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Posted: 9/21/2004 4:30:21 AM EDT
A student got caught by police for plotting to blow up his school and gun down the students and teachers.  They found a video tape of him firing a stolen AK-47.

Even though the weapon in the case was stolen if the kid would have been able to carry out his plan you could have guaranteed all forms of assault weapons would be banned.


Police consider it a practice session: Andrew Osantowski performing on videotape blasting his stolen assault rifle -- an eerie preamble to the death and destruction authorities say the teen was plotting.

And he wasn't alone.

Osantowski's father, Marvin Osantowski, 52, also was videotaped firing the weapon in the woods on family-owned land in Bad Axe, said Macomb County Assistant Prosecutor John Courie. Authorities said they suspect the elder Osantowski is behind the lens in other portions of the video, recording his 17-year-old son firing the stolen semiautomatic AK47 rifle.

The tape was among hundreds of videos confiscated from Andrew Osantowski's bedroom Thursday, after police got a tip he was planning to blow up Chippewa Valley High School and gun down students, teachers and even the school's liaison officer.

Whether Marvin Osantowski knew of the deadly Columbine-like plan isn't clear, Courie said -- but he should have known his son could not have legally bought such weapons.....

Link Posted: 9/21/2004 4:34:50 AM EDT

stolen semiautomatic AK47 rifle.

Correct me if I am wrong but wouldn't that make it an AKS, not an AK-47.  Big difference just like M16 - AR15.  But hey the media always has it right.
Link Posted: 9/21/2004 4:38:10 AM EDT
What a revoltin' development this is!
Link Posted: 9/21/2004 4:43:13 AM EDT
Now a guy has to keep track of where his chitlins get weapons from?

Who'd of thought Fatherin' would be so dern difficult?!?!?
Link Posted: 9/21/2004 4:45:29 AM EDT
Very close call here.

The kid was definitely a whacked out idiot, but I know nothing about his father. From what little I can gather he was very serious and specific about what / who he planned to do. Unfortunately, there are probably several hundred such fucknuts out there at any given time waiting and planning such mayhem at various places across the country...not to mention serious terrorists and extremists. Just a matter of time until one is not caught before the act. That is not doom and gloom, just mathmatical fact.

Get what you can now because there is no guarantee about tomorrow...the pols will sell us out in a heartbeat for a shot at a 5 second sound bite...and that includes most of them from both sides of the aisle.
Link Posted: 9/21/2004 4:46:19 AM EDT
Did he buy it off an Ice Cream truck?

Did he find it "on the street"?

Did he use the "gun show loophole" to get it?
Link Posted: 9/21/2004 4:53:12 AM EDT
While pops is seemingly no saint, it seems to me there is a lot being read into this situation.

I have semi-auto firearms.

My son fires them with me.

My son isn't the most popular kid in school, but try being an individual in Massachusetts. Not easy.

I have German flags in my house. Not on display, but I have them- souvenirs from growing up in Germany.

I have books on the Third Reich. History books.

I even have a History Channel documentary VHS tape on German something or other in WW2.

I have books by pro-Nazi authors. I haven't read them much since college (they were from history and lit course I took) but I still own them.


OMG. My house is about to be burnt down, and I'm about to be put in a cell......
Link Posted: 9/21/2004 5:05:40 AM EDT

While pops is seemingly no saint, it seems to me there is a lot being read into this situation.

I have semi-auto firearms.

My son fires them with me.

My son isn't the most popular kid in school, but try being an individual in Massachusetts. Not easy.

I have German flags in my house. Not on display, but I have them- souvenirs from growing up in Germany.

I have books on the Third Reich. History books.

I even have a History Channel documentary VHS tape on German something or other in WW2.

I have books by pro-Nazi authors. I haven't read them much since college (they were from history and lit course I took) but I still own them.


OMG. My house is about to be burnt down, and I'm about to be put in a cell......

No shit.  My father was a history teacher, therefore rather interested in the subject.  He also grew up during WW2.  He has couple Luftwaffe daggers and some other assorted German WW2 era items THAT HAPPEN to have swastikas on them.  He also owns guns.  He has LOTS of ammo.  He is retired and shoots 2 - 3 times a week.  He also reloads ammo.  He has TONS of books.  Most people look at his study and ask when he bought a library.  He has books on Communism, WW2, Nazis....  God forbid a liberal went in there, they would freak out.  He would instantly be labeled as a whacko.

This is not fair in the least.  The people that scream about prejudice and "labeling" are the MOST prejudiced and label-centric fuckers on the planet.
Link Posted: 9/21/2004 5:25:29 AM EDT
Maybe I can shed some light on this...

The kid and his father were under indictment for stealing a golf cart from the golf course where the father worked....while....he was on disability from another job.  The kid bragged on the internet about stealing a rifle and shotgun from a mom and pop gun shop in a burglary.  I know this shop and the owner does his best to make a very modest  living.

The rifle is actually a Czech rifle that looks like an AK. I can't remember the model number but it is a bit different.  The father denied knowing anything about the rifle, but the police have video of him shooting the rifle with his son and found a case of 7.62X39 ammo that was mail ordered, addressed to and paid for by the father's credit card.

There is a difference in collecting German memoribilia then calling yourself "nazi-bot-sadistic" and exposing racist nazi crap on the internet.  The threats on the internet were very specific. The police found  pipes with nails taped to them lined up in a production line with fuses and powder ready to be poured in to them.  They found a blue print of the boiler room of the school.

This was the real deal, this psycho was ready, willing, and able to carry out this attack. Most likely it woul have occured this coming Friday at the homecoming pep rally/assembly held in the gym.

It is pretty easy to minimize this if you don't have any stake in it. My wife has taught at this school for 27 years, and I have a nephew who goes there.   The chief of police, his commander and the Captain who searched the house were all former patrol car partners of mine 25 years  ago.

I thank God for this high school girl in Idaho and her father who turned in this scumbag.

I hope he,  his father and his fucked up friend rot in jail and then hell.

Link Posted: 9/21/2004 5:31:23 AM EDT
So what is the story with the "tip" to the police?  I say err on the side of caution but it sure sounds like the kid is guilty merely because someone accused him.  How hard would be these days for some kid to tell his touchy-feely parents about how Andy at school was talking about his AK-47 video he and his dad made.  The parents get all Libshit on themselves and call the police because this kid must be a psycho.

And I read nothing in the story about blowing up the school.  
Link Posted: 9/21/2004 5:32:40 AM EDT
Well there you go.
Link Posted: 9/21/2004 5:36:08 AM EDT
The kid gave the girl on the internet his name and address. Amateur (or professional) psychologists out there, what do you make of that?
Link Posted: 9/21/2004 5:45:41 AM EDT
The girl in Idaho who was talking to this kid printed out some of the converstations as they started to become very specific as to what he was going to do.  He told her of the burglaries, very specific information about the guns, where he hid them and specifically what he was going to do with them. He told her about making bombs, what he had and what he was going to do with them.  His attack wasn't about "blowing up the school" as it was using pipe bombs to kill people with.

If you look at the escalation of his conversation, the video tapes, and the other evidence it is clear that he is a  sociopath. These things are exactly, and I mean exactly, the same things the Columbine shooters did, acted, said. In addition his behavior is exactly the same as the majority of attack killers.  He had the means, the ability and intention to carry out his attack.

Besides the obvious charges of burglary, receiveing and concealing stolen property, a bunch of other weapons charges, a number of conspiracies. I think they are also going to hang domestic terrorism on him.
Link Posted: 9/21/2004 5:50:34 AM EDT

The kid gave the girl on the internet his name and address. Amateur (or professional) psychologists out there, what do you make of that?

He also dared her to turn him in several times.   Putting my amateur psychologist hat on, I would say this is typical of someone crying out for attention but also it serves as an excuse and rationalizaton to assauge his guilt. He is essentialy saying. "Hey, I told her I was going to do it, why didn't she stop me, turn me in, it is your fault not mine. You should have stopped me"  This is very typical of the mass murder shooters.
Link Posted: 9/21/2004 5:55:34 AM EDT

The kid gave the girl on the internet his name and address. Amateur (or professional) psychologists out there, what do you make of that?

Not a shrink, but I'd say it was a combination of bravado abnd being a dumbass. He was trying to impress her, but never thought of the consequences,
Link Posted: 9/21/2004 6:02:39 AM EDT
Damn...glad they stopped him...that would've been a truckload of suck...
Link Posted: 9/21/2004 6:10:35 AM EDT
String em up.
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