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Posted: 10/12/2004 3:49:20 AM EDT

Sean Penn steamed over puppet satire


The film doesn't officially arrive in theaters until Friday, but activist-actor Sean Penn is already spitting splinters over "Team America: World Police," the savagely satirical puppet movie created by "South Park" bad boys Matt Stone and Trey Parker.

In the missive posted on the Drudge Report Web site, the thin-skinned thespian, whose left-leaning puppet persona gets horribly (but hilariously) mutilated in "TA," writes that the pair is "encouraging irresponsibility that will ultimately lead to the disembowelment, mutilation, exploitation and death of innocent people throughout the world."

Penn wrote the letter in response to Stone's recent public statements mocking P. Diddy's "Vote or Die!" public service announcement ads. Stone's statement -- "There's no shame in not voting" -- was aimed at people who are uneducated on the candidates and the issues.

"No one's ignorance," Penn writes, "is an excuse."

The actor signs the letter with "all best and a sincere [expletive] you, Sean Penn."

On Saturday night, Atlantans got their first look at "Team America: World Police" during a sneak preview.

Between scenes of puppets getting drunk and projectile vomiting and extended sequences of er, puppet-lovin', Buzz managed to muffle our guffaws long enough to take a note or two.

First, Alec Baldwin, Tim Robbins, Michael Moore, Susan Sarandon, Matt Damon and Martin Sheen probably should avoid this flick. In "Team America," the liberal Hollywood types are members of the Film Actors Guild, which naturally leads to various running jokes about the organization's inevitable acronym.

Incidentally, Stone and Parker should be less concerned about the attack from Penn in favor of a potential nuclear-powered present from North Korean leader Kim Jong Il. After all, in the film, Kim Jong ll is depicted as the film's bespectacled, babe-impaired villain who talks and sings suspiciously like Eric Cartman.

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Oh, the poor little Sean Penn is upset because somebody is ridiculing him for a change! I may go see this movie, just because Sean Penn doesn't like it.
Link Posted: 10/12/2004 4:48:22 AM EDT
They can dish it out, but they can't take it...
Link Posted: 10/12/2004 4:51:47 AM EDT
Saw it Saturday - this movie is fucking hilarious.

The theme song ("Amercica! - Fuck Yeah!"), puppet sex scene, and Kim Jong Il's panthers are real standouts.
Link Posted: 10/12/2004 4:52:40 AM EDT
It gotta be good!
Link Posted: 10/12/2004 4:53:23 AM EDT
Somebody needs to explain to Penn that he is providing the movie with extra advertising.

I'm sure they'll appreciate the additional revenue his little hissy-fit will generate.
Link Posted: 10/12/2004 4:54:04 AM EDT
Sean Penn's letter was the reason I went to go see it.

Another good scene:  "Matt Damon"
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