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Posted: 2/23/2006 4:15:01 PM EDT
Just heard this today...

Hundreds Sickened at NJ High School

February 23, 2006

An intestinal virus is spreading like wildfire at a South Jersey high school.

The bug has stricken 550-students in the ninth and tenth grades at Washington Township High School in Sewell.
The school will remain open Friday, but the freshman dance scheduled for Friday night has been postponed until March 10th.

Health agencies have been notified. It's been determined the virus is not airborne. Students are being advised to wash their hands frequently and avoid sharing food and drinks.

I live just outside of NJ in Eastern PA..... a lot of people, me included, have gotten real sick lately, but not like anything I ever had in the past....not flu, not a cold....my doctor said it was viral but had no idea what. Scary days are ahead if this trend keeps up.

Anybody else seeing widespread illness in their areas?
I had a friend up in NH mention that people were sick up there as well.
I am hoping this is just due to the warm winter....hoping with fingers crossed.
Link Posted: 2/23/2006 4:17:54 PM EDT

On a college campus just west of you guys.  Food-borne virus from a food distributor (think school cafeterias) would be bad juju!

- BG
Link Posted: 2/23/2006 4:18:23 PM EDT
its how the zombie virus always starts...with the children. Think of the children, shoot a zombie.
Link Posted: 2/23/2006 4:18:32 PM EDT
It’s going around. Friends and family had it about a month back. People recover just fine but they spend about a day trying to figure out which end to point at the toilet.


its how the zombie virus always starts...with the children. Think of the children, shoot a zombie.

Now that you mention it, I did think it was odd the way they all just stagger around now trying to bite me.
Link Posted: 2/23/2006 4:21:50 PM EDT
likely the norwalk / norwalk like virus that goes around on cruise ships.

Nasty stuff.
Link Posted: 2/23/2006 4:23:53 PM EDT

It’s going around. Friends and family had it about a month back. People recover just fine but they spend about a day trying to figure out which end to point at the toilet.


its how the zombie virus always starts...with the children. Think of the children, shoot a zombie.

Now that you mention it, I did think it was odd the way they all just stagger around now trying to bite me.

Shoot them in the brain, its the only way to be sure....
Link Posted: 2/23/2006 4:24:11 PM EDT
They must have all had the fish for lunch.
Link Posted: 2/23/2006 4:31:44 PM EDT

They must have all had the fish for lunch.

Yes, yes...I remember.  I had lasagna.
Link Posted: 2/23/2006 4:36:15 PM EDT
Is thier mascot an Eagle or something?, maybe it's the Bird Flu.
Link Posted: 2/23/2006 4:38:01 PM EDT
It's common in New Jersey.  When I attended Point Pleasant High School in NJ back in the day, there was an annual senioritis epidemic.
Link Posted: 2/23/2006 4:39:31 PM EDT
I'm also from South Jersey.

Strange thing is that I had to come home from work early today to take care of my wife who was majorly sidelined by some massive stomach flu type event.

She's right next to me barely trying to sleep.

Hopefully it's only a 24 hour thing.

And not, you know, the zombie thing.
Link Posted: 2/23/2006 4:42:50 PM EDT
A few yrears ago a k-12 school in Va had the samething happen. Out of  500 students 375 did not come to school for two days. The Gubment did it.
Link Posted: 2/23/2006 4:52:00 PM EDT
By the way, used to live in "Mystic Islands".
Link Posted: 2/23/2006 4:54:31 PM EDT

They must have all had the fish for lunch.

"The poison goes to work on the central nervous system, causing severe muscle spasms followed by the inevitable drooling. At this point, the entire digestive system collapses accompanied by uncontrollable flatulence. Until finally, the poor bastard is reduced to a quivering wasted piece of jelly."
Link Posted: 2/23/2006 4:58:03 PM EDT
I got some goofy deal right now. My nose isn't stuffed up and my throat doesn;t hurt, but my sinuses hurt and I can feel it dripping in my throat. In fact I can tatse it.

Speaking of which, anyone else getting the craving for brains lately?
Link Posted: 2/23/2006 5:01:54 PM EDT
WARNING! GRAPHIC! Link to photos of symptoms of full-blown infection.
Link Posted: 2/23/2006 5:05:32 PM EDT
SEE?  THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN THE FUCKERS IN NJ GOVERNMENT DECIDE TO BAN THE .50 CAL.  The .50 cal gets banned and all the kids get sick.  So much for "doing it for the children".  
Link Posted: 2/23/2006 5:08:17 PM EDT

WARNING! GRAPHIC! Link to photos of symptoms of full-blown infection.

I don't even want to know how or why you know of that site's existance.
Link Posted: 2/23/2006 5:09:01 PM EDT

likely the norwalk / norwalk like virus that goes around on cruise ships.

Nasty stuff.

Link Posted: 2/23/2006 5:55:07 PM EDT
I had it this week.  Awful stomache flu for a day then several painful days of recovery.  Dehydration is a real risk with this once since it empties the stomache and will not allow any water to be added to the system.  No respiratory symptoms, no headache, no bady aches, but high fever, chills, sleeplessness, nausea, diarreah.
Link Posted: 2/23/2006 6:07:17 PM EDT


WARNING! GRAPHIC! Link to photos of symptoms of full-blown infection.

I don't even want to know how or why you know of that site's existance.

he knows because of ARFCOM... where you been?  
Link Posted: 2/23/2006 6:41:20 PM EDT


likely the norwalk / norwalk like virus that goes around on cruise ships.

Nasty stuff.


That shit spread it way around the USS Belleau Wood while I was aboard.
I never got sick, but my freakin' bunk was right near the head.
Link Posted: 2/23/2006 6:42:13 PM EDT
So what happens?  Do they poop themselves inside out or something?
Link Posted: 2/23/2006 6:43:30 PM EDT

Just heard this today...

Hundreds Sickened at NJ High School

February 23, 2006

An intestinal virus is spreading like wildfire at a South Jersey high school.

The bug has stricken 550-students in the ninth and tenth grades at Washington Township High School in Sewell.
The school will remain open Friday, but the freshman dance scheduled for Friday night has been postponed until March 10th.

Health agencies have been notified. It's been determined the virus is not airborne. Students are being advised to wash their hands frequently and avoid sharing food and drinks.

I live just outside of NJ in Eastern PA..... a lot of people, me included, have gotten real sick lately, but not like anything I ever had in the past....not flu, not a cold....my doctor said it was viral but had no idea what. Scary days are ahead if this trend keeps up.

Anybody else seeing widespread illness in their areas?
I had a friend up in NH mention that people were sick up there as well.
I am hoping this is just due to the warm winter....hoping with fingers crossed.

You could always ask the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

CDC Switchboard and Public Inquires:


Or by e-mail www.cdc.gov/netinfo.htm
Link Posted: 2/23/2006 6:48:42 PM EDT
Oil of Oregano!!!

Go to your health food store and buy some:
Sambucol for the flu
Oreganol P73 for other crap!
Link Posted: 2/23/2006 6:55:12 PM EDT

WARNING! GRAPHIC! Link to photos of symptoms of full-blown infection.

They caught teh ghey?

Link Posted: 2/23/2006 6:58:06 PM EDT
Is it an outbreak of BRD?  
Link Posted: 2/23/2006 7:00:41 PM EDT

Hope it doesn't travel north.
Link Posted: 2/23/2006 7:04:35 PM EDT

Oil of Oregano!!!

Go to your health food store and buy some:
Sambucol for the flu
Oreganol P73 for other crap!

Sorry, the witch doctor's office is closed right now.

Link Posted: 2/23/2006 7:09:12 PM EDT

So what happens?  Do they poop themselves inside out or something?

Don't want to get too graphic here, but for the sake of those who've never experienced this before, this is what to expect if you get it bad like I did. And I had it REALLY bad:

If it's like what I had years ago, it starts with vomiting. And I mean a lot of vomiting. It was so bad I had vomit coming out of my nose. The worst I've ever puked in my life.

Then it was followed by the dry heaves. You're trying to throw up but there's nothing left. Until, by some miracle, there is. Just a little, but at this point, your stomach wants everything out, and there's no arguing with it.

Around this time the explosive diarrhea starts in. And I mean really bad. For the first couple of hours or so, you're have the feeling like you need to do both badly. This one episode has convinced me that I need to do side by side toilets when I design my house.

After all the action stops for awhile, you are drained, in more ways then one.  But you still feel like you're going to either vomit or have to go #2. You also get the urge to drink something, but anything you drink makes you feel even worse. The only thing that worked for me at this stage was to take the tiniest sip of water and hold it in my mouth and SLOWLY let the normal swallowing action go to work.

I couldn't move without feeling like I was going to be violently ill, so I put out a big towel on the bathroom floor, folded another one up for a pillow, and tried to get some rest there. I think I stayed there in one way or another for about 8 hours. At one point it was so bad I felt like I might be on the verge of hallucinating. I know I was having nonsensical conversations with myself. But it kept me busy and my mind off of how bad I felt, so I didn't really mind.

I think it may have been about 10 or 12 hours after it started that I felt able to do any kind of moving. And my only move was to the living room to sit on the recliner. I couldn't lay down flat anymore and I could sit up. Reclined at about 45 degrees was the only thing that seemed to work. This led to revelation #2: I could really use a craftmatic adjustable bed in a spare room in case I ever get this sick again.

At this time I was able to drink a little bit more. I started on gatorade and just sipped whenever I could stand it.

I stayed out on the recliner for roughly three days. On the second day I was able to regularly drink but not eat. My first of any food was probably about 30+ hours in when I had a few soda crackers. I think I survived on gatorade and soda crackers for the next day or so.

ABout the third day I was able to add in some campbell's chicken noodle soup and 7up. Then that was all I ate for a couple more days. At about day 4 I made it back into bed, and it was roughly a week before I was able to begin eating normally again.

Like I said, it's really, really nasty. Some people it doesn't affect as badly as others. For me I didn't feel like it was about to kill me, but it was the sickest I've ever been.

Link Posted: 2/23/2006 7:48:17 PM EDT


So what happens?  Do they poop themselves inside out or something?

Don't want to get too graphic here, but for the sake of those who've never experienced this before, this is what to expect if you get it bad like I did. And I had it REALLY bad:

If it's like what I had years ago, it starts with vomiting. And I mean a lot of vomiting. It was so bad I had vomit coming out of my nose. The worst I've ever puked in my life.

Then it was followed by the dry heaves. You're trying to throw up but there's nothing left. Until, by some miracle, there is. Just a little, but at this point, your stomach wants everything out, and there's no arguing with it.

Around this time the explosive diarrhea starts in. And I mean really bad. For the first couple of hours or so, you're have the feeling like you need to do both badly. This one episode has convinced me that I need to do side by side toilets when I design my house.

After all the action stops for awhile, you are drained, in more ways then one.  But you still feel like you're going to either vomit or have to go #2. You also get the urge to drink something, but anything you drink makes you feel even worse. The only thing that worked for me at this stage was to take the tiniest sip of water and hold it in my mouth and SLOWLY let the normal swallowing action go to work.

I couldn't move without feeling like I was going to be violently ill, so I put out a big towel on the bathroom floor, folded another one up for a pillow, and tried to get some rest there. I think I stayed there in one way or another for about 8 hours. At one point it was so bad I felt like I might be on the verge of hallucinating. I know I was having nonsensical conversations with myself. But it kept me busy and my mind off of how bad I felt, so I didn't really mind.

I think it may have been about 10 or 12 hours after it started that I felt able to do any kind of moving. And my only move was to the living room to sit on the recliner. I couldn't lay down flat anymore and I could sit up. Reclined at about 45 degrees was the only thing that seemed to work. This led to revelation #2: I could really use a craftmatic adjustable bed in a spare room in case I ever get this sick again.

At this time I was able to drink a little bit more. I started on gatorade and just sipped whenever I could stand it.

I stayed out on the recliner for roughly three days. On the second day I was able to regularly drink but not eat. My first of any food was probably about 30+ hours in when I had a few soda crackers. I think I survived on gatorade and soda crackers for the next day or so.

ABout the third day I was able to add in some campbell's chicken noodle soup and 7up. Then that was all I ate for a couple more days. At about day 4 I made it back into bed, and it was roughly a week before I was able to begin eating normally again.

Like I said, it's really, really nasty. Some people it doesn't affect as badly as others. For me I didn't feel like it was about to kill me, but it was the sickest I've ever been.

Sounds like fun. It also sounds like every three months of my childhood, from age 8 to age 13, with episodes going with decreasing frequency until I was about 25 - which is where I had my last one. That was 16 years ago, and I've been fine since (except for when I drank a little too much - and it weren't NUTHIN' compared to Vomiting Death.
Link Posted: 2/23/2006 7:51:38 PM EDT


Sounds like fun. It also sounds like every three months of my childhood, from age 8 to age 13, with episodes going with decreasing frequency until I was about 25 - which is where I had my last one. That was 16 years ago, and I've been fine since (except for when I drank a little too much - and it weren't NUTHIN' compared to Vomiting Death.

Damn  - did you have some kind of medical condition?

I rarely get sick tothe point of vomiting. The average is usually about 7 years between episodes.
Link Posted: 2/23/2006 8:00:00 PM EDT



Sounds like fun. It also sounds like every three months of my childhood, from age 8 to age 13, with episodes going with decreasing frequency until I was about 25 - which is where I had my last one. That was 16 years ago, and I've been fine since (except for when I drank a little too much - and it weren't NUTHIN' compared to Vomiting Death.

Damn  - did you have some kind of medical condition?

I rarely get sick tothe point of vomiting. The average is usually about 7 years between episodes.

I don't know. It was the '70s. Nobody really cared, although some psychologist told my mother that it was possible I was creating the condition because I didn't want to deal with stress at school.

Link Posted: 2/23/2006 8:20:57 PM EDT
I don't worry. Ya see I'm a total pig. Like someone who takes a small amount of poison every day i'm immune to most nasty bugs. I over cook my food and put tons of tabasco sause on everything, combine that with non-filtered cigarettes! MY insides are a tough as leather. Cleanliness is next to God cause your DIE sooner! Long live el-slobbos!
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