mr ATF. While you are there, have a taste of my balls, Go ahead, rollemaround in your mouth.

Fuckin hack!

Link Posted: 2/7/2009 3:58:57 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/7/2009 4:00:11 AM EDT
I sure hope not.
Link Posted: 2/7/2009 4:00:22 AM EDT
I see that all the awesome AR15 spare parts are sold out.  All the name brand parts and awesome home defense, total fragmentation rounds are sold out.  Are people buying up all the stuff because they think Obama will reinstate the firearms ban, or do they think some amazing depression/ civil war is coming?

If they think some amazing revolution or apocalypse is coming, do they really think having their house as a one-stop armory will be the solution to their plight, or what?  Live by the gun, die by the gun is what I think.  I own an AR15, but what the hell are all these militias thinking?  I see these guys with thousands of rounds of ammunitiion and I wonder what the hell they are thinking,,,,  who are they preparing for?  The inevitable civil war?

There is a great depression coming, and what I see is a few well-armed citizens robbing trucks full of supplies and groceries fucking the system up.  In desperation, the government will try try to cinfiscate these arms, or at least protect these trucks,  The sioldiers who try to protect these trucks or confiscate these guns will be met with great resistance.  In the end, it will be our country's love of their guns and the few assholes who ruin it for all of us.  Slowly, our second amendment will kill us.

Oh well though, the lack of foresight on part of all of us will be our demise.  To those of you who fight for good and try to preserve the integrity of us all, I salute you and wish you the best of luck,  I am an Army Medic and I hope that I can tend to you in your time of need,  If you are one of those who seeks to destroy us from within or tries to preserve their way life no matter who they have to climb over or who they have to kill, all I have to say is that theu will meet their end.  I don't know what to think about these next few years, but what I do see is the end of our economic structure soon enough,.  Our entire system of buying and selling goods will be at an end.  What will you do to better not only your life, but those around you?

Anyway, I know I'm not the only one who sees this coming.  I know that people out there are paranoid and scared, perhaps confused.  Don't blame it on any one person, just know that this has been in the works for years,  What are you doing, and what kind of person will you try to be in the years to come?  I'm not particularily religious, and I don't believe that any one religion is more true than any other.  I just know there is some serious shit right around the corner, and that is for damn sure...

Please feel free to give my knob a good polishin, Mr ATF. While you are there, have a taste of my balls, Go ahead, rollemaround in your mouth.

Fuckin hack!

Oh you done it now take your dog and run dont walk to mexico
Link Posted: 2/7/2009 4:02:43 AM EDT
ETA: Forget it.
Link Posted: 2/7/2009 4:12:44 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/7/2009 5:01:10 AM EDT

I own an AR15, but what the hell are all these militias thinking?  I see these guys with thousands of rounds of ammunitiion and I wonder what the hell they are thinking,,,,  
who are they preparing for?  The inevitable civil war?


So owning guns and lots of ammo make one a Militia member ?

Did you even consider that people with all those guns and ammo simply had the foresight to stock up so they could continue to enjoy their hobby for years
after people like you legislate it out of the financial reach of the average person ?

Or perhaps they decided that being prepared for an economic downturn seemed to be a good idea , and that guns & ammo are just a part of those preparations .
Along with food , water and a ways to generate power and heat being a far larger part of it  ?

If the worst comes to pass . It won't be those who prepared out there trying to live by the gun . It will be the ones that are already predisposed to criminal activity
doing the vast majority of any illegal activities . They will feed first off those that have no means to defend themselves , but once that asset is depleted . They will
be forced to take on more difficult targets , which will result in attrition to their numbers . That combined with reduced resources available to them will lead to their eventual demise.

So instead of lamenting the doom and gloom you foresee , perhaps that energy would be better used to take steps now to insure that you won't have to try and
live by the gun , or be herded with the rest of the sheep
Link Posted: 2/7/2009 5:14:48 AM EDT
wow. what a bunch of response's from such hateful asshole pricks. im glad to be here
Link Posted: 2/7/2009 5:15:36 AM EDT
I for one welcome our new socialist overlords and all the community organizing at the national/international level that they will bestow upon us.
Link Posted: 2/7/2009 5:15:54 AM EDT
wow. what a bunch of response's from such hateful asshole pricks. im glad to be here

Link Posted: 2/7/2009 5:21:17 AM EDT
wow. what a bunch of response's from such hateful asshole pricks. im glad to be here

Ever seen a grown man naked?
Link Posted: 2/7/2009 5:22:27 AM EDT


Do I think a depression is likely, yes especially in light of this absurd "Stimulus" bill we'll have shortly.

Watch for inflation.  No inflation, the economy is likely to continue to deflate and all bets are off.
Link Posted: 2/7/2009 5:23:34 AM EDT
Do you like movies about gladiators?
Link Posted: 2/7/2009 5:23:45 AM EDT
.......  In the end, it will be our country's love of their guns and the few assholes who ruin it for all of us.  Slowly, our second amendment will kill us.

...... If you are one of those who seeks to destroy us from within or tries to preserve their way life no matter who they have to climb over or who they have to kill, all I have to say is that theu will meet their end.

Not exactly founding father material are you.
Link Posted: 2/7/2009 5:44:19 AM EDT
or perhaps a
Link Posted: 2/7/2009 5:52:53 AM EDT
I like pie. One should always have the means to acquire pie. And meat, meat is good too.

What we're we talking about again?????
Link Posted: 2/7/2009 5:54:18 AM EDT
I like pie. One should always have the means to acquire pie. And meat, meat is good too.

What we're we talking about again?????

Link Posted: 2/7/2009 6:04:39 AM EDT
I like pie. One should always have the means to acquire pie. And meat, meat is good too.

What we're we talking about again?????


Link Posted: 2/7/2009 6:14:13 AM EDT
I like pie. One should always have the means to acquire pie. And meat, meat is good too.

What we're we talking about again?????



Human thigh pie with bacon. Umm yummy.

Link Posted: 2/7/2009 6:24:01 AM EDT
Nothing is going to happen.

The problem with this forum is that a lot of people here want to believe that the end of the world is imminent to justify all the money they spend on guns, ammo, tactical gear, and survival rations.

If the world doesn't end, they look pretty silly for having 20,000 rounds of ammo, a set of XXL body armor, and enough food/water for 2 years.

If you get away from this forum and those like it, you realize that things aren't as bad as everyone here wants you to believe.

Link Posted: 2/7/2009 7:06:14 AM EDT
In all honesty, I can see some of what the OP is saying, in reference to what could happen after a collapse.

I see nothing wrong with owning thousands of rounds of ammo and multiple guns, body armor, what ever your heart desires. I would if I had the money. I think, and think we all can agree, that there are a percentage of "loons" out there that have stockpiled alot of said items. Maybe they stockpiled the guns and ammo and armor because these items are cooler than stockpiling beans/rice and water. So during this collapse they're sitting there with a nice assortment of guns and ammo but no food. You could be the most upstanding citizen and biggest asset to your community during the good times but things would change for alot of people if they had to sit there watching their family starve.

The system could use the actions of these people to make even the responsible people who may have stockpiled guns, ammo, armor, but also included beans/rice and water, look like bad people. Just like they do now, a crackhead steals a gun and kills someone for a couple of dollars, so anyone who owns a gun is a bad person because "guns kill people".
Link Posted: 2/7/2009 7:07:17 AM EDT
but what the hell are all these militias thinking?

What a tool.  
Link Posted: 2/7/2009 7:15:13 AM EDT
I think some hard times are coming ... Whether it's a real depression (less likely) or revolution (highly UNlikely) remains to be seen.

More and more sheep are agreeing with me too.

I have heard stories about sheep coming out of the woodwork and buying complete gun outfits all at once, but I actually saw that happen with my own two eyes yesterday at the gun store.

I witnessed a very well dressed (expensive suit) gentleman purchase a long gun (in the box; I could not tell), mags, ammo, sidearm plus mags and ammo for it, all at once. He probably dropped between 4 and 6 grand on it all. I watched which car they wheeled it all out to (it took a two wheel dolly to get it all out in one trip) and it was a very expensive new car...

I welcome such newcomers to our fold; but I also think that the uptick in former sheep making these buys is indicative of something that is less-than-good.
Link Posted: 2/7/2009 7:20:30 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/7/2009 7:44:57 AM EDT
I see that all the awesome AR15 spare parts are sold out.  All the name brand parts and awesome home defense, total fragmentation rounds are sold out.  Are people buying up all the stuff because they think Obama will reinstate the firearms ban, or do they think some amazing depression/ civil war is coming?

If they think some amazing revolution or apocalypse is coming, do they really think having their house as a one-stop armory will be the solution to their plight, or what?  Live by the gun, die by the gun is what I think.  I own an AR15, but what the hell are all these militias thinking?  I see these guys with thousands of rounds of ammunitiion and I wonder what the hell they are thinking,,,,  who are they preparing for?  The inevitable civil war?

There is a great depression coming, and what I see is a few well-armed citizens robbing trucks full of supplies and groceries fucking the system up.  In desperation, the government will try try to cinfiscate these arms, or at least protect these trucks,  The sioldiers who try to protect these trucks or confiscate these guns will be met with great resistance.  In the end, it will be our country's love of their guns and the few assholes who ruin it for all of us.  Slowly, our second amendment will kill us.

Oh well though, the lack of foresight on part of all of us will be our demise.  To those of you who fight for good and try to preserve the integrity of us all, I salute you and wish you the best of luck,  I am an Army Medic and I hope that I can tend to you in your time of need,  If you are one of those who seeks to destroy us from within or tries to preserve their way life no matter who they have to climb over or who they have to kill, all I have to say is that theu will meet their end.  I don't know what to think about these next few years, but what I do see is the end of our economic structure soon enough,.  Our entire system of buying and selling goods will be at an end.  What will you do to better not only your life, but those around you?

Anyway, I know I'm not the only one who sees this coming.  I know that people out there are paranoid and scared, perhaps confused.  Don't blame it on any one person, just know that this has been in the works for years,  What are you doing, and what kind of person will you try to be in the years to come?  I'm not particularily religious, and I don't believe that any one religion is more true than any other.  I just know there is some serious shit right around the corner, and that is for damn sure...

Link Posted: 2/7/2009 7:51:37 AM EDT


 I am an Army Medic ...

You just joined the army in late December, and you're already a medic?  I thought it took longer than that for basic + specialized training?

8wks basic , 10 wks medical specialist( medic).

No , not medic yet.

Link Posted: 2/7/2009 7:52:34 AM EDT
It could be as bad as Y2K.
Link Posted: 2/7/2009 7:53:40 AM EDT
I could use a nice pie on my face right about now.
Link Posted: 2/7/2009 8:00:13 AM EDT
ETA: Never mind, I has an intelligent reply based off the thread title, then I realized the OP was stupid.
Link Posted: 2/7/2009 8:03:39 AM EDT


 I am an Army Medic ...

You just joined the army in late December, and you're already a medic?  I thought it took longer than that for basic + specialized training?

No, I joined a few years ago.  What makes you think I joined in late December?  

I'm not against the people who are buying all these guns and ammo for defense.  I think that if some serious shit really did go down in our country that some of these guys can be a huge asset to their community.  Small groups that stick together and ride out the storm have a better chance of making it through this than the ones who try to "go it alone."  

It's the urban areas that will be filled with angry, starving people with zero survival skills.  They will be depending on a system which will slowly collapse around them.  Look at what just happened with California and its government coming to a standstill.  Sure there are still some services going on and they will probably get things back online in a short time, but its indicative of the much larger, much scarier wave of bullshit that we'll all be riding here very soon.

It's not the many prudent people who are stockpiling weapons and ammo that worry me, it's the minority of assholes that will be making life harder for all of us.  Right now things aren't that bad and our government is still in working order so these people are abiding the laws.  When the system comes crumbling down the criminal that was lying dormant inside of them will come out.
Link Posted: 2/7/2009 8:04:31 AM EDT
I sure hope not.

Me too.

But just in case, I'm accepting applications for post-apocalyptic evil minions.
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