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Posted: 6/23/2003 4:05:34 AM EDT

15K Muslims To Attend Confab Here

by KYW's Mike Dunn
Fifteen thousand Islamic Americans will converge on Philadelphia this July 4th for a national convention.

The convention of the Islamic Circle of North America has what organizers say is a most appropriate theme: the struggle for liberty and justice. Their top concern is bias against their community in the wake of September 11th. The emir of the ICNA, Talat Sultan, says Islamic Americans face that struggle daily:

"Unfortunately, what has occurred in the aftermath of September 11th is heavy restrictions on justice, liberty and freedom of Muslims throughout this continent and especially this country."

Sultan says the key focus will be restrictions on freedom and justice faced by Islamic Americans since September 11th:

"They have nothing to do with terrorism. These are peaceful American citizens who have lived in this country practically all their lives. And they are as much loyal Americans as anybody else."

The ICNA's three-day convention begins Friday, July 4th at the Pennsylvania Convention Center on Arch Street. Although most of the gathering will take place at the convention center, organizers say that on both July 4th and 5th, Islamic Americans will gather near the Liberty Bell, to read the Bill of Rights.

Link Posted: 6/23/2003 5:22:10 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/23/2003 5:43:41 AM EDT
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Ummmmm, what?
Link Posted: 6/23/2003 6:00:13 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/23/2003 6:20:00 AM EDT
If you are muslim, you are suspect.  Simple.

Get used to it.
Link Posted: 6/23/2003 6:24:59 AM EDT
Can the US bomb its own property [;)] Hey, The fireworks "went bad", its just a thought!
Link Posted: 6/23/2003 6:25:26 AM EDT
OK, now that they are all together in one place...

Link Posted: 6/23/2003 6:35:16 AM EDT
OK, now that they are all together in one place...
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Thats what I was think when I posted this......but I dont have that much ammo. [;)]
Link Posted: 6/23/2003 6:58:41 AM EDT

15K Muslims To Attend Confab Here

by KYW's Mike Dunn
Fifteen thousand Islamic Americans will converge on Philadelphia this July 4th for a national convention.

The convention of the Islamic Circle of North America has what organizers say is a most appropriate theme: the struggle for liberty and justice. [red]Their top concern is bias against their community in the wake of September 11th[/red]. The emir of the ICNA, Talat Sultan, says Islamic Americans face that struggle daily:
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Note they don't give a shit about the attack, or apprehending the perps, or it's impact on AMERICA.....

"They have nothing to do with terrorism. [red]These are peaceful American citizens who have lived in this country practically all their lives[/red]. And they are as much loyal Americans as anybody else."

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Many of whom have been sending $$ to offshore terrorist accounts, or donating to terrorist "islamic charities"...
Link Posted: 6/23/2003 7:07:19 AM EDT
The heart and soul of terrorism is islam
especially the wahhabi version from Saudi Arabia

Oil money is being poured into our politicans pockets

CAIR and other islamic lobby groups are spending millions on Madison Ave PR firms to propagandize America to sleep..

Mosques and Islamic centers are being built accross American
For one purpose...America is being colonized by muslims..
-and American culture is being terraformed

Redray has eloquently elaborated their position...
Link Posted: 6/23/2003 7:08:27 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/23/2003 7:31:39 AM EDT
thank you doc!

Political correctness be damned. Immigrants to the country (of which 99% of us probably are) should have nothing but loyalty and gratitude to the country that gave them life, freedom and opportunities.  My father served, I served (and retired), my brother is still in the thick of things.  When I hear ungrateful motherfuckers like these animals, I feel nothing but disdain for them. I shall not mince with words when I tell them that.
Link Posted: 6/23/2003 7:42:41 AM EDT
We had a protest in Rochester, NY early this year by a group of muslims.  They were protesting how they were being treated in ISREAL!  Not where they currently lived.  Not one word of protest against the terrorism perpetrated by their own, but by Allah, they were protesting the use of force by US forces on "their" people OVER THERE!  What about the attacks by "their" people on 9-11?  Nothing!  They never have and they never will.

Link Posted: 6/23/2003 7:44:46 AM EDT
If these people are Americans just like anybody else, then why are they having there convention on the 4th of July. Should they not be celebrating Independence Day with the rest of us AMERICANS!
Link Posted: 6/23/2003 7:52:45 AM EDT
I can hardly call them AMERICANS.  Their kind is a disease, an infestation on what is good and moral about this country.  Their choice of the 4th of July to hold their goatfuck meeting wasn't a coincidence.  Just shows you how "American" these animals are.
Link Posted: 6/23/2003 8:10:40 AM EDT
Makes me want go to Philly for the holiday.  [}:D]
Link Posted: 6/23/2003 1:10:10 PM EDT
"Ummm...yeah- I think i saw one of the wanted guys from the poster. Yeah- he's a t the convention center right now!!! You cops better hurry!!"

Shouldn't the FBI/INS abc/etc be staking this place out. Especially if they have sighting(s) called in????
Link Posted: 6/23/2003 1:46:10 PM EDT
Does Eric Rudolf have a relative that could take care of this?

Link Posted: 6/23/2003 2:08:08 PM EDT
I gots one word............
Link Posted: 6/23/2003 2:14:20 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/23/2003 3:04:24 PM EDT
got pork

Link Posted: 6/23/2003 5:59:32 PM EDT
"They have nothing to do with terrorism. These are peaceful American citizens who have lived in this country practically all their lives. And they are as much loyal Americans as anybody else."
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During a series of visits to Afghanistan and Pakistan, Faris was introduced to bin Laden and at least one senior operational leader, who gave Faris his orders for when he returned to the United States.
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I see the capture of this guy as one more instance of fear-mongering and manipulation by the media/gov to ensure that we come to the conclusion that ALL Muslims/Arabs/Brown people we may live near, go to school with, or work with are probably really secretly plotting terrorist actions against us [edited to add: which makes it easier on our conscience when Israel does what they do to Palestinians, and when we "liberate" those Muslim/Arab/Brown people around the world.] Go back and read [url=http://www.usdoj.gov/opa/pr/2003/June/03_crm_368.htm]Attorney General John Ashcroft's[/url] well scripted description (and the media's subsequent parroting of the announcement) of Faris, his capture, and his "plans." The description of his MO sounded familiar...and then this(see below) helped me remember exactly [i]why[/i] it sounded so damn sketchy:

[url=http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2003/06/23/walq23.xml]Captured al-Qa'eda man was FBI spy[/url]
By David Rennie in Washington

The American al-Qa'eda operative unmasked last week as having planned to bring down the Brooklyn Bridge was first detained in March, and has been [u]used by the FBI for months as a double agent, it was reported yesterday.[/u]

US authorities waited until last week to announce a [u]plea bargain[/u] struck with Iyman Faris, a Pakistani-born lorry driver ordered to scout out terror targets, including the New York landmark.

[u]They did not say that Faris,[/u] who was also ordered to study ultralight aircraft, and the possibility of derailing a train into a chemical storage facility in Washington, [u]had been under FBI control for months.[/u]

Justice Department officials told Time magazine that Faris was secretly detained about two weeks after the dramatic capture on March 1 in Pakistan of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, al-Qa'eda's chief of operations.

Installed in a safe house in Virginia, Faris sent messages to his terrorist commanders by mobile phone and email. "He was sitting in the safe house making calls for us. It was a huge triumph," a senior Bush administration official told Time.

After pleading guilty to offering material support to al-Qa'eda, Faris will be sentenced in August. He faces up to 20 years in prison.
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Hmmmm... Think, man, think.

When, and for what, did this guy [i]originally[/i] show up on the authority's radar screen? Who the hell is this dude anyway? There are so many questions about this dude, the whole situation is sketchy.

There have been so many cases, albeit unreported (and under-reported), of the FBI getting their hands on some Arab/Muslim/(or other brown skin person) for some crime un-related to terrorism, (i.e., cigarette smuggling, tax evastion, immigration, etc..) and giving that person the option to become an informer/infiltrator/agent provocateur, and produce "results," OR go to jail to be detained indefinitely.

Is this guy one of those? Seems likely.

As RKBA advocates, the FBI/gov's MO should be clear to you. (Study up on COINTELPRO, how they tried to ensnare Randy Weaver, etc...) I am extremely skeptical of anything the .gov has to say, unless I see major corroborating evidence. (And abcnnbcbsfoxnews' repetition of .gov statements does not suffice as "corroborating evidence.")

(edited to correct shpelling)
Link Posted: 6/23/2003 6:07:03 PM EDT
Originally stated by Dredd308's article:
The convention of the Islamic Circle of North America has what organizers say is a most appropriate theme: the struggle for liberty and justice. [red]Their top concern is bias against their community in the wake of September 11th[/red].
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Note they don't give a shit about the attack, or apprehending the perps, or it's impact on AMERICA.....

"They have nothing to do with terrorism. [red]These are peaceful American citizens who have lived in this country practically all their lives[/red]. And they are as much loyal Americans as anybody else."
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Many of whom have been sending $$ to offshore terrorist accounts, or donating to terrorist "islamic charities"...
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I don't really give a damn what ICNA or any of those other groups say or don't say, when judging "Muslims." But, regarding your initial point, if you do some research of ICNA/CAIR/et al's statements, they are constantly condemning the crime of 9/11, and I'd be willing to bet that EVERY speaker at the July 4th convention will probably begin with a condemnation of 9/11, and then go on to talk about the convention's main theme, i.e, liberty, justice, etc.. If Dredd308's article's author, KYW's Mike Dunn, forgot to preface his report with how much those ICNA folks condemn 9/11, I wouldn't blame him, because that's not what the article/event is about. Do you expect that EVERY time one of those Muslims open their mouth, they should condemn 9/11, otherwise you'll assume they support the attacks? They did (and do) condemn the crime of 9/11, even though one really has nothing to do with the other. It's like expecting a 2nd amendment supporter to condemn Columbine everytime they open their mouth.

And regarding the "offshore terrorist accounts" and "islamic charities," I haven't seen any clear proof that that's what's happening (just a bunch of announcements by the .gov, the media, and 'experts' with no real evidence.) It just looks like a bunch of heresay and an attempt to shut down their charities and intimidate them into silence. (i.e., don't make any noise about the .gov or else you'll be disappeared and your bank accounts seized, even without evidence.)
Link Posted: 6/23/2003 6:38:49 PM EDT
If I happened to be a Muslim citizen of the US, yes every time I had the chance I would condemn the 9/11 attack just as I do now. If I were speaking in public, for any reason, it would be the first thing out of my mouth.
Link Posted: 6/23/2003 6:44:23 PM EDT
ARgue, if you think 9-11 and Columbine are comparable then you, sir, have serious comprehension issues.
Link Posted: 6/23/2003 6:52:58 PM EDT
Some of you may remember what the Philly PD did to the M.O.V.E (Black power) group? Who? you ask...Exactly

 Let's just say the FBI at Waco was a weak imitation.

At the time, I was shocked at the heavy handed police brutality.

Now...Well there is simply not alot of love for muslims in this country.

Let the Philly PD handle it. They will know what to do.
Link Posted: 6/23/2003 6:57:06 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/23/2003 11:53:19 PM EDT
A Religion of Peace convention in the City of Brotherly Love.

Isn't that special...

Link Posted: 6/24/2003 12:40:58 AM EDT
Originally stated by Dredd308's article:
The convention of the Islamic Circle of North America has what organizers say is a most appropriate theme: the struggle for liberty and justice. [red]Their top concern is bias against their community in the wake of September 11th[/red].
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Note they don't give a shit about the attack, or apprehending the perps, or it's impact on AMERICA.....

"They have nothing to do with terrorism. [red]These are peaceful American citizens who have lived in this country practically all their lives[/red]. And they are as much loyal Americans as anybody else."
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Many of whom have been sending $$ to offshore terrorist accounts, or donating to terrorist "islamic charities"...
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I don't really give a damn what ICNA or any of those other groups say or don't say, when judging "Muslims." But, regarding your initial point, if you do some research of ICNA/CAIR/et al's statements, they are constantly condemning the crime of 9/11, and I'd be willing to bet that EVERY speaker at the July 4th convention will probably begin with a condemnation of 9/11, and then go on to talk about the convention's main theme, i.e, liberty, justice, etc.. If Dredd308's article's author, KYW's Mike Dunn, forgot to preface his report with how much those ICNA folks condemn 9/11, I wouldn't blame him, because that's not what the article/event is about. Do you expect that EVERY time one of those Muslims open their mouth, they should condemn 9/11, otherwise you'll assume they support the attacks? They did (and do) condemn the crime of 9/11, even though one really has nothing to do with the other. It's like expecting a 2nd amendment supporter to condemn Columbine everytime they open their mouth.

And regarding the "offshore terrorist accounts" and "islamic charities," I haven't seen any clear proof that that's what's happening (just a bunch of announcements by the .gov, the media, and 'experts' with no real evidence.) It just looks like a bunch of heresay and an attempt to shut down their charities and intimidate them into silence. (i.e., don't make any noise about the .gov or else you'll be disappeared and your bank accounts seized, even without evidence.)
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Who are you? Saab Arakat? You sound like a spokesperson for the Islamic front!
Link Posted: 6/24/2003 4:38:21 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/24/2003 5:26:19 AM EDT
I know that this is not the most PC thing to be saying, but as in WWII we should inturn them and then weed them out as to who is not a terrorist,deport the ones who are here on expired visa's etc. and jail the ones who are linked to terrorist. I know there are good and bad in every race, but I am still leary every time I get on a plane and in my work place. I wouldn't go down with out afight either. I am sure that they feel they are being treated unfairly,but I am sure many americans think twice since 9/11/01. I know we don't want it to happen again and most of us would do anything to prevent it if we could, so if they are uncomfortable, maybe they need to try harder at convincing us that they are not terrosrist.
Link Posted: 6/25/2003 7:57:52 PM EDT
You see only that which supports your worldview, that the "Muslim/Arab/Brown" people are somehow getting shafted by the US and being set up for a fall out of racism or Zionism.
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Your worldview is that we're just do-gooders, out establishing justice and improving the "Muslim/Arab/Brown" peoples' lives, while I see the shafting as a reality. I guess that's something we'll just have to disagree on.

...What you won't take into consideration in formulating your paranoid anti-Israel worldview is that the US gives more money to Islamic countries than we do to Israel. Egypt and Jordan particularly benefit from American largesse, but they're not noted by the Israel haters when discussions of "$10 Billion a year!!" come up.
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"US gives more money to Islamic countries than we do to Israel."

Wrong! C'mon man, I wouldn't expect that from you. Even the Israel-firsters don't dare make that claim, because even they know it's false. Israel is the PRIMARY beneficiary of US aid. Egypt and Jordan combined (with the next 10 countries, probably) get less than Israel, and if you stop and think about it, the only reason we're even paying Egypt/Jordan in the first place is just so they 'play nice' with Israel. So, even the money we give to those other countries is intended for Israel's benefit. "Paranoid, anti-Israel worldview?"  Ok, buddy. [rolleyes]

No one with any common sense has any time for CAIR, ICNA or any of the other myriad Islamic bitching/whining organizations that have sprung up and multiplied since 09.11.01.
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Those bitching/whining organizations were around long before 9/11, but I only point that out to highlight the fact that you don't know as much about them as you think you do. If you really want to "know your enemy" you really should check out their propaganda (which I don't necessarily agree with) [b]first hand[/b], and not rely on propaganda filtered through foxnewsesque sources.

They offer platitudes regarding terrorism and their fifth column here in America, and oppose our every move internationally against the cancer of Islamist terrorism. Find out what the preferences of al Qaeda and Hizbollah are, and they are being parroted by these domestic "advocacy groups."
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Got any examples of the platitudes or parroting?

Aside from 9/11, where do the most anti-US attacks occur? [url]www.State.GOV/s/ct/rls/pgtrpt/2000/2461.htm[/url] (check 2001 & 2002, also) I don't see you urging Juan Valdez's internment. Who's worldview is skewed? I just see a lot of exaggeration of threats, and wonder why.

Don't forget that many of the so-called Islamic charity organizations here in America were found to be funneling money to al Qaeda front groups, Hamas, Hizbollah, etc. in the increased scrutiny following 09.11.01. There is an entire Jihad industry here in the US, eating at the guts of America, ignored or abetted by all these so-called "moderate" Islamic organizations and their enablers.
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As I stated in my earlier post, there's a lot of [b]accusation and innuendo[/b], but no evidence:
...And regarding the "offshore terrorist accounts" and "islamic charities," I haven't seen any clear proof that that's what's happening (just a bunch of announcements by the .gov, the media, and 'experts' with no real evidence.) It just looks like a bunch of heresay and an attempt to shut down their charities and intimidate them into silence...
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[url=http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2003/06/23/walq23.xml]Captured al-Qa'eda man was FBI spy[/url]

...How else can terrorists be caught than to offer deals to people and get them to rat out their ratfuck friends. Notice that Faris isn't getting an all expenses paid vacation in the Bahamas in return for his cooperation. He's getting 20 years in a federal prison...
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"Notice that Faris isn't getting an all expenses paid vacation in the [s]Guantanamo Bay's Camp X-ray[/s] Bahamas..."

My point is that the guy and what we've been told about him is all suspect. In my earlier post I said that people [b]un-related[/b] to terrorism have been used as agent provocateurs, and then hoisted up as an example of the success of the "war on terror" when in fact there was no terrorism going on in those cases, without the agent's actions. Now, the "real" terrorism is getting blurred together with .gov staged terrorism, which makes me question it all.

You're suspicious only of the sources that don't agree with your worldview...
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It's a story referenced on the FBI website. [url]www.FBI.GOV/cgi-bin/outside.cgi?http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/nyt/20030621/ts_nyt/maninbrooklynbridgeplotspurredearlyfbiinterest[/url] Does that mean that I'm NOT suspicious of the FBI? I simply interpret information differently than you might, for various reasons.

[argue]  [beathorse]  [rolleyes]  

Can't we all just get along? [beer] [BD]
Link Posted: 6/25/2003 10:09:49 PM EDT

"Unfortunately, what has occurred in the aftermath of September 11th is heavy restrictions on justice, liberty and freedom of Muslims throughout this continent and especially this country."

HA!  Those bastards never had it so good.  ESPECIALLY IN THIS COUNTRY.  
Link Posted: 6/26/2003 8:47:52 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/26/2003 9:05:32 AM EDT
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