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Posted: 9/12/2001 5:17:50 AM EDT
News is now that somebody called a family member from the Plane over PA and said it had been hijacked and told them that 3 of the passangers were going to doing something since they were going to die anyway. We are wondering now if the passangers kicked some Terrorist ass, but the plane crashed or if they crashed it on purpose ?

Whatever happened those 3 passangers are heroes.
Link Posted: 9/12/2001 5:20:21 AM EDT
They've got my vote. No telling what they saved or how many.

God bless America and especially these guys.
Link Posted: 9/12/2001 5:23:34 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/12/2001 6:20:50 AM EDT

I have always hoped that in the face of death I would fight the good fight. I hope these folks are recognized in some way.

May God open his arms to these poor souls
Link Posted: 9/12/2001 6:48:27 AM EDT
An analogy if I may.....

You are going along thru life, and life is good.

One day, out of the blue, a missile comes and destroys your home, in fact most of your community.

You lose your wife, one of your children, and both of your parents. The material items lost, while numerous, don't even make the radar screen as you grieve.

The Chinese Communists claim responsibility, and all available intel backs this up.

Days later, as your sift thru the rubble that was your life, you find a piece of the missile that says "Made in USSR"

In fact, its a well know fact that the USSR routinely supplies China with ordnance, at bargain prices, not even market rates.

This happens over and over to many families and many communities in Hometown, USA, for years.

Then suddenly, you get reports that some wild eyed American hijacks a jet, and flies into the Kremlin, and Red Square, even smashing the statues of Lenin and Stalin, causing massive explosions. Several other hijacked jets hit other significant cultural and military Soviet targets.

Question: Do you

1. mourn this act of violence, or

2. dance in the streets???

I'm all for annihilating ANYONE even remotely connected with this act of murder and cowardice, but if we are unwilling to look at what is behind these acts, and then look at our foreign policy, we can get rich simply by buying stock in American Casket Company and whoever is making body bags these days.

Link Posted: 9/12/2001 6:50:18 AM EDT
I am hoping we find the "black box" to see if it will let us know what really happened from the pilots point of view.  I can't believe the story that they were heading for Camp David?  We are lucky they didn't make it to the city.
Link Posted: 9/12/2001 6:50:56 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/12/2001 6:52:30 AM EDT
good post Garandman
Link Posted: 9/12/2001 7:01:21 AM EDT
An analogy if I may.....

You are going along thru life, and life is good.

One day, out of the blue, a missile comes and destroys your home, in fact most of your community.

You lose your wife, one of your children, and both of your parents. The material items lost, while numerous, don't even make the radar screen as you grieve.

The Chinese Communists claim responsibility, and all available intel backs this up.

Days later, as your sift thru the rubble that was your life, you find a piece of the missile that says "Made in USSR"

In fact, its a well know fact that the USSR routinely supplies China with ordnance, at bargain prices, not even market rates.

This happens over and over to many families and many communities in Hometown, USA, for years.

Then suddenly, you get reports that some wild eyed American hijacks a jet, and flies into the Kremlin, and Red Square, even smashing the statues of Lenin and Stalin, causing massive explosions. Several other hijacked jets hit other significant cultural and military Soviet targets.

Question: Do you

1. mourn this act of violence, or

2. dance in the streets???

I'm all for annihilating ANYONE even remotely connected with this act of murder and cowardice, but if we are unwilling to look at what is behind these acts, and then look at our foreign policy, we can get rich simply by buying stock in American Casket Company and whoever is making body bags these days.

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Your analogy fails in the first line. It should say your village has a history of terrorism. Your uncle died when he hijacked a plane and was shot by CT troops. Your grandfather gave money to finace attacks on Olympic atheletes. Your grandmother recruited the neighbor kids to be car bombers after she cooked up homemade plastique in her kitchen.

Eveyone in your village believes that if they kill people of other religons they can "earn" their way into heaven. If they die killing the enemy the enemy they automatically go to heaven.

Then out of the blue a missile hits your village.........

Link Posted: 9/12/2001 7:08:46 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/12/2001 7:19:56 AM EDT
Both groups can trace their "people" back thousands of years in that area. Both have decided that they want the land more or less exclusivley.

Israel has tried a peace process and the Palestinians continue "Jihad" and "Intafadah".

If they can't live toghtether the stronger should get the land, period.

They will be like the Albanians, Croats, etc. The Jews and Arabs will trace their conflicts back to the beginning of written history. Some will claim Arabs helped the Romans defeat the Jews. The Arabs will claim the Jews stole land and to had get even by helping the Romans............

Goliath was an Arab, David was a Jew. Arabs will claim, just like Rambo that David drew first blood. The Jews will point out that Goliath's murderous rage was already in progress when David "stopped" him.

There will never be a "solving" of this "problem". The Arab nations finance the Palestinians to do thier "dirty work". Both sides hate each other and feel it is morally correct to hate.
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