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Posted: 3/27/2006 9:45:25 AM EDT
Boy, 8, accused of sexual harassment
BETH STALLINGS, Morning Journal Writer
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LORAIN -- Lorain school officials this week executed an ''emergency removal'' of an 8-year-old boy who they say sexually harassed a girl in gym class.

The boy's mother, Tammy Barth, said yesterday her son was playing in gym on Tuesday when a girl student said he and two other boys may have grabbed her buttocks.

He was then questioned in an informal hearing by school officials and he admitted he had been passing love notes to the same girl.

The second-grader then asked to sign a notice of emergency removal form for sexual harassment without a parent present, Barth said. The boy printed his first name on the portion of the form asking for his signature.

School documents provided by Barth and the boy's father, Frank Johnson, did not give specifics on the incident but showed that the second-grader was removed from school on Tuesday for ''sexual harassment during gym.'' It also states the student ''admits to writing notes saying ÔI love you' and giving them to a student.''

''It's an embarrassment to me and it's an embarrassment to him because he doesn't understand what's going on,'' Barth said.

Lorain schools spokesman Dean Schnurr confirmed yesterday that a student was sent home on an ''emergency removal'' for inappropriate actions. Schnurr insisted that his removal was a minor, precautionary action.

''It's not a disciplinary action,'' Schnurr said yesterday, adding the allegation will not be placed in the student's permanent record. ''We don't want to put something in the permanent record of a youngster who may not understand what they did wrong.

''He admitted to what he was being accused of,'' Schnurr said, unable to give specifics but said they were ''inappropriate'' in nature.

However, the student's mother said the school assumed her son touched the girl because he had written her a love letter a few weeks ago.

''Apparently, they had to treat it as sexual harassment,'' Barth said, adding the girl has been friends with her son for a long time. ''And then he was given a day off of school because of passing notes that say ÔI love you.'''

Johnson said the incident was harmless and referring to it as sexual harassment is what was ''inappropriate.'''

''Little kids are going to do stupid things like that,'' he said of his son passing love letters.

The student was temporarily removed from school for a day, March 23, and instructed to come back to school on March 24 with a parent.

''It's our job to teach students at a young age that inappropriate behavior is unacceptable,'' Schnurr said. ''The student did something wrong, admitted he did something wrong and received the proper discipline.''

He added it is unfortunate that this discipline is not emphasized at the student's home.

The second-grader's parents are still wondering how to discipline their son because they are not sure of what he did wrong. Barth said being reprimanded for passing love notes to another student is not and should not be a disciplinary matter.

Johnson said his son has had a difficult time with the whole ordeal.

''He started crying and he thinks he did something wrong (by passing a love letter),'' Johnson said. ''He's a good kid and he's very, very shy. And now he's emotionally distraught.''

Barth and Johnson are planning to remove their two children from Frank Jacinto, and the Lorain School system altogether, sometime next week and enroll them in the Clearview Schools District. She said she and Johnson are also looking into taking civil action against the school.

All four of her children are honor roll students, she said, adding that any school system would be happy to take them.

''I want them out of there before (the school system) does some damage.

Link Posted: 3/27/2006 9:46:25 AM EDT
Link Posted: 3/27/2006 9:47:27 AM EDT
Nothing a case of red ass couldn't solve.
Link Posted: 3/27/2006 9:48:01 AM EDT
Oh hell, my "needs killin" list is getting so long I can't even keep track of it anymore.

Link Posted: 3/27/2006 9:48:19 AM EDT
SHE SET HIM UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Link Posted: 3/27/2006 9:48:26 AM EDT
See, this is what I fail to understand.

Smacking the kid in the head and saying "Stop grabbing little girls!" would be considered a horrible and attrocious act.

But filling out an "emergency removal order" and descending on the kid like some sort of politically correct SWAT team is considered perfectly OK.

Link Posted: 3/27/2006 9:51:09 AM EDT

See, this is what I fail to understand.

Smacking the kid in the head and saying "Stop grabbing little girls!" would be considered a horrible and attrocious act.

But filling out an "emergency removal order" and descending on the kid like some sort of politically correct SWAT team is considered perfectly OK.


The Feminist are deliberatly attacking the masculinity of todays youth. It is a deliberate attempt to destroy what makes men "Men" in their socialist, I am women here me roar, Political "Equality" BS
Link Posted: 3/27/2006 9:51:18 AM EDT
Unbelievable. Common sense is totally gone.
Link Posted: 3/27/2006 9:54:58 AM EDT

See, this is what I fail to understand.

Smacking the kid in the head and saying "Stop grabbing little girls!" would be considered a horrible and attrocious act.

But filling out an "emergency removal order" and descending on the kid like some sort of politically correct SWAT team is considered perfectly OK.


Go to a college education class and look around.  The answer will become clear.  
Link Posted: 3/27/2006 9:58:15 AM EDT
You know....it's a God damn shame these days that schools have to do this kind of thing to an 8 year old because the schools can't trust the parents to act appropriately when a note comes home saying "your son slapped a girl on the butt in gym class today.  Please talk with him about acceptable behavior towards other students, girls in particular. Thanks."

He's EIGHT years old for fucks sake.  He's barely of age to be concious of his own body, let alone anyone elses.  Now is the time to teach him that what he did was "inappropriate", not "dirty".  

Man, sometimes I could just scream.
Link Posted: 3/27/2006 9:59:54 AM EDT

Unbelievable. Common sense is totally gone.

No, common sense will never go away, just what falls under "common" will change.

Edit:  Why on Earth is a 8 year old boy touching a girl?  Doesn't  he know they have COOTIES!!!
Link Posted: 3/27/2006 10:00:09 AM EDT
Maybe I am just older than dirt, but in my day if a little boy grabbed a little girl in class, the teacher would tell the boy to cut it out and life would somehow go on.

I know it may seem strange to people, but our nation survived a very long time and did quite well without accusing 8 year olds of sexual harrasment.
Link Posted: 3/27/2006 10:01:11 AM EDT


The second-grader then asked to sign a notice of emergency removal form for sexual harassment without a parent present, Barth said. The boy printed his first name on the portion of the form asking for his signature.

That is the only thing that should of any concern to anyone.
Link Posted: 3/27/2006 10:05:44 AM EDT

I wouldn't worry about it.  Anything signed by an eight year old is utterly ineffective legally.  
Link Posted: 3/27/2006 10:09:36 AM EDT

Boy, 8, accused of sexual harassment
BETH STALLINGS, Morning Journal Writer

........''I want them out of there before (the school system) does some damage.

Out of one .gov school to another.  

I love how everyone attacks the .gov on one hand and then goes back to suckin the gummit teat the next.
Link Posted: 3/27/2006 10:10:40 AM EDT

That is the only thing that should of any concern to anyone.

I beg to differ.

I think it is of GRAVE concern when the people we entrust with the education of our children seem unable to correct NORMAL CHILDISH BEHAVIOR without "hearings" and "emergency removal notices".

Link Posted: 3/27/2006 10:14:52 AM EDT
What is the world coming to?
Link Posted: 3/27/2006 10:20:03 AM EDT
Link Posted: 3/27/2006 10:20:53 AM EDT
for a little grabass?.. thats sad.. the shit i did, i would be in prison by todays standerds
Link Posted: 3/27/2006 10:37:32 AM EDT



I wouldn't worry about it.  Anything signed by an eight year old is utterly ineffective legally.  

But that they would even think of doing it shows what idiots these school administrators are.

No argument there.
Link Posted: 3/27/2006 10:39:09 AM EDT
''emergency removal''
Link Posted: 3/27/2006 10:40:38 AM EDT
Am I missing something?  This kid is eight?  Better lock him up and take his parents to court.
Link Posted: 3/27/2006 10:44:50 AM EDT
Jesus, if writing little notes to a classmate of the opposite sex is sexual harrassment, then shit, my whole elementary school was guilty....thats what 8 year olds do...dumbfuck libtard fucksticks....schools and most teachers today might as well just hang pics of Mao and Lenin up instead of George Washington and Lincoln (yes, I know Lincoln was pretty much a scumbag, but still...)....
Link Posted: 3/27/2006 10:54:25 AM EDT

Am I missing something?  This kid is eight?  Better lock him up and take his parents to court.

Yes, you are missing something.

I have found an effective method of making politically correct actions and decisions understandable.

Take a ball-peen hammer and strike yourself in the head repeatedly until the decision to have an "emergency removal" of an 8 year old boy for sexual harrassment makes total sense.
Link Posted: 3/27/2006 10:56:35 AM EDT

Unbelievable. Common sense is totally gone.

That's about the size of it.  
Link Posted: 3/27/2006 10:58:12 AM EDT
That kid will never like pie...
Link Posted: 3/27/2006 11:00:10 AM EDT


That is the only thing that should of any concern to anyone.

I beg to differ.

I think it is of GRAVE concern when the people we entrust with the education of our children seem unable to correct NORMAL CHILDISH BEHAVIOR without "hearings" and "emergency removal notices".

Exactly.  The horseshit my wife goes though to punish a child in school is mind blowing.  The kids would rule the place if they knew how hard her hands are really tied most times.

Link Posted: 3/27/2006 11:08:21 AM EDT

See, this is what I fail to understand.

Smacking the kid in the head and saying "Stop grabbing little girls!" would be considered a horrible and attrocious act.

But filling out an "emergency removal order" and descending on the kid like some sort of politically correct SWAT team is considered perfectly OK.


Because men are evil and opressive.  Just ask them.
Link Posted: 3/27/2006 3:42:26 PM EDT

Exactly.  The horseshit my wife goes though to punish a child in school is mind blowing.  The kids would rule the place if they knew how hard her hands are really tied most times.


Oh, I think the kids know it in many places.
Link Posted: 3/28/2006 10:18:43 AM EDT



I wouldn't worry about it.  Anything signed by an eight year old is utterly ineffective legally.  

But that they would even think of doing it shows what idiots these school administrators are.

Those who can do; those who can't teach; those who can't teach, teach teachers; those who can't teach teachers become school administrators.

Link Posted: 3/28/2006 10:24:57 AM EDT

''It's our job to teach students at a young age that inappropriate behavior is unacceptable,'' Schnurr said. ''The student did something wrong, admitted he did something wrong and received the proper discipline.''

He added it is unfortunate that this discipline is not emphasized at the student's home.

Anyone else catch that little gem? I would be so frickin pissed at the morons at that school if I were the parents.
Link Posted: 3/28/2006 10:28:05 AM EDT

Anyone else catch that little gem? I would be so frickin pissed at the morons at that school if I were the parents.

Yup. I noticed.

I wonder how long it would take someone else to notice.

Disturbing, isn't it? The school is absolutely crackers and they blame the PARENTS for a kid behaving like a kid....

Just goes to show you: There are a significant number of people in public education who are convinced that parents are dunderheads who are incapable of raising children.

Leave it to the "experts".
Link Posted: 3/28/2006 10:41:47 AM EDT
Let me sum up my impression, minus the 'emergency removal' and 'informal hearing' bureaubabble crap, and see if I understand this;

Kid passes a couple of love notes to another kid. Then he grabs her butt in gym. School staff subsequently sends the kid home for less than a day, and asks that a parent accompany him to school the next day to discuss what happened. Parent then starts claiming emotional distress, and is threatening to yank his kid out of the school system altogether, and file suit.

In these days of political correctness, I can see why the school pulled the kid for the rest of the day. I don't agree with it, but I can see why they did it. It's too easy for the girl's parents to scream 'sexual assault' and raise all sorts of crap, so the school staff probabluy believes that they have to seem proactive about the whole thing. In our litigeous society, CYA is an unfortunate reality.

If the kid were my son, I'd probably grumble about 'the good old days' when a kid would have been told to knock it off, or maybe lost a recess. I'd then tell my kid to refrain from grabbing other kids in the privates. I don't think I'd pull my kid out of the school system and threaten law suit.

In short, an eight year old did something wrong, and was sent home early. Waah.
Link Posted: 3/28/2006 10:54:24 AM EDT


Boy, 8, accused of sexual harassment
BETH STALLINGS, Morning Journal Writer

........''I want them out of there before (the school system) does some damage.

Out of one .gov school to another.  

I love how everyone attacks the .gov on one hand and then goes back to suckin the gummit teat the next.

So, sending your kid to a school that you have paid taxes out the ass for, is "sucking on the gummit teat"?
Link Posted: 3/28/2006 10:57:03 AM EDT
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