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Posted: 7/12/2001 9:06:28 AM EDT
The is a link to the Waco board where Dave Hardy posts often.  He is working on a book about the Waco Massacre by our own government.  He has compiled probably the ONLY complete history of the Feb. 23 assualt by the BATF.

It's intersting to note that Jin Cavanaugh is trying to negotiate a cease fire with the Davidians while at the same time ordering Sniper fire on them.  No wonder the government never conducted a shooting review, they'd all be in jail!

Link Posted: 7/12/2001 9:36:38 AM EDT
WACO was the Branch Davidians fault.  They shouldn't have set themselves on fire.  What about the children?
Link Posted: 7/12/2001 10:24:18 AM EDT
WACO was the Branch Davidians fault.  They shouldn't have set themselves on fire.  What about the children?
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I agree!!  They were a threat to our national security.  How dare they live in a compound and have beliefs different than mine.  I feel much safer now that they shot themselves and set themselves on fire.  If they had not savagely attacked the government, this never would have happened.  We must police peoples thoughts and beliefs.

NOTE:  In all seriousness, I am not trying to make light of what happened.  It's just my way of pointing out how criminally the gov't behaved.
Link Posted: 7/12/2001 12:05:52 PM EDT
Something that always amazed me was how the country's churches kept quite about the whole thing.

You would figure the Jews and Mormons would raise a big stink about oppression. It was only 100 or so years ago the govt. was oppressing the Mormons, hence their move west to Salt Lake City. And at that time they were only a 'cult' too.

Instead, they all said nothing.

Link Posted: 7/12/2001 12:16:28 PM EDT
Our Church tends to stay out of the political arena.  Remember, we're very conservative, and very unlike those politically grandstanding power-grubbing libs.

We are individuals, though.  And as an individual I am opposed to the ludicrous behavior by the Branch-Davidians.

Setting their home on fire!:(  Did they forget to use safety matches for the kids' sake?
Link Posted: 7/12/2001 6:23:08 PM EDT

We are individuals, though.  And as an individual I am opposed to the ludicrous behavior by the Branch-Davidians.

Setting their home on fire!:(  Did they forget to use safety matches for the kids' sake?
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"ludicrous behavior"? How would you react to a bunch of yahoos(F-Troop)Shooting at you with a child in your arms as you open the door to see what the hell the commotion is outside ?
"Set thier home on fire"? I believe this occured after an APC rammed THROUGH a wall knocking over a lantern. The fire spread so fast because the overuse of CS gas had filled the building with a flammable vapor, not to mention all the ventilation holes knocked in the walls, courtesy of the APCs.
IF you are interested in an objective view on the subject, I would suggest you obtain a copy of the video "Waco, The Rules Of Engagement" by Michael McNulty. this video was nominated for an Academy Award in 1997. His followup video "Waco, A New Revelation" is also a good source of info.
BTW: The videos are VERY disturbing, check them out!
Link Posted: 7/12/2001 8:04:00 PM EDT
Actually both the Treasury Department and the Department of Justice did reviews of this incident.  I don’t know much about the DOJ review, but I’ve seen (but not read) the Treasury review, which is about 400 or 500 pages long.  I’d think both are available through the Government Printing Office.    

This argument could go on forever, in my view, since both sides did things wrong.  Partisans just see the part they want to see.
Link Posted: 7/12/2001 10:57:49 PM EDT
Actually both the Treasury Department and the Department of Justice did reviews of this incident.  I don’t know much about the DOJ review, but I’ve seen (but not read) the Treasury review, which is about 400 or 500 pages long.  I’d think both are available through the Government Printing Office.    

This argument could go on forever, in my view, since both sides did things wrong.  Partisans just see the part they want to see.
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I've done a little more research besides reading DOJ and treasury reports. The fact is, FBI and F-Troop f%*ked up. They will not hold those responsable for the blunders accountable. Instead they give them promotions! The feds could learn from local LEOs, like the ones in Idaho with those six kids.No one hurt on ether side. Until the feds do away with this pseudo-military us vs them mentality, nothing will change.
Durring the last hearing in Idaho, the judge hearing the feds argument on why Lon Horiuchi shouldn't be prosecuted for his shooting of Vicki Weaver, the Attorney for the feds stated that "Federal law enforcement officials must be allowed to do things that, If done by ordinary citizens, would be illegal"
With that kind of logic, more atrocities are SURE to happen. It's just a matter of time.
Link Posted: 7/13/2001 12:22:53 PM EDT
I think the most telling exchange in the whole post occurs when the DPS (Texas Rangers) commander tells the ATF commander who is trying to contact a DPS unit on "EE Ranch Rd" that "We're not sending a single man to get wounded in there with you."

Amen. D.
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