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Posted: 8/19/2004 2:28:56 PM EDT
Come on....be honest!
Link Posted: 8/19/2004 2:31:06 PM EDT
No, but CNN = American al-Jazeera
Link Posted: 8/19/2004 2:32:31 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/19/2004 2:33:07 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/19/2004 2:33:36 PM EDT

No, but CNN = American al-Jazeera

What do you mean?  Got an example or just parroting what you heard in here?
Link Posted: 8/19/2004 2:39:43 PM EDT
I honestly feel it is very "Fair and Balanced".  Even the conservative opinion shows have pretty staunch liberals on to give the other side.  I can't tell you how reports I've seen on other channels without so much as even a talking point from anyone on the non-liberal side of things...
Link Posted: 8/19/2004 2:42:08 PM EDT
CNN= Communist Nazi Network

These guys fabricated a story about a POW camp raid in Vietnam, in which US Forces used Nerve agents.  When caught in the lie, CNN just shrugged it off.  This is only one example.  CNN is also owned by Ted Turner, husband to... Hanoi Jane Fonda.

Fox is ok from what I know.  

I think I read the question wrong... but CNN does suck.  
Link Posted: 8/19/2004 2:43:02 PM EDT
I love DNCNN -- Democratic National Committee News Network out of Atlanta.
Link Posted: 8/19/2004 2:44:21 PM EDT
I had to pick "Maybe a little" - but FOX is nowhere near as far to the right as the most accepted, "mainstream" outlets are to the left.  And don't even get me started on CNN...
Link Posted: 8/19/2004 2:46:15 PM EDT
If FNC was anymore anti gun and liberal I wouldnt watch any news at all.

Link Posted: 8/19/2004 2:46:54 PM EDT

Come on....be honest!

Stupid Twat.
They are 'slanted' only when compared to the 90% of mainstream media that is WAY TO THE FUCKING LEFT.
Link Posted: 8/19/2004 2:48:51 PM EDT
Just LOOK at your poll choices - don't you even see your own Bias reflected in there?? Nowhere is there a simple 'No' or ANY choice that infers approval of their network.
Even your "Not at all, never" is a fucking caricature.
Link Posted: 8/19/2004 2:49:15 PM EDT
Yeah, Fox is biased. They're much too far to the left.
Link Posted: 8/19/2004 2:50:49 PM EDT
I love how people try to claim FOX is biased to the right by using examples of OPINION shows like O'Reilly and Hannity and Colmes (conveniently ignoring Colmes).  The fact is, FOX is the ONLY network that seriously tries to get both sides of the story - and they often do this by using people who freely admit their own opinions - which is a helluva lot more fair and balanced than reporters who claim to have no opinion but DO.
Link Posted: 8/19/2004 3:03:14 PM EDT
Personal attacks?  No call for that.
Link Posted: 8/19/2004 3:07:16 PM EDT
Fox is heavily biased... so is CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, etc. They are all biased. It's all about watching as many sources as possibly with your bullshit filters on full.
Link Posted: 8/19/2004 3:08:02 PM EDT

Personal attacks?  No call for that.

Relax...When you goggle image twat you get this...

and this.....

and this....

Twat aint always bad......

Im sure he meant it in a good way...

Link Posted: 8/19/2004 3:10:11 PM EDT
Fox is the only new network where in NEWS coverage you will consistently get both sides of an issue. NBC, CBS, ABC, MSNBC, PBS are ALL strongly biased left and rarely give anything but the liberal point of view in NEWS coverage.

O'Reilly, Hannity and Colmes, On the Record, are all Opinion shows NOT news but even so Colmes and Greta Van Susteren are both liberals and O’Reilly is sure as hell NOT a Conservative. When compared this to MSNBC or CNN primetime lineups of Larry King, Hardball ect.ect. Fox is certainly more balanced than both.
Link Posted: 8/19/2004 3:10:15 PM EDT
It certainly isn't pro-gun

- BUCC_Guy
Link Posted: 8/19/2004 3:11:29 PM EDT

Personal attacks?  No call for that.

Fair enough, but can you please address the substance of the legitimate complaints that he raised?
Link Posted: 8/19/2004 3:13:17 PM EDT

If FNC was anymore anti gun and liberal I wouldnt watch any news at all.

Ditto that!
Link Posted: 8/19/2004 3:14:51 PM EDT
It tilts a little to the right but it has to because of all of the other LIES.
Link Posted: 8/19/2004 3:23:20 PM EDT
It ain't tilted for shit; I've seen stories with a serious liberal/left slant on it that really pissed me off. I haven't seen many right-slanted stories. Most of what I see is basic "These are the facts" reporting, which isn't cluttered with "These are what we THINK are the facts, and we THINK this is what's going on" bullshit.

If I want people to tell me their opinions, I'll give them a quarter and tell them what I want them to say. Until that time, STFU about your opinons, and give me cold, hard facts.

"The alleged victim appears to have been shot by a high-power sniper rifle" = opinion.

"The dead person was killed while inside Mr. X's house. Mr. X shot and killed the intruder with his .270 Winchester hunting rifle" = fact.

Link Posted: 8/19/2004 3:26:04 PM EDT
Yes, he pointed out legitimate observations - My poll could be taken to show bias that I need to change  - can I edit a poll?  If possible, I will.
Link Posted: 8/19/2004 3:27:52 PM EDT


Personal attacks?  No call for that.

Fair enough, but can you please address the substance of the legitimate complaints that he raised?

Torf - how do we edit the poll to change it?
Link Posted: 8/19/2004 3:28:11 PM EDT
No.  Libs just think it is because they look so stupid when put together with non-emotional, clear thinking normal people.  Because they come off so bad, they just assume FNC is biased against them.

A liberal's worse enemy is their own foolishness!
Link Posted: 8/19/2004 3:30:58 PM EDT
Fox actually admits to having more liberal guests on the shows than conservative guests. You can't really call Van Susteran conservative, that is for sure. Shep Smith and Laurie Due are both pretty middle of the road in their reporting. Combs is a flaming left winger. Yes, the have good balance. Cavuto is my favorite of all.
Link Posted: 8/19/2004 3:31:15 PM EDT
Yes, Fox News is a little slanted--to the left.
Link Posted: 8/19/2004 3:35:36 PM EDT
Tell you what really sparked my question - I was watching Brit Hume run a segment on Kerry getting a copy of one of his awards, and the language was changed to be more complimentary, and Hume was really going after Kerry - that's ok.  but then Hume transitioned into a segment about how kerry is 'F'd up  on the bush policy of bringing troops out of Korea...

To be honest, I don't like Kerry, but up to this point I saw Hume as a "facts" guy, and the questions he was asking were leading and really opinionated toward Kerry.
Link Posted: 8/19/2004 3:37:20 PM EDT

Personal attacks?  No call for that.

No call for your ignorance either, but that isn't stopping you.
Link Posted: 8/19/2004 3:42:36 PM EDT


Personal attacks?  No call for that.

No call for your ignorance either, but that isn't stopping you.

Just running a poll man, not trying to stir anything up.
Link Posted: 8/19/2004 4:02:27 PM EDT
Of course, it may SEEM slanted after many years of nothing but socialist pro-left "news" from every other television source. In truth, it's nearly even, if not a little leftish at times.
Link Posted: 8/19/2004 7:42:26 PM EDT
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