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Posted: 2/17/2006 3:07:51 PM EDT
3 months as of today.  Hard to believe.  

Time does go by so quickly, but in the same breath, seems like he's been gone forever.  I miss seeing him, talking to him, and just enjoying his company.  

I miss my Dad.

Link Posted: 2/17/2006 3:13:21 PM EDT
I hear ya, been almost 10 years and im not even 30.
Link Posted: 2/17/2006 3:19:32 PM EDT
Thirty five years, here.  Sometimes it is as if he only existed in my drearms.
Link Posted: 2/17/2006 3:19:55 PM EDT
My dad died 5 years ago.  He used to pick up my chidlren after school.
Link Posted: 2/17/2006 3:22:42 PM EDT
My dad's beeen gone for almost 13 years.

I still try to remember his voice.
Link Posted: 2/17/2006 3:26:35 PM EDT
16 years for me. I'm 24.
Link Posted: 2/17/2006 3:34:54 PM EDT
My dad died in my arms 10 years ago.  It was way too early for me.  I can barely talk about it.
Link Posted: 2/17/2006 3:38:17 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/17/2006 3:38:26 PM EDT

3 months as of today.  Hard to believe.  

Time does go by so quickly, but in the same breath, seems like he's been gone forever.  I miss seeing him, talking to him, and just enjoying his company.  

I miss my Dad.


Almost 2 months since my dad left us. I know just how you feel. There are so many things I wish I could talk to him about.
Link Posted: 2/17/2006 3:50:32 PM EDT
14 years since step dad left us, a American Indian pipefitter with a PHD. I was learning a lot about being an adult when he left after a long illness, I am older then many of you have posted but he still had many things to teach me.
My father died 2 years ago, all he had to teach me was how not to be a POS and a drunk abuser. Chief was a Good Man(Step dad) who spent many years teaching us how to be men.
Link Posted: 2/17/2006 3:55:19 PM EDT
18 years for me. And my mom 3 years ago also.

Link Posted: 2/17/2006 4:29:49 PM EDT
1 year 3 months for me....we had an argument over something really stupid about 2 weeks before he passed. We were not speaking at the time and I didn't even get to say goodbye.

Cherish the moments with your family guys and gals. I kick myself in the a$$ daily for not picking up the phone or stopping over for a Coke or something and making amends.

R.I.P., dad. We love and miss you!
Link Posted: 2/17/2006 4:31:43 PM EDT
22 years for me and I am 37...seemed just like yesterday.

Well, he was an old timer when I was born. Around 54. People used to think he was my gramps...

Taught me alot in the short time I knew him.
Link Posted: 2/17/2006 4:35:38 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/17/2006 4:38:34 PM EDT
I will be 62 in April and I still have both of my parents. Dad is 87 and Mom is 83. I know the time to say good bye is at hand but I sure dread the day.
I feel very blessed to still have my parents at the age of 62. I will watch the Daytona 500 with them on Sunday.
God bless you all.
Link Posted: 2/17/2006 4:40:35 PM EDT
My dad went in July 2001 at age 45.

I think about him every day. He died way too soon.

Link Posted: 2/17/2006 4:46:14 PM EDT
36 years ago next month.
Link Posted: 2/17/2006 4:47:13 PM EDT
Lost my father over 3 years ago, He didnt even make it to 60 and I am not even 30 yet
Link Posted: 2/17/2006 4:49:05 PM EDT
Nov. 03

I'm 21. Didn't make it to 60 either. Not a day goes by without thinking of him.
Link Posted: 2/17/2006 4:52:51 PM EDT
Man, I feel for you guys who lost your Dad so young.  

I should really feel fortunate we had Dad until he was 73 and in good health up until the very end.  

I really don't know how to explain how I feel..........it's just this empty spot in my heart that I keep expecting/hoping will heal...........

Link Posted: 2/17/2006 5:03:15 PM EDT
I know the feeling... Lost my Mom in April 2002, and my Dad in Dec 2002.  Was not a good year.  I;m just glad my daughter was old enough that she'll rmember them.

No Expert
Link Posted: 2/17/2006 5:40:53 PM EDT
Dad died the first of this month at the age of seventy five.

We have known for two years it was coming. Hospice started coming to him in December.

It was still a shock when he passed. I miss him.
Link Posted: 2/17/2006 5:46:02 PM EDT
Mine died when I was 2. I never got a change to know him.
Link Posted: 2/17/2006 5:49:18 PM EDT
5 years since my Dad passed away, and not a day goes by that I don't think about him.

Link Posted: 2/17/2006 5:51:55 PM EDT
i'm sorry for yall's loss, and thank you for the reminder of how special a dad is.  My old dad is still ticking.  We are going to a heavy equipment auction in march.  No money to spend, just time.  you guys just know that your dear old dad will see you on the other side, and until then, he lives on in you.
Link Posted: 2/17/2006 5:56:57 PM EDT

George Alfred Walters, 68 of Omak, died May 28th, 2002 at home after a long courageous battle against cancer and heart problems.

Damn it, there's a CS gas leak on this site again.

Link Posted: 2/17/2006 5:57:20 PM EDT
Just about 3 years for me.  
Link Posted: 2/17/2006 7:05:34 PM EDT
I'm just waiting for the phone call...My dad is 85, has Alhezimers (sp?) and picks disease, He's in a nursing home at present, in Florida. I tried to call and talk to him about 2years ago...He didn't have a clue who I was, The call lasted about 4minutes. I never called back. Maybe in his case, death would be better, God would take care of him. There's nothing anybody can do for him now.
Link Posted: 2/17/2006 7:12:44 PM EDT
William Glenn Garrison 1953-2005
Link Posted: 2/17/2006 7:17:07 PM EDT

I'm just waiting for the phone call...My dad is 85, has Alhezimers (sp?) and picks disease, He's in a nursing home at present, in Florida. I tried to call and talk to him about 2years ago...He didn't have a clue who I was, The call lasted about 4minutes. I never called back. Maybe in his case, death would be better, God would take care of him. There's nothing anybody can do for him now.

You might wanna pay a visit in person.
Link Posted: 2/17/2006 7:36:20 PM EDT
My dad died three years ago at age fifty six.
Probably best for both of us.
Link Posted: 2/18/2006 6:57:14 PM EDT
Mine has been gone since June 7th of last year. Seems like yesterday.

Sure do miss him.
Link Posted: 2/18/2006 7:01:03 PM EDT
Haven't lost my dad, but gramps has been gone for two years now. I never understood why he was so pissed when Waco happened, I guess I just needed to pay a bit more attention then.
Link Posted: 2/18/2006 7:14:04 PM EDT
5 years since my dad died. I was 27 he was 55. Burried at Pensacola NAS, I havent gone to visit his grave site yet. Noone comes close to relating to me like he did, and i hate not having him around. My back-up is gone for ever.  
Link Posted: 2/18/2006 7:54:53 PM EDT
6 years in April for my Dad, about 6 1/2 for FiL, my wifes uncle the boat modeler, shooter, retired Chief  Gunners Mate EOD Diver, 2 weeks before my Fil.  My parents best man about 2 weeks before my Dad, he couldn't make it to the funeral.  He had been a POW, liberated a few Concentration Camps, backpacker and wilderness photographer, was working on making a birdhouse for my parents, dropped dead in a wood scrap pile at the new house around the corner.  His son was a volunteer paramedic who rolled on the call.  The Father of Ma D's best friend and one of my buddies from elementary school, stroked out two days before the Christmas between my Dads and died two days after Christmas.

All were veterans, Korea, WWII, Vietnam, all were guys you would really enjoy being around and bs'g for hours. I shared one or two hobbies with all of them.

What a horrendous year, one of my guys went into bad clinical depression, and took about 3 years to really snap out of it and is doing real well now.  

There isn't a week that I don't see something and think I need to call my Dad and let him know.  Every so often something that one of the others would enjoy.  And then Damn, he's gone.

My Great Grandfather lived to 104, my grandfather 88 with heart trouble and emphysems, and my Dad 76 with Pulmoary Fibrosis.  Don't like that progression.

And my Mom had a TIA last week.
Link Posted: 2/18/2006 8:00:49 PM EDT
My dad died on 4/4/95.  I still catch myself thinking about something and telling myself to ask dad, "because he will know".

Most things that we disagreed on, I have learned that he was correct.

We have many family partys,and it is still very noticable that the anchor of the family is not with us in body.

I miss him.
Link Posted: 2/18/2006 8:01:21 PM EDT
Ferris Bueller was right, life moves pretty fast.
Link Posted: 2/18/2006 8:06:36 PM EDT


I'm just waiting for the phone call...My dad is 85, has Alhezimers (sp?) and picks disease, He's in a nursing home at present, in Florida. I tried to call and talk to him about 2years ago...He didn't have a clue who I was, The call lasted about 4minutes. I never called back. Maybe in his case, death would be better, God would take care of him. There's nothing anybody can do for him now.

You might wanna pay a visit in person.

Do it.
Link Posted: 2/18/2006 8:06:40 PM EDT
My dad passed away a week ago.  It seems like he's been gone forever.  The toughest thing will be going to the range without him.   That was always our thing....
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