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Posted: 1/3/2006 6:31:36 PM EDT

Did the Cubans assassinate Kennedy?


By Kate Connolly in Berlin
(Filed: 04/01/2006)

The Cuban secret service was behind the assassination of President John F Kennedy, according to evidence presented in a new television documentary.

Rendezvous with Death, to be shown on German television on Friday, offers the most convincing evidence that Fidel Castro's regime was behind the most talked-about murder of the 20th century.

A former agent of the Cuban secret service G2 talks for the first time about how Lee Harvey Oswald, the assassin, was, he claims, pointed out to the Cubans by the KGB.

Oscar Marino, who fell out with the Castro regime, said the Cubans were desperate to eliminate Kennedy, an opponent of the revolution who wanted to kill Castro.

"You ask why we took Oswald?" he said to the German film maker Wilfried Huismann. "Oswald was a dissident: he hated his country. He possessed certain characteristics.

"There wasn't anyone else. You take what you can get. . . Oswald volunteered to kill Kennedy."

Oswald was a Communist who spent three years in the Soviet Union and shot Kennedy in Dallas. He was killed by Jack Ruby after his arrest, leaving his motives shrouded in mystery.

Huismann spent three years persuading people to break their silence about Oswald's alleged Cuba connections. His film is based on testimony by former US, Cuban and Russian agents, KGB files and Mexican archives.

One of the main witnesses is a retired FBI agent, Lawrence Keenan, now in his eighties. Keenan was sent after the assassination to trace Oswald's footsteps in Mexico.

The evidence he found - linking the Cubans with the murder - prompted the FBI head, J Edgar Hoover, on the orders of President Lyndon Johnson, to withdraw Keenan after three days.

"This was perhaps the worst investigation the FBI was ever involved in," said Keenan.

"I realised that I was used. I felt ashamed. We missed a moment in history."

Mexico City was considered a "Pandora's Box" by the Johnson administration, which feared a war with Cuba were the truth to be revealed to the American people.

"They were afraid of what will happen. They didn't want to. . . know the truth for fear it would mean we go to war. Johnson sincerely feared for his own life." It was convenient therefore for the administration to paint Oswald as a loner.

Alexander Haig, a military adviser to Kennedy and Johnson who became secretary of state in 1981, said in the film that Johnson was terrified his people would learn the truth.

"He [Johnson] said 'we simply must not allow the American people to believe that Fidel Castro could have killed our president'.

"And the reason was that there would be a Right-wing uprising in America, which would keep the Democratic party out of power for two generations."

Mr Haig added: "He [Johnson] was convinced Castro killed Kennedy, and he took it to his grave."

Huismann's interviews and documents he found show the extent of the secret war, involving murder and sabotage plots, between Castro and the Kennedy brothers.

Without the knowledge of Congress or the American public, John and Robert Kennedy allegedly planned eight assassination attempts on Castro, all of which failed.

Huismann's explanation for the failures is a Cuban who fought alongside Castro but who later fell out with him.

The film-maker claims that this man was "contracted" by Robert Kennedy to murder the "Maximo Lider", and was provided by the CIA with pistols disguised as fountain pens and powerful poison to carry out the task.

But Castro always found out about the plots in advance, leading to suspicions of a double agent.

The film claims that in November 1963 the Cuban took his last order from Robert Kennedy to murder Castro. The act, involving poison and the fountain pen, was to be carried out on Nov 22, the very day Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas.

"Unfortunately, Castro was better than us," said a CIA agent in the film who is not identified.

Marino said Oswald was recruited to the secret service organisation by the same agent who had been recruited to kill Castro, a year before the Kennedy assassination.

"In other words the very man Robert Kennedy recruited to kill Fidel Castro hired his brother's murderer," Huismann said.

KGB files released in Moscow document a meeting between Oswald and the Cuban, who is now a retired surgeon living in Madrid.

Interviewed for the film, however, he denied any connection to Oswald, calling it an "outrageous lie".

Marino did not want to answer the question as to whether Castro had direct knowledge of the Oswald assassination plan.

Huismann wrote his film with Gus Russo, author of the 1998 book on the Castro-JFK rivalry, Live by the Sword.

[Made link hot - Paul]
Link Posted: 1/3/2006 6:51:15 PM EDT
Nothing more then bullshit. Johnson had Kennedy killed by the Mafia. Johnsons right hand man was a known killer. Anyone can check that out and find the truth.

They did a great job of covering it up.
Link Posted: 1/4/2006 4:09:37 AM EDT
Another in a long line of interesting theories.
Link Posted: 1/4/2006 5:00:28 AM EDT

Another in a long line of interesting theories.

I never know what to believe about this event, or whether I should even open up the whole damn can o' worms again. It's hard to tell where the truth stops and the BS begins.
Link Posted: 1/4/2006 5:45:07 AM EDT

If you have not read this book, you are ill-informed about the Kennedy assassination.
Link Posted: 1/4/2006 7:15:18 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/4/2006 7:24:03 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/4/2006 7:25:33 AM EDT

Another in a long line of interesting theories.

Yep, it never seems to end, does it?
Link Posted: 1/4/2006 7:28:01 AM EDT
The US's bungled and almost comical attempts to kill Castro show how difficult it is to pull off this "secret squirrel" conspiracy stuff.
Link Posted: 1/4/2006 8:17:12 AM EDT


If you have not read this book, you are ill-informed about the Kennedy assassination.


Link Posted: 1/4/2006 8:17:59 AM EDT



If you have not read this book, you are ill-informed about the Kennedy assassination.


Care to expound?
Link Posted: 1/4/2006 8:20:01 AM EDT

I thought TWA flight 800 crashed into him while he was at the Pentagon with DB Cooper.  

That was his brother.

He was in that space ship that got shot down over Roswell NM back in the day.  He was test flying a ship we captured from the Klingons.
Link Posted: 1/4/2006 8:24:39 AM EDT

The US's bungled and almost comical attempts to kill Castro show how difficult it is to pull off this "secret squirrel" conspiracy stuff.


That said, there has been some success with ricin pellets.

THEN AGAIN, it could be argued that - because the public knows about it at all - it could not be considered a "success".
Link Posted: 1/4/2006 8:30:04 AM EDT

I thought TWA flight 800 crashed into him while he was at the Pentagon with DB Cooper.  

You forgot to add that Osama Bin Laden was also there and we failed at killing him....somehow.....it was like our 1000000000 chance.

For the Record I think JFK is still alive.
Link Posted: 1/4/2006 8:36:30 AM EDT
Everything in that post/article is plausible.

Nothing would surprise me.
Link Posted: 1/4/2006 8:37:07 AM EDT


I thought TWA flight 800 crashed into him while he was at the Pentagon with DB Cooper.  

You forgot to add that Osama Bin Laden was also there and we failed at killing him....somehow.....it was like our 1000000000 chance.

For the Record I think JFK is still alive.

And, for all the marbles, how old would he be today?

Anyone.... anyone?
Link Posted: 1/4/2006 8:40:22 AM EDT
While it's certain that Oswald killed Kennedy, whether he had any encouragement from the Cubans is another issue and might well have happened.  It wouldn't have taken that much...just a handler to plan the idea in his head.  No risk for the Cubans if he succeeded or failed.
Link Posted: 1/4/2006 8:44:04 AM EDT
My theory is that EVERYONE killed Kennedy.  That way, all the angles are covered.
Link Posted: 1/4/2006 8:46:35 AM EDT

My theory is that EVERYONE killed Kennedy.  That way, all the angles are covered.

It's brilliant. And impossible to refute.
Link Posted: 1/4/2006 8:47:46 AM EDT


My theory is that EVERYONE killed Kennedy.  That way, all the angles are covered.

It's brilliant. And impossible to refute.

That was Oliver Stone's theory.  Kennedy died for our sins.  Or was it King Kong that did that?
Link Posted: 1/4/2006 8:49:14 AM EDT

While it's certain that Oswald killed Kennedy, whether he had any encouragement from the Cubans is another issue and might well have happened.  It wouldn't have taken that much...just a handler to plan the idea in his head.  No risk for the Cubans if he succeeded or failed.


There's nothing in that article that can be easily refuted.
Link Posted: 1/4/2006 8:54:10 AM EDT


For the Record I think JFK is still alive.

Yeh-yeh...'n I got proof! Dey made a movie about it- called "Bubba Ho-tep"

Dat's JFK on the left- and Elvis on the right!

Link Posted: 1/4/2006 9:07:31 AM EDT



I thought TWA flight 800 crashed into him while he was at the Pentagon with DB Cooper.  

You forgot to add that Osama Bin Laden was also there and we failed at killing him....somehow.....it was like our 1000000000 chance.

For the Record I think JFK is still alive.

And, for all the marbles, how old would he be today?

Anyone.... anyone?

Link Posted: 1/4/2006 9:08:58 AM EDT




I thought TWA flight 800 crashed into him while he was at the Pentagon with DB Cooper.  

You forgot to add that Osama Bin Laden was also there and we failed at killing him....somehow.....it was like our 1000000000 chance.

For the Record I think JFK is still alive.

And, for all the marbles, how old would he be today?

Anyone.... anyone?


He would be 88.
Link Posted: 1/4/2006 9:14:09 AM EDT
Plausible theory.
Oswald killed Kennedy, no doubt in my mind but it is also clear that LBJ was thoroughly convinced Castro was behind it. You really have to assume he new something the rest of us never did.

Pathetic, if true, how far the socialists would go to hang onto power as I have said many times here. They would watch the country fail in order to cling to their own power and would still do so. Would have been better if back then, the conservatives had risen up. Look at the results of their socialist policies over the past 5 decades.
Link Posted: 1/4/2006 9:15:40 AM EDT




If you have not read this book, you are ill-informed about the Kennedy assassination.


Care to expound?

+1. I've been wanting to read this book. If Posner is a poser I'd like to know the facts.
Link Posted: 1/4/2006 9:22:10 AM EDT




I thought TWA flight 800 crashed into him while he was at the Pentagon with DB Cooper.  

You forgot to add that Osama Bin Laden was also there and we failed at killing him....somehow.....it was like our 1000000000 chance.

For the Record I think JFK is still alive.

And, for all the marbles, how old would he be today?

Anyone.... anyone?


Link Posted: 1/4/2006 9:28:23 AM EDT





If you have not read this book, you are ill-informed about the Kennedy assassination.


Care to expound?

+1. I've been wanting to read this book. If Posner is a poser I'd like to know the facts.

Read the book, and decide for yourself. Posner's evidence is overwhelming. Oswald killed Kennedy, and did so alone.

People have trouble believing that a nut-case with a gun could kill the President, but guess what: Every Presidential assassin in US history has been a lone nut-case.
Link Posted: 1/4/2006 9:31:03 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/4/2006 9:38:57 AM EDT
You guys have completely missed the point>>>

The Dems FEARED a RIGHT_WING Uprising!!!!!!!
Link Posted: 1/4/2006 9:54:32 AM EDT
I broke the dam.
Link Posted: 1/4/2006 10:01:24 AM EDT






If you have not read this book, you are ill-informed about the Kennedy assassination.


Care to expound?

+1. I've been wanting to read this book. If Posner is a poser I'd like to know the facts.

Read the book, and decide for yourself. Posner's evidence is overwhelming. Oswald killed Kennedy, and did so alone.

People have trouble believing that a nut-case with a gun could kill the President, but guess what: Every Presidential assassin in US history has been a lone nut-case.

Yes Posner's evidence is overwhelming… this drives the conspiracy nuts crazy.

Posner has definitely and systematically shown they are full of shit… this makes them even crazier.

So they make intelligent statements like the above because that is all they really have to back up the conspiracy.

When what is real collides with badly conceived malicious make believe the reaction tends to be irrational.
Link Posted: 1/4/2006 10:23:39 AM EDT





I thought TWA flight 800 crashed into him while he was at the Pentagon with DB Cooper.  

You forgot to add that Osama Bin Laden was also there and we failed at killing him....somehow.....it was like our 1000000000 chance.

For the Record I think JFK is still alive.

And, for all the marbles, how old would he be today?

Anyone.... anyone?


He would be 88.


BTW, for our other gentle readers, that is not an reference.

John Fitzgerald Kennedy (May 29, 1917 – November 22, 1963)


However, since it is still January (i.e. not the anniversary of his b-day), the correct answer is 88.
Link Posted: 1/4/2006 10:29:44 AM EDT
Case Closed:

Annotation. The assassination of John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963, continues to inspire interest ranging from well-meaning speculation to bizarre conspiracy theories and controversial filmmaking. But in this landmark book, reissued with a new afterword for the 40th anniversary of the assassination, Gerald Posner examines all of the available evidence and reaches the only possible conclusion: Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. There was no second gunman on the grassy knoll. The CIA was not involved. And although more than four million pages of documents have been released since Posner first made his case, they have served only to corroborate his findings. Case Closed remains the classic account against which all books about JFK’s death must be measured.

Question: Why, if these documents corroborate Posner's conclusion (which is, almost tit-for-tat, the .gov's standard line), would it take this long to release them all?

It is not a "rhetorical question with an agenda".  There could be legitimate reasons.  I am actually asking the question to get an honest, reasoned answer.
Link Posted: 1/4/2006 10:58:51 AM EDT

Case Closed:

Annotation. The assassination of John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963, continues to inspire interest ranging from well-meaning speculation to bizarre conspiracy theories and controversial filmmaking. But in this landmark book, reissued with a new afterword for the 40th anniversary of the assassination, Gerald Posner examines all of the available evidence and reaches the only possible conclusion: Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. There was no second gunman on the grassy knoll. The CIA was not involved. And although more than four million pages of documents have been released since Posner first made his case, they have served only to corroborate his findings. Case Closed remains the classic account against which all books about JFK’s death must be measured.

Question: Why, if these documents corroborate Posner's conclusion (which is, almost tit-for-tat, the .gov's standard line), would it take this long to release them all?

It is not a "rhetorical question with an agenda".  There could be legitimate reasons.  I am actually asking the question to get an honest, reasoned answer.

You have never worked in .gov have you? Most of the documents came from the 'cloak and dagger' agencies. Secrecy is an institutional mania with these folks. Getting them to release documents literally took an act of Congress.
Link Posted: 1/4/2006 11:20:46 AM EDT

You guys have completely missed the point>>>

The Dems FEARED a RIGHT_WING Uprising!!!!!!!

So much so that they were willing to let an enemy of this country get away with assassinating the President of the United States. Only Johnson would be so low, not surprising for someone who was the worst President in the history of this nation. But what the Hell, he was President and he could enact his bullshit socialist agenda. I guess that's all that matters.

Now we may never know the full truth(perhaps after Castro is dead and communist Cuba collapses), but again, this is just another example of how far the socialists are willing to go in order to destroy this country. Regardless of whether it is true or not that Castro was involved, LBJ believed it and didn't want it known.
Link Posted: 1/4/2006 11:59:26 AM EDT


Case Closed:

Annotation. The assassination of John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963, continues to inspire interest ranging from well-meaning speculation to bizarre conspiracy theories and controversial filmmaking. But in this landmark book, reissued with a new afterword for the 40th anniversary of the assassination, Gerald Posner examines all of the available evidence and reaches the only possible conclusion: Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. There was no second gunman on the grassy knoll. The CIA was not involved. And although more than four million pages of documents have been released since Posner first made his case, they have served only to corroborate his findings. Case Closed remains the classic account against which all books about JFK’s death must be measured.

Question: Why, if these documents corroborate Posner's conclusion (which is, almost tit-for-tat, the .gov's standard line), would it take this long to release them all?

It is not a "rhetorical question with an agenda".  There could be legitimate reasons.  I am actually asking the question to get an honest, reasoned answer.

You have never worked in .gov have you? Most of the documents came from the 'cloak and dagger' agencies. Secrecy is an institutional mania with these folks. Getting them to release documents literally took an act of Congress.

Actually didn’t it take 2 acts of Congress to release most of the documents released up to date.

But this is an example EXACTLY what I mean…

Documents are released that corroborate that Oswald acted alone…

The evidence only gets stronger that Oswald acted alone…

So instead of actually considering the new documents/evidence you fabricate reasons as to why the document release is suspicious, really proves nothing, and ignore the facts once again.

It ain’t rational behavior.
Link Posted: 1/4/2006 12:04:32 PM EDT
Well, I went to amazon.com and bought the book, despite a lot of the negative reviews. I'm sure those negative reviews were from the ones who are pro-conspiracy.
Link Posted: 1/4/2006 12:10:52 PM EDT
You're all so gullible.

The truth is, a big bear killed Kennedy.

Link Posted: 1/4/2006 12:54:53 PM EDT


Case Closed:

Annotation. The assassination of John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963, continues to inspire interest ranging from well-meaning speculation to bizarre conspiracy theories and controversial filmmaking. But in this landmark book, reissued with a new afterword for the 40th anniversary of the assassination, Gerald Posner examines all of the available evidence and reaches the only possible conclusion: Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. There was no second gunman on the grassy knoll. The CIA was not involved. And although more than four million pages of documents have been released since Posner first made his case, they have served only to corroborate his findings. Case Closed remains the classic account against which all books about JFK’s death must be measured.

Question: Why, if these documents corroborate Posner's conclusion (which is, almost tit-for-tat, the .gov's standard line), would it take this long to release them all?

It is not a "rhetorical question with an agenda".  There could be legitimate reasons.  I am actually asking the question to get an honest, reasoned answer.

You have never worked in .gov have you? Most of the documents came from the 'cloak and dagger' agencies. Secrecy is an institutional mania with these folks. Getting them to release documents literally took an act of Congress.

I do work for the .gov (though no cloak and dagger for me...... university ).

DDRS (Declass'd Docs Ref System) is my friend.  

My point was just that..... why not release documents that confirm what happened*.

* or, what you want ppl to believe happened
Link Posted: 1/4/2006 12:57:43 PM EDT

Well, I went to amazon.com and bought the book, despite a lot of the negative reviews. I'm sure those negative reviews were from the ones who are pro-conspiracy.

Here are some more:


Fair use excerpt of the Times Literary Supplement review of Case Closed:

Review Excerpt: Case closed
"As the public has indulged its appetite for the sensational by consuming one unsubstantiated conspiracy theory after another, our collective understanding of what actually happened in Dallas on November 22, 1963, has strayed so far from the historical record that it has passed into the realm of mythology. Gerald Posner's contribution . . . is to awaken us from our reveries with cold facts and sharp logic. He reminds us that events in the past can be reconstructed with a fair degree of accuracy and challenges us to reclaim the historical legacy of the Kennedy assassination from those who have used it for their own ends. Posner provides the necessary ammunition for putting the conspiracy-mongers out of business. The question remains, do we have the will?"

Source: The Times Literary Supplement no. 4730 (November 26 1993) p. 11
Personal Author: Kozinski, Alex, reviewer


The same from Library Journal (if ever was a group who "want to believe," it's librarians):

Review Excerpt: Case closed
"Over the past 30 years, more than 2000 books about the Kennedy assassination have been published. While Posner and {P.D.} Scott {Deep Politics and the Death of JFK, BRD 1994} come to different conclusions, their studies are important additions to the field. Providing a detailed account of Oswald's life from childhood on, Posner shows him to have been a psychologically disturbed malcontent who was unhappy with both the U.S. and Soviet political systems. Posner counters claims of the major conspiracy theorists point by point and backs up his arguments with documentary evidence, recent interviews, and up-to-date computer analysis."

Source: Library Journal v. 118 (October 15 1993) p. 76
Personal Author: Barber, Gary D., reviewer


Also have access to reviews in the following, but they do not provide "canned" fair use excerpts for me to freely post:

The Journal of American History v. 81 (Dec. 1994).
Presidential Studies Quarterly v. 24 (Fall 1994).
The American Journal of Legal History v. 39 (Jan. 1995).
The Journal of Southern History v. 61 (Feb. 1995).
The Wilson Quarterly v. 18 (Wint 1994). [with full text]



Link Posted: 1/4/2006 12:58:31 PM EDT

You're all so gullible.

The truth is, a big bear killed Kennedy.


I think I just wet my pants.
Link Posted: 1/4/2006 4:53:21 PM EDT
I heard on one of the local talk shows back in November that there are going to be a bunch of sealed documents and evidence released sometime in 2017. Wonder how much of it has or will "disappear" before the release date.
Link Posted: 1/4/2006 4:59:26 PM EDT
Look, everyone knows Marilyn Monroe is responsible for Kennedy's death.  She was the figure on the grassy knoll who fired the fatal bullet.  Now, here's the kicker.  She wasn't aiming for JFK.  She was aiming for Jackie O'!  Why?  The oldest reason in the world.  It's was a love triangle she Marilyn wanted to get rid of the "other" woman.  However, wearing high-heel shoes threw off her aim and she bagged JFK instead.  Yep, Marilyn was no Marine sniper and we all know who died that day.

Some folks scoff at this fact and point out that Marilyn predeceased JFK by one year.  Nope, that was faked and she staged her death so she could have an alibi when she killed or attempted to kill Jackie O.  After her failure, Marilyn was so distraught over her lover's death that she OD herself so she could beat Jackie to JFK in the afterlife.  

I'm trying to get either Oliver Stone or Michael Moore to make the "documentary" that proves this fact to the world.
Link Posted: 1/4/2006 5:09:06 PM EDT
Oh my God!  You killed Kennedy! You bastards!
Link Posted: 1/4/2006 5:15:39 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/4/2006 5:18:51 PM EDT
JFK's last words were "Hey John, hold my beer and watch this - I'm gonna freak Jackie out!"
Link Posted: 1/4/2006 5:20:21 PM EDT
Actually it was me. At one I was the youngest hit baby ever recruited.
Link Posted: 1/4/2006 5:27:11 PM EDT

My theory is that EVERYONE killed Kennedy.  That way, all the angles are covered.

I loved the Onion's take on the JFK assassination:

"Cubans, Mafia, KGB, Lyndon Johnson and Lee Harvey Oswald shoot Kennedy.  President hit 149 times."
Link Posted: 1/4/2006 6:26:28 PM EDT

I heard on one of the local talk shows back in November that there are going to be a bunch of sealed documents and evidence released sometime in 2017. Wonder how much of it has or will "disappear" before the release date.

The Cigarette Smoking Man will calmly walk to an evidence/document box, remove the smoke from his lips, and place it in the box.  The papers, already pre-soaked with a mild accelerant, will burn easily.  He will do this to another box every day after work, as he moves back and forth between the Pentagon and other buildings in the underground labrynth, until all are gone.  

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