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Posted: 10/30/2004 9:08:48 PM EDT
I'm wondering what you guys say when someone asks you this question.

Do you:

A) Tell them to go #### themselves


B) Make an attempt to rationally explain your point of view.

I typically spend a great deal of time describing my point of view... sometimes with great effect, but often the person doesn't even want to hear my point of view. In the case when someone is truly trying to understand... what are some good examples that you've found work in the past.

Also... ever once in a while when I find a gun hating liberal... I ask them if they've even fired the gun they're trying to ban. I then spend what I call "Take a lib to the Range" day and have found its the best way to convert the "non-believers". Just wondering what  ideas the community has that also work. Thanks for the input.
Link Posted: 10/30/2004 9:23:03 PM EDT
It's not about need
Link Posted: 10/30/2004 9:39:06 PM EDT
Aw not this shit again, I don't need one, I want one just like I don't really need a lot of stuff to live but i want them anyway. (I won't make anyone else pay for them)
Link Posted: 10/30/2004 9:42:04 PM EDT
I first make a clear distinction of Assualt rifle and "semi-automatic rifles that look like Assualt rifles" and try to explain that a "semi-automatic rifle that look like Assualt rifle" are similar to "semi-automatic hunting rifles" but with has less firepower on a round-by-round basis.


If you were really talking about select-fire rifles, then I say it is guaranteed in 2nd Amendment and emphasize on that a law abiding citizen will NOT commit felony with any of these weapons. I also point out the steps involved in getting an NFA firearms.

Link Posted: 10/30/2004 9:42:12 PM EDT

I'm wondering what you guys say when someone asks you this question.

Nobody ever asks me that.
Link Posted: 10/30/2004 9:51:46 PM EDT
First of all I tell them I don't recognize the distinction, Assault is an act, not an object.

I need  to own an assault rifle so I'll never need to use it. Only after  they've been outlawed will they be needed.
Link Posted: 10/30/2004 9:52:49 PM EDT
My standard answer to the question "Why do you need more than one gun?"
 a.  Why does a golfer need more than one club?

When somebody asked me "How many guns do you own?" I replied "Just me, or my wife included?"

If somebody asked me why I own an assault rifle I might say "Because it's more fun to fondle than my wife."  but ONLY if my wife isn't there to hear me say it.  
Link Posted: 10/30/2004 9:53:50 PM EDT
I start off by getting 100% of their attention by saying "Are you just asking or do you REALLY want to know my view point?"

At this point they are locked into listening to me.

"So you NEED that Suburban (or whatever vehicle they drive?) over there?... and the Constitution NEVER says anything about specific rifles. Also what ever happened to a free country? I dont NEED one, I WANT one."
Link Posted: 10/30/2004 9:53:54 PM EDT
No one's ever asked me using that term.  I do try to explain that semi-automatic rifles are:
- based on 100 year old technology, not some "space age killing machine" that is a recent occurence
- more fun to shoot (give a newbie a single shot bolt gun first and watch how bored they get)
- particularly with ARs, I point out how they're easier for women with smaller arms to shoot because of the collapsible stock
Link Posted: 10/30/2004 9:55:54 PM EDT
It's usually not worth the effort trying to explain someone why one would need an assault rifle, ESPECIALLY with anti-gun liberals.  

Depending on the person, I would do either. If they are close, I would try to rationally explain to them the reason we want these rifles. If it's someone I could care less about, I would blow them off and ignore them completely. It is pointless arguing with a liberal because they are brainwashed to the point that if you spoon feed them the facts, they will still disagree. You're not going to change someone's views when they are so fixated on their position and completely ignore the opposing argument.  It would be easier to print handouts to these kinds of people, than to waste my breath trying to explain assault weapons.
Link Posted: 10/30/2004 9:59:15 PM EDT
I have a friend who keeps asking me why I have firearms.  He's into paintball so I just ask why he has a paintball gun seeing how he plays about an eighth as often as I go shooting.  I just tell others it's a hobby and I like them.
Link Posted: 10/30/2004 10:02:44 PM EDT
Only one person has asked me that.

After explaining the difference between what I had and a Assault rifle, and him and his wife firing the two AR's with the evil Lug and Flash Hider I had out at the range the first thing the women said was "I Want one Honey"  to her husband.

Link Posted: 10/30/2004 10:02:46 PM EDT
I usually say something like this:

"You know, when you ask somebody a question like that, it's like asking how many guns they own, or how much money they have in the bank, which is really none of your business.  But, I don't want to be impolite, so the reason I have an assault weapon is the same reason a dog licks his dick --- BECAUSE HE CAN.  Does THAT answer your question?"

The usual response is silence.
Link Posted: 10/30/2004 10:09:07 PM EDT
Bill of Rights, not Bill of Needs.
Link Posted: 10/30/2004 10:10:09 PM EDT
some of the guys at work ask me this once in awhile

I just smile at them
Link Posted: 10/30/2004 10:12:35 PM EDT

Bill of Rights, not Bill of Needs.

Amen to that.  Very well said.
Link Posted: 10/30/2004 10:13:25 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/30/2004 10:14:14 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/30/2004 10:14:52 PM EDT
Assault Rifle is a political term. They are called semi auto sporting rifles
Link Posted: 10/30/2004 10:25:50 PM EDT

Assault Rifle is a political term. They are called semi auto sporting rifles

no there not.

"semi-auto rifle" -would be correct....this way they cant try and trap you into the "no-sporting purpose" argument.  I do agree that "Assault Rifle is a political term." and a damn effective one at that- to where the owners of said rifles dont even know regognize that they are being duped.

As a matter of fact Im kinda appalled at how light our AR15.com members are at these arguments and counter arguments.  It seems we all need a course of instuction in why we can have these rifles and how the 2nd applies to you.
Link Posted: 10/30/2004 10:28:34 PM EDT
Um for when the SHTF.  I try not to talk to anyone who dosen't understand this.  
Link Posted: 10/30/2004 10:29:01 PM EDT

Bill of Rights, not Bill of Needs.

7 words. Very good way to end an argument as a closing statement! Well said GIJoe
Link Posted: 10/30/2004 10:29:10 PM EDT
Kick them in the nutz.
Link Posted: 10/30/2004 10:35:54 PM EDT

Bill of Rights, not Bill of Needs.


Joke em if they cant take a f---!!!

Link Posted: 10/30/2004 10:53:46 PM EDT
I usually say, "Why do YOU need an assault rifle?" And they look at me strangely and walk away.
Link Posted: 10/30/2004 10:57:32 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/30/2004 11:05:11 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/30/2004 11:08:53 PM EDT


Kick them in the nutz too.

Then shoot em in the head.
Link Posted: 10/30/2004 11:17:47 PM EDT



Kick them in the nutz too.

Then shoot em in the head.

You kick em in the nuts and they will just keep coming.
You shoot them in the knees, they will fall but they will get right back up and keep coming.
There is only one way to deal with these monsters, aim for the head, just shoot them in the ****ing head.
Link Posted: 10/30/2004 11:22:23 PM EDT
I ask them why they need...

their muscle car

their makeup kit

their __________ fill in the blank w/whatever it is that they would NOT compromise on living w/o, but TECHNICALLY isn't "needed" for them to live (in ideal situations).

Shoe on the other foot usually works. They tend to come up w/ "well my muscle car wasn't designed to kill people" to which I reply neither were airplanes, but I know over 3000 people who would dispute that claim if they could. Neither was my Sanford Uni-Ball Onyx pen, but I bet if someone attacked me I could kill them with it. And I know I could kill a LOT of folks w/your muscle car were I so inclined. So your beef is that objects DESIGNED specifically to kill are bad. Want the government to outlaw any sort of blade including box cutters, scapels, xacto knives and kitchen knives both butter and steak/paring etc...? Thjen docs couldn't operate, and a lot of folks would die, but that's okay, right, because everyone would be safe from bladed weaponry? Get a clue.

More or less.
Link Posted: 10/30/2004 11:29:00 PM EDT
When the time comes for me to actually need one, it'll be a little too freakin' late to go shopping, don't you think?

Link Posted: 10/30/2004 11:30:58 PM EDT




Kick them in the nutz too.

Then shoot em in the head.

You kick em in the nuts and they will just keep coming.
You shoot them in the knees, they will fall but they will get right back up and keep coming.
There is only one way to deal with these monsters, aim for the head, just shoot them in the ****ing head.

You're absolutely correct.

Shoot them in the head...

THEN kick them in the nutz.
Link Posted: 10/31/2004 2:13:41 AM EDT
Ask Them, Do They NEED to Be Free.

With Out A Gun, How are they Going to Protect Their Freedom.

It Is About Freedom, NOT why do You Need an Assault Weapon.

If you Tell them you are going to make them your Slave, How will they Stop You.

If They say Call 911, the government.

You, could then tell them, How Can I help You, I'm from the government.

If the Government has ALL the Guns, We Will Be come Slaves.

If they said that would never happen in the United States,

Ask them if they Saw 9/11 Happening.

If the Pilots On 9/11 were Free To carry Guns like in Isreal, Would 9/11 Happen.

It Is About Freedom to Protect Your Life.

It Is Not About Guns,

It Is About Protecting Freedom.

Asked them, Do They Need To Be Free.

Just Don't be surprise if they say, No, they Do not want to be Free.


United States Of America________________________
www.LEAP.cc/ -- www.Cures-not-wars.org/ Truth Will Liberate Earth. Law EnForcement Against Prohibition
www.RKBA.org/antis/hci-masterAllege 1993 feinstein/hci PRETEXT for TOTAL Gun Freedom Confiscation.
www.digitalangelcorp.com/ Revelation 13:18 BAN Human Power ID-GPS-MONEY Implant Micro-chip.Patent 5,629,678
Link Posted: 10/31/2004 2:23:01 AM EDT
"The voices in my head told me to get one"
Link Posted: 10/31/2004 2:41:39 AM EDT
Because I can, the Bill of Rights says so. Period, end of story.hug.gif

Link Posted: 10/31/2004 2:47:24 AM EDT
"In case some of you assholes here at work piss me off"

-----anonymous postal worker
Link Posted: 10/31/2004 3:00:36 AM EDT
Again, I tell them it is not an assault weapon. It is merely a rifle, a tool, an object of my affection and I also tell them if they call it an assault weapon one more time, I will hit 'em over the head with it
Link Posted: 10/31/2004 3:05:09 AM EDT
I'm sick of the age old argument of trying to "justify" why I own something or why I do something to appease someone in politically correct terms. Anyone that far out in left field isn't worth giving the time of day in my opinion. I could care less what label is put on my military type semiautomatics - I didnt buy them so I could sit around humming hippie love songs.

One of my pet peeves is law enforcement officers who do not understand the difference between a Title II weapon and a nonregulated "normal" firearm. I was in a law enforcement course on identifying full autos, AOW's, and SBR/SBS - by an idiot who didnt know what he was talking about. If I remember right, he though his personal hunting gun fell under title II and had to be registered with a form 4- I'm not fond of people feeding law enforcement types BAD information when it comes to legalities.  Ignorance abounds everywhere - whether its actual Class III weapons or what someone thinks of a semiautomatic clone of a military gun.
Link Posted: 10/31/2004 3:07:11 AM EDT
I ask them Just what to hell is an assult weapon??
Link Posted: 10/31/2004 3:17:21 AM EDT
I don't own any assault rifles. I do own some rifles with that I use for sporting purposes.

Remember the Alamo, and God Bless Texas...
Link Posted: 10/31/2004 3:31:49 AM EDT


I want to "assault" something.
Link Posted: 10/31/2004 3:35:43 AM EDT
Here's one for the Kerry crowd which says he is not against firearms and shows him with his geese, ducks or whatever and $10,000. shotgun.   "First off, it's not an assault weapon.  But, I want to have a simple, practical weapon, not overly affected by weather.  I live in FL and prefer stainless and fiberglas to wood and "the finest blued steel."  Also,  (here it comes), the sight of Kerry out killing innocent animals horrifies and sickens me, and I wouldn't even want a hunting weapon.  So, I won't own one."

Too bad someone of stature didn't come up with the hunting argument.  Kerry would have had to shut up with his "act" trying to woo gun owners.  Then the dopey hunters would not have warmed to him thinking "he's not after our guns, he's one of us."  
Link Posted: 10/31/2004 3:39:57 AM EDT
In case those commies from the west, IL. Try to invade.
Link Posted: 10/31/2004 3:40:30 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/31/2004 3:44:04 AM EDT
Ask them to define the term "Assault rifle".   Don't put them on the defensive.   Then  go with it when they give the wrong answer.  

Some people Can be educated.

Or just kick 'em in the nutz

Link Posted: 10/31/2004 3:55:44 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/31/2004 3:56:16 AM EDT
I don't "need" one.

I don't "need" to take in dogs from rescue groups either.

I don't need them, but they need me.
Link Posted: 10/31/2004 4:00:42 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/31/2004 4:12:11 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/31/2004 4:17:53 AM EDT

Ask Them, Do They NEED to Be Free.

With Out A Gun, How are they Going to Protect Their Freedom.

It Is About Freedom, NOT why do You Need an Assault Weapon.

If you Tell them you are going to make them your Slave, How will they Stop You.

If They say Call 911, the government.

You, could then tell them, How Can I help You, I'm from the government.

If the Government has ALL the Guns, We Will Be come Slaves.

If they said that would never happen in the United States,

Ask them if they Saw 9/11 Happening.

If the Pilots On 9/11 were Free To carry Guns like in Isreal, Would 9/11 Happen.

It Is About Freedom to Protect Your Life.

It Is Not About Guns,

It Is About Protecting Freedom.

Asked them, Do They Need To Be Free.

Just Don't be surprise if they say, No, they Do not want to be Free.


United States Of America________________________
www.LEAP.cc/ -- www.Cures-not-wars.org/ Truth Will Liberate Earth. Law EnForcement Against Prohibition
www.RKBA.org/antis/hci-masterAllege 1993 feinstein/hci PRETEXT for TOTAL Gun Freedom Confiscation.
www.digitalangelcorp.com/ Revelation 13:18 BAN Human Power ID-GPS-MONEY Implant Micro-chip.Patent 5,629,678

i really like what his guy has to say. but i got one so if any one comes in my house i can protect myself. and they are fun as hell to shoot, and cool looking

Link Posted: 10/31/2004 4:27:01 AM EDT
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