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Posted: 5/23/2005 7:08:25 PM EDT
This is kinda scary.  I wonder if it's related to the over prescription of antibiotics...


May 24, 2005

Marine killed by scratch and superbug
By Simon de Bruxelles
A superfit teenager died just days after he was infected on a training run by a mutant bacteria that destroyed his blood cells

A SUPERFIT Royal Marine collapsed and died within days of scratching his leg on a bush while on a training run — victim of a mutated superbug one doctor described as the worst she had ever seen.
Richard Campbell-Smith, 18, fell victim to pneumonia caused by a rare strain of bacteria that produces a lethal toxin that kills white blood cells.

A microbiologist who gave evidence at the inquest into his death yesterday said that she had come across two such cases since December but none in the previous 15 years.

Marina Morgan, of the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital, said that although cases of the toxin Panton-Valentine leukocidin were still rare, it was difficult to detect, even during post-mortem examination, and many cases might be slipping through.

Cases of the toxin have been reported in America, France, Australia and the Far East andDr Morgan described the staphylococcus infection as the worst she had encountered.

Mr Campbell-Smith’s grandmother, Edwina Fooks, said that the teenager was extremely fit and 28 weeks into his 32-week course at the Royal Marines’ Commando Training Centre in Lympstone, Devon, when he was taken ill.

The recruits had spent the week on a rigorous training programme and Mr Campbell-Smith had scratched his legs on gorse bushes while running on Woodbury Common on October 31 last year.

He was admitted to the medical unit on the same day and called Mrs Fooks to let her know that he was feeling unwell.

Mrs Fooks, 74, from Bournemouth, said: “He called me and said the training had been hard that week and it had been pouring with rain and freezing cold.

“He told me he found it really hard going and he was very, very cold and his hip hurt and he couldn’t walk.

“I was worried when he told me that because he never feels the cold. It was so unusual for him to be unwell.”

Three days after getting the scratches, Mr Campbell-Smith was found collapsed on the floor by his bed. He was admitted to the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital and died shortly after arrival.

A post-mortem examination revealed that he had cardiac and respiratory failure. Dr Morgan said that victims of the superbug were unable to resist it, no matter how fit they were.

The infection spread to Mr Campbell-Smith’s lungs, causing pneumonia which is fatal in three out of four cases. Dr Morgan said: “PVL is an horrendous toxin because it kills white blood cells so they can’t kill the bug.

“It is the worst bug I have ever seen and people really need to know about it. It is untreatable. It multiplies very quickly. One bug will multiply into 17 million within 24 hours. Usually signs include pneumonia, coughing up blood and very high temperatures, but not everyone will look for it.

“PVL testing is very complicated because samples have to be sent to London.”
Lieutenant-Commander Alistair Allsop, the surgeon at Lympstone, told the inquest that Mr Campbell-Smith’s death shocked everyone at the base.

He said: “He was very jovial, interacting well. He was a nice, likeable recruit.”

Elizabeth Earland, the Exeter and Greater Devon District Coroner, recorded a verdict of accidental death. She said: “I am going to make a recommendation to the medical officer for health that he disseminates information to all doctors updating them on likely symptoms of this infection.

“This is to facilitate early diagnosis and treatment in the hope that mortality of this dreadful infection be reduced.”
Link Posted: 5/23/2005 7:15:53 PM EDT
Nuts!  Betcha that superbug was developed by the druggies who take drugs, git sick, git penecillan, develop an immunity and create superbugs that will kill us normal folks.
Link Posted: 5/23/2005 7:18:15 PM EDT

.........mpbell-Smith, 18, fell victim to pneumonia caused by a rare strain of bacteria that produces a lethal toxin that kills white blood cells.

A microbiologist who gave evidence......

I question any microbiologist that says the word "toxin" in a report
Link Posted: 5/23/2005 7:34:35 PM EDT
maybe you ought to question the reporter that wrote it?  

Shitty situation all around.  That something like that exists is worrisome, let alone not knowing how fast it could spread or mutate into something that spreads easily.
Link Posted: 5/24/2005 8:36:31 AM EDT


.........mpbell-Smith, 18, fell victim to pneumonia caused by a rare strain of bacteria that produces a lethal toxin that kills white blood cells.

A microbiologist who gave evidence......

I question any microbiologist that says the word "toxin" in a report

Link Posted: 5/24/2005 10:21:12 AM EDT


next time you hear somone mention the word "toxin" ask them what exactly a toxin is.
Link Posted: 5/24/2005 4:38:05 PM EDT
It doesn't appear to be a case of antibiotic resistance.  It reads like this bacterium produces a toxin that kills white blood cells, killing off the infected person very quickly.

"Toxin" appears to be the correct word choice.  Botulinum toxin is a poison produced by bacteria.  Reads like this is similar in mechanism.

M-W defines "toxin" as "a poisonous substance that is a specific product of the metabolic activities of a living organism and is usually very unstable, notably toxic when introduced into the tissues, and typically capable of inducing antibody formation".  I don't know about its stability or whether it triggers antibody production, but it appears to be toxic.  I suppose since it kills off the cells that would otherwise produce antibodies, it fails against the third part of the definition.
Link Posted: 5/24/2005 4:47:26 PM EDT

It doesn't appear to be a case of antibiotic resistance.  It reads like this bacterium produces a toxin that kills white blood cells, killing off the infected person very quickly.

"Toxin" appears to be the correct word choice.  Botulinum toxin is a poison produced by bacteria.  Reads like this is similar in mechanism.

M-W defines "toxin" as "a poisonous substance that is a specific product of the metabolic activities of a living organism and is usually very unstable, notably toxic when introduced into the tissues, and typically capable of inducing antibody formation".  I don't know about its stability or whether it triggers antibody production, but it appears to be toxic.  I suppose since it kills off the cells that would otherwise produce antibodies, it fails against the third part of the definition.

Tru dat.

Toxin is defined as a posionous substance produced by a living organism.

Link Posted: 5/24/2005 4:50:53 PM EDT
The real question is, when will he come back to life?
Link Posted: 5/24/2005 4:54:26 PM EDT
   While he was called superfit, I would bet his immune system was down because of the intense training, it is a common occurance for those training to come down with "bugs" that normally would not effect them. While the outcome might still have been the same, with a strong immune system he might have overcome it.
Link Posted: 5/24/2005 4:57:11 PM EDT
All right know it all.  Bacteria produce toxins, they are endotoxins and exotoxins respectively.  When did you take microbiology?

Link Posted: 5/24/2005 5:05:35 PM EDT
And a number of bacteria produce toxins aimed at leukocytes, aka "leukotoxins."
Link Posted: 5/24/2005 11:29:27 PM EDT
How likely are these toxins to form naturally, on a Royal Marine training ground?

The british do their Biological Warefare tests a couple of hundred miles away in an establishment called porton down, but it is very sad, and also very wierd that he came down with this. They are reporting at least two more cases recently as well, but none for years.

Sounds fishy to me.

Link Posted: 5/24/2005 11:43:35 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/25/2005 12:41:01 AM EDT
I wonder if this shit was created in a lab somewhere and has slipped out and or released.
Link Posted: 5/25/2005 1:59:10 AM EDT

Why does this shit only happen to English people?

Bad teeth.  
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