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Posted: 10/13/2004 3:49:10 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/13/2004 3:50:27 PM EDT
I was Just about to say that.
Link Posted: 10/13/2004 3:53:21 PM EDT
I always wondered how these threads reach 30pages in 90mins. if
everyone is WATCHING the debates Am I the only person that does
not have a TV next to my PC.  
Link Posted: 10/13/2004 3:57:11 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/13/2004 3:57:43 PM EDT

Am I the only person that does
not have a TV next to my PC

Yes.  Now go buy or self a tv and place it next to your computer.  Multi Tasking is essential in todays world.  

Message To Bush......
Dont fuck it up.
Link Posted: 10/13/2004 3:59:37 PM EDT
Time for a nice prayer.
Link Posted: 10/13/2004 3:59:39 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/13/2004 4:02:22 PM EDT

I think I'm gonna skip it.  I already know who is gonna lie and who is gonna tell the truth.  I already know what their answers to the pre selected Bush bashing questions are gonna be, and I already know that John Kerry is an asshat and that the President is a great man and excellent leader.  Why should I waste my time watching it?


I think these debates are for the undecided voters. I know the issues pretty well already, and have a feel for the integrity of each candidate.
Link Posted: 10/13/2004 4:06:02 PM EDT
... A debate about what?

... I didn't get the e-mail
Link Posted: 10/13/2004 4:06:41 PM EDT

I think I'm gonna skip it.  I already know who is gonna lie and who is gonna tell the truth.  I already know what their answers to the pre selected Bush bashing questions are gonna be, and I already know that John Kerry is an asshat and that the President is a great man and excellent leader.  Why should I waste my time watching it?

That is how I felt going into the last one, I figured I would prolly bore with it
prety quickly and shut it off. But am glad I didnt, I was great to watch Bush stand
up for himself and Kerry stamer and studer and let W get the best of him.
I am watching tonight for the entertainment  value.
Link Posted: 10/13/2004 4:25:51 PM EDT
Go Astros!

I am going to watch the ball game instead!
Link Posted: 10/13/2004 4:27:09 PM EDT
dammit.. do we HAVE to do this again.  These debates are freekin worthless... they drive me insane.
Link Posted: 10/13/2004 4:27:40 PM EDT

Go Astros!

I am going to watch the ball game instead!

You know I made your avitar and now I want it back.
Link Posted: 10/13/2004 4:27:45 PM EDT

Go Astros!

I am going to watch the ball game instead!

+1  -  GO ASTROS!!!!!!!  
Link Posted: 10/13/2004 4:28:43 PM EDT


Go Astros!

I am going to watch the ball game instead!

You know I made your avitar and now I want it back.

Link Posted: 10/13/2004 4:29:10 PM EDT
Is the debate going to be held on time?

This morning there was supposed to be a Show Cause hearing as to why Badnarik and Nader shouldn't be allowed into the debate.  Otherwise a Injunction against the debate was going to be issued by Maricopa County Superior Court.

What happened to that hearing?
Link Posted: 10/13/2004 4:30:39 PM EDT

Link Posted: 10/13/2004 4:30:51 PM EDT
I am going to watch it just to see how it all pans out. Its obvious to me that Kerry is a damn traitor to everyone who ever wore a uniform - that aside - I'll watch the media paint him as a hero - as they always do and once again be beside myself and regret that at least 48 percent of America I am sickened to call "countrymen". People who have never fought for anything shouldnt make decisions on Commander in Chief. Just my opinion. I dont need Oprah-nation telling me how to do my f----ing job in homeland security or elsewhere if they get their assclown in office.

Good Men Died While Kerry Lied
Link Posted: 10/13/2004 4:32:51 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/13/2004 4:40:40 PM EDT
I can't help but watch the debate

I am a political junkie
Link Posted: 10/13/2004 4:41:13 PM EDT
Debate thread, not baseball thread.

Please only debate posts.  It's hard enough reading though the pages.

Link Posted: 10/13/2004 4:43:16 PM EDT
Anyone drinking tonight?

I just picked up a six pack of ShinnerBock
Link Posted: 10/13/2004 4:43:29 PM EDT


Is the debate going to be held on time?

This morning there was supposed to be a Show Cause hearing as to why Badnarik and Nader shouldn't be allowed into the debate.  Otherwise a Injunction against the debate was going to be issued by Maricopa County Superior Court.

What happened to that hearing?

LOL, you're fucking kidding right?  I haven't heard this and spend all day reading the newswires... must have been dismissed immediately.

Was on Drudge last night.

Here is one version of the original story I found

And they lost

Its amazing that only a few small internet outlets in this country covered this- only foreign news outlets thought it was important.
Link Posted: 10/13/2004 4:44:16 PM EDT


Go Astros!
I am going to watch the ball game instead!

+1  -  GO ASTROS!!!!!!!  

+2  -  GO ASTROS!!!!!!!
Where is Mike Scuff?  I hope your pitchers brought enough sandpaper!
Link Posted: 10/13/2004 4:48:58 PM EDT
I'll be constantly refreshing this thread for the play-by-play of the debate.....then I'll watch it later tonight when foxnews.com puts their video online
Link Posted: 10/13/2004 4:50:07 PM EDT
Regardless of the outcome of tonights debate, the media will tell the sheeple that the great johnny "rambo" skerry kicked GWBs ass in all three.
I must say though, GWB has done a piss poor job against this slimy liberal and whoever has been preparing him should be sacked ASAP !
Link Posted: 10/13/2004 4:54:17 PM EDT

Regardless of the outcome of tonights debate, the media will tell the sheeple that the great johnny "rambo" skerry kicked GWBs ass in all three.
I must say though, GWB has done a piss poor job against this slimy liberal and whoever has been preparing him should be sacked ASAP !

I thought "W" did a good job last Friday though I thought he could have come up with a better answer to the last question.
Link Posted: 10/13/2004 4:54:39 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/13/2004 4:58:40 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/13/2004 4:59:41 PM EDT
As long as Bush stays on topic he cannot LOSE any debate.

Kerry loses ALL the debates as soon as he starts talking about his record and what he will do.

Because then his statments are gone over with a fine toothed comb by the internet and his lies and just utter stupidity in some cases are exposed.

This election will be decieded by the Internet. NOT by the News Media as in the past.

This is the continuation of the battle begun when the News media were caught trying to help the Dems steal the 2000 Election by Internet reporting.  This is round two and it has become obvious that the TV is losing it, hence their hysterical attempts to try and prop up Kerry, and their utter abandonment of even the apperance of impartiality.
Link Posted: 10/13/2004 5:00:24 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/13/2004 5:00:59 PM EDT

DO you think we will hear anything about a "PLAN' tonight?

Im not real sure but  I have a plan as to how i will find out.
Link Posted: 10/13/2004 5:01:00 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/13/2004 5:01:14 PM EDT

Jesus Spectre... there is only so much to work with.  He blew the first, held his own in the second.  As somebody who has done debate prep, you can only mold the clay you have.  I think your expectations are more than a little bit unreasonable.  Bush has never been a polished speaker and he never will be.

I agree, however, the same media who now declare him DOA are the same who said he was a highly skilled debater before the first one.
IMO, I think GWB should have skipped debates all together. They are a over scripted useless show for the sheeple.
Now a TRUE debate, an unscripted town hall type event with no pre screened questions, THAT would get my attention.
Link Posted: 10/13/2004 5:01:50 PM EDT
Well, at least it's not CBS's Dan Rather...
Link Posted: 10/13/2004 5:02:35 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/13/2004 5:02:48 PM EDT
Checking in.
Link Posted: 10/13/2004 5:02:54 PM EDT
The Anti-Christ has been helped all through this Campain.  The Media..... On Lenno this week They      ( The media)  had the Anti-Christ's boy,.........Edwards and Mikee Moore on.  As soon as the Debates end they go right to the most Anti-Bush Democrat so he can spit his venom before everyone turn the channel to watch a Movie. Well losts of Sheeple are mesmorized and stay focused until a phone rings or something.
Link Posted: 10/13/2004 5:03:06 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/13/2004 5:03:11 PM EDT

DO you think we will hear anything about a "PLAN' tonight?

I dunno, but I can tell you, I have a plan. Yes, I have a plan . . .
Link Posted: 10/13/2004 5:03:17 PM EDT
TAGGETH.....Damn...First question and I forgot my beer!!

Kerry...lying cockeater...oops hasnt started yet!!
Link Posted: 10/13/2004 5:03:19 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/13/2004 5:03:31 PM EDT
Well here we go, time to tie down the jitters
Link Posted: 10/13/2004 5:04:14 PM EDT

This election will be decieded by the Internet. NOT by the News Media as in the past.

Me thinks this is wishful thinking.  Not that big of a % of people look for facts on the net, and the "facts" available are smoothered in crap.  

This election will be decided by the courts, is my dire prediction.  
Link Posted: 10/13/2004 5:04:29 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/13/2004 5:04:37 PM EDT
Let me get my plan counter
I have a plan x0
Link Posted: 10/13/2004 5:04:44 PM EDT
OH NO SHIT! I dint know it was ASU! I bet that cock sucker Leanos is there
Link Posted: 10/13/2004 5:04:57 PM EDT

This election will be decided by the courts, is my dire prediction.

Unfortuanately I agree.
Link Posted: 10/13/2004 5:05:06 PM EDT
Checking in and hoping BIG W kicks some ass.
Link Posted: 10/13/2004 5:05:23 PM EDT
here we go

More talk of containers but no action Ideas
Link Posted: 10/13/2004 5:05:53 PM EDT
Spllit screen. WTF is up with Bush and his blinking.
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